O-69-40r ORDINANCE NO. 0 -69- 40 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE ACTION OF THE DEERFIELD LIBRARY BOARD TO ACQUIRE A SITE AND ERECT A NEW LIBRARY THEREON IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION There has been transmitted to this Board the Record ONE: of Proceedings of the Board of Library Directors of the Village of Deerfield, dated September 24, 1969, and consisting of a Plan and Estimate of Cost for the acquisition of a site and the erection of a new library,building thereon, to- gether with a Resolution of said Board of Library Directors approving said Plan and Estimate of Cost and spreading the cost thereof over a term not ,exceeding 20 years, which Report of Proceedings is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance. SECTION The said action of the Board of Library Directors TWO: of the Village of Deerfield as set forth in the attached Report of Proceedings is herein approved by this Board in every respect except for that provision thereof pertaining to the acquisition of a library site by a land exchange with the Deerfield Park District, which method of acquisition as provided, is herein specifically disapproved. That alternative provision provid- ing for acquisition of such library site by purchase or by condemnation is approved. SECTION The cost of said acquisition of a library site and THREE: erection of a library building thereon shall be paid for by the issuance of bonds of this Village payable within 20 years at a rate of interest not to exceed 6% per annum, all in accordance with Statutes providing therefor. SECTION The Village attorney is herein authorized and FOUR.- directed to prepare an Ordinance calling a special election for submitting to the electors of this Village the question of issuing the bonds of this Village to pay;. the cost of the acquisition of a library site and the erection of a new library building. A, SECTION This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect FIVE: from and after its passage in accordance with law. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: Two (2) PASSED THIS 20th day of October , A.D. 1969 APPROVED THIS 20th day of October , A.D. 1969 ATTEST: 73. jq�, Village Clerk -2- Village President z R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS The Board of Library Directors of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the BOARD, has heretofore adopted a Resolution to proceed with a PLAN to erect a new library building and to accumulate funds therefor, and that such has been submitted to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS the said BOARD has retained a library consultant and an architect, and has developed a Plan for a new Library Building and have implemented such with a propo- sal for financing the same: NOW THEREFORE, The Board of Library Directors of,the Vil- lage of Deerfield, Illinois, at a regular meeting of the said BOARD held on Wednesday, September 24th, 1969, pur- suant to Notice, at which a quorum was present and voting, resolves as follows: RESOLVED that The Survey of the Requirements of the Deer- field Public Library prepared by Lester L. Stoffel, library consultant, be approved; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Design Analysis and Preliminary Plans of the Architects, Wendt, Cedarholm, Tippens, Inc. be approved; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Application for a Construction Grant under Title II, Library Services and Construction Act, P.L. 88 -269, in the amount of $258,500 be approved and its approval by the State Librarian be sought; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the present library building and site, as described in Document 1347400, recorded August 15, 1967, be disposed of upon completion of the new li- brary building, and that the Village of Deerfield be gi- ven first option to acquire the same upon the same terms and conditions of the highest and acceptable bid therefor; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that this BOARD pursue an exchange of pro- perty with the Park District upon such terms and conditions as are negotiated, and in the alternative, should such exchange not materialize, that this BOARD acquire by pur- chase or eminent domain if so required, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lots lying to the North of and adjacent to the pre- sent site of the library, on Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Ill- inois; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the new site and construction and other expenses relating thereto, be financed by a bond issue, for a term not exceeding 20 years and bearing in- terest not exceeding 606, and not to exceed a total of $1,034,000; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of the record of the proceedings of this BOARD be transmitted to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, for their consideration and approval; and Page 2: RESOLUTIONS of September 24, 1969 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the bond approval by the voters of the Village of Deerfield, be sought at a special election to be held by the Village of Deerfield on November 22, 1969. The Foregoing Resolutions were approved on September 24, 1969, by a vote of 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT OR NOT VOTING.. STATE OF ILLINOIS) ) ss COUNTY OF LAKE ) Mary G. Mazur, of the Village of Deerfield, Secretary of the Board of Library Directors of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, being first duly sworn, certifies that the foregoing Resolutions were duly adopted at a regular meeting of the said Board, held on September 24, 1969, at 7:30 p:m., pursuant to Notice, at the Deerfield Public Library, 860 Waukegan Road, in Deerfield, that a quorum was present and voting. IN WITNESS WHERDOF, I Mary G. Mazur, do hereunder set my hand and seal, this ao-ICA day of September, 1969. Mary G. Mazur Subscribed and Sworn to before me this wjo th day of September, 1969. F y Public DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY Deerfield, Illinois PLAN FOR NEW BUILDING SITE: To be acquired by purchase or condemnation, of up to four lots north of and adjacent to present site, or, by exchange of property with the Park District. Present site to be disposed of. LIBRARY Lester L. Stoffel, Oak Park, Illinois, retained to CONSULTANT: aid in design, layout, site location, and to work with Architect toward procurement of federal aid from Illinois State Library. ARCHITECT: Wendt, Cedarholm, Tippens, Inc., Norhfield, Illinois ATTORNEYS: For the Library: Avgerin, Avgerin & Pappas For the Village: Richard V. Houpt BUILDING:. To be constructed on new site, approximately 21,000 sq. ft., per standards adopted by the Library Board and in conformance with such standards as comply with Application for Federal Aid. ESTIMATED COSTS: Site Acquisition . ..............................$ 200,000 • R Construction... 00000000000000*00000e0000000000* 625,000 Initial Equipment .............................. 75,000 Demolition as necessary ........................ 5,000 —0 Library Consultant ............................. 3,000 Survey & Soil tests ............................ 1,000 Site Improvement ............................... 101000 Landscaping ..... ............................... 15,000 Architect's fees & interiors ................... 50,000 Legal fees ...... ............................... 5,000 Contingencies ... ............................... 45,000 Total .................... $1,034,000 FTNAMrTNa GO Bonds by Village of Deerfield ...............$ 776,000 Federal Grant ( 25 %) ............................ 258 000 $1,034,000 ACCUMULATED FUNDS: Funds accumulated pursuant to Board Resolution from proceeds of annual public library tax to be utilized for,costs of bond issue and for library materials and— personnel Jfor the new building. F-- r -- SE t-4 nQ �-V rU c S COAr ^ A rz_ �r 77 jj, 'I�'-r -�� (�ii'��ifiij �I i' t `a FT ' II FArZv- 1-04 To k I P rlr- ,A cF t v I PAJ2- V-JN 44P PI es-N I C- 6 S;Zov 6E I - rowl" N I A M \J'-r - ;=AIA I L- Y ;M51 c7e N TI A.L. ul VY 1 s N I A M \J'-r - ;=AIA I L- Y ;M51 c7e N TI A.L. ul 17 cl C--H r L-DOE w r _-1 ra P-1 0 oo c BY tA I 1 i bra TM 711 T1 I I m PEGttODIGALS I.- rzm=sQEN I 1I I . .. 1 15 I ; 1 11. " o= MOOAA J1 I 0 oo c BY tA I 1 i bra MAIN it--�VEL- PL,,NN 0 f, to 15 2a 25 I Ll I.- rzm=sQEN I 1I I . .. 1 15 I ; 1 11. 1 CT H 7-1 u , A PQ L FT 11E� N 1� 1/1) -XI) y It If-ALI !T W• ASKS ri MAIN it--�VEL- PL,,NN 0 f, to 15 2a 25 I S,5 S N G STAPP -aetk,,' Tl/l. I C�j Ll&.OFFI AA eCH AN I C-vAL- r ,qwr I S-ro. At it rzururze axPe,,-N51oN fi 1 &0 • w LF-VF-I- PLAN I To: The Board of Trustees September 29, 1969 Concerning the financing, the Board has applied for a federal grant, which cannot exceed 25% of the total cost, as reflected in the attached application for federal aid. Should the grant be made, then, the Library Board proposes a Bond issue in the amount of $776,000. If a federal grant is not made, then a bond issue for the full amount of $1,034,000 is proposed. Our resolution is drawn with that alternative in mind, and we are advised that we will have a definite commitment one way or the other on or before October 1, 1969. The Library Board thus requests your approval of its Plan and asks that the referendum on the bond issue be submitted to the voters at a special election to be held on Saturday, November 22, 1969. The Board is available to you at your convenience to discuss this matter and urges your immediate action and consideration. Respectfully yours, The Board of Library Directors of the Village of Deerfield