O-68-14.v 'ORDINANCE'. NG..: 14 ..AN 'ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE DISCONNECTION � OF BLO*CK, 1 IN.. *H.,'O.'. STONE AND.- COMPA ' NY' S. ADDITION TO. DEERFIELD, AND, FOR ITS, ANNEXATION THE, `CITY: 'OF H-IGHLAND. '..PARK: :ILLINGIS, WHEREAS the r:e has. b-e'-e4i. filed. with. this' Board: a wri-ttzri p.etitkon,., signed -by' -.Mr'.-, and, -Mr's,..: Euge'ne M.,-Zahhle,,*. th6- owriers,pf -certain parcel. of * land of -.less: thAn.,160 ',acres'. in, area situated. within: .the.. Village:-.of Deer'.field., :.Illinois.,,. and cohttguous., to- the, '-City-of Highland ?ark;,,':.Il1:inois:,,•and des-erib6.d :.as-..,foll:ows.,:, .:Block'. 1 -in. H., 0.' -Stone, and. Addition to: in, th.6.,,Southwe.*s.t Quarter, of th-6.'. '.North-6ast, --Quarter. -of. .Se-c.ti-.0n,,,�29..,,..Tdwrish:tpi,43' ,North.,*, Range. 22-,."..',.East. of the:. Third. -Principal Meridian., in Ldke'..`C.dun.ty.,'- -.Illinois:.,- whi'ch'. petition requestz. that pursuant, to. Zectt-on:,7 '1=24; , - t , of th&'. :111inois, .Municipal .Code :(:Chapter: . 24,;- : Illinois. Revised. Statutes. 19.67),,. -said: land be. 'disconnected-. from - the' Village,. 'of Deerfield and• anneked to. the- :City: of Hignland ?ark,.1'.:Ill-inoi,s:;•. and WHEREAS•,: a:Plat. of Zurv.ey, -,of th6."ab,d.ve.- :d6.s:cr.ib:e.d' propert drawri ' by the', James' •-Anderson -.'Company.,,'. :Inc.'.; and dated- -Ma:rch"1­26.,� .19:6.K,. .is attached hereto'., marked. Exhibit -. .11A.11 .1', and made 'a part, he.r.eo*f I; and, -there. are, unpaid: :sp edial 'assessments, -or. taxes* -affecting the'. *said: prope-rt y.. - I NOW,: THEREFORE.,' BE IT. 'ORDAINED.' BY THE ?RESIDENT, AND. 'BOARD. OF TRUSTEES' OF THE VILLA`GE.' 07 DEERFIELD. '.LAKE. AND..0 a-OK ..COUNTIES." ILLING.IS,,'._-.AS FOLLOWS-: SECTION That pursuant to: the.p•ovis.ion& -of Zection,',7­1* 24., -C 'ONE:'. -of th6"-.1l1inois-: Municipal . -ode, '.(.Chdpter�; 24; :Illinois. Rev'ls,&d. Statutes . - the:. .'Consent, of the .'cor-, porate. authorities'. of th6. Village, of 'Deerfie.-Id..ia- he'rehy: •iverita the'., 'disconnection of the'. andve."des-brib-6d. •land, from the: Village,.- .,Of Deerfield -and, its' annekation to. th6-'-City of. Htghland, -Park.,*. :.Illinois:;- -said, disconhectlon,.shall, take: effect.'. upon the. passage and time.1y, - I 0 El 2 a I recording, -of an Ordinance'.",of 1ruiekat.-ton by' the. *City. :of. H:L.ghland ?ark,,,'. :.Illinois:,-,1n. the. ',of fice.. ',of the. Rec7oj?der. -of' Dee'ds. of Lak&. .C.d.unty., :.Illinois:;. as- provided .by. .law..' TWO.: of the '.City. -of. Hi. 'SECTION THREE.:: :.That .:the; th6, Villa:ge- `C-1erk:.'is,- and directed. ta-forward. A thi:s.,, Ordinance', t to the. :.cord ghland.. Park..,'. :.Illinois:.- -That, this. Ordinance'. 'shdll effect', ,from and -Afte 't. -its: as,. provided -.by* 1aw,..' here ' Vy. :authoriz6d. certitied copy! of borate 'authorities* be: 1rr. full; force. .:and pass-age. and-approval AYES'.: SIX (6) .N.AYS: NONE (Q) ABSENT.:. NONE (0) .PASSED this. ' 15th day. of Apri I ............ 'A'.'D. 19-6.8,.- APPROVED, this': '15th'. -day .;Qf AOHA A*.D'.: 19-6.8.• ATTEST:_ Village: :'Clerk, Village ?resident, J April 19, 1968 Mr. Robert Atteridge City Clerk City of Highland Park t 1707 St. Johns Avenue Highland Park, Illinois 60035 Dear Mr. Atteridge: Enclosed is a certified copy of the ordinance providing for the disconnection of Block 1 in H. 0. Stone's Addition to Deerfield and for its annexation to the Clty.of Highland Park. A plat of the property disconnected DIs attached thereto. After passage of the annexation ordinance by the Highland Park Comncll, and recordation by the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, may I please have a. copy for my records? Thank you for your kind cooperation. �i Slncerely, a.. Catherine D. Price Village Clerk i 'ORDINANCE. NO:.' 0 =68= 14 . AN DRDINANCE PROVIDING..FOR THE DISCONNECTION . OF BLOCK 1 'IN. H. 0. .STONE AND. COMPANY-' S. ADDITION TO DEERFIELD AND. FOR ITS ANNEXATION. T0: THE CITY. "OF HIGHLAND. PARK,. 'ILL'INOIS'. ' WHEREAS,. there has. been filed with this :. Board a writ.teri. p.etit.i:on, .signed by. Mr'.• and. Mrs .: Eugene M. Zahnle,,. the 'owners. of .certain parcel .of "land ;of .less: than 160 '.acres. in area situated within: the: Village.. ,of Deerfield., :Illinois,-. and .conti.guous..to* the :City: of Highland. Park,'. ..Illinois:; .and des.cribe.d:.aa. :foll,ows.:- Block: '.1 in H.. 0.. Stone and .Company's. Additi:on .to. Deerfield in .the.:Southwe:st- Quarter. :of the Northeast" :Quarter of S.eb:ti:on., .28.; .Township; 43 North.,: Range 12-, :. 'East: -.of.. the . Third. -Principal Meridian , - in.Lake'.Co.unty;.Illinois,- which. petIti:on req:ues:ts. that pursuant. to. S.ebti:on: 7 -1 =24. °.of..the. :Illinois-.:Municipal C.ode :(Chapter- 24.,: ,Illinois Revised. Statutes: 19:6:7),,. .said land be'. disconnected. from .the' Village :of Deerfield and annex:ed..ta .the :City. of Hignland- Park ":Illinois.;- and WHEREAS, a Plat 'of :Sur.vey::of the. :ab.o:ve.- :describeU. propertyy: drawn by. ahe:' James: Anderson :Company .,. In c..,- :and dated March: 26. ;. 196.8, is: attached here.to:', marke :d: Exhibit:: "A ",. and made a part: hereof; and WHEREAS,,.' are ha unpaid. s.p:ecial :as.sessmerits. or tuxes. affecting .the. said: property. NOW,; THEREFORE.,: BE IT.:ORDA'INED. `BY:.THE "PRESIDENT. AND: BOARD. .OF TRUSTEES: OF .THE VILLAGE .OF .DEERFIELD; 'LAKE. AND-.COOK .C.OUNTIES., ILLINO:IS.,' :' :AS .FOLLOWS.: SECTION :.That pursuant, to. - the'. :pr.ovis.iona -of .Sec:t1on; 7 -1 =24. ONE:: of .the: Illinois: Municipal :Coale- '.(.Chap.ter: 24..,. :Illinois. Revised .Statutes'. 19:67)', ::the, '.consent.:of the :cor-. . .porate. authorities: ;of the. Village, of Deerfield .is..:hereb:y' given..to: .th& '.disconnection pf. t.he.:ab.ove - deacrib.e:d land; from .the: Village -of D.eer:fie:ld and .its, annexation ..to..the: :C.ity ::of Highland Park.,: Illinois.; - said. discohhecti:on shall take. effect :. upon the. passage: "and timely I/ 1# 2 recording of an Ordinance.. of. Annexatlon by th-.6.City. of Highland - Park. ,: Illinois:,,. in. the' :office. ' '.of thRecorder. orde of Deeds, -of Lake. 1 :. Co-unty,.,-:.Illinois:.,,...as provided by'. -law.' 'SECTION That the: Village '.C.lerk:.is:: h6reb*y. auth.orized. TWO.: 'and directed. to, forward, a zertlfied copy. of this: -Ordinance'. to the .'Zorporate'. :authorities' -of the'.'.City. -of Highland. ?ark..,'. :.Illinois..- ::SECTION i That this. -Ordinance' 'shdll: be. -.1n. full; :once. and THREE.:: -P.ffect; from and, -After. its* passage and approval as. provided -.by' 1aw.' AYES'.: Six (6) -NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT.:. NONE (0) ?ASSEU th1s. I 15th -day. of -APri I .'A'.'D.* 19-6.8.- APPROVED. this: 'day of A'* D'.: 19-6.8.- ATTEST:'. Vilka*ge '-Glerk. I rr, 'H.*- 'Ross 'Fjhh6y Village President. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERF I EL D ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Disconnection of Block i in H. 0, Stone and Company's Addition to Deerfield and for its Annexation to the City of Highland Park, Illinois'', passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on the l5th day of April, A.D. 1968, all as appears in the records and files of my office. Dated this 18th day of April, A.D. 1968. -P� Catherine B. Price VillageClerk 13'8841 um FILED FOR RECORD IN RECORDERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS W 21 '68 —io 4Q AM J sic a NUsm RECORDER R, • •� � Q I V `� ^y Dated this 18th day of April, A.D. 1968. -P� Catherine B. Price VillageClerk 13'8841 um FILED FOR RECORD IN RECORDERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS W 21 '68 —io 4Q AM J sic a NUsm RECORDER (0)VER SIZE R"OCUMEN, T (i-PULLED M--G-MTM-',SLG,.CATl0,N) .All diyyleyisIa s 'n eyeon showy-1 unle55'It �s oihey ,kse r'lo+ed are (3k've+n Nn -feed- C. ,nd At 'NrnaI iheve Q-�. (ye coya) LO.ke Foye5-�) III i cy.' 5 40 d 00 M do I v r) "o 0 k -4 try" y) ♦ '7.f 41 �4�{{A �y f •i�. jit 9mY to N lln +i^1 sa qj a Bi' fi U OU M 1.q V / ti rb ` cl K fa I �i;< i ry� 4 f Li Q ID Siff \ r • 4- , a { t Qt y E, k F _ n r 150, Y L lr a 1 ' ' L Lr�m,ca jCrvF f }{'yq9 gt 14 it of fh ,7F..b�.+' l h w n � b 40 d 00 M do I