O-69-50ORDMANCLa' 0-69- 50 . wry Alaeitdmer� BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, tlW : ORDINANCE `r2�00" eat$led "AN ORDINANCE. CLASSIFYING AND GRADING POSITIONS IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFZZLD AND ESTABLISHING CORRESPONDXNG SALARY RANGES TO BE PAID THESE POSITIONS" Ar hereby amended as follows: 1, S®ction .. III of the said ordinance In amended to read as Iollows : ' ... ►'III. X . creases: Increases witlsin a se t$ry range shall be made on the basis "of n=erd and service. All salaries shall be reviewed annually 41. the beenning-. of each Racal year and increase$ may be authorized, The ;Village Manager r shall have the authority to effectuate increases within the established salary range and at the steps provided, as shown on the attached. schedule- and made a. part of this ordinance, 2. S®ction' VII of the said ordinance is amended to read as followa: ► ►V. %I SALARIES, Ungraded and ..Unclassified: The an:auel salario6sr. of the folio raving ungraded and unclaaagied poslions shall be as follows: Village Manager Chief of PoEce .Police Lieutenants (2) Police Sergeants (4) rAdiiiinietrative Assistant . ,Budding Commissioner ' Building' Inspector Treasurer, Finance Dir. Supt o of Public Works Village Clerk 'Casual Labor Crossing Guards $a ?, 800. 00 $.S0000.00 12, 250. 00 21,340-00 *8,450000 12, 500 a 00 -8,.500.00 15,'0 ®0 -.d 0 3,000,00 $10.15 to $4.25 per hour $2.00 to $3950 per hour 3. This ordinance shell be effective November 1, 1969. Passed: This /STN dap of eJ3 fz:C� 1969. APPROVED lX/r ATTEST Mayor pro tem Catherine B. Price, Village Clerk The following is a pay plan developed from recent negoTi ati ons to Croat a an orderly progression To veyhich guimhes changes might be rotated in -�:h® gut ure" All f i gur®b are monWy Salary, Labor 05CACIA A B C D ZI $®p 20 420 465 Sb0 555 600 645 $59 21- 435 480 525 570 615 660 59220 7x920 22 a0 495 540 585 630 695 59400 81)100 23 465 510 555 600 645 690 59380 30280 24 480 525 500 615 660 705 59760 89460 25 4913 540 585 630 675 720 59940 82640 26 510 555 600 645 690 735 6r,120 O D S20 o--- 27 525 570 615 660 705 750 69300 90000 2s 540 585 630 675 720 765 69460 g91S® 29 555 600 645 690 735 780 6,660 99540 o-- 30 570 615 660 705 750 795 69840 99540 32. 585 630 675 720 765 810 7,020 99920 32 600 645 690 735 780 825 79200 99900 33 665 660 705 750 795 840 79380 l0p0S0 34 630 675 720 765 810 855 779560 109260 �5 _ 645 990 735 780 825 870 7 9 0 40 W vW 36 660 705 750 795 840 885 a 70920 I0 9620 o ---- -- 51 ,7 3 - 2 57 673 57 �i,fi 20 765 61® 8! 5 9014 69100 I®9 O ®® 3o 690 735 760 825 870 915 d928® 1099® 39 705 50 095 840 885 930 80,460 1L9160 720 765 BL0 855 900 945 at, 40 119340 �1 735 780 825. 870 915 960 110520 �2 750 795 840 885 930 975 90350 u5700 765 8210 X355 900 1990 99540 0 44 7e0 825 670 1J� 720 A\ O THZ SCHDU '' OF WAGES AIND SA[AIaSS M CIASS1FUD DIPLOYEES Effective Date: No ober 1, 1969 Patrolman William Butler Labor• 900 /moo Department Position Incumbent Grade asep Salary General Office: Larry Kick 37 -F 900 /mo. Recpt. Secretary Patricia Haroski 25•D 630 /mo. Part Time Secretary Ann Smalley Hourly 3,50 /hr. Finance Department: Royce Lacy 37-C 765 /mo, Actng. Mach, Op. Bertha McGath 26 ,*D 645/m1o, A.ctng, Mach. Cp, . Grace Clark 26•C 600 /mole Account Clerk Patricia Rogge Hourly 6.05 /hr. Village Hall: Qwtodian James McMaster 21•E 615 /mo, Building Department: Draftsman, Engineering Aide, Part Time Vacancy 25-A 500 1mo, Police Department: Patrolman William Butler 37 -F 900 /moo Patrolman Robert Hamilton 374F 900 /1866 Patrolman Larry Kick 37 -F 900 /mo. Patrolman Gordon Cooper 37.F, 900 /mo. Patrolman John Bruce 37-A 675/mo, Patrolman Royce Lacy 37-C 765 /mo, Patrolman George Hoffman 37.-4. 675 /mole Patrolman William Dunn 37 -B 720 /Mole Patrolman David Ebert 37-B 720 /mo, Patrolman Thomas Hill 374C 765/mo; Patrolman Jams Kinnee 37••C 765/mo. Patrolman Martin Quilty 37•C 765 /mole Page 29 Schedule of Wages and salaried for Classified &mpioyees. (Continued) Police Department(Contimed) Patrolman James Roche 37 -B 720 /moo Pstrolman David Turnbaugh 37.8 720 /mo. Patrolman William Behnke 37.4 675/mo. Patrolman Gary Stryker 37•A 675 /mo. Patrolmen, Vacancy 37-A. 675/mo. Communication Livia Mullins 25•E 675 /mo. CoanunLeations Mabel HarrOman 24-D 6i5 /mo. ications David Moon 254B 540 /moo Communications Lois Kemp 25 -C 585/mo, Secretary Gloria De Bartolo 23-D 600 /moo Sewage Treatment Plant: Do Tegtman 23-D, Chef operator Ro14nd Charlier 35•F 870 /mo. Operator J. Keeding 32-B 645 /moo operator J. Douglas, 32-B-- 645 /moo Trainee E. Baron 27�A 525/moo Water Department; Foreman A, Bernardi 36 -F 885 /moo `.eater, Mechanic Ho i:Y3Qlund 23-F 690 /moo Hater Reader B. Bones 22-D 5851mo. Sewer Maint. Dept.- Foreman Lo Alexander 34►C 720 /moo Maint. Man K. Swieton 25 -C 585 1mo, Truck Driver J, Lund 23.c 555 1moo Laborer Truck Driver Do Tegtman 23-D, 600 /mo. Laborer Truck Driver J. Venturi 23-D 600 /moo Laborer Page-3. Schedule of ;;ages, and Salaries for Classified employees, (Continued) Street and Bridge Department: Foreman C. Schier 36 ®D 795 /mo, Mechanic D, Kozanecki 31•B 630 /moo Assistant Mechanic .quipment Operator G, Turman 27•D 660 /mo, Truck Driver R. Redmond 25-F 720 /mo, Truck Driver W, Kozanecki ' 23-D 600/mo.