Vol. 11, No. 3 - Jul 1990July,1990 Vol.11 No. 3 4�A DEERFIELD FAMILY DAYS 26TH ANNIVERSARY You are cordially invited to join your neighbors and friends - TUESDAY, July 3 and Wednesday, JULY FOURTH!!!! TUESDAY, JULY 3rd - DEERFIELD HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD 5:30 P.M. - GATES OPEN FOR PICNICS 6:30 P.-M. - The Big Band Sound of Deerfield Jazz Band 8:00 P.M. - The Legends, with music from the 60's 9:30 P.M. - Fireworks Tickets: $3.00 Adults; $2.00 for Children (13 and under) and Seniors. • Advance sale: $2.50 Adults; $1.50 Children and Seniors WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th - JEWETT PARK BUILDING AND GROUNDS ALL DAY - FREE LEMONADE AT THE LIBRARY 7:00 to 10:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00 to 9:30 A.M. 8:30 to 4:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 to 4:00 P.M. 10:00 to 4:00 P.M. qTHE 11:00 to '3:00 P.M. • �� 11.00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. - Pancake.Breakfast, Jewett Park - Mini Marathon, Walden School - Flower/Garden Show, entries accepted at Community Center - Arts and Crafts Sales, Park Grounds - Dog Show, Field House Patio - Bike Decorating Contest and Parade, Village Market - Rides, Games and Concessions, Park Grounds - Voter Registration, Park Grounds - Flower/Garden Show, Community Center: - Petting Zoo and Pony Rides, Park Grounds NOON-- PARADE - Bike Auction, Police Garage Discounted tickets for all events will go on sale June 20th at local banks. Commons Jewel, Lindemann's and Ford Pharmacies, and the Village Market. Adults: $2.50, Seniors and Children (under 13), $1.50. • For July 3rd A 4th Food and Rides: $10.00 for 44 tickets Entry blanks for the Mini Marathon are available at the Village Hall and Shelby's. COME AND JOIN US AT DEERFIELD FAMILY DA YS CELEBRATION SCAVENGER SERVICE In May, the Village Board approved a new scavenger contract with Laidlaw Waste Systems which includes separate collection of yard waste, Since most of the following information is new, you may wish to keep this portion of D-TALES as a.reference for the future! • BEGINNING WITH THE JULY 3rd PICK UP and CONTINUING EACH TUESDAY UNTIL DECEMBER 15th... yard waste must be placed in specially marked "DEERFIELD RECYCLES" paper bags available for purchase at local stores. Thus far, the Village Market, True Value and the Jewel in the Commons have agreed to sell the bags, and we salute them for their cooperation! Income from the sale of the bags will help defray costs of the collection program. In that way, residents who choose to use the service will pay a greater portion of the costs. BUNDLED BRUSH (sticks and branches greater than }" thick) will be collected the FIRST TUESDAY of each month - April through December. Brush will be collected separately since it must be chipped and shredded before it can be efficiently composted. NEXT YEAR yard waste collection will be from APRIL 1st through.DECEMBER 15th. REGULAR GARBAGE SERVICE will continue on the Tuesday and Friday pick up schedule, with curbside recycling as-part-of-the-•FRIDAY-pick up•. The new yard waste program is designed to comply with State of Illinois legislation, effective July 1st, which requires that ALL yard waste be collected, separated from garbage, and compost- ed - NOT placed in a landfill. Through a grant from the Illinois Department of Energy, Deer - field's yard waste will be hauled to Lakewood Forest Preserve as part of a pilot program con- ducted by Lake County. THE VILLAGE'S FALL LEAF COLLECTION SERVICE Will be expanded to provide more frequent pick ups. Watch future D-TALES for Fall Leaf Collection information. YARD -WASTE AND RECYCLING REMINDERS: • * Place the "DEERFIELD RECYCLES" bags out for TUESDAY collection by 7:00 A.M. * Place green recycling.bins out for FRIDAY collection by 7:00 A.M. (preferably in the morning to eliminate "overnight visitors"). * Make sure newspapers are placed securely in the bin so they won't blow away * If you need a second bin, it's available for $6.00. Call the.Village Hall'for details. * Write your address on the white label at one end of the bin. Remember, the bin stays with your address, even if you move. * Thanks to the Deerfield Junior Woman's Club, seniors and handicapped residents may have a cart to wheel the recycling bins to the curb ... free of charge. Call us for details. AND REMEMBER, TOO .... garbage cans must have tight fitting lids, can't be placed-at--the--curb�,.�4, before sundown on .the night before pickup, and must be removed from the curb the next day. RECYCLING UPDATE ---------• CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE AND SAVE •---------- I Between September 1989 and April 1990, a total of 781 tons of newspapers, glass and cans have -been recycled by the 84% of us participating in the curbside recycling program. This represents a significant 14.6% diversion from the waste taken to area landfills. These totals allowed us to negotiate a favorable contract with -our scavenger. THANKS TO YOU ...... IT'S WORKING FOR US!!! 1 1 I I I I I I i L— — — — — — — — — — - ---------------... SERVICE SCHEDULE Tuesday 2X Week Garbage X ..Friday X 1X Week Garbage X Recycling X Yard Waste X .Brush X first Tues. only) As with any such change in a program which affects all of us, this sounds much more complicated than it really is! We've tried to simplify it as much as possible and to make it understandable for you. Sure hope we've succeeded! „ July 1990 Happy 4th of July! 4th of July If you're planning on attending activities (times and events are printed in D—Tales)-Tuesday July 3rd or Wednesday the 4th of July, We would like to remind residents that parking is always at a premium. To help alleviate parking problems we encourage residents to walk or ride bicycles to activities. During the 4th of July parade we often encounter a great deal of congestion at the intersection °of Deerfield road and Waukegan road by people watching the parade. The parade will cover the length of Deerfield road from Deer Spring park•to Waukegan road. North on Waukegan to Hazel, and then West on Hazel to Park avenue where it will disperse. Anywhere along the parade route is a good seat. V s always we ask people to be patient with traffic congestion and to exercise caution. edestrians and bicycle riders only create confusion when crossing in the middle of the block or among parade participants, not to mention it's dangerous. One quick reminder about fireworks. Remember that it is against the law to possess firecrackers, skyrockets, roman candles, or any other fireworks containing any explosive compound. Fireworks in irresponsible hands can cause injury, fire and property damage. Someone in possession of fireworks can be ticketed and receive a fine, up to $500. The hardware for the enhanced 911 system has been purchased. It will be installed at the police department toward the end of June. Around July 10th we,will_start._testing the system by calling pay Telephones and businesses. The system appears to be on schedule and will be available for residents to use October loth. Ever since wearing a seat belt became a law, many make sure their belt is worn to avoid a ticket. However, some people -still don't• wear a safety belt. There are alot of reasons why they don't but the most common one is, "It. will never happen to me!" Unfortunately, it does happen. The probability of being involved in a motor vehicle injury accident during a 75 year lifetime is better than 86 percent. However people continue to. ride against the odds. When worn properly, seat belts prevent about 50% of the deaths from automobile accidents. •It only takes a few seconds to fasten a seat belt, but the benefits are many. They reduce the risk of death due to neck injuries by 100%, head injuries by 82%, and chest injuries by 53%. " Automobile accidents cannot always be prevented, but with safety restraints, injuries could be reduced or eliminated. Whether you're driving around town or on vacation start,the habit of buckling up today. The life you save could be your own!. JEFFREY WERNER OUTSTANDING YOUTH AWARD STREETS GETTING A NEW LOOK THIS SUMMER The 1990 recipients of the JEFFREY WERNER OUTSTANDING YOUTH AWARD are: HEATHER ALTMAN BRUCE DURLING JASON KANE CAROLINE LOMBARDO GREGORY WALLMAN ' The Deerfield Youth Council has presented this award annually since 1969 in memory of Jeff Werner who, in spite of a terminal illness, dedicated himself to service to the community. Each year, high school Seniors who have a strong commitment to community service are nominated for the award. Certifi- cates are presented to those selected and their names are inscribed on the plaque in the Village Hall. The next time you're in the Village Hall, take a few minutes to read the names of these truly outstanding young people... you're sure to recognize a lot of them! SIDEWALK SALE The Deerfield Commons merchants will once again hold their annual sidewalk sale on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 12th, 13th and 14th. The Commons prides itself on having one of the largest sales with *the best values.... lucky YOU!!! HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR JULY The Village Board will meet on its regu- lar schedule ---July 2nd and July 16th. The only change in the scavenger service will be SATURDAY, JULY 1th instead of FRIDAY, JULY 6th. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department..........................945-2121 Fire Department Non -Emergency ............945-4066 Police Department........................945-2131 Police Department Non -Emergency ..........945-8636 Village Hall..............................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES James L. Marovitz Edwin B. Seidman Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson Harriet Rosenthal J. Robert York Robert D. Franz, Village Manager Marjorie Emery, D-Tales Editor Printed on Recycled Paper Printed at Standard Printing Services, Inc. (708) 498-6126 You may suffer some inconvenience, but it will absolutely be worth it when we resurface the following streets: • CASTLEWOOD LANE from Central Avenue to Tennaqua Lane CENTRAL AVENUE from Mallard Lane to Castlewood Lane CHESTNUT STREET from Hazel Avenue to Osterman Avenue JEWETT PARK DRIVE from the Village Hall parking lot to Lindemann's driveway TIME IS RUNNING OUTH! And YOU'D better run out to the Village Hall (if you haven't already taken care of this) to get your Village stickers! They must be purchased and displayed by or before JULY FIRST unless you want to pay the 50% penalty for non-compliance. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE DEDICATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS/ PARK DISTRICT FACILITY at 465 ELM STREET WEDNESDAY, July 4, 1990 Dedication: 9:30 A.M. OPEN HOUSE/TOURS - Until 11:00 A.M. YOU'RE an old timer if ..... you remember when our telephone exchange was WIndsor 5 and we didn't have dial phones. POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield. Illinois CAR/PRESORT