O-69-13I ORDINANCE 0=69- 13 Salary Amendment BE IT ORDAINED by' the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: ORDINANCE #200, entfled "ANN' ORDINANCE CLASZ'XFYXNG AND GRADING POSITIONS IN THE VILLA. GE OF DEERFI ELD AND ESTABLISHING CORRESPONDING SALARY RANGES TO BE PAID THESE P0SITIONS11 is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section III of the said ordinance is amended to read as follows: ►►III v Increases: I'noreases w2hin a salary range shall be made on the basis of merit and service. All salaries shall.be reviewed annuaUy at the beginning of each Fiscal year and increases may be authorized. The ViVage Manager shall have the authority to effectuate Inomases within the established salary range and at the steps provided, as shown on the attached sohedule and made a1 part of this ordinance. Z. Section VIa of the said ordinance is amended to read as follows: "VrX - SALARIES, Ungraded and UnclansWed: The anneal salaries..of the folio wing ungraded and unclassWed positions shall be as folio ws : Village Manager Chief of Police Police Lieutenants (2) Police Liet tenant (1) Executive Secretary Building Commissioner Building Inspector Treasurer,. Finance Director Superintendeah of Public Works Village CIerk Cas ual Lab or CPossing Guards :$210000000 13,750-00 11,194.00 10,884.00 8,060.00 14 .,300,00 9o933-00 32,100000 13a 752.00 3"000.00 $1.75 to $3.75 per hour $1, 75 to $3. A5 per hour 3. This ordinance ahall be effective May 1 a 1969, PASSED: This 26th dap of May, 1969, APPROVED: ATTEST: Mayor �73 Mage Clerk Range Step E Step C 37 430 145-4 38 440 464 39 450 474 40 460 4885 41 472 498 42 483 509 43 4941 521 44 505 532 45 515 544 46 526 .554 k:7 538 567 48 549 V9 49 560 .590 50 57'5 607 51 588 620 52 601 $.3 j;'? 61 AA 5A 629 66 ? 589 643 678 56 657 725 57 690 706 58 687 25 59 704 743 60 720 759 61 738 778 62 756 797 ` -'063 775 817 164 794 8.37 5 814 8,58 708® 3' ?.IS. 757 ���.. 791 6 9D SAT,ARY RANGES XN M011 THr, Y AMO UNTS 169 LongovAy L,ongeeay Loaeelay AMNUAE - --------- - - - - -- tep D St ep Z Step P Stop 1 S3ep 2 Step Ssc2t Top 474 991 504 7 Q to 0 � cq 0 W Q 515 1 9 525 � 538 � 551 565 578 pu 591 q 60& 617 6 70 646 4 61717 69? � 72A ��a n 757 826 808 y 84 864 885 907 lu 930 538 0 � raj °� � C �9 0 •o 565 59160 6,780 484 500 514 551 578 .50 280 6 936 494 511 526 565 591 59400 71092 505 5Z2 536 578 604 50 5 ,a0 7.248 519 537 553 591 6.g 7 5.66!A 7.4016 530 5,48 56-4 604 630 5L796 7-560 5" 562 578 617 646 5.9R8 1 7. 7.52 555 573 589 6,�0 6.46 662 677_ 662 6.06® 7.9sb 566 585 602 677 6.180 8.12k 578 s >. 598. 615 69? 6. J 8,216—x 592 612 630 708 6,,456 8.496 605 626 6:fa6 Fno B 617 6te0 660 708® 3' ?.IS. 757 ���.. 791 6 9D 8 0 635 65$ 678 ��� cl n 64� 9 67A 6Q? 56 =!_ 2a�1� 664 689 708 1 s g�? �8n . Z0 6 o91a 72n 7 ,4q 826 7 U-9 5 755 8_ its 6 0 128 753 773 1 926 8 738 766 Z88, 8 8 040 e 0 � 620 0 set 759 8 80 777 806 8R8 885 30 8 ° 8 8 160 7.94 8.,P,o- %8 907 9,30 31 869 97 e 856 1 931a 865 X91 0 9^.300 3,55 88 8001 976 909 936 998 932 959 a , ",