O-17-28VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) SS Imaqe# 061714920012 Type: ORD Recorded: 01/07/2022 at 12:29:52 PM Receipt#: 2022-00001742 Paqe 1 of 12 Fees: $50.00 Lake County IL Recorder Mary Ellen Vanderventer Recorder File7859789 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the duly appointed Deputy Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance 0-17-28 Authorizing an Amendment to the Approved Signage Plan for Parkway North Center to Allow a Wall Sign on the Parking Garage at 3 Parkway North Boulevard Including Necessary Variations Dated this September 10`' 2021 A"O, k A A -7) 1 . ANDREW S. LICHTERMAN Deputy Village Clerk Prepared by and after recording return to: J Daniel Van Dusen Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 TELEPHONE 847.945.5000 FAX 847.945.0214 Drawing # OE # Deerfield, IL 3 Parkway North 8/9/17 City/State: A d d re s s : Date: - C54099 PBDesigner: PM:JW Revisions: X X X Revisions: X X X Revisions: Add photocell note / EO / 8.22.17 increase logo thickness / JAB / 8-15-17 change to S1b / JAB / 8-14-17 S1 Illuminated Wall Sign New aluminum cabinet with a routed face and push through graphics. Sign to be internally illuminated with the LED units and power supply housed within the aluminum cabinet. Sign to be controlled by photocell. Electrical to be supplied by the G.C. Drive/Clients/ File Location: AS CR EN STND CSTM2'-10 1/8"3'-9 15/16"1 1/16" 8'-0" 4 3/8" 7'-11 9/16"9'-6 7/16"scale | 1/2" = 1' 12'-6 3/8" 9'-2"10'-0"1" 5" 1 1/4" clear acrylic 1/8" lip 1/8" face 1" push thru Mill finish on edges LOGO DETAIL1 1/4" clear acrylic diffuser film 3M #3630-78 Vivid Rose EVENING VIEW 1/2" 3/4" clear acrylic 3/4" clear acrylic 1/8" lip 1/8" face 1/2" push thru Mill finish on edges LETTER DETAIL34'-0"22'-0" Drawing # OE # Deerfield, IL 3 Parkway North 8/31/17 City/State: A d d re s s : Date: - C54099 ASDesigner: PM:JW Revisions: X X X Revisions: X X X Revisions: X X X Drive/Clients/ File Location: AS CR EN STND CSTM Site S1 Fascia width: 12'-6 3/8" Sign width: 9'-2" Drawing # OE # Deerfield, IL 3 Parkway North 8/31/17 City/State: A d d re s s : Date: - C54099 ASDesigner: PM:JW Revisions: X X X Revisions: X X X Revisions: X X X Drive/Clients/ File Location: AS CR EN STND CSTM Site 22'-0"+/- 122'-11 1/16" 9'-2" Mu n ic ip a l C o d e Ame n d me n t R e q u e s t PRA H ealth Science - D eerfield, IL PRA H ealth Services is a new company to your area, seeki ng approval to amend the current muni cipal signage code to al low for them to have exteri or si gnage on the newl y constructed parking garage to al low for their thei r customers to be able to clearl y identify w here they are located. Upon discoveri ng that w all signage of any kind w as not all owed on the parking structure per the Vil lage Municipal C ode, w e began to seek al ternate routes for our client. U nfortunately, we then di scovered that the exi sti ng tenant, Mondel éz, wi ll conti nue to have exclusi ve rights over al l buildi ng si gnage on the property, as per the lease. Mondeléz wi ll be reducing their use on the existing monument sign, thus all owi ng for PRA H ealth Sciences to become an addi ti onal tenant i n the buil ding. The newl y buil t parki ng garage provi des a convenient alternative for wall signage for this addi ti onal business, since no additional signage can be added to the buil ding. Upon review ing this new information, PRA H eal th Sci ences has agreed to move forward wi th seeking approval for the wal l signage on the parki ng structure, as it i s the best way to i dentify thei r brand to the publ ic. We are currentl y proposing to place an 8’0” by 9’6” i ll uminating logo on a sel f contained background panel of the company on the North el evati on to the ri ght of the garage doors. The proposed si gn design w as previ ously review ed by the Vil lage Planning Dept and has not been altered since the ini ti al review. If approved, the sign w ould be instal led by a local licensed signage company. The sign would be anchored to the existing facade, and the electrical w ork would be suppli ed by the general contractor. The ini ti al install ati on woul d take no more than a half day to complete, so there shoul d be l ittl e concern for noi se or traffic issues. We greatly hope that the proposed sign plan appeals to the Vil lage of D eerfield, and that pl ans can be put i n place to amend the Munici pal Code to allow for this type of signage, both for PR A health Sciences, but al so for future tenants in thi s building. P 920.694.1046 F 920.694.3741 Corp Office: 837 River front Drive Sheboygan, WI 53081 An Employee-Owned Company www.prior ity s ign.c om