Vol. 10, No. 5 - Nov 1989November,1989 Vol.10 No. 5 CURBSIDE RECYCLING The Village is pleased to report that, thus far, approxi- mately 70% of the single-family residences in Deerfield are participating in curbside recycling. This is an out- standing.start for the program. Those not participating are encouraged to do so since recycling not only helps the environment, but also reduces dumping costs. Our early experience with the program suggests a few reminders are in order: OONIT .... place plastic articles in DON'T.... place newspapers in plastic recycling bins! bags! DON'T .... place recyclable glass or metal containers in any kind of bag! DON'T .... place any cans other than food containers in recycling bins! DON'T.... place phone books, magazines, DON'T.*.. place window glass or any any paper other than newspaper glass other than food con - in recycling bins! tainers in bins! NEW AREA CODE - "708" O ROCKFORD ANTIOCH C) WOODSTOCK °uKE` P" -Deerfield, along with all of Suburban Chicago, will have 08oNO a new telephone area code effective November 11th. Instead SCNAUMBUFIG0 ❑O•NAREAIRppRT of 312 (which will be Chicago's exclusively), the new ELOINO %KPARK 812 number will be 708. Be sure to notify relatives and friends OAK BROOK CITV OF ST CHAR ES C] CH GO of this change. � NAPERVILLE O Cl ^U�� OEKALB C] NARVEv C1 As of 12:01 A.M., November 11th, when calling into the City JOLIIET of Chicago, it will be necessary to dial 1 + 312 + the ❑OTTAWA PEOTONE seven digit phone number. Likewise, when calling the 815 suburbs from Chicago, you must dial 1 + 708 + the phone KANO KEE number. We are told that the cost of calls from the suburbs to Chicago and from Chicago to the suburbs will remain the same. $SEE BACK f PAGE FOR ANNUAL LEAF PICK UP SCHEDULE "OPERATION COMPLETE COUNT"... YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE April 1, 1990 is the date of the next National Census. The U.S. Constitution requires a Census be taken for purposes of determining how the seats in the House of Representatives will be appor- tioned among the States. Professional demographers are estimating that Illinois will probably lose two seats in the House based on the 1990 Census. It is very important that everyone in Illinois be counted. If a few people do not get counted on every block in each community, the total of uncounted residents could be substantial and could make a differance in Illinois representation in the House of Repre- sentatives. Beyond political representation, however, there is a great deal of Federal and State money at stake in the final Census numbers. The Census counts translate into government dollars which communi- ties use for planning and improving public facilities and programs. Resi- dents who are uncounted in the Census mean dollars lost to Deerfield. It has been estimated that about $200 per person per year would be lost - and stays lost until the next Census is taken. Census forms will be mailed out in late March of next year. Make sure you com- plete and.return your form. You can make a difference! "HALLOWEEN HOOPLA" Once again this year, the Deerfield Park District will host a Halloween party for children: WHERE: Jewett Park Community Center WHEN: Saturday, October 28th from 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. WHAT: Games and prizes, clowns, haunted house and more! DID YOU KNOW? ... - The Village Hall office hours are 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday. For your convenience, there is a depository on the south side of the building. - Refuse is not allowed at the curb until sundown on the day before pick-up. - If your regular Friday scavenger service is delayed a day due to a holiday, your recycling pick-up will also be delayed a day. - A building permit is required to re-roof.your house. - It is against the law to post "garage sale" signs on public property. Leaf burning is prohibited in Deerfield. It is State law that every dwelling unit must be equipped with a smoke detector........... SMOKE DETECTORS SAVE LIVES IS YOURS WORKING? Most residential fire fatalities occur between the hours of 9 P.M. and 6 A.M. when people are asleep and not awakened in time to escape. It is a proven fact that smoke detectors save lives. How- ever, owning a smoke detector is only half the battle - it must be properly maintained to assure that it will give you maximum protection. Be sure to: - Check your smoke detector regularly by pressing the test button. • • COST: $2 per child in advance or $3 - Replace the batteries at least once at the door a year. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE EMERGENCY ENHANCED 9.1.1 UPDATE The next scavenger holiday will be thanksgiving Day, November 23rd. ur pick-ups that week will be on Tuesday, November 21st and Saturday, November 25th. Implementing a 9-1-1 emergency tele- phone system requires a great deal of coordination and preparation. To help you better understand our new proposed emergency telephone system, you should be aware of several things: 1) All 9-1-1 calls coming from a Deer - BLOOD DRIVE field location will be answered at the Deerfield Police Department. The next Blood Drive will be on Deerfield is serviced by two Fire Sunday, December 3rd at the Park Departments. Locations south of District Community Center from Lake Cook Road are served by the 8:00 A.M. to noon. You can call for Northbrook Fire Protection Dis- an appointment (298-9660), or if you trict. These calls must be trans - prefer, just show up at the Community ferred to the fire dispatcher for Center on Sunday morning. Northbrook. All other 9-1-1 calls, whether police or fire, are dis- patched from the Deerfield Police Department. WINTER ENERGY TIPS 2) Each location and telephone in Here are some suggestions to help_ Deerfield must be identified and programmed into a Bell Telephone keep your energy costs down.... computer that will selectively - Keep drapes drawn on cold, cloudy route a 9-1-1 call to Deerfield. The telephone company computer is •days. actually located in Indianapolis, Check windows, doors and electri- Indiana. We began identifying cal outlets for drafts. each location by street and address - Clean furnace filters. in June, and -have recently revised - Turn thermostat down at least 5° and updated the Master Street at night. Address Guide. - Balance registers to supply more air to lower floors. 3) Our Communication Center must be - Check melted snow on roof for heat remodeled to accommodate 9-1-1 loss areas. equipment, and to meet the stan- - Insulate water heater. dards required for a Public Safety - Check fireplace damper. Answering Point by the Illinois - Unplug television set and turn down Commerce Commission. This work has the thermostat and water heater when already started, and should be com- going on vacation. pleted before the end of the year. STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAYS Eighth grade students from Holy Cross, Wilmot and Shepard will elect Village officials who will meet with their counterparts on November 8th. Tours of various Village, Park and Fire • facilities will be conducted for all eighth graders during the afternoon of the 8th, and the morning and afternoon of the 9th. This is an opportunity for the students to learn a little more about the way Village government works. 4) There are several manufacturers of 9-1-1 equipment. We are in the process of studying and selecting the most efficicent and cost effec- tive equipment for Deerfield. The following is our 9-1-1 schedule: January, 1990 - Order equipment April, 1990 - Install equipment May, 1990 - Test equipment June & July, 1990 - Train personnel August, 1990 - Implement 9-1-1 LEAF PICK UP SCHEDULE The Village's annual Leaf Pick Up Program will begin on November 1st. The instructions remain the same as previous years: - Public Works crews will make ONE pass only! - The dates on the map indicate the earliest that crews will be in your area. We might not make it that day, but we'll be there as soon as possible. - DO NOT put leaves in the street! They should be raked to the parkway and piled within 4' of the curb. - Please.... don't put grass clippings, sticks, stones or other foreign material in the piles. Although bagged leaves will still be taken this Fall as part of the regular scavenger service, new State legislation will restrict this activity next year. The Village is exploring various options for composting in order to address this problem. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department..........................945-2121 Fire Department Non -Emergency ............945-4066 Police Department........................945-2131 Police Department Non -Emergency ..........945-8636 Village Hall..............................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES James L. Marovitz Edwin B. Seidman Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson Harriet Rosenthal J. Robert York Robert D. Franz, Village Manager Marjorie Emery, D-Tales Editor Printed at Standard Printing Services, Inc. (312) 498-6126 POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Bulk Rate U S.POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield. Illinois CARIPRE-SORT .7 sY4cs!rsY�t�rsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsY�rsYsYsYsY�:Y:YsY�sYsY;:'r;YsYksY:YsYsY�sY4rsr'r k-� sY'r::��sYsYsYsYsYsY�sY-ksY�sY:Y��:'rsY•��sYsY�sYsY�csYsYsY�sYsYsYsYsY4t November 1989 Happy Thanksgiving sYsYsYit�rsYsY*sYsYsYsYsYsY�sYicsY�ritsY:Y;"r�:;:•'k� loft:YsY�sY�csY�>vsYk>v�sYsYsYsY�sY���::Y>v:Y�:Y�sY>`� �sY�sYsYsY•���sY::�'ksYsYsYsYsYsY�itsYsY�sYiricsksksYsYyY SAFE AT WORK In previous articles we've discussed crime prevention tips for home security, safety while you travel and holiday safety. Now we would like to turn your attention to the workplace. sometimes we take our safety for granted when we're working and forget about the potential for crime. Here's some tips to make your workplace more secure regardless of where you work. Is stranger access to your work area carefully controlled? If it isn't, intruders can gain access to personal belongings like purses and valuables. Company property like checkbooks, computer codes and company keys can be obtained and used later. If you see a stranger in your work area, ask for identification, verify the identification, and check with security or management. if you have any quest:i.ons. People sitting at desks are a deterrent. Therefore, when an employee has to'be away from the desk, it should be watched or at:t_ended by another worker and the phones answered. Computer access codes or employee telephone numbers should never be posted or left: unguarded. Help make your workplace safe! Know your coworkers and look out for each other. Report broken windows, doors, locks and lights that. are out. If parking lots are dimly lit or overgrown with trees and shrubs report it to management. Keep purses and valuables locked up and out of sight. When you left your car in the parking lot dial you take valuables like citizen band radios, mobile telephones and other accessories that can be seen and place them in the trunk. If you work in an area where there is a high crime risk... Notify security when you are working early or late. Make sure you have locked doors and windows if you are working after hours. Find someone who leaves at the same time and walk together to the parking lot. If there is a security staff will they offer escorts? �6Don't use stairwells or washrooms that are isolated after hours. House Numbers Is your home properly numbered? Remember ghat if the police or fire departments can't find you they can't help you. Your home should have... 1. 3" numbers or larger, visible from the street. 2. The numbering be in contrasting color to your home. 3. The numbers not be in script or roman numerals. :t)YiC)Yki;'c�;sYs;�r�c::)'c4;�k)'C4:)'c)':�')':4c�; ��;;;�:; �)':�::; �)':�::::)': �•.'.'�)";'.:)..:)';:'::::S:t)';).:;)Y4:4:)'c)';),..:;)':.,.,:;)';);)';)': ��..':c.; �::x��)';:l')': �::::)':::'�:' CRIME PREVENTION TIPS Before you turn in for the night remember to check your garage door ro see if it is closed. If it's not, it's an open invitation to a thief.. If you or a family member park a vehicle on your driveway overnight: remember to lock it: up and take out valuables that are in the open. By reducing the temptation or ease in which a crime is committed, you are reducing the potential for crime. PoWhat: should you do when a crime occurs? The first thing you should do, even before calling the police is to write down spec i.fic details that: are hard to remember. When you call, particularly in an emergency, remain as calm as possible. Call. 945-2131 and speak slowly and clearly. Valuable time i.s wasted if you have to repeat: yourself. If you are calling from a safe place i.n your home stay there until the police arrive. The police dispatcher will ask you for your name, address, and telephone number. This information is confidential and is used by the police to call you back if additional information is needed. HOLIDAY SAFETY During the holiday season people attend more parties and socialize probably more than any other tame of the year. If you're at.t:ending a part:y this holiday season remember t.hat even a small amount: of alcohol. can impair a persons driving abi li t.y. If you are the host. of a party t.hink about: having an alcohol free party. One more quick reminder, now is a good time to check your smoke det:ect.or and change the batteries. HAVE A SAFE AND ENJOYABLE HOLIDAY SEASON Published by: Deerfield Police Department. Chief of Police Richard Brandt: 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, I1. 60015 "Police Beat" edited by Officer Eric Lundahl (�