Vol. 35, No. 5 - Sep/Oct 2013Community Services Day - New Look, New Location Community Services Day, a cooperative venture of the Village of Deerfield, Deerfield Park District, and the Police and Fire Departments of Deerfield and Bannockburn, will be celebrating its 9th anniversary with a new look and new location. The event will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2013, from 9 a.m. to noon at Jewett Park, complementing the ever-popular Deerfield Farmers Market. It will kick-off with a Colors Presentation by the Boy Scouts at 9 a.m. and will be followed by a fun-filled day celebrating many of our Community Services. Events will include a “Community TOUCH-A-TRUCK,” Pet Vaccines & Micro-chipping at the Jewett Pavilion near Hazel Ave., live music and a SWALCO electronics collection at Deerfield Public Works, 465 Elm Street. The Deerfield Farmers Market will observe its usual hours of 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars and watch for more information forthcoming now through mid-September. For details about “Community Touch-A- Truck” or the Colors Presentation, contact Mary Anne Glowacz at the Deerfield Police Department at 847.945.8636. For information about Pet Vaccines/ Microchipping, contact Linda Anderson at the Deerfield Park District at 847.572.2615. For more information related to the SWALCO Electronics Collection or the Farmers Market, please call the Deerfield Village Manager’s Office at 847.719.7400. e D-Tales Your Municipal News Source September/October 2013Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 Visit us online at www.deerfield.il.us Meeting Schedule Meeting times/dates subject to change For a complete list of meetings, please visit www.deerfield.il.us September Village Center Development Comm. September 11, 7:30 p.m. Plan Commission September 12 & 26, 7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees September 16, 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts Commission September 16, 6:00 p.m. Appearance Review Commission September 23, 7:30 p.m. Sustainability Commission September 26, 7:00 p.m. October Village Center Development Comm. October 2, 7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees October 7 & 21, 7:30 p.m. Family Days Commission October 7, 4:00 p.m. Fine Arts Commission October 7, 6:00 p.m. Community Relations Commission October 9, 7:00 p.m. Plan Commission October 10 & 24, 7:30 p.m. Sustainability Commission October 24, 7:00 p.m. Appearance Review Commission October 28, 7:30 p.m. Police Pension Board October 28, 6:00 p.m. A Message From Mayor Harriet Rosenthal Regarding Recent Boil Water Order The safety of our residents and water customers is one of our primary responsibilities and the security and integrity of the Village’s potable water supply is paramount to that. Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, it did result in a boil water order and, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation. We routinely monitor for drinking water contaminants. We take 20 routine samples per month to test for the presence of coliform bacteria. Two of the five samples taken on August 8 showed the presence of fecal coliform bacteria and the three repeat samples taken on August 9 showed the presence of total coliform bacteria. The standard is that no more than one sample per month can contain this indicator bacteria. The test results from August 8 and since indicate that there was little if any problem in the distribution of our water supply to our residents and businesses. Other locations Continued on Page 2 Vol. 35, No. 5 check it out! Page 2: • 2013 Street Rehabilitation Project Page 3: • Reverse 9-1-1 Emergency Notification Page 6: • Halloween Hoopla! Page 7: • Invasion of the Pumpkins 2 villageNEWS Message from the Mayor Continued from Page 1 tested the same day were clear. Re-tests have also been clear and the amount of residual chlorine present in all the samples taken August 8 and since has been substantial, which shows that there was continuing treatment of the water in the system. This problem has been resolved and no bacteria have been found in any subsequent testing. What does this mean? A boil water order was issued on August 12, 2013, and lifted on August 14, 2013. The boil water order was implemented as a preventative measure due to fecal coliform bacteria being found in two water samples. Fecal coliform is bacteria whose presence indicates that the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes. Microbes in these wastes can cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches, or other symptoms. Coliform bacteria are generally not harmful themselves. Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of potential problems. Usually, coliforms are a sign that there could be a problem with the system’s treatment or distribution system (pipes). Whenever we detect coliform bacteria in any sample, we do follow-up testing to see if other bacteria of greater concern, such as fecal coliform or E. coli, are present. Emergency Notification The Village is also investigating ways to improve emergency notification. Please see the article on Page 3 for more information about signing up for the Connect CTY reverse 9-1-1 system. What happened? What was done? Although the source of the contamination has not been determined, the Village is taking steps to reduce the chance of future contamination. If the source is discovered, that information will be shared with the public. The Village of Deerfield continues to chlorinate the water system. We have contracted with a backflow prevention specialist to further investigate the potential contamination source and locate vulnerabilities in the water distribution system. The Village of Deerfield has 44 registered water sampling sites throughout the Village. All registered testing sites are being re-evaluated under the supervision of the IEPA. The IEPA agrees that the Village was not aware that the routine distribution coliform samples collected on August 8 were positive for fecal coliform until August 12 and the notification was issued within the required time frame. After evaluating multiple area Illinois Department of Public Health accredited labs, the Village has decided to change to the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, Lake Bluff, as the water sampling lab to test the Village’s water supply. Notably, this lab conducts an IDPH accredited Colilert test that can confirm Total Coliform and E. coli in 18 to 24 hours and is preferred to the 48-hour membrane filtration method. The lab has 12 IDPH certified technicians and is a fully staffed on Saturdays and Sundays. The IEPA Division of Public Water Supplies has reviewed the Village’s Standard Operating Procedures for Water System Sampling (SOP) and provided recommendations that are now in effect. All of the Village’s actions will be reviewed by the IEPA and we welcome that review. If any appropriate follow up actions with personnel or procedures are necessary, as a result of the IEPA’s review, they will be taken and reported. Harriet E. Rosenthal, Mayor e 2013 Street Rehabilitation Project Underway The Village of Deerfield is pleased to announce that the 2013 Street Rehabilitation Project is underway. The purpose of this project is to reconstruct and/or rehabilitate the existing Village- owned infrastructure on several streets throughout the Village. The following locations were selected for the project this year: • Bayberry Lane from Appletree Lane to Pine Street • Bent Creek Ridge from Carriage Way to Carriage Way • Carriage Way from Deerfield Road to Bent Creek Ridge • Cherry Street from Greenwood Avenue to Somerset Avenue • Springfield Avenue from Fair Oaks Avenue to Hazel Avenue • Timberhill Road from Bayberry Lane to Charing Cross Road Construction will be underway at various locations simultaneously. When concrete curbs, driveway aprons, and concrete sidewalks are being installed, residents may not have access to their driveways and the road will be closed to through traffic. Residents will be advised to park their vehicles on adjacent streets during construction hours, weekdays 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., or in front of their homes after construction hours. All parkway areas disturbed by construction activity will be restored. Construction is expected to near completion by November 15, 2013. The Village of Deerfield website will have weekly updates regarding construction progress; the website can be viewed at www. deerfield.il.us. Residents are able to sub- scribe to location specific email notifica- tions by visiting www.DeerfieldProjectMan- ager.com . For more information, contact the Village of Deerfield Engineering Department at 847.317.2490. e 3 policeDEPARTMENT Sign up for Deerfield’s Emergency Notification System Residents and businesses are encouraged to sign up for Connect CTY, the Village’s emergency notification system. The system has the ability to notify the Deerfield popu- lation in a matter of minutes. Connect CTY delivers emergency informa- tion directly to your phone via voice, TTY, text, and by email. There is a portal on the Village website: www.deerfield.il.us (see below) that will allow you to sign up. A community-wide test call will be con- ducted on Thursday, September 26, 2013, at 11:45 a.m. to ensure that residents are better aware of the Connect CTY service. Residents can provide their correct phone numbers and email addresses should they not receive the test message. If you do not have access to the internet, you may complete the below form and mail it to the Deerfield Police Department, 850 Wauke- gan Road, Deerfield, IL 60015. Most listed phone numbers are automati- cally entered into the system; however un- listed numbers and new residents may need to confirm their phone number is in the da- tabase. Phone numbers are also added each month from 28 different public sources. Users can input additional phone and cell numbers (text too), email addresses, and a TTY number for the hearing-impaired. The account must be tied to a valid street ad- dress in the Village of Deerfield. During the recent boil order, a Connect CTY message was sent out to more than 10,000 Deerfield phones and emails. How does the service work? Authorized officials compose, record, text, email, and deliver the message. Caller-ID will show: Village of Deerfield 847.945.5000. ***Important- The system is voice- acti- vated. When you receive a call, it will not deploy until you speak. Simply say “hello” to hear the emergency message*** What types of messages will be sent? Any message regarding the safety or welfare of our community may be disseminated. Will Connect CTY work on my an- swering machine and/or if I have a call screening system on my phone? Answering machines need to have a voice recording to prompt the emergency mes- sage and some call screening devices will not accept pre-programed recordings, such as Connect CTY. One way to remedy this is to sign-up your cell phone and email. How does the system respond to busy signals or no-answer situations? For busy signals, the call will be repeated several times in an attempt to reach you. The same is true for No-answer and Call- waiting. If a message recorder answers the phone, the message will be left on the answering device. If after several attempts the call does not successfully go through, the system will stop attempting to call. How can I check to see if I am in the system? So that we can protect your information, the system does not allow you to search subscribers. If you are unsure as to whether you are in the system, sign up on the web- site and be assured that when an emergency call is placed, you will be contacted only once. Better safe than sorry. If you have any questions, contact Mary Anne Glowacz, Communications Director at 847.945.8636 or via email at mglowacz@ deerfield.il.us. e Directions: Please indicate which phone numbers and email addresses you want us to use when contacting you through the Connect CTY alert and notification service. Fill in all available numbers and e-mail addresses on the lines provided. NOTE: Emergency messages will go to ALL available numbers. Check the box next to the phone number if you would like to receive a text message at that number. First Name: Last Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Primary Phone Number: Alternate Phone Number: Alternate Phone Number: If you use a TTY or TDD device, please list the appropriate phone for those messages on the line below: Primary E-Mail Address: Secondary E-Mail Address: Text Message? 4 boardREPORT communityCALENDAR Deerfield Park District Moonlight Golf at Deerfield Golf Club, September 20 Club Championship Weekend at Deer- field Golf Club, September 27 - 29 Healthy Lifestyle Expo at Sachs Rec- reation Center (with DBR Chamber), October 12 Columbus Day – School’s Out Program: Apple Holler Trip, October 14 Institute Day – School’s Out program: Ceramics & Bowling Festival, October 15 Oktoberfest at Patty Turner Center, October 17 Middle School Students - Hoopla Party at Sachs Recreation Center, October 18 Super Seniors (IL Secretary of State) at Patty Turner Center, October 24 Golf Customer VIP Appreciation Open House at Deerfield Golf Club, October 25 Halloween Hoopla at Jewett Park / Com- munity Center, October 25-26 For more information or to register for Park District programs, call 847.945.0650, or visit www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org Deerfield Public Library All Library programs are free and open to the public. Please register in advance by phone at 847.945.3311 or in person at the Library. Adult Programs The College Essay or How to Keep an Admissions Officer Awake Wednesday, September 18, 7 – 8:30 p.m. For the college bound Internet Basics Thursday, September 19, 1 – 2:30 p.m. Free PSAT Practice Test Saturday, September 21, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Meet Zinio – The Library’s New Digital Magazine Collection Wednesday, September 25, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Annie Hall – Film and Discussion Thursday, September 26, Film starts at 6 p.m., discussion follows Houdini – His Life and Legend Saturday, September 28, 1 – 2:30 p.m. Word Basics Thursday, October 3, 1- 2 p.m. Healthy Gluten-Free Living Saturday, October 5, 1:30 – 3 p.m. Book Discussion: Seating Arrangements Thursday, October 10, 10:30 a.m. Excel Basics Thursday, October 10, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Meet the K-9 Comfort Dogs, All ages Saturday, October 12, 1 – 3 p.m. Basic Knitting Adults and Teens Every Wednesday, October 16 – Novem- ber 6, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Surfing the Library Catalog Thursday, October 17, 1 – 2 p.m. Be Scared – Be VERY VERY Scared… THE HAUNTING Adults and teens 12 and over Saturday, October 19, 2 – 3 p.m. Get Pinning! Learn about Pinterest Thursday, October 24, 1 – 2 p.m. Manhattan – Film and Discussion Thursday, October 24, film starts at 6 p.m. discussion follows College of Lake County Visit Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m. – Noon Drop in program Kids and Family Programs Drop-In Activities for children and their parent or caregiver Family Times Saturdays, September 7 – November 23, 10 a.m. Drop-in Craft Wednesday, October 23, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Trick-or-Treat the Youth Services Dept. Tuesday, October 31, 3:30 – 7 p.m. Baby Lapsit Storytime Ages 0 – 12 months Fridays at 10:30 a.m., September 6 and 20, October 4 and 18 Fun for Ones Ages 13 – 23 months Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., September 10, 17, and 24, October 1, 8 and 15 Time for Twos Ages 24-35 months; Thursdays at 10:30 a.m., September 12, 19, and 26, October 3, 10, and 17 Preschool Pals 3-year-olds Mondays at 10:30 a.m., September 9, 16, 23, and 30, October 7, and 14 Ready to Read Ages 4 – 5 years, but not yet in Kinder- garten; Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or 1 p.m., September 11, 18, and 25, October 2, 9, and 16 After School Stories Grades K-2 (Caregivers must remain in the Library) Thursdays at 4:30 p.m., September 12, 19, and 26, October 3, 10, and 17 Evening Storytime Families with children ages 2 – 6 Wednesdays at 7 p.m., September 11, 18, and 25, October 2, 9, and 16 Meet and Greet with all Homeschool Families Monday, September 23, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Super Stolie is Here! Saturday, September 28, 11 a.m. Family show for all ages Read to Rover: A Special Storytime Children ages 5 and up and their families. Saturday, October 5, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Creepy Fun!!! Ages 7 – Teen Thursday, October 17, 7 – 8:30 p.m. For more information and a full listing of events, please visit the library on the web at www.deerfieldlibrary.org West Deerfield Township Township Board meetings will be held September 17 and October 15 at the Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. Visit www.westdeerfieldtownship.org The following is a synopsis of actions taken by the Village Board since the last issue of D-Tales. For complete sets of minutes for Village Board meetings or to watch meetings on demand, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield.il.us. Village Board Action Approved ordinance regulating the ownership and possession of assault weapons Approved ordinance authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement for Woodview Residences at Parkway North Approved a special use to permit the establishment of a yoga studio at 710 Robert York Ave. Authorized purchase of police vehicle equipment Authorized agreement with Township High School District #113 for a School Resource Officer Authorized purchase of a 5 million gallon per day pump for the Richfield Road pumping station Authorized the award of Phase II Engineering Design contract to Gewalt Hamilton for the Briarwood Vista Reconstruction Project Approved ordinance authorizing restaurants that hold a Class C or Class E liquor license to offer BYOB service Approved an ordinance authorizing intergovernmental agreements to provide police dispatching services to the Village of Riverwoods 5 publicWORKS Chicago River within Deerfield can be pre- dicted days in advance, giving ample warning for preparation and evacuation. In the event of a flash flood due to a large rain event, you may be the first to notice the oncoming situation so please notify the Village Police Department/Fire District. You may also tune your radio to WGN-720 AM and WBBM-780 AM for local and national weather updates. You will also see regular interruption on local radio and television stations advising you of the situation. If you should require further or more de- tailed information regarding flood-related issues in Deerfield, here are some additional sources: • FEMA.gov website • Deerfield Engineering Department 850 Waukegan Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 847.317.2490 • Floodplain FAQ page on the www.deerfield. il.us • Deerfield Public Library e Fall Leaf Collection The Village’s annual leaf collection program provides residents with an alternative for disposal of their autumn leaves. Residents who do not mulch or bag their leaves may simply rake leaves to the curb or carriage walk line the night before their scheduled pickup. Beginning the week of October 28 and continuing through November 22, Public Works Department crews will make one pass by each house in the Village every week during the 4-week program. Here are some reminders for leaf pickup: • Do not park on the street the day of your pickup. • Do not rake grass clippings, sticks, rocks, branches or mud to the curb with your leaves. • Try to put leaves out each week, if pos sible. • Inclement weather may delay pickups, but crews will make at least four trips through your neighborhood. For more information call the Public Works Department at 847.317.7245 e Flood Information: Installment 3 of 3: Natural & Beneficial Functions Floodplains play a valuable role in provid- ing natural and beneficial functions to the area around, and including, Deerfield. Floodplains that are relatively undisturbed provide a wide range of benefits to both human and natural systems. These ben- efits provide aesthetic pleasure as well as function to provide active processes such as filtering nutrients. Parts of both the Middle and West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River floodplain are used as a means to filter chemical run-off so that these areas can maintain bio-diversity and ecosystem sustainability. Both floodplains contain historic and ar- cheological sites that provide opportunity for education and study. They enhance waterfowl, fish and other wildlife habitats and provide feeding/breeding grounds. And lastly, both floodplains provide natural erosion control and open space so further flooding damage does not occur. Drainage System Maintenance As simple as it may sound, simply keeping smaller ditches and streams free of debris can dramatically improve the run-off ca- pacity of low-lying areas, as well as greatly reduce incidental blockage that signifi- cantly contributes to flooding. Please note that it is illegal to dump materials into a required waterway and violators may be fined. If you see some- one in the act of dumping or see debris in one of our watercourses, please contact the Village Engineering Department at 847.317.2490. Flood Warning System Many times, flooding along the West and Middle Forks of the North Branch of the Leaf Collection Zones This map delineates collection routes and days. Questions may be directed to Public Works at 847.317.7245. 6 communityINFO Historic Village Fall Fest & Car Show The 38th Annual Deerfield Historical Society Fall Festival will be held Sunday, September 22, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Deerfield Historic Village, 517 Deerfield Rd. Tour the oldest building in Lake Coun- ty. Enjoy the 7th annual classic car show and live entertainment. Dear Franks will provide food and a vintage Good Humor truck will offer treats. The family-friendly event will feature activities for kids includ- ing traditional games, face painting, and vis- iting a one-room schoolhouse. Admission is free. The Deerfield Area Historical Society, a donor-supported, nonprofit organization, created and maintains the Historic Village, which is open on Sundays, 2-4 p.m. through September. For more information, please call 847.948.0680 or email deerfieldhistory@ gmail.com e Attention Car Collectors A special invitation is extended to Deerfield area residents to display their antique or classic car at the Fall Festival on September 22. Cars from the 1970s and earlier are welcome. Please note this is a showcase for vehicles, not a competition. For car show information, please call 847.948.0680 or email scramer724@yahoo. com e Crafters & Artisans Invited Crafters, artisans and traditional craft dem- onstrators are also invited to participate in the Fall Festival. Please call 847.948.0680 or email deerfield- history@gmail.com to participate e Halloween Hoopla Halloween Hoopla Weekend: Friday, October 25, and Saturday, October 26 Location: Jewett Park / Community Center, 836 Jewett Park Drive, Deerfield – 847-945-0650; www.deerfieldparks.org Friday, October 25 & Saturday, October 26, 7:00-9:00 p.m.: Haunted House, Disc Jockeys; Bonfire in the Park; Movie in the Park & MORE! Saturday, October 26, 3:00-6:00 p.m.: Costumed Characters; Games; Inflatable/ other “rides;” Balloon Twisters; Hay- ride; Craft Room; Face Painting; Variety Entertainment; Food Tasting and on sale; “Lights-On” Haunted House for children under 7 years of age; and MORE! 10th Annual Healthy Lifestyle Expo Nov. 2 The DBR Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Patty Turner Center will host the 10th Annual Healthy Lifestyle Expo on Saturday, November 2, 2013, from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Sachs Recre- ation Center in Deerfield. This expo will feature fun for the whole family and there is no charge to attend. This year’s expo, sponsored by West Deerfield Township and Walgreens, will include fitness demonstrations, healthy cooking demonstrations, free sampling of healthy snacks, and kids activities includ- ing the Chicago Sky Guy Basketball Shoot. Walgreens will provide free flu shots and a pneumonia vaccine will be available to those over 65 years of age with Medicare part B. More than 30 exhibitors with products and services targeted at all ages will be in atten- dance. Admission to the expo is free. For more information about attending or ex- hibiting, call the DBR Chamber of Commerce at 847.945.4660 or visit www.dbrchamber. com. e Upcoming Events @ PTC For more information on programs, or to register to be a member, please call the Patty Turner Center at 847.940. 4010 or visit www.deerfieldseniors.org. SEPTEMBER September 11 and 25, Adult Caregiver Edu- cation & Support Group September 11, PTC Book Club September 12,, September Artist Opening: September 15, 4-Hands Piano Concert September 17, The Constitutional Conven- tion of 1787 September 20, “The Changing Islamic World” September 23, “Sixty Minutes” – Gerald Ford September 24, Bob Levi “Classical Music in Pop Culture with some Jewish Influences” September 24, The Illinois Audobon Society September 27, “Friday with Friends” NEW social gathering group with lunch/soda September 30, “Sixty Minutes” – George Bush OCTOBER October 1, Insight into Robotics October 1, Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Testing October 9 & 23, Adult Caregiver Education & Support Group October 8, Maxwell Street Memories October 8, PTC Women’s Club “Estee: A Success Story” October 15, Movers & Shakers of Chicago Part II October 15, Medicare Open Enrollment. Consultation by Appointment October 15, Oktober Fest October 16, Gardening for Life enrichment October 21, “Sixty Minutes” ~ Jay Leno October 22, City of Ghosts October 24, IL Secretary of State “Super Seniors” October 28, “Sixty Minutes” ~ David Letter- man October 29, Chicago’s Sweet Candy History e 7 villageNEWS Overnight Parking Deerfield Municipal code prohibits parking any vehicle on any street for a period of time longer than thirty (30) minutes be- tween the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day, except physicians on emergency calls and those persons who shall have prior permission from the Deerfield Police Department. Any person desiring permission to park within the prescribed hours must contact the Police Department to receive permis- sion, except that no such permission will be granted for parking within twelve (12) hours of a snowfall of three inches (3”) or more as set forth in Section 22-71. Permis- sion is limited to the overnight parking of twelve (12) vehicles, in the aggregate, to the members of a single household during any twelve (12) month period. For more information contact the Deerfield Police Department at 847.945.8636 e Drug Take-Back and Disposal Program The Deerfield Police Department will again be participating in the Drug Enforcement Agencies (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, October 26, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Police Department, 850 Waukegan Road. This is a great opportunity for residents to drop off unused or expired prescription medication for proper disposal. Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue, and can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose, abuse and environmental harm. Most abused prescription drugs come from the supplies of family and friends. The Deerfield Police Department’s participation with both the Take-Back program as well as the Save-a-Star program demonstrate our commitment to our mission to provide professional and ethical service to our citizens while proactively identifying risks to Deerfield’s quality of life. For more information contact the Deerfield Police Department at 847.945.8636 e October 5 Pumpkin Parade 9:45 start Pumpkin Ceremony 10:30 a.m. Hayrides 11:00-3:00 Village Music Store ROCK JAM 11:00-3:00 American English- Band 1:00-2:30 Face Painting 10:00-3:00 Balloon Animals 10:00-3:00 Free Popcorn Family Movie Night- Beetlejuice 7:00 p.m. October 12 Pumpkin Painting 11:00-12:00 A-Z Entertainment 12:00-3:00 Jessie White Tumblers 1:00 Auto Concourse 10:00-3:00 Face Painting 10:00-3:00 Balloon Animals 10:00-3:00 Free Popcorn Family Movie Night- Monsters, Inc. 7:00 p.m. October 19 Restaurants on the Square 11:00-1:00 Shirley King and Blue Road 1:00-2:30 Street Performers 10:00-3:00 Auto Concourse 10:00-3:00 Face Painting 10:00-3:00 Balloon Animals 10:00-3:00 Free Popcorn Family Movie Night- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 7:00 p.m. October 26 A-Z Entertainment 11:30-2:30 Cupcake Decorations w/ Whole Foods 11:00-12:00 Pie Eating Contest 12:00 Halloween Hound Parade 2:00 Face Painting 10:00-3:00 Balloon Animals 10:00-3:00 Free Popcorn Charity Awards Ceremony 2:30 Halloween Hoopla at Jewett Park 3:00 Family Movie Night- The Birds 7:00 p.m. Invasion of the Pumpkins Schedule of Events Activities will take place throughout downtown Invasion of the Pumpkins For Charity Every Saturday in October The Village of Deerfield has partnered with the DBR Chamber of Commerce, CRM Properties and downtown merchants to hold “The Invasion of the Pumpkins” for charity. Throughout October, a number of large fiberglass pumpkins painted by local residents and Deerfield High School students will be placed around down- town Deerfield. The Invasion of the Pumpkins will usher in a month of activities, special events, live entertainment, outdoor movies and retail promo- tions every Saturday in October. Fabricated by the makers of Chicago’s Cows on Parade, each pumpkin will feature a local charity and have a coin slot for donations. Look for a mailer with more details. For more information, call the Village Manager’s Office at 847.719.7400. e lastPAGE Village Officials: Mayor: Harriet E. Rosenthal - 847.945.3545 Email: harrietrose@comcast.net Trustees: Robert L. Benton - 847.945.1570 Email: bobbenton@prodigy.net Alan L. Farkas - 847.374.9592 Email: alfafoxtrot1@gmail.com Thomas L. Jester - 847.945.6489 Email: tapjester@yahoo.com Robert D. Nadler - 847.948.5131 Email: Robert.D.Nadler@gmail.com William S. Seiden - 847.945.2442 Email: wss5@comcast.net Barbara J. Struthers - 847.940.0917 Email: bjstruthers@bjsltd.net Village Manager: Kent S. Street - 847.719.7400 Email: kstreet@deerfield.il.us Village Hall/Police Department 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847.945.5000 (Switchboard and Finance) 847.719.7484 (Community Development) 847.945.8636 (Police non-emergency) Public Works and Engineering 465 Elm Street 847.317.7245 847.317.2490 (Engineering) PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois D-Tales 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Shop L o c a l and Sa v e! Board m e e t i n g s are str e a m e d l i v e a n d availab l e o n - d e m a n d a t www.d e e r f i e l d. i l. u s Know the Law for Open Burning In the Village of Deerfield, the open burning of leaves, brush, trimmings from trees or bushes, paper, garbage, refuse, waste or other combustible material on any property, public or private, is unlawful. However, this prohibition on open burning does not ap- ply to outdoor grills or fires in outdoor fireplaces that meet the following requirements: • A portable fireplace or fire pit shall not be operated within five feet of any property line. Any fire pit or fireplace with a foundation or that is embedded in the ground shall be located not less than ten feet from any property line. • Outdoor fireplaces and fire pits shall be located on a noncombustible surface while in operation. • Only charcoal, natural or propane gas, commercial fire logs or dry and seasoned firewood may be burned or used as fuel in an outdoor fireplace or fire pit. • No outdoor fireplace or fire pit may be operated without adult supervision and a readily available means for extinguishing burning materials. The fire shall be com- pletely extinguished prior to leaving the fireplace or fire pit unsupervised. Dogs Are Required To Be Leashed All dogs in the Village are required to be leashed. No owner or any person entitled to the custody of any dog shall permit the dog to be at large or to confine the dog in a manner so that it can escape and be at large, unless the dog is securely confined upon a leash of sufficient strength not more than three feet (3’) and accompanied by any able bodied person capable of controlling the actions of the dog under any circumstance. Any person, firm or corporation in violation of the leash ordinance shall be fined not less than $10.00 for the first such offense; and shall not be fined less than $25.00 for the second such offense; and shall be fined not less than $50.00 for the third offense and all subsequent offenses within a one year period. Remember to pick up after your pets and properly dispose of animal waste. Be courte- ous to your neighbors and only dispose of animal waste in your own garbage receptacle. For more information, please view the Deerfield Municipal Code at www.deerfield.il.us e