Vol. 3, No. 3 - Jan 19831 KISSING ZONE January, 1983 Vol. 3, No. 3 STATUS REPORT - FLOODING PROBLEMS IN DEERFIELD With this issue of D-TALES, we hope to bring you up to date on the various issues relating to the floods of July 22nd and December 2nd: FLOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The following seven member Committee has been meeting on a regular basis to deal with all as- pects of the flooding problems: Alan Schultz, Chairman Roy Fay Dick Miller Wally Hanson Phil Maxey Harlan Johnson Lee Rose �ost of the members have engineering backgrounds and several were victims of the flooding in 982. A number of sub -committees have been formed, each working on a particular phase of the overall problem. Flood Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public, and ideas and com- ments are welcome. CREEK MAINTENANCE: The Village has signed a Loan Agreement with the Union Drainage District, providing $175,000 in funds to clean the West Fork creek. The work is scheduled to begin in February and will involve removing trees, brush and other obstructions from the drainage ditch. FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers continues its study of the North Branch Floodwater Manage- ment Plan. It hopes to complete the report by early summer, at -which time it will be reviewed in Washington by several agencies and Congress. Deerfield is primarily interested in the retention basin which would be built in Bannockburn (at the southeast corner of the Tollway and Duffy Lane). This site has not yet been acquired but the State of Illinois and Lake County Forest Preserve District are working to that end. Your participation is needed in this project. Letters should be sent to Governor Thompson and our Federal legislators, asking that this flood control project be given a high priority. We have included a sample letter in this issue - and urge you to take time to send it to each of those legislators listed. You could, of course, compose your own version of this. LOCAL STORM/SANITARY SEWER PROBLEMS: The Village is currently interviewing engineering �firms to undertake extensive pre -design work n localized sewer problems within certain areas of the community. Your cooperation is needed in helping to identify these problem areas. On the back page of this newsletter is a question- naire that we ask you to complete and return to the Village Hall. The information you provide will be kept as confidential as possible. In order for us to plan for the necessary improve- ments, we need as much information as possible about houses in Deerfield experiencing water problems. We will continue to keep you informed of our progress in succeeding issues of D-TALES. IT'S BUDGET TIME AGAIN ... ELECTRICAL COMMISSION We've started work on the 1983-84 budget and, as always, we'd welcome your comments early in the process so they can be given consideration in developing our financial plans for the com- ing year. HOT TIPS FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Gagne and the Fire personnel would greatly appreciate it if you would be a volunteer..... not to fight fires, of course, but to keep this little hydrant near your home clean and ready for action...... shovel the snow away from it so the Fire-fighters can get to it in a hurry. We hope they never need to use yours, but better safe than sorry! About portable heaters: the Fire Department does not recommend or encourage the use of any kind of portable heater in your home. They highly re- commend the installation of smoke detectors..... with fresh batteries... and the use of exit drills for your family. SEND THIS LETTER`!'!! This is the sample letter to the elected officials regarding Floodwater Management Plan. Either copy it as is or revise it in your own words ...but DO send it! EXAMPLE: Congressman John Porter Senator Charles H. Percy House of Representatives Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Congressman Porter: Dear Senator Percy: Governor James R. Thompson Senator Alan Dixon Governor's Mansion Senate Office Building Springfield, Illinois 62706 Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Governor Thompson: Dear Senator Dixon: As a resident(s) of the Village of Deerfield, I/we are vitally concerned about the flooding which occured in our community last July and again in December. Our Village officials are making every effort to prevent a recur- rence of this disastrous situation. Our residents are doing whatever possible to floodproof their homes. However, all of our combined efforts can not accomplish our goal. We desperately need the implementation of the Flood- water Management Plan for the North Branch of the Chicago River. The most important improvement for the Village of Deer- field will be the construction of the proposed retention basin in the.Vit( ge of -'Bannockburn (Structure #27). I/we urge you to help us to alleviate the flooding problems by dRoing"all inryour power to move the Floodwater Management Plan a"Iong as expeditiously as possible. Sm�c�e`t�ely The Electrical Commission recommends safe a practical standards for the installation, a teration and use of electrical equipment - and they also recommend regulations governing the issuance of permits and the fees therefor. Ac- cording to Statute, this Commission must be comprised of five members (with the Chief El- ectrical Inspector as a sixth member and ex officio Chairman) who meet the following re- quirements: Registered Professional Engineer, Electrical Contractor, Journeyman Electrician, Fire Chief or representative of an Inspection Bureau, and a representative of an Electrical Supply House. The members serve for four year terms. Charles Smalley, Ch. Ted Galvani James Brown Jack Liske - Jack'Gagne Richard Osman SUBSIDIZED CAB SERVICE Following the demise of the Dial -a -Ride bus service, the RTA, American Taxi and the Village entered into a joint agreement to provide cab service for Deerfield residents who are 65 or older or who are handicapped. This service enables. them to travel by cab anywhere withi� the Village for 50t and at reduced rates out side the Village. This service is now known as the "Deerfield Paratransit System" and, in addition to the name change, we have introduced "trip tickets" which are to be used for each ride ... and the phone number has been changed to 945-3970. This number is for the Paratransit service ex- clusively. Further details are available at the Village Hall. STUDENT OFFICIALS Student Government Day (which is actually two days) coincided with the November 2nd election and the Village Hall was comparable to a zoo! Elected student officials spent the morning of the 2nd with their counterparts, with tours of the various facilities conducted that afternoon and all day on the 3rd. After spending time with our eighth graders, we can assure you that you'll be in good hands when these young ones take over! Do you know how much the Mayor and Board of Trustees are paid for their services to you? Close your eyes ..... what do you see? Nothing? That's the right answer. No salaries, no ex- pense accounts, no gas allowance..... nothing! IF THIS HAD BEEN RAIN ..... SAFE DRIVING PROGRAM eople used to say: "If this had been snow..." ow the snow doesn't look so bad to us! There are some things you need to know about how to handle snow. First ..... when you shovel your driveway, pile the snow on the right as you face the street. If you'll remember to do this, our plows will put less of the snow back in your driveway. Sec ond... do NOT park on the street for 24 hours after 3" or more of snow has fallen. AND IN NO CASE should you park on the street between 2:00 and 6:00 A.M. Also.... don't even think of pushing your snow into or across the street! This is covered by ordinance and could be very costly for you. Our Public Works Department prides itself on doing a superior job in keeping the streets in good condition for you. You can help them by following the few suggestions listed above. THE FALLING LEAVES ... In order to be sure we have enough leaves to haul in the Fall, we planted another 111 new 0,arkway trees! As usual, the Crimson King led the popularity contest. The Leaf Pick Up Program was successful altho the leaves were"not very cooperative in some areas of the Village. We hauled about 3000 cubic yards of leaves this year as compared with 4000 last year. Some people bagged a lot of n their leaves, taking advan- tage of the scavenger service for which we have already b paid. d 1 it* 0 0ry•cb The leaves are stockpiled at the Village garage. If you'd like to have some for mulching, we'll deliver! After these have composted, they make a great addition to your garden. BE A FRIEND ... FOR LIFE! That's the slogan for the Blood Center of Northern Illinois, of which Deerfield is a ember. This used to be the North Suburban lood Center but the name was changed after the Michael Reese Foundation and the NSBC merged on January 1, 1983. There are now 25 member hospitals, including Lake Forest and Highland Park. The next drawing will be March 6th...give a pint of blood..help yourself and others=.!! Don't be alarmed if you see something like this pulling up behind someone you know. It may very well . _ be the beginning of a free trip to Hawaii! From December lst to May 31st, the Police will o be watching for safe and courteous drivers, and when they find one, they will present her with a merit citation.(well, maybe "her or him")... then on June 4th, at noon, a drawing will be held in the Village Hall and two safe drivers will be awarded a round trip ticket to Hawaii. So, remember your manners ... it could take you to faraway places! PICTURE THIS ... Over 800 Deerfield residents are enjoying cable television. OMNICOM continues to market their service as the power supplies are activated in each.subdivision. All residents who choose to subscribe should be connected by early Spring. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE This is a free, equal opportunity employment agency that currently has 2,000 young people in their files for part time, after school or vacation jobs. Call Y.E.S. at 433-4090 or 441-5514, week days except Wednesday from 10 to 5... they'll help you help these young people and yourself! DEERFIELD PEOPLE ARE SPECIAL ... The consensus is that a 10% return on surveys is a good return. Now, why should that be so? Why can't we reasonably expect a 90% return... especially when the problem being surveyed is flooding? The results of our current survey are vital to every Deerfield homeowner. Won't you contribute to a 90% return? We know our people are unique - here's a chance to prove it! But do it now, before you forget. ENERGY TIP 'If every dishwasher user in cAgft the country (and in the city, too) cut out just one load a week, we'd save almost 15 mil- lion kilowatt hours of electricity every day -- or the equivalent of about 9000 barrels of oil! ********** The Energy Advisory Council wants you to know that there are energy saving tips available at the Village Hall. Heaven knows, we can all use help in saving energy and cutting down on those utility bills! SURVEY ON FLOODING WE URGENTLY NEED THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM YOU TO HELP US WORK TOWARD A SOLUTION TO THE FLOODING PROBLEMS, PLEASE TAKE TIME TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY, NAME ADDRESS PHONE 1, HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED AT THIS ADDRESS? 2, IS YOUR GARAGE, BASEMENT, OTHER, LOCATED BELOW GRADE? YES Fil NO 3, HAVE YOU HAD ANY BACKUPS FROM THE SANITARY SEWER? fl YES ED NO 4, WHERE DID THE BACKUP ENTER (floor drain, sink, shower stall, etc.)? • 5, HOW DEEP WAS THE SEWAGE? 6, APPROXIMATE DATE(S): 7, DO YOU HAVE AN OVERHEAD SANITARY SEWER? Q YES NO DON'T KNOW _ 8, WAS YOUR ELECTRICAL SERVICE INTERRUPTED DURING FLOODING? [j YES F1 NO 9, HAVE YOU HAD ANY STORM WATER FLOODING? YES n NO 10, WHERE DID IT ENTER (basement walls, window wells, doors, sump, etc.)? 11, HOW DEEP WAS THE WATER? C] LESS THAN 6" MORE THAN 12" 0 OVER 5' 12, DID YOU HAVE STORM WATER FLOODING IN THE RAINSTORM OF JULY FIDECEMBER 13, HAVE YOU HAD STORM WATER FLOODING DURING OTHER STORMS? YES M NO WHEN? 14, DO YOU HAVE A SUMP PUMP? YES M N0, HOW MANY? 15. WHERE DOES IT DISCHARGE? a YARD E:] STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER 16. DOES YOUR HOME HAVE A FLOOD CONTROL SYSTEM? YES NO 17, COMMENTS: MAIL OR BRING YOUR COMPLETED SURVEY TO THE.VILLAGE.HALL,,,PLEASE! _ VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Fire Department .....................945-2121 Police Department ...................945-2131 Village Hall.........................945-5000 BERNARD FORREST, Mayor TRUSTEES Marvin W. Ehlers Edwin Seidman Jerold Heisler Vernon Swanson Cynthia Marty J. Robert York POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield. Illinois CAR/PRE-SORT Printed at Standard Printing Service, Inc. (312) 498-6126