Vol. 7, No. 4 - Sep 19861 � I KISSING ZONE September,1986 Vol. 7 No. 4 SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION PROGRAM Construction is scheduled to begin this Fall on the $3 million sanitary sewer improvement pro- gram in the northwest part of the Village. New trunk lines will be installed along streets shown on the drawing below. Also, a new pumping facility will be construct- ed on Deerfield Road, west of the creek. These improvements will alleviate flooding conditions experienced in some areas of the community dur- ing heavy rainfall. To whatever extent possi- ble, this work will coincide with the Village's street rehabilitation program. It's estimated that the project will be completed by Fall. A similar program for the northeast and southwest 4kortions of the Village is now under design, ith construction scheduled for Fall, 1987. We have made considerable improvements to the sani- tary sewer system over the past few years. Last year, the Village received almost 100% volun- tary compliance with our downspout disconnec- tion program. Residents are reminded that your downspouts must NOT be connected to the -sani- tary sewer system. Anyone with questions con- cerning these connections should contact the Public Works Department. LIFT H O •3 I I1 DEERFIELD RI).� PUMPING FACILITY LAKE -COOK ROAD IMPROVEMENTS The Village has received drawings from the Cook County Highway Department for the proposed underpass at the Milwaukee tracks on Lake -Cook Road. The work, which is a two year project, is scheduled to begin in 1987. A four -lane detour will be provided during the construction period. The Village is working with the High- way Department to minimize inconvenience to motorists. Next month, the Village will award bids for the Pfingsten Road extension (see diagram below). This will involve a bridge improvement at Lake -Cook Road and Pfingsten, and a new road running north, which will connect to Kates Road (south of Sara Lee). An overpass will be constructed at the railroad tracks near the elevated water storage tank. This improvement is being funded by the Vil- lage's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Program (money generated by the new office develop- ment on Lake -Cook Road). We expect that the Pfingsten extension will be open and operating by late summer, 1987. MOVIN' RIGHT ALONG... November is just around the corner., so here's our second attempt to explain the change in vehicle sticker requirements for the coming year and a half. - Your next sticker will be good for EIGHTEEN MONTHS, rather than for a year. - Therefore, your next sticker will cost you one and a half times as much as usual. - The absolute deadline for purchasing and displaying your sticker is December 31st. - That sticker will be good until July 1, 1988. - After July 1, 1988, stickers will again be purchased annually and the due date will then be July 1st each year. - The penalty for late purchase is $12.50 (and you might also get a $25.00 ticket!). - Trucks, motorcycles and RV's will cost you 50% more for the extra six months.. look on the back of the application form for the individual prices. Penalty for these vehicles will be half of the annual fee. - No more cold hands when you apply your stickers! Starting in.May..of 1988., they'll..._ be sold during the summer months, when windshields and weather are warm!! We've been asked about rebates for those who move before the next sticker -is due. That's impossible to administer so there will not be any rebates. If you should move, perhaps your new municipality will honor your Deerfield sticker..... Deerfield honors current stickers and we hope your new community will follow our lead! Your dog won't have to go through this trauma ..... his license will still be due on the calendar year (you can put his license on him in the house where it's warm so there's no need for a change). You will have to furnish proof of rabies inoculation, as always. We don't keep any record on your�cog other than the number of his Deerfield tag. You can mail all of the applications, including dogs, to us with your check. We'11 send you your.stickers, licenses, proof of rabies inoculation by return mail (or as quickly as we can). PLEASE, PLEASE - put everything'in one envelope. You have no idea how this will speed things up. We have to pull your card to record the information every time a separate application.comes in..if we can do it all at the same time, it's much quicker. And write one check for the total! If we can muddle through this year, life will be simpler for all of us next time stickers are due. Patience! ENERGY TIPS AVAILABLE Following the June 11th public meeting, spon- sored by the Energy Advisory Council, a wide variety of energy -related pamphlets was given to us for distribution to our residents. You can pick up all kinds of tips from these pub- lications..... stop in the Village Hall and take your choice! The Deerfield Branch of the American Associa- tion of University. Women (AAUW) is collecting books for a Used Book Sale to be held in Octo- ber. For information, please call 948-7316 or 945-6971. LET'S TALK CABLE U • A special public hearing by the Cable Advisory Board (CAB) will be held Tuesday, October 7th, at 7:30 P.M. in the Village Hall Board Room, to review the past performance and future plans of Post -Newsweek Cable Company - the new owner of our cable TV system. This hearing is the CAB's formal Five -Year Review of the system. The CAB is especially interested now, in ad- vance of the hearing, in receiving comments, questions and complaints from YOU about pro- • gramming, service, TV reception, costs and other topics. You're invited to attend the hearing and/or send your written comments to the Village Hall prior to the hearing. YOUR NEIGHBOR SAYS: FALL FESTIVAL PLEASE ... could you have your lawn service people postpone working on your property on ICIIIIIII�!I Saturday and Sunday mornings I until your neighbors have had a chance to sleep in! For the working people, these are the only days they can catch a few extra winks ... unless the noise from the gardeners makes it impossible! When your next door neighbor goes on vacation and stops all deliveries... there's one prob- lem we haven't solved. That's the free sam- ples which are hung on the door knob in those glow -in -the -dark plastic bags. The only way we can think of to eliminate this is to ask whether you'd remove these giveaway (in more ways than one!) items from the door. In fact, your neighbor doesn't even care what you do with the offending items - just so they are not left to advertise the fact that no one's at home. This could be a reciprocal arrange- ment which would benefit you, too! DOGS - the ever-present dog problem! Keep your dog off property other than your own.. and if, by chance, the dog does defecate where he's not supposed to ... you MUST clean 0 t up. Put -yourself in your neighbor's shoes ..would you like to step in that stuff? IT'S CAUCUS TIME!! Every other year, we have an election to select our Trustees and/or Mayor. Deerfield has a caucus system (another word for pow -wow) whereby 4 people from each of our 8 districts (that makes 32 residents) interview applicants for these positions. In 1987, this will apply to 3 Trustee positions. YOU can be a member of the Caucus Committee that recommends a slate for.presentation to Village residents for the April election - to- gether with any who choose to run as indepen- dent candidates. If you're a registered voter, are willing to pick up a petition for 25'or more neighbors to sign, and can spend a few evenings this Fall at meetings, you'll learn a lot about Deerfield, you'll find it interesting... and important... and you'll appreciate your community even more than you do now. 0structions and petitions are available now at the Village Hall. Deadline for returns is September 22nd... or, if you want more informa- tion, call the Caucus Advisory Chairman at 945-6489. The Historical Society will hold its llth annual Fall Festival on Sunday, Septem- ber 7th, from noon to 5:00 P.M. Get your clan together and plan on spending the day at the Historical Village.... there'll be a lot to eat, music for singing and/or listening, pioneer crafts to watch and home made jellies, jams and baked goods to take home. The whole family will enjoy this visit to pioneer days. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! The next blood drive will be held at the Jewett Park Community Center on Sunday, September 7th - from 8:00 A.M. to noon. You can drop in without an appointment or you can make an appointment by calling Blood Center at 298-9660 or Blood Chairman Bob Kay at 948-5784. SCAVENGER HOLIDAY There won't be any scavenger service on Labor Day (September 1st). If that's your regular pick-up day, you'll get a double pick-up on the 4th. SMOOOOOTH CROSSINGS Finally, after repeated requests from the Village, the Greenwood and Hazel Avenue.rail- road crossings have been upgraded. The new rubberized crossings were well worth the long wait! And, best of all, this work was done at no cost to the Village! THANK GOODNESS IT'S FALL!!! You can walk, run, swim, eat, listen and watch ..... all that at the Park District's Labor Day party at Mitchell. Pool. This back -to -school family celebration will be climaxed by the annual GOLDFISH DIVE. If this is the first time you've participated in this event, you're in for a treat! Get your family together and.enjoy the whole day at Mitchell Park and Pool. YOU'RE AND OLD TIMER IF ..... you remember the Soap Box Derby that used to be held on Deerfield Road between Waukegan Road and the viaduct. BE A GOOD SKATE! RAISE YOUR GLASSESH The Police Department is well aware of the in- creased use of skateboards by some of our younger residents. Chief Brandt says that... "while we understand that the channeling of youthful energy is a constant challenge for parents, we want to caution you about the use of skateboards." Skateboarding on Village streets is illegal, and°their use on private property is only per- missible with the property owner's approval. "We like to see young people enjoying them- selves but we don't like to see the sometimes disabling injuries suffered by skateboarders and/or innocent bystanders," the Chief said. Parents are advised to supervise the legal - and safe - use of skateboards by their child- ren .... for everybody's sake! DEERFIELD RESIDENTS - UNITE!!! You'll soon be receiving a letter announcing the annual fund drive for the Deerfield Area United Way (DAUW). The DAUW is governed by a volunteer board made up of Deerfield resi- dents - your friends and neighbors. All of the money received stays in the community to support agencies which service Deerfield re- sidents. We encourage your generous support. The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Illinois Pollution Control Board require that the owner or operator of a public water supply notify • the consumers that the potable water supply is sampled and tested, in accordance with mandatory procedures. Here's our report to you for fiscal 1985-86: - 294 potable water samples were tested and all were found to be safe. "Safe" means that the water contains no sub- stance or organisms which are or may be in- jurious to a person in normal health who in- gests the water. We get Lake Michigan water from Highland Park, where it's chlorinated, fluoridated and treat- ed at their filtration plant. The hardness of the water is 7.5 grains per gallon or 130 ppm. Water costs you $1.75 per 750 gallons ... that figures out to be only 56t a ton. CARING FOR OTHERS For the past two years, the Human Relations Commission has sponsored "Caring for Others Day" on February 14th. This year, the pro- ject is being expanded and your help would be gratefully accepted. If you have ideas • for ways to care for others - either on'a one-shot or a permanent basis - or if you'd like to volunteer to help, contact either Anne Covey at 948-7546 or Rosemary Stavropou- los at 945-8144. SCHOOL'S ARE OPEN ...... we know you always drive carefully but we'd like to remind you that the kids need a few weeks to settle down and get used to looking both ways. Until they get over the excitement of going back to school (or whatever!), please watch out for them. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Fire Department Non -Emergency .......945-4066 Police Department ...................945-2131 Police Department Non -Emergency .....945-8636 Village Hall .........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES James L. Marovitz Edwin B. Seidman Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson Harriet Rosenthal J. Robert York Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield. Illinois CAR/PRE-SORT POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498.6126