Vol. 29, No. 5 - Sep/Oct 2007Public Meeting Schedule Meeting times/dates subject to change. September: BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess September 4 and 17, 7:30 p.m. VViillllaaggee CCeenntteerr DDeevveellooppmmeenntt CCoommmm.. September 5, 7:30 p.m. CCoommmmuunniittyy RReellaattiioonnss CCoommmmiissssiioonn September 11, 7:00 p.m. PPllaann CCoommmmiissssiioonn September 13 and 27, 7:30 p.m. CCaabbllee aanndd TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCoommmm.. September 18, 7:30 p.m. AAppppeeaarraannccee RReevviieeww CCoommmmiissssiioonn September 24, 7:30 p.m. SSaaffeettyy CCoouunncciill September 25, 7:30 p.m. October: BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess October 1 and 15, 7:30 p.m. VViillllaaggee CCeenntteerr DDeevveellooppmmeenntt CCoommmm.. October 3, 7:30 p.m. CCoommmmuunniittyy RReellaattiioonnss CCoommmmiissssiioonn October 9, 7:00 p.m. PPllaann CCoommmmiissssiioonn October 11 and 25, 7:30 p.m. CCaabbllee aanndd TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCoommmm.. October 16, 7:30 p.m. AAppppeeaarraannccee RReevviieeww CCoommmmiissssiioonn October 22, 7:30 p.m. SSaaffeettyy CCoouunncciill October 23, 7:30 p.m. Community Services Day A cooperative effort between the Village of Deerfield, the Deerfield Bannockburn Fire Protection District, the Deerfield Park District, and the Deerfield and Bannockburn Police Departments, the 3rd Annual Community Services Day is a free, community-wide event for residents of all ages. The festivities will be held on Saturday, September 15 from noon to 4:00 p.m. at Brickyards Park and the Patty Turner Senior Center in Deerfield. Now in its third year, Community Services Day was spearheaded by local government agencies to help promote services offered by the many local agencies and organizations that serve the community. This event is a unique opportunity for residents to see demonstrations and learn about the programs and services that these local agencies offer. Throughout the day there will be demonstrations, exhibits and activities. These include a live landing of the Flight for Life medical helicopter, a police dog demonstration, “Touch-a-Truck” featuring Fire, Police, and Public Works vehicles, mascot race and various other types of entertainment. Food will be available for purchase throughout the day. A passenger/child safety seat checkpoint will be offered from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The Village will also be hosting a September / October 2007 Vol. 29, No. 5 Deerfield Welcomes New Village Manager, Kent Street At the June 18 Board of Trustees meeting, Kent S. Street was appointed as Deerfield’s new village manager. He will officially begin in this capacity on Monday, September 17. Kent will return to Deerfield where he got his start in local government administration. Originally hired as Administrative Intern in the village in 1986, he was promoted to Assistant to the Village Manager in 1988, a position he held until hired by Lake Bluff as Village Administrator in 1993. Kent replaces Bob Franz who retired in June after 28 years as Village Manager. Village Board Approves Window Signage Ordinance At its meeting July 2, the Board of Trustees approved a window sign ordinance regulating signs on commercial property. Signage placed in windows of commercial businesses may not exceed 20% of the total window area; additional area is allowed for temporary signage such as informational, political and Deerfield community event signs. The purpose of these regulations is to promote the high aesthetic values that make Deerfield a desirable place to shop and to contribute to the success of our commercial community. A copy of the ordinance is available online at www.deerfield-il.org. Check it Out! PPaaggee 22:: • Leaf Collection Schedule PPaaggee 33:: • Public Works Information PPaaggee 55 • Citizens’ Police Academy PPaaggee 66 • Gas Can Replacement and Lawncare Buyback Program Continued on Page 6 Join us for another great day of fun and learning on September 15! D-TALES Your Municipal News Source Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847/945-5000 Visit us online at www.deerfield-il.org villageNEWS Page 2 Leaf Collection The Village’s annual leaf collection program provides residents with another alternative for disposal of their autumn leaves. Residents who do not mulch or bag their leaves may simply rake leaves to the curb or carriage walk line the night before their scheduled pickup. BBeeggiinnnniinngg tthhee wweeeekk ooff OOccttoobbeerr 2222 aanndd ccoonnttiinnuuiinngg tthhrroouugghh NNoovveemmbbeerr 1166,,Public Works Department crews will make one pass by each house in the Village each week during the 4-week program. We ask that you please not put out leaves more than one day prior to your scheduled pickup day. Village crews utilize vacuum hose machines to pick up leaves. Leaves should be raked in long neat rows that do not exceed 5 feet in width. They should be raked as close to the curb as possible, so long as they are nnoott placed in the street or on top of carriage walks or sidewalks. Doing this causes safety hazards to pedestrians and drivers as sidewalks and carriage walks become impassable, forcing pedestrians into the street. Below are listed some helpful reminders for leaf pickup: •Do not park your vehicle on the street on the day of your pickup. Crews cannot remove leaves on a parkway that is blocked by a vehicle parked on the street. •Do not rake grass clippings, sticks, rocks, branches, mud or other debris to the curb with your leaves. These materials clog and damage the equipment used for collecting leaves. If these items are found, the leaves will not be removed. Village Hall Open On July 23, the Administration and Finance Departments opened for business in the new wing of the village hall. The former village hall space will be renovated to make room for the Community Development Department, which is currently located at the Deerfield- Bannockburn Fire Station at 500 Waukegan Road. Community Development is expected to move into the new village hall by the end of the year, which will mark the first time in over 35 years that the Administration, Finance, Community Development and Police departments will be under one roof. Please pardon our dust as we complete the second phase of construction. Once complete, the new village hall will help staff to provide Deerfield residents and businesses the consistent high quality of service they have come to expect from the Village. For more information, please visit www.deerfield-il.org. •Try to put leaves out each week, if possible, so that crews are not overloaded at the end of the program. •If a crew starts to pick up in an area before they are scheduled to do so, they will also return on the scheduled day. •Inclement weather may delay pickups, but crews will make at least four trips through your neighborhood. Following the final pickup in your neighborhood, remaining leaves must be bagged and a yard waste sticker adhered for regular refuse collections on Mondays and Tuesdays. December 10 and 11 will be the last yard waste pickups this year. For more information, please contact the Public Works Department at 847/317-7245. Leaf Pickup Zones This map delineates individual pickup routes and days. Questions can be directed to Public Works at 847/317-7245. Now Online - Village Board Packets On August 6, the Board of Trustees officially went “paperless”. Not only does this save countless pages of printed materials, it also allows residents to view agenda packets online. Visit www.deerfield-il.org to view each packet. New Dropbox There is a new bill payment box at the Village Hall. The box is located in the median south of Village Hall, in the westbound lane just before the stop sign. The box is for village bill payments only. publicWORKS Page 3 Special Report: Protecting Deerfield’s Urban Forest The past year has seen an influx in tree related diseases. Between the gypsy moth, the Emerald Ash Borer, and Dutch Elm Disease, residents of the Village have cause for concern about their trees. The Village, in partnership with Urban Forest Management, has completed a tree survey to inspect trees for Dutch Elm Disease, signs of the Emerald Ash Borer and for gypsy moth infestation. Dutch Elm Disease This year’s tree survey found a number of trees infected with Dutch Elm Disease (DED). A pink dot was spraypainted on trees found to be infected with DED, and a letter was sent to those residents notifying them that the tree will need to be removed. Trees on public property will be removed by the agency responsible for it. By ordinance, trees infected with DED must be removed when they are found to be infected. The Village would like to extend a thank you to residents and business that complied in removing diseased Dutch Elms in past years. Parting with an old tree can be a difficult thing to do, but it is a valuable deterrent in preventing the spread of disease. Emerald Ash Borer Last summer, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was spotted in Illinois. Since then, a quarantine zone has been put into effect for areas from the Illinois state line, west to I-39, south to I-80 and east to Indiana/Lake Michigan. The disposal or transfer of trees or branches from these areas to locations outside of the quarantine zone is prohibited. Due diligence is needed to prevent the spread of this invasive insect and to pay careful attention to ash trees in the surrounding area. While no traces of EAB have been found in Deerfield, it is important to remain on the lookout for signs of infestation. Please visit the Village’s website for more information. Gypsy Moth The State of Illinois Department of Agriculture placed three additional northern Illinois counties under quarantine to control the spread of the gypsy moth. Cook, DuPage, and McHenry counties were added to the quarantine area, joining Lake County, where the quarantine was first established in 2000. Under the quarantine, all nursery and lumber products must be inspected or certified before they can be transported out of the four counties. In addition, residents of these counties must personally inspect vehicles, tents, outdoor lawn furniture, bicycles, and other outdoor items for gypsy moth egg masses, live moths and caterpillars before taking them from the quarantine area. Adult gypsy moths don’t cause much harm to trees but caterpillars (the immature form of the moth) are another story. Like most caterpillars, gypsy moth caterpillars are ‘eating machines’ consuming as much as they can, as quickly as they can before they become adults. This caterpillar feeding period lasts seven to ten weeks. Gypsy moths are capable of feeding on over 500 different species of trees and plants, but they have a particular fondness for oak trees. It is impossible to completely rid an area of gypsy moths once they have passed through. Instead, homeowners should focus on keeping their trees as healthy as possible so they will survive gypsy moth infestations, and on keeping gypsy moth populations at manageable levels so little permanent damage is done. Destroying egg masses is an effective way homeowners can reduce gypsy moth populations. Egg masses are present from mid- summer through spring. The masses are around for nearly nine months, plenty of time to find and destroy them before eggs hatch in the spring. Each egg mass destroyed eliminates 400-500 caterpillars. Scrape them into a container of hot water and dish soap. Once the egg masses have soaked for approximately two hours dispose of them in the trash. Caution is urged because the hairs that coat the egg masses can cause allergic reactions. If you find signs of EAB or gypsy moth, or have questions regarding any of the above information, please contact the Public Works Department at 847/317-7245, or via email at dfldpw@deerfield-il.org. Also visit www.deerfield-il.org for additional information. Construction Updates Clavinia Subdivision Construction within the Clavinia subdivision has experienced minor delays due to recent weather conditions but drier weather should help the contractor get back on schedule. New water main and new service connections have been installed on Castlewood and Clavinia. Castlewood roadway reconstruction is nearing completion. Sapling Lane water main installation is now underway. Crabtree Lane The Crabtree reconstruction project is on schedule. Installation of sanitary, storm and water main have been completed, with the contractor beginning to place sub base and curb in preparation for roadway reconstruction. This project is expected to be complete by October 15, weather permitting. Mitchell Park Tennis Courts Additional work has been completed on the tennis court surfaces. The final sublayer was poured in early August. Subsequent layers will be poured as soon as the weather allows. The tennis court installation process is very weather sensitive, requiring moderate temperatures and no rain. Landscape restoration will be performed when the area is no longer needed for construction access. For further updates on all projects, please visit www.deerfield-il.org. Construction forecasts are posted on a weekly basis providing up to date details on work planned per location. Following is a synopsis of actions taken by the Village Board since the last issue of D-Tales. For complete sets of minutes for Village Board meetings, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield-il.org. Also, visit the website for complete meeting packets for each meeting of the Board of Trustees. Village Board Action •Approved an Ordinance Granting a Special Use for an Orthodontics Facility Located at 710 Robert York Avenue, Building 9, Deerfield Square •Approved an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Regulate Window Signs in the C-1 Village Center District and the C-2 Outlying Zoning Districts •Amended the Definition of “Drug Paraphernalia” in Section 15-67 of the Municipal Code •Awarded a Contract to Deerfield Electric to Replace Automatic Transfer Switches at Warwick Road and Wilmot Road Generators •Awarded a Contract to ABD Tank and Pump Co. to Repair Underground Storage Tanks at Deerfield and Wilmot Roads •Awarded a Contract to Gewalt Hamilton for Construction Engineering Services for Takeda Pharmaceuticals On-Grade Parking Lot Addition to be Reimbursed by Takeda •Approved a Request from the Police Department to Sell Surplus Motor Vehicles •Approved an Ordinance Granting a Variation for Certain Property Commonly Known as 1455 Greenwood Avenue •Awarded a Contract for Storage Yard Excavation Materials Removal Contract to PM Trucking •Approved a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement to Provide Concession Services at the Deerfield Train Station •Approved a Resolution Authorizing Application for a Grant Under the Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Litigation Cy Pres Committee’s General Authority to Make Such Grants •Awarded a Contract to Henderson & Co. for Waste Water Reclamation Facility Effluent Outfall Rehabilitation Project •Awarded Bid to Pedersen GMC for a 4-Wheel Drive Truck in Public Works Department •Awarded Bid to Pedersen GMC for two 4-Wheel Drive Trucks and Body Dumps in Public Works Department •Approved an Ordinance Granting a Special Use for the Expansion of the Starland Kids Entertainment Facility at 710 Robert York Avenue •Approved a Final Plat of Subdivision for the Property at 1340 Deerfield Road •Authorized a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Red Cross for Disaster Relief Assistance. boardREPORT communityCALENDAR Page 4 Deerfield Park District Deerspring Pool Closes September 3 Moonlight Golf Deerfield Golf Club September 7 Mudfest Jewett Park grounds September 9 Kelly Miller Circus Brickyards Park September 18 Columbus Day - Schools Out Program Jewett Park Community Center October 8 Mother/Daughter Night Jewett Park Community Center October 12 50+ Expo Patty Turner Senior Center October 13 Hoopla Dance Shepard Middle School October 19 For more information related to Park District event times, or to register for these or other Park District programs, please call 847/945-0650, or visit the Park District’s website at www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org. Deerfield Public Library The Deerfield Library Board of Trustees meets the third Wednesday of each month at 77::0000 pp..mm.. AAdduulltt PPrrooggrraammss:: Crime Scene at the Library, September 5, 7 p.m. Steve Justman on Guitar, September 16, 2 p.m. Adventures on U Boat 505, October, 3, 7 p.m. Conversations With a Poet, October 7, 2 p.m. Preserving Open Space in Lake County,October 17, 7 p.m. BBooookk DDiissccuussssiioonnss The Last Town on Earth, Thomas Mullen: September 6, 10:30 a.m. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, Kim Edwards: September 27, 7:30 p.m. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything, Steven D. Litt and Stephen J. Dubner: October 4, 7:30 p.m. Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai, October 11, 10:30 a.m. YYoouutthh PPrrooggrraammss:: National Library Card Sign Up Month - Flash Your Card!, September 1-30, All Ages. Toddler Time, Drop in September 7 & 27 and October 5 & 18; 10:30 a.m. Ages 18 months to 2 1/2 years. Fall Fun Fest, October 2, 7 p.m. All Ages (Children must be accompanied by an adult) Columbus Day Movie: Cars,October 8, 12 p.m. Dark is Rising, Book Party, October 11, 4 p.m. Grades 4-6. Dinner and a Movie: Monster House, October 25, 6:30 p.m. Note: Please register in advance for all programs by calling 847/945-3311. Visit the library on the web at www.deerfieldlibrary.org West Deerfield Township Township Board meetings will be held on September 18 and October 16 at the Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. Call 847/945-0614, email westdeerfield@sbcglobal.net or visit www.westdeerfieldtownship.org for more information on West Deerfield Township programs. Patty Turner Senior Center programs are listed on page 6. policeDEPARTMENT Page 5 The cost can be as much as $4.00 for each successful trace. This service is on your phone right now. The fee will be automatically added to your monthly phone bill, even if a police report is not filed. Remember, call trace is meant for serious situations when you want or need police help. Q: What should be done if the calls become more frequent? If the calls are frequent and particularly threatening, your phone company can set up a “trap” on your phone line. Traps are usually set up for about two weeks and cost the subscriber additional fees. The trap allows the phone company to determine the telephone number from which the harassing calls originate based on the date and time of the call. You must keep a log noting the date and times of the harassing calls you receive during the trap period. Sometimes harassing phone call problems cannot be solved by the phone company or the police. There are a few steps you can take to stop annoying or harassing phone calls yourself. Please contact your telephone service provider to find out what is available to you. Further questions may be directed to 847/945-8636. Harassing Phone Calls Obscene or harassing phone calls can be one of the most stressful and frightening invasions of privacy a person experiences. In addition, unwanted phone calls, while a minor problem when compared with threatening phone calls, can be a major inconvenience. Q: What makes a phone call harassing? When someone calls and uses obscene or threatening language to intimidate you, you are receiving a harassing call. It is against the law to make obscene or threatening phone calls. Q: What can my local phone company do if I am receiving harassing phone calls? You can use call trace to help the police prosecute offenders. If you receive an abusive call, simply hang up and dial *57 immediately from your touch- tone phone. The call will then be traced. The number will only be released to a law enforcement agency after a police report has been filed and you have signed an authorization form. You can get these from your telephone company. Q: Am I charged for tracing a call? Citizens Police Academy The Deerfield Police Department is sponsoring a Citizens Police Academy beginning September 12, 2007. The program will run for 10 weeks. Classes meet from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The classes are limited to 12 participants who must be at least 18 years old, a Deerfield resident and have no felony convictions. Most classes will be held at the Deerfield Police Department, 850 Waukegan Road, but some classes may also be held at an alternate location, depending on the subject matter. Topics covered in the classes include fundamentals of investigations, narcotics, canine units, and a citizen ride-along. To apply to participate in the Citizens Police Academy, download an application from the Police Department’s website at www.deerfield-il.org/cpa.htm and return the completed application to the Police Department. You may also pick up an application at the Police Department. Questions may be directed to Sgt. Mel Soltwisch at 847/945-8636 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The Deerfield Police Department is committed to the philosophy of Community Policing. The Citizen Police Academy provides a forum to improve the line of communication between the police and the community. Graduates become partners with us in identifying problems and solutions to quality of life issues that face our community and are able to take their knowledge back to their neighborhoods, where they can inform other community members about the Police Department. Parents Who Host Campaign Underway The Deerfield Police Department would like to remind parents of the legal ramifications of hosting parties for underage children. State law and local ordinance prohibit the consumption of alcohol by a minor, and parents that host parties will be subject to prosecution to the full extent of the law. With the school season fast approaching and reunions and homecoming events on the horizon, it is important that parents keep an open and active line of communication with their children about the hazards of drinking and driving and to be vigilant in knowing their child’s whereabouts. Events in the last year have shone a spotlight on the hazards of underage drinking, a hazard that can be effectively remedied by parental prevention that starts at home. Parents that Host Lose the Most is a local campaign to remind parents of the legal ramifications of hosting parties and the harm it can cause families and loved ones. For more information on this program, contact the Deerfield Police Department at 847/945-8636. To report a party or other activity where drinking may be involved, contact the Police Department by dialing 911. Citizen Survey Coming Soon The Deerfield Police Department will be conducting a citizen survey to assist in determining the department's effectiveness in the Village. Residents and businesses will receive these surveys in water bills over the coming months. We ask that you take a moment to fill it out and return it, or answer the survey online at www.deerfield-il.org. Questions may be directed to 847/945-8636. villageINFO Page 6 household electronics collection at the Public Works facility, 465 Elm Street, from 9:00 a.m. - noon and a gas can replacement and lawncare buyback program as well (see related article on this page for more information). Deerfield, Bannockburn and Riverwoods community service clubs and organizations will be represented, as will the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County and other agencies. Thanks to the generous support of Astellas US LLC, CarrAmerica, the Deerfield Park Foundation and other sponsors, this event is free to the entire community! This event promises to be fun for the entire family! For more information on this exciting community event, including event schedules, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield-il.org or call 847/945-5000. Senior Programs @ PTSC For more information on any of the programs listed below, please call 847/940-4010. September 10:Blood Sugar/Blood Pressure Screenings September 17: Massage Therapy, Appointments Needed September 25:Architectural Cruise October 1, 8, 15, 22: CLC Discovery!Course -“The Reformation” October 4: Birding in Belize October 9: Bill Hincliff-Loop Interiors Tour October 11, 18, 25: CLC Discovery!Course -“Chicago in the Movies” October 24: Drury Lane “Meet Me in St. Louis” October 29: Lunch with Barbara Rinella reviews “The Boleyn Inheritance” Lending Closet The Patty Turner Senior Center lends, on a short term basis, wheelchairs, walkers, canes, bath benches, commodes, grabber sticks, etc. Senior Care Program The Patty Turner Senior Center offers a drop off/pick-up service for older adult residents of Deerfield, Lincolnshire, Bannockburn and Riverwoods. The service is available on a reservation, first-come/first-served basis. Please call 847/940- 4010 for more information. Gas Can Replacement and Lawncare Buyback Programs Since 2005, the Village of Deerfield has been a Bronze Level partner in the Clean Air Counts initiative. This partnership involves seeking out ways to reduce ozone depleting emissions in the Village and implementing programs to raise awareness about energy and environmentally friendly living. Residents can do their part to reduce harmful emissions and help everyone breathe a little easier by participating in Deerfield’s Second Annual Clean Air Counts event September 15 at Community Services Day. Both events will take place from 9 a.m. - noon. at the Public Works Facility, 465 Elm Street. Lawn Care Buyback Program: Gas powered lawn care equipment contributes to regional smog and air quality problems. The buy back program is designed for Deerfield residents to trade-in their existing gas-powered equipment for a voucher to purchase new environmentally friendly equipment. The Village is providing vouchers of up to $150 for gas-powered lawnmowers and $20 for chippers, leaf blowers, hedge trimmers and other equipment. Engines should be empty of all fluids, including gasoline and oil. Gas Can Replacement Program: Emissions from old gas cans pose a health threat due to the evaporation of toxic fumes into the air. By providing new, environmentally friendly gas cans, the Village is helping to keep our residents safe and provide a benefit to the environment in the process. To participate in this program, simply trade in your old gas can to receive a new, spill-proof gasoline can. Gasoline cans should be empty when brought in for trade in. Facts and Figures: •The amount of pollution emitted by a lawnmower operating for one hour can be as much as the amount of pollution emitted by a car driven for 20 miles. •The average American home has 3 to 10 gallons of hazardous materials. •Older gas cans are the source of 22 tons of volatile organic compound in the Chicago area annually. •According to the National Academy of Sciences, homeowners use 10 times more pesticides per acre than farmers. •Gasoline-powered landscape equipment (mowers, trimmers, blowers, chainsaws) account for over 5% of our urban air pollution •By filling your gas tank in the evening, you can prevent gasoline evaporation •580,000,000 gallons of gasoline are used for lawnmowers annually. •$25,000,000,000 is spent for the lawn care industry annually. These strategies can by found at www.cleanaircounts.org. Utilizing these valuable tips can save money and can help keep the air clean and benefit the environment. Visit the Village website, www.deerfield-il.org, for more details on these programs. Community Services Day Cont’d Continued from Page 1 villageHAPPENINGS Page 7 Reminders: Village Hall Closed Village Hall will be closed on Monday, September 3 in observance of Labor Day Village Board Meetings Due to the Labor Day holiday, the first meeting in September will be held on Tuesday, September 4. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. Refuse/Recycling Pickup Due to Labor Day, refuse and recycling pickup will be one day later during that week. Daylight Savings Time Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 4 at 2:00 a.m. Set your clocks back one hour and change the batteries in your smoke detectors! Community Blood Drive The next Community Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, September 9 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Jewett Park Community Center. No appointment is necessary. Help give the gift of life! SWALCO Collection Events Household Hazardous Waste Collections: SSeepptteemmbbeerr 2299, Lake Forest Municipal Services Center, 110 E. Laurel Dr. OOccttoobbeerr 2200, Vernon Hills Metra Station, 75 E. Highway 45. Electronics Collection: SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1155,,Deerfield Public Works, 465 Elm Street. SSeepptteemmbbeerr 2299,,Vernon Hills Public Works, 490 Green Leaf Drive. For more information, call 847/336-9340 or visit www.swalco.org. Family Days Thank You The Village would like to thank the many volunteers who made this year’s Family Days celebration such a success! A special “thank you” is extended to this year’s Family Days Committee: Judy Nelson, Chairperson Arthur Hyams Rick Julison Gene Meltser Edwin Seidman Mark Villano Rick Wilk Fall Festival The Deerfield Area Historical Society Fall Fest will be held from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, September 9, 2007 at the Historic Village, Deerfield Road and Kipling Place. All are invited to attend this free event, the 32nd annual celebration. The afternoon’s activities will include musical entertainment with the Deerfield Community Concert Band, Hummers and Strummers and Big Band Sound of Deerfield. There will be tours of the five historic buildings, including the Caspar Ott Log House, (1837) the oldest standing building in Lake County. Vintage cars and a calliope can also be viewed. 4th grade history contest winners will be announced. Other activities include pioneer craft demonstrations, a book sale and raffles with many wonderful prizes. Food and refreshing drinks will be served! Plan to attend! All profits from the Fall Festival will be used to help restore the buildings in the Historic Village. The historical society has created the village as an illustration of its goal to preserve, record and promote the history of the area. To volunteer or to inquire about membership, call 847/948-0680. Mudfest Mudfest will be held on Sunday, September 9th from noon to 4 p.m. at Jewett Park. Participants are teams of 8 to 10 high school students which must be Co-Ed (at least 4 boys and 4 girls per team). Events will include mud volleyball, tug-of-war and a pie-eating contest. For further information contact Jerry Zachar at the Deerfield Police Department at 847/945- 3120 or Linda Anderson at the Deerfield Park District at 847/945-0650. Halloween Hoopla All are invited to Jewett Park and the Community Center to enjoy music, the DBR Chamber of Commerce corn roast, and Haunted House on Friday, October 26 from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. and on Saturday, October 27 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The cost is $4 per person per entry into the Haunted House. Even more fun will be on hand on Saturday, October 27 when a huge variety of indoor and outdoor entertainment will be ongoing between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. The cost is $5 per child for all the afternoon activities. For a cost of $4 per person, the lights will be on at the Kids’ Haunted House from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Jewett Park Community Center. For those up for the “full scare,” the lights will go out for a ghoul tour through the Haunted House. A bonfire and the corn roast will also be held on Saturday night. Halloween Hoopla, an annual event, is sponsored by the Deerfield Park in the Deerfield community. Bernard Forrest, former mayor of Deerfield, will again serve as the chair of the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Riverwoods campaign this year. Please give generously when you receive your pledge card in the mail. For more information or to volunteer, call North Suburban United Way at 847/509-8743. Deerfield Farmer’s Market The Deerfield Farmer’s Market continues through Saturday, October 13. Stop by on Saturday mornings to purchase fresh produce and mingle with neighbors! District and the PTOs of School District 109. Also assisting at this event are the Deerfield Optimist Club, volunteers from the Patty Turner Senior Center, Deerfield Park Foundation and a variety of local businesses. For more information, call the Deerfield Park District at 847/945-0650, or visit the Park District’s website at www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org United Way Campaign North Suburban United Way, a member of United Way Metropolitan Chicago, will be kicking off its 2007 campaign this month. Every year, individuals and businesses partner with United Way to provide the most effective way to invest in the community and create positive, lasting change. United Way identifies critical health and human service issues in our communities, works with community leaders and experts to prioritize need, and then funds and coordinates human care efforts to address those needs. Most importantly, measurable results are achieved, improving people’s lives and making our community a better place to live and work. For 2007/08, North Suburban United Way has committed over $500,000 to support health and human services provided by 31 locally affiliated agencies that serve individuals and families who live and work When you shop, shop Deerfield businesses first! Trick-or- Treat! Wednesday October 31 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Have a safe and fun Halloween! The Village of Deerfield is committed to providing superior services to its residents. Therefore, we are pleased to respond to your individual questions, thoughts, suggestions, or concerns. Simply return this form to Village Hall or email us at deermail@deerfield-il.org. Please provide an address so that we can respond directly. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________Telephone:____________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ Please return to: Village Manager’s Office 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Village Board meetings are the first and third Mondays of the month and are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Board Room at Village Hall. If a meeting falls on a holiday, it is scheduled for the following business day. The Village Board agenda is posted on the Village’s website and cable channel 10 on the Friday prior to the Village Board Meeting. Village Voice Village Officials: MMaayyoorr:: SStteevveenn MM.. HHaarrrriiss - 940-7533 Email: sharris@mcdonaldhopkins.com TTrruusstteeeess:: RRoobbeerrtt BBeennttoonn - 945-1570 Email: bobbenton@prodigy.net MMiicchheellllee FFeellddmmaann - 940-0628 Email: feldman4df@sbcglobal.net TThhoommaass JJeesstteerr - 945-6489 Email: tapjester@yahoo.com HHaarrrriieett RRoosseenntthhaall - 945-3545 Email: harrietrose@comcast.net WWiilllliiaamm SS.. SSeeiiddeenn - 945-2442 Email: se2@comcast.net BBaarrbbaarraa JJ.. SSttrruutthheerrss - 940-0917 Email: bjstruthers@bjsltd.net IInntteerriimm VViillllaaggee MMaannaaggeerr PPhhiilliipp AA.. KKiirraallyy - 945-5000, pkiraly@deerfield-il.org VViillllaaggee HHaallll//PPoolliiccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847/945-5000 847/945-8636 (Police non-emergency) PPuubblliicc WWoorrkkss 465 Elm Street 847/317-7245 CCoommmmuunniittyy DDeevveellooppmmeenntt 500 Waukegan Road 847/719-7484 lastPAGE PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois DD--TTaalleess 885500 WWaauukkeeggaann RRooaadd DDeeeerrffiieelldd,, IIlllliinnooiiss 6600001155 PPhhiilliipp KKiirraallyy,, EEddiittoorr POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015