Vol. 5, No. 4 - Aug 1984KISSING ZONE August,1984 Vo. 5 No. 4 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, THE FIRST PERMANENT SETTLERS IN WHAT IS NOW THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ARRIVED IN THE YEAR 1835; AND WHEREAS, NEXT JANUARY FIRST WILL MARK THE BEGINNING OF DEERFIELD'S SESQUICENTENNIAL YEAR: AND WHEREAS, THIS ANNIVERSARY WILL AFFORD EACH OF US AN OP- PORTUNITY TO APPRECIATE THE HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE AND TO REVIEW THE PAST ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS: NOW, THEREFORE, I, BERNARD FORREST, MAYOR OF THE VILLAGE • OF DEERFIELD HEREBY CALL UPON ALL CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS, SERVICE CLUBS, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS,, LOCAL BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS, THE PARK DISTRICT, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND ALL RESIDENTS TO JOIN TOGETHER TO MAKE OUR SESQUICENTENNIAL YEAR A YEAR OF CELEBRATION THROUGHOUT THE VILLAGE; FURTHER, I ASK THAT THE DEERFIELD AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY GIVE THOUGHT TO COMBINING THE SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION WITH THEIR ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL. I URGE EVERYONE IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD TO PARTICIPATE IN MAKING THIS SESQUICENTENNIAL YEAR AN EVENTFUL AND MEMORABLE OCCAS- ION. PROCLAIMED: THIS SIXTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1984 Happy birthday to us ... happy.birthday to even though it's a bit early to send out on this once -in -a -lifetime celebration in BERNARD FORREST, MAYOR ork us! We're going to have a birthday party and invitations, you're invited! Watch for more succeeding issues of D-TALES! EARTHSHAKING NEWS! ENERGY TIP — Did you know that the most active earthquake area in the central United States is located just south of Illinois? It's called the New Madrid seismic zone... that's the bad news. But the good news is that the last major earth- quake in that area occurred in 1812. You prob- ably don't remember that one, do you? Hardly anyone around here does, either! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED... The Manpower Commission needs you! There will be vacancies on some of the Boards, Councils, and Commissions this Fall. If you'd like to serve on one of these advisory boards, just call the Village Hall and we'll send you an Information Sheet to fill out and return to the Manpower Commission. They will then ar- range a convenient time to interview you and find out what your area of expertise is. After receiving recommendations from the Com- mission, the Mayor makes the appointments (with the advice and consent of the Village Board, of course). There are over 100 resi- dents presently serving on the various ad- visory groups - and their contribution to the Village government can not be over- emphasized! A POWERFUL SUGGESTION — Commonwealth Edison has asked that we relay a message to you. As you know, Deerfield is blessed with many beautiful trees - some of which grow over, around and into the electric wires, causing problems for Comm Ed. Some homeowners are reluctant to cooperate with Comm Ed's_tree.trimmers, even though the trees are in the utility easement. You should realize that the only reason for the trimming is to protect the wires which pro- vide your electric service. Trees are not trimmed indiscriminately but only where absolutely necessary. Please co- operate - and remain an enlightened customer! YES, WE HAVE NO KISSING PINS! Have you seen the replica of the No Kissing sign? Jim Golding, President of the Opti- mist Club, had pins made - they're nifty and they're on sale at the Village Hall for only $1.00. All of the profit (if any) will go to some local good cause to be designated by the Mayor. Have you checked your water heater lately? Most water heaters are set for 140° F. or higher, but you may not need water that hot unless you have a dishwasher. A setting of 1200 can provide adequate hot water for most families. If you reduce the temperature from 140° to 1200, you could save over 18% of the energy you use ... or at 1300, you'd save 6% in water heating energy. To test the water temperature, draw some water from the heater through the faucet near the bottom and test it with a thermometer, if you are uncertain about the tank temperature. SOMETHING BORROWED... The Village of Skokie has a "Job Match Up" - program which is so good, we've decided to play copy -cat. We'll accept names of residents who need as- sistance or have odd jobs for the youth of Deerfield. We'll also take names of students (from seventh grade through college) who are willing to do odd jobs throughout the year. Then we'll give the resident students so they can call one details. This sounds like a getting those odd jobs done! start making lists! MEET "PLUGGIE" three names of and work out the great idea for Call us and we'll • This little fellow made his first Deerfield ap- pearance when he marched in the Family Day Par- ade as the newest member of the Fire Department. He is a state-of-the-art plastic fire hydrant which (or should that be "who"?) is capable of holding an intelligent'conversation..'.a'real'' robot! He talks, blinks his eyes, — — looks right and left and plays cassette tapes. His job is to visit school kids and talk about fire safety. You'll see him this Fall as a he walks around the Village. He can't drive yet because he isn't old enough! Pluggie was a gift to the Fire Department, thanks to the gen- erosity of the Deerfield -Lincolnshire Rotary Club. ON THE SAME SUBJECT - the Fire Department will be happy to do a free Home Safety Survey for you if you'll call them .... 945-4066. I� FLOODWATER MANAGEMENT UPDATE Based on recommendations from the Flood Advisory Committee, the Village Board has: - approved a contract with our engineering consultant to study the balance of the sanitary sewer system in the community. authorized loans to the local drainage districts to clean the Middle Fork (creek along the eastern boundary"of the Village). requested a proposal for engineering design work to correct storm drainage problems in the Village. directed Staff to meet with the Lake Eleanor Homeowners' Association to discuss the installation of a gate at their retention basin to provide additional storage capacity. continued to work with the Illinois Division of Water Resources in planning for the Bannockburn and Lake -Cook Road retention basins. In June, Mayor Forrest traveled to Washington to meet personally with Senator Percy and Con- gressman Porter to encourage their continued cooperation in gaining Federal approval of the North Branch Floodwater Management Plan. Both have been extremely helpful in gaining Con- gressional appropriations to keep the project moving. It appears that construction will be- gin in 1988. We realize that this seems like an eternity, but it's the best we can hope for considering the several agencies of government in Washington that must approve the project and authorize funding. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! Once every two years we have an election to select our Trustees and/or Mayor. Deerfield has a caucus system (another word for pow -wow) 0 ereby 4 people from each of our 8 districts 32 people in all) interview applicants for these positions. YOU can be a member of this Caucus Committee that recommends a slate for presentation to Village residents for the April election - along with any who choose to run as independent candidates. If you're a registered voter, are willing to pick up a petition for 25 neighbors to sign, and can spend a few evenings this Fall at meetings, you'll find it not only very inter- esting and important, but you'll also learn a lot about your community and you'll appreciate it even more than you do now! Instructions and petitions are available now at the Village Hall. If you're interested, drop in and pick one up. Deadline for returns is September 21st. Or, if you want more in- formation, call the Caucus Advisory Chairman at 945-1663. RULES OF THE ROAD If you ride a moped or a bicycle, are you aware that the rules of the road also apply o you? Of course you are! But there are a ew two -wheelers who ignore stop signs and commit other driving infractions which not only endanger themselves but which give motorists and pedestrians apoplexy! How about reviewing the Rules? BE A FRIEND. FOR LIFE. The next blood drawing is September 2nd. Be a friend - give a pint of blood. The need is especially great around holidays! If you wonder what this means to you - aside from the fact that you will save at least one life within 35 days after you donate - here's a brief explanation: If you, or any member of your family, is hos- pitalized in any of the 26 hospitals served by The Blood Center of Northern Illinois, and in need of a blood transfusion, it will be solely supplied by The Blood Center. If you', or any member of your family, is hos- pitalized anywhere in the United States and is charged a replacement fee for a blood trans- fusion, it will be paid by The Blood Center. All you have to do is call 298-9660. Now, will you donate a pint on September 2nd? If so, call Patti Moore at 948-1365. SPORTS UPDATE The Deerfield Does - 12 year old girls' slow pitch softball team - are the State Champs! Not only that, they finished in the top 10 of 53 teams competing in the Nationals! The Deerfield Greens - 15 year old girls' slow pitch softball team - will be playing in the National finals in Florida while this issue is at the printer's! *** We have our own Olympics! MOBILE HEALTH SERVICE OVER THE BACK FENCE West Deerfield Township is sponsoring the Lake County Health Department Mobile Health Service on the third Tuesday of each month. The service is provided in cooperation with the Deerfield Park District at Jewett Park Community Center from 9:00 A.M. to noon. Available services consist of a physician for diagnosis and treatment of medical problems, and school and sports physical exams. Blood pressure testing and health counseling by a registered nurse are also available. For more details, call Mrs. Craig, 945-0614. BICENTENNIAL GARDEN In 1976, plans called for fountains and numer- ou6 pieces of sculpture --for the —front -lawns of - . -- the Village Hall, West Deerfield Township and the Library. These ambitious plans have been curtailed; however, an initial step - a brick - paved garden for residents to sit, rest and chat - is completed. The Garden was dedicated on Family Day by the Deerfield Bicentennial Garden Commission, who hope you'll stop by and enjoy this pleasant area. The Garden needs two more benches. Four were planned and two of these have already been donated and are in place. The Commission hopes that service clubs and individuals will follow suit quickly so that all benches are in place before the end of summer. The cost of each bench is $125 - which is tax deductible. For further information, please call Vern Swanson at 945-0227 or Cynthia Marty at 945-3973. III ****** VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Police Department ...................945-2131 Village Hall.........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES Stephen O. Jackson Edwin B. Seidman James L. Marovitz Vernon E. Swanson Cynthia Marty J. Robert York A resident suggested we explain, that you don't have to have your license plates before you get �IIIIIIIIII�II Village sticker. We'll issue is 1l the sticker and you can call us when you get the plates. This, of course, applies in unusual circumstances as in most cases you already have your plates. THERE IS NO OPEN BURNING permitted anywhere in the Village except for barbecuing. We've had a few complaints about violations in some neighborhoods. This is a big NO, NO! The Police dispatchers thank half of you for not calling during the last power outage! They only received an average of 50 calls an hour! Now they hope that number will be cut to zero .... and it will if you'll cooperate!. A THING OF BEAUTY... is a joy forever, as the poet said long ago. If you'd like to see this quote graphically illustrated, ride past the flowers that were planted at the railroad station by the Deer- field Baha'i members. FEUD FOR THOUGHT We haven't been able to get the exact date fco our Deerfield family's appearance on FAMILY FEUD but it may very well be on around the middle of September. We'll try to get a more definite date so watch the local newspapers - the Kissing tiles will be presented to the Emcee Richard Dawson. Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois CAR/PRE-SORT POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126