Vol. 29, No. 4 - Jul/Aug 2007 Village ofDeerfield 850 Waukegan RoadDeerfield, Illinois 60015847/945-5000 Visit us online atwww.deerfield-il.org Meeting Schedule Meeting times/dates subject to change. July BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess July 2 and 16, 7:30 p.m. RRaannddoomm AAccttss ooff KKiinnddnneessss July 5, 7:00 p.m. CCoommmmuunniittyy RReellaattiioonnss CCoommmmiissssiioonn July 10, 7:00 p.m. PPllaann CCoommmmiissssiioonn July 12 and 26, 7:30 p.m. CCaabbllee aanndd TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCoommmm.. July 17, 7:30 p.m. AAppppeeaarraannccee RReevviieeww CCoommmmiissssiioonn July 23, 7:30 p.m. SSaaffeettyy CCoouunncciill July 24, 7:30 p.m. August VViillllaaggee CCeenntteerr DDeevveellooppmmeenntt CCoommmm.. August 1, 7:30 p.m. RRaannddoomm AAccttss ooff KKiinnddnneessss August 2, 7:00 p.m. BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess August 6 and 20, 7:30 p.m. PPllaann CCoommmmiissssiioonn August 9 and 23, 7:30 p.m. CCoommmmuunniittyy RReellaattiioonnss CCoommmmiissssiioonn August 14, 7:00 p.m. FFiinnee AArrttss CCoommmmiissssiioonn August 20, 6:00 p.m. CCaabbllee aanndd TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCoommmm.. August 21, 7:30 p.m. AAppppeeaarraannccee RReevviieeww CCoommmmiissssiioonn August 27, 7:30 p.m. SSaaffeettyy CCoouunncciill August 28, 7:30 p.m. Deerfield Family Days -July 3 and 4 The 44th Annual Deerfield Family Days festivities will take place on July 3rd and 4th. Spectacular fireworks, great live entertainment, exciting family activities and a festive parade will delight Deerfield residents during this two day community event. Deerfield Family Days is sponsored by the Village of Deerfield and is planned by the all volunteer Family Days Committee. Their hard work and dedication keep this annual event a staple of the Deerfield community. Funding for Family Days comes from the generous support of many Deerfield residents and businesses. For a full listing of Family Days events, please turn to page 2. Also, be sure to visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield-il.org for more information. Village Hall - Phase 1Nearing Completion The initial phase of the Village Hall expansion and renovation project is nearing completion. This phase includes the new wing housing the Administration and Finance Departments, and public meeting space including the council chambers. The Village Hall will be closed on Friday, July 20 for the relocation of staff into the new wing. The first day of business in the new wing will be Monday, July 23. After that, all meetings of the Village’s boards and commissions will take place in the new meeting rooms on the second floor. The second phase of the project, renovation of the existing Village Hall, will D-TALESYour Municipal News Source July / August 2007 Vol. 29, No. 4 Village ManagerRetires On June 22, Bob Franz, Village Manager since August 1979, retired from his duties, having been the longest serving Village Manager in Deerfield’s history. Bob’s leadership has benefitted the community in countless ways over the last 28 years, and his expertise and solid management style have been instrumental in leading Deerfield’s growth during that time. In honor of his ser vice, the Mayor and Board of Trustees proclaimed June 18 - 23 “Bob Franz Week.” In addition, the new Village Hall council chambers will be named in his honor. After an exhaustive executive search, Kent Street, current Village Administrator in Lake Bluff, Illinois has been named as Mr. Franz’ replacement. He will assume his duties in September. Until that time, Philip Kiraly, Assistant Village Manager will serve as Interim Village Manager. Check it Out! PPaaggee 22:: • Family Days Schedule PPaaggee 33:: • Public Works Information PPaaggee 44:: • Board Report and Community Calendar PPaaggee 77:: • Village Reminders Continued on Page 6 Garbage Cans Over the past few months, some residents have received notices from Veolia Environmental Services indicating that their current garbage can is too large. Through their contract with the Village of Deerfield, there is a size restriction on garbage cans – plastic cans can be no larger than 45- gallons. The following questions and answers have been developed to help explain this issue. Continued on Page 6 villageNEWS Page 2 DEERFIELD FAMILY DAYSJULY 3 and 4, 2007 Celebrating Excellence in Education COME CELEBRATE 44 YEARS OF FIREWORKS, FOOD, AND FUN Tuesday, July 3rd – Deerfield High School 5:00 p.m.GGAATTEESS OOPPEENN:: Concession sales begin 6:00 p.m.Entertainment for children on stage: Magic Show, Stilt Walker, Moon Walk 6:30 p.m.The New Invaders present The Ultimate 60’s Flashback 7:00 p.m.Raising of the Flag by the American Legion and singing of the National Anthem 9:15 p.m.FFIIRREEWWOORRKKSS: Our largest and most exciting display! Tickets: $4.00 for Adults; $3.00 for Children (under 13) and Seniors (65+) Wednesday, July 4th – Jewett Park Community Center and Grounds 7:30 to 10:30 a.m.Pancake Breakfast served by the members of the Patty Turner Senior Center 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Arts and Crafts Sales:Park Grounds 8:00 a.m.Deerfield Rotary Club 10k Race starting at Walden School 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.Bike Decorating and Parade:Parking Lot at Rosemary Terrace and Deerfield Road 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Flower Show: Submit flowers for judging between 8:00 - 9:30 a.m., Oak Room, Jewett Park Community Center 8:45 to 10:00 a.m.Dog Show: Field House Patio 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Rides, Games, Petting Zoo, Ponies and Concessions: Jewett Park Grounds 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Live Entertainment - Copper Box: Jewett Park Grounds NOON SPECTACULAR DEERFIELD PARADE Parade Route: Deerspring Pool to Waukegan Road, Waukegan Road to Hazel Avenue, Ending at Jewett Park 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.Free Swimming for everyone at Deerspring Pool and Mitchell Pool For July 3rd and 4th Food and Rides: $.50 per ticket – Books of 20 for $10.00 FFOORR MMOORREE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN CCAALLLL:: JJUUDDYY NNEELLSSOONN,, FFAAMMIILLYY DDAAYYSS CCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEE CCHHAAIIRR,, 884477//994455--55552233 publicWORKS Page 3 Emerald Ash Borer The Emerald Ash Borer continues to plague the Chicagoland area, with a quarantine zone being recently expanded in an attempt to slow down the spread of this resilient insect. Thus far, Deerfield has not been included in the quarantine zone. The Emerald Ash Borer, a small (1/2 inch long, 1/8 inch wide) metallic green beetle has wreaked havoc on Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, destroying vast growths of ash trees in its wake. Firewood from Illinois has been prohibited in some parts of neighboring states in hopes of limiting the spread of the Ash Borer. The Village asks residents to be on the look out for signs of sick or infested ash trees. Ash trees won’t likely show symptoms until the Ash Borer has already imbedded itself within the tree. The most visible sign of infestation is a noticeable dieback of the crown of the tree, which appears after the first year. Other signs of infestation are bark slits above larval feeding galleries and damage from woodpeckers, which come to feed on the pre- pupal lar vae. Adult beetles will leave 1/8 inch “D” shaped exit holes anywhere on the tree. Yearly treatment is needed to ensure adequate protection and should be applied by a certified arborist. Unfortunately, no treatment has been found to eradicate this insect, and once a tree is infected, there is often little that can be done, aside from removing the tree. Ash trees generally die within 1 to 3 years after infection. Ash trees are identified by their compound leaves with small, glossy green leaflets which grow in opposite pairs. For more information, visit www.deerfield-il.org for links to various sites with additional information, including an updated map of the Emerald Ash Borer quarantine zone. Further questions may be directed to the Public Works Department at 847/317-7325. Information onFlooding The information presented below is the first in a series of articles that will be included in upcoming issues of D-Tales related to flooding and flood prevention. If you have questions, please contact the Engineering Department at 847/317- 2490. Flood Insurance Because the Village of Deerfield is a participating member of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), residents may purchase flood insurance through their local insurance agent via the NFIP. There is a 30 day waiting period for flood insurance coverage to begin. A home located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) has a 26% chance of being damaged by a flood over the life of a 30 year mortgage, and your homeowner’s insurance will not cover flood damage. This is why flood insurance is mandatory for all federally backed mortgages. Your home does not have to be in a flood zone to be flooded. Flood insurance is available at a reduced rate for these properties. Also, the Village of Deerfield is applying for FEMA's "Community Rating System", which can further reduce flood insurance premiums.Flood Protection If your property is susceptible to flooding, there are some things you can do to reduce damage: •Watertight seals can be applied to brick and block walls to protect against low level flooding. •Furnaces, water heaters and major appliances can be elevated on platforms or moved to higher floors. •Temporary measures such as sandbagging or removing items from the flooded area can be utilized. • Surprisingly, elevating or relocating the entire structure may be a feasible option. Grant money may be available for this use. Contact the Engineering Department for more information. Drainage SystemMaintenance As obvious as it may sound, simply keeping smaller ditches and streams free of debris can dramatically improve the outflow of run-off from low lying areas, as well as greatly reduce the occurrence of ice jams. IItt iiss iilllleeggaall ttoo dduummpp mmaatteerriiaallss iinnttoo aa rreeqquuiirreedd wwaatteerrwwaayy,, aanndd vviioollaattoorrss mmaayy bbee ffiinneedd..There are also numerous drainage districts within the County that will relieve certain areas from congestion from fallen trees, leaves and beaver dams. ConstructionUpdates Crabtree ReconstructionProject: Construction is anticipated to begin after July 4th, with substantial completion being anticipated by the end of September. Campanella and Sons Construction will complete the work for this project. As part of this project, new roadways, storm and sanitary sewers, watermains, and ser vice lines will all be completely replaced. Individual letters will be sent to homeowners affected by this project as it progresses. Clavinia Subdivision WaterMain Project: Construction is scheduled to begin in late June. Lenny Hoffman Excavating will complete this project. Deteriorated watermains located on Susan, Sapling, Clavinia, Dartmouth and Castlewood will be replaced. Concrete roadways will also be removed in their entirety and replaced with new asphalt roadways with the installation of new curbs and some minor sidewalk rehabilitation work. Construction updates related to these projects, in addition to the Street Rehabilitation Program and other projects currently underway in the Village, are posted at www.deerfield-il.org and are updated often. Further questions may be directed to the Engineering Department at 847/317-2490. The following is a synopsis of actions taken by the Village Board since the last publication of D-Tales. For complete sets of minutes for Village Board meetings, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield-il.org. Village Board Action •Awarded a Contract for Replacement Fence at the Deerfield Cemetery to All American Fence. • Approved a Permit for School District 109 Education Foundation and the Deerfield Park Foundation to Hold a Circus at Brickyards Park in September. • Approved a Special Use to Allow a Bank in Deerfield Shoppers Court. •Approved an Ordinance Amending Municipal Code to Enact a New Division Titled Emergency Management Agency. • Approved an Ordinance Amending Municipal Code re: Definition of Attic Space in Residential Construction. • Approved an Ordinance Directing the Disposition of Certain Surplus Motor Vehicles. • Approved a Special Use to Allow a Bank in Deerfield Shoppers Court. • Awarded a Contract to Provide Groundwater Sampling Services for Reservoir 29A for Year 2007. • Awarded a Contract for Chlorine Conversion Project at the Deerfield Road and Warwick Road Storm Stations. • Approved a Special Use to Allow Outdoor Seating, a Sign Modification and a Text Amendment for Signage for Stoney River Legendary Steaks. • Awarded a Contract for Clavinia Subdivision Roadway and Water Main Replacement. • Awarded a Contract to Purchase Grinder Pack for Deep Sewage Line at Wastewater Reclamation Facility. • Awarded a Contract to Purchase Water Meters from Midwest Meter, Inc. • Awarded a Contract for Crabtree Infrastructure Improvement Project. • Awarded a Contract for 2007 Dutch Elm Disease Study. Proclamations, Appointments and Recognitions Oath of Office Given to Trustees Robert Benton, Thomas Jester and William Seiden Appointed Kent Street as Village Manager and Philip Kiraly as Interim Village Manager Appointed the following residents to various Boards and Commissions: Jeremy Kanter – Appearance Review Commission Matthew Wylie – Energy and Recycling Commission Proclaimed May 17, 2007 as “Jay Monier Day” Proclaimed the week of June 18-23, 2007 as “Bob Franz Week” boardREPORT communityCALENDAR Page 4 Deerfield Park District JULY: Summer Sampler Mitchell Park Sundays through August 26 Eat to the Beat Concert Jewett Park Wednesdays through August 22 Family Camp Out Maplewood Park July 14 and 15 AUGUST: Dive In Theater Mitchell Pool August 4 Extra Added Attraction Jewett Park Community Center August 6 - 10, 13 - 17 Deerspring Pool Closes August 19 Family Theater Auditions August 22, 23, 25 Family Theater Callbacks August 26 For more information on event times, or to register for these or other Park District programs, please call 847/945-0650, or visit the Park District’s website at www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org. Deerfield Public Library The Deerfield Library Board of Trustees meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The Library will be closed on July 4th. The lobby will remain open for refreshments from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. AAdduulltt PPrrooggrraammss:: Adult Reading Program Through August 3 Movie Music Magic July 4, 7 p.m. Friends of the Library August 1, 7 p.m. YYoouutthh PPrrooggrraammss:: Youth Services Summer Reading Program Through August 4 for age 4 through entering 9th grade Picnic Stories Thursdays at 12 p.m. through August 2. Harry Potter Week Sunday, July 15 through July 21. All ages welcome. Cicada Mobile! Tuesday, July 24, 4 - 7 p.m. Note: Please register in advance for all programs by calling 847/945- 3311. Visit the library on the web at www.deerfieldlibrary.org West Deerfield Township Township Board meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. on July 18 and August 15 at the Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. Call 847/945- 0614 or visit the Township website at www.westdeerfieldtownship.org for more information. Patty Turner Senior Center Blood Pressure Screening July 10 Mikhail Baryshnikov performs at the Harris Theater July 11 Summer Grilled Lunch July 12 “Light in the Piazza” at the Auditorium Theater July 18 Horseshoe Casino Trip July 31 Rules of the Road - sponsored by the Secretary of State August 2 “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” at the Auditorium Theater August 8 Summer Party at PTSC August 10 Cholesterol Screenings August 14 Noel Coward’s “Bittersweet” August 24 Chemical Dependency Program August 31 Summer Events/Festivals Deerfield Family Days - July 3 and 4 Deerfield Farmers Market - every Saturday through October 13 Apple Pie Baking Contest - September 16 Historical Society Fall Fest - September 9 Community Services Day - September 15 policeDEPARTMENT Page 5 Vacation Checklist Going on vacation is an exciting event. Much thought usually goes into the scheduling and planning to be sure that all of the details are taken care of. However, when finalizing your plans, it is just as important to remember to take the following steps to ensure the security of your property and belongings that stay behind. Before you leave, take a few minutes and review the following suggestions (Actually, many of these are excellent things to remember all year round.) SSttoopp aallll ddeelliivveerriieess ttoo yyoouurr hhoommee.. Newspapers and mail that accumulate are sure giveaways that no one has been around. GGiivvee aa kkeeyy ttoo aa rreellaattiivvee oorr ttrruusstteedd nneeiigghhbboorr.. Ask that person to check the house as often as possible. Any deliveries that were not stopped should be taken inside. Ask that person to open the curtains periodically. . IInnssttaallll ttiimmeerrss.. Having a light on each level makes the home look occupied. A timer on a radio or television is also a good idea. Timers should also be placed on exterior lights to keep the house well lit at night inside and out. DDiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee ggaarraaggee ddoooorr ooppeenneerr.. Make sure that it can’t be opened. Lock the door between the inside of the garage and house with a keyed lock and deadbolt. IIff yyoouu wwiillll bbee ggoonnee,, hhaavvee aa rreellaattiivvee oorr ttrruusstteedd nneeiigghhbboorr mmaaiinnttaaiinn yyoouurr llaawwnn.. Have the grass cut promptly. Outdoor valuables like grills, lawn mowers, bikes, etc. should be locked inside the garage. NNeevveerr hhiiddee aa kkeeyy aannyywwhheerree oouuttssiiddee.. Burglars know these tricks and know the common hiding spots all too well. MMaakkee ssuurree aallll wwiinnddoowwss,, ddoooorrss aanndd wwiinnddooww wweellllss aarree lloocckkeedd aanndd sseeccuurreedd.. Make sure the second level windows and doors are locked as well. Many burglars enter through the second level due to carelessness by the owners in locking up the windows. UUssee yyoouurr ddoogg aass aa ddeetteerrrreenntt.. A dog inside the home is a big deterrent to criminals. Instead of boarding your dog(s), think about leaving them in your home with a neighbor or family member taking care of them. KKeeeepp vveehhiicclleess ppaarrkkeedd iinn yyoouurr ddrriivveewwaayy.. Vehicles parked in the driveway make the home appear to be occupied. If you have a trusted neighbor, ask them to park their cars in the driveway while you are gone. CCaallll tthhee PPoolliiccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt aanndd rreeqquueesstt aa vvaaccaattiioonn wwaattcchh.. As an extra layer of security, officers will provide extra patrols around your house while you are away. For more information, please call 847/945-8636. Fireworks Safety The 4th of July holiday is a time for celebration. Many people enjoy fireworks displays, but it is important to remember that fireworks should only be used by professionals. Although the purchase of some types of fireworks may be legal in some neighboring states, they remain illegal to use and even possess in Illinois. People tend to overlook the obvious dangers involved with using fireworks. Fireworks can find their way into the hands of children who can be burned, blinded, and other wise injured from heat, fire, projectiles, and explosions. Remember, fireworks are gunpowder explosives and are extremely dangerous. One out of every three fireworks injuries is to the eyes, and one out of every four fireworks eye injuries causes some kind of permanent blindness. You can learn more about eye safety from the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness at www.eyehealthillinois.org. Deerfield ordinances prohibit any person from using, selling, delivering, exploding, and/or possessing fireworks in the Village. The term "fireworks” includes such items as firecrackers, cherry bombs, M-80's, bottle rockets, and roman candles. Sparklers are also prohibited in Deer field. (Did you know that the tip of a sparkler burns at 1,800 degrees?) The laws in Illinois do not change over the July 4 holiday or for any other holiday. In other words, fireworks are no more legal on these dates than they are at other times of the year. The Deerfield Police Department stresses that all complaints of fireworks are thoroughly investigated. If someone is found to be in violation, the items in question will be confiscated and the person(s) involved will be arrested and/or charged when appropriate. This applies to both adults and minors. From time to time the Chief of Police or his designee may grant permission for special events such as Deerfield Family Days to discharge fireworks within the Village under and pursuant to conditions set by the Chief of Police and Fire Department. Keep VehiclesLocked Residents are reminded to make sure that their vehicles are locked at all times while parked either in their driveways or on the street. Unlocked vehicles are prime targets for thieves and an open invitation to lose your valuables. Items such as cell phones, iPods, laptops, purses, wallets and loose change in plain sight are an open invitation to burglars as they are quick and easy to grab. Vehicles should be locked at all times while unattended, even if it is just for a few moments, and garages should stay locked as well. For more information, please call 847/945-8636. villageINFO Page 6 temporary handicapped ramp will be installed. The general route can be seen in the schematic drawing below. Until the second phase of construction is complete, access from the Police Department lobby into the Village Hall will not be available. Access to the Police Department will remain otherwise unchanged. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that residents will encounter during this phase of construction. However, taking these temporary steps will allow a more efficient completion schedule. For detailed information on the Village Hall project, please visit www.deerfield- il.org. Questions may be directed to Philip Kiraly, Interim Village Manager, at 847/945-5000, or via email at deermail@deerfield-il.org. begin immediately thereafter and should be completed by January 2008. It will then be utilized by the Community Development Department, which has a temporary home at the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fire Station at 500 Waukegan Road. During the second phase of construction, access to the Village Hall will be somewhat less convenient. The existing front door of the Village Hall will be removed, along with the associated sidewalk, staircase and overhang. The new front door, just slightly north of the existing door, will become the primar y entrance to the building. Beginning in late July and continuing through the end of September, those who visit the Village Hall will utilize the existing sidewalk running along the north side of Jewett Park Drive and the west side of Waukegan Road leading to the new front walkway. Access through these doors will be available, and a A: The major difference between these carts and many of the new garbage cans being sold by retailers is that Veolia’s trucks are designed to mechanically lift and dump the specific carts issued for recycling. Some garbage cans are also similarly designed, but may not have the correct componentry needed for collection utilizing the mechanical arm of the truck. If you have noticed that your can has been lifted and dumped by a Veolia truck in the past, contact Veolia at 847/272-4145 to find out if your can is acceptable. In addition, the Village has requested that retailers in town post signage describing the size limitation in place in Deerfield. Residents will have until July 15, 2007 to bring their cans into compliance. After that time, cans that are too large will no longer be collected. If you have questions, please contact Veolia at 847/272- 4145. Q: My can has been collected for years and is larger than 45-gallons. Why the change? A: These restrictions are not meant to be a hardship for residents, and they are not new. Rather, they are intended as a safety measure for Veolia drivers who must lift ever larger and heavier cans into the trucks for collection. Over the years, this restriction has been selectively enforced by Veolia, but has now reached a point where it is becoming a significant issue, as there has been a surge of cans sized as large as 100 gallons being used in town. It is important to note that the size restriction has been a part of Deerfield’s contract with Veolia for approximately eight years. Q: The recycling cart I received from the Village last year is larger than 45- gallons. Why is that OK but my can is not? Village Hall Cont’d EExxiissttiinngg VViillllaaggee HHaallll eennttrraannccee cclloosseedd bbeeggiinnnniinngg JJuullyy 2200 N NNeeww eennttrraannccee ttoo ooppeenn JJuullyy 2233 Village Hall Access During the initial stage of the rehabilitation of the existing Village Hall, pedestrian access to the Village Hall will be limited to the new east entrance (Entrance “B” as shown to the right.) Entrance “A”will close beginning Friday, July 20. Due to construction needs, pedestrians must follow the route as designated on the exhibit to the right. TThhiiss wwiillll bbee tteemmppoorraarryy,, aanndd aa sshhoorrtteerr rroouuttee wwiillll bbee aavvaaiillaabbllee bbyy mmiidd-- ttoo llaattee SSeepptteemmbbeerr. The building will remain handicapped accessible throughout construction. The village appreciates residents continued cooperation as we pursue completion of the Village Hall project by early 2008. New WingAB Garbage CansCont’d Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 WWaauukkeeggaann RRooaadd villageREMINDERS Page 7 Reminders:Village Hall Closed Village Hall will be closed on Wednesday, July 4. Village Hall will be closed on Friday, July 20 to allow for relocation of the Administration and Finance Departments. All other Departments will keep their normal operating hours. Holiday Refuse Collection Schedule Due to the 4th of July holiday, refuse collection scheduled for Thursday and Friday will be delayed one day during the week of July 1 - 7. Household Electronics Collection The Village of Deerfield will hold a household electronics collection on Saturday, July 21 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the Public Works Facility, 465 Elm Street. For more information on what can be collected, please visit www.swalco.org. Vehicle Stickers Vehicle stickers must be displayed by July 1st! Save the Date - Community Services Day The Third Annual Community Services Day will take place on Saturday, September 15 at the Patty Turner Senior Center and Brickyards Park. This event highlights the many services various governmental agencies and service groups offer to the residents of Deerfield and surrounding communities. Look for more information in future issues of D-Tales as well as on the Village’s website. Block Parties If your block is planning a party, such gatherings require a permit. There is no fee, but the application must be filled out so a temporary street closure may be scheduled. Call 847/945- 5000 for more information. The application is available online. Garage Sale Permits Garage Sale permits are available at the Village Hall. Permits are $5.00 and cover two sales per year with a maximum of 4 consecutive days for each sale. Lawn Sprinkling Between May 15th and September 15th lawn sprinkling regulations are as follows: EEvveenn nnuummbbeerreedd aaddddrreesssseess may water on even numbered dates from midnight to noon and/or from 6:00 p.m. to midnight. OOdddd nnuummbbeerreedd aaddddrreesssseess may water on odd numbered dates from midnight to noon and/or from 6:00 p.m. to midnight. This applies only to lawn sprinkling. Yard Waste Residents are reminded that yard waste must be disposed of in paper yard waste bags, and a yard waste sticker must be attached in order for it to be collected. This is also true of bundled brush which must have a sticker adhered for collection. Please visit www.deerfield-il.org/images/onyx.pdf for more information. Regulations toRemember From time to time the Village will utilize the newsletter to remind residents about current ordinances and regulations. The following is a brief synopsis of some regulations to remember: •Construction may only be performed between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Construction is not permitted on Sundays or holidays. •Turn off automated sprinklers that border roadways under construction. This helps prevent flooding of the construction area. •Up to 50 pounds of construction debris may be placed at the curb for regular refuse collection. This pertains only to small construction projects. For large scale projects with materials in excess of 50 pounds, please use alternative methods of disposal such as a dumpster. •Please be sure to have your construction permit visible from the street. This allows building inspectors to easily identify authorized and unauthorized construction projects in the Village. •After completion of a driveway, be sure to schedule an inspection by a Village building inspector in order to receive your deposit refund. •Commercial vehicles are prohibited from being parked or stored in residential neighborhoods for any period longer than the time needed to load/unload the vehicle. •Please drive slowly in construction zones! For more information, contact the Community Development Department at 847/719-7484 or the Public Works Department at 847/317-7245 or visit www.deerfield-il.org. Lawncare Buyback andGas Can ReplacementPrograms Scheduled Residents can do their part to reduce harmful emissions and help everyone breathe a little easier by participating in Deerfield’s Clean Air Counts event on September 15, 2007 at Community Services Day. The event will take place from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the Deerfield Public Works Facility, 465 Elm Street. This is the second year of these events, which are fully funded via two grants provided by Clean Air Counts. Last year, nearly 100 gas cans were replaced and over 25 pieces of environment-polluting lawncare equipment were collected. Lawn Care Buyback Program: Gas powered lawn care equipment contributes to regional smog and air quality problems. The buy back program is designed for Deerfield residents to allow them to trade in their existing gas-powered equipment for a voucher to purchase new environmentally friendly equipment. The Village will provide vouchers to receive a rebate of up to $150 for lawnmowers and $20 for chippers, leaf blowers, hedge trimmers and more! Gas Can ReplacementProgram: Emissions from old gas cans pose a health threat to residents due to the evaporation of toxic fumes into the air. By providing new, environmentally friendly gas cans we can keep our residents safe and help out the environment in the process. Simply turn in your old gas can(s) and receive a brand new one on September 15. Clip and Save!The Village of DeerfieldIncorporated - 1903 wwwwww..ddeeeerrffiieelldd--iill..oorrgg Village Officials: MMaayyoorr:: Steven M. Harris - 940-7533 TTrruusstteeeess:: Robert Benton - 945-1570 Michelle Feldman - 940-0628 Thomas Jester - 945-6489 Harriet Rosenthal - 945-3545 William S. Seiden - 945-2442 Barbara J. Struthers - 940-0917 IInntteerriimm VViillllaaggee MMaannaaggeerr Philip A. Kiraly - 945-5000 VViillllaaggee HHaallll//PPoolliiccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847/945-5000 847/945-8636 (Police non-emergency) PPuubblliicc WWoorrkkss 465 Elm Street Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847/317-7245 lastPAGE PRESORTEDSTANDARDU.S.POSTAGEPAIDPermit No. 1Deerfield, Illinois DD--TTaalleess 885500 WWaauukkeeggaann RRooaadd DDeeeerrffiieelldd,, IIlllliinnooiiss 6600001155 PPhhiilliipp KKiirraallyy,, EEddiittoorr POSTAL CUST OMERDEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Village of Deerfield For updated news and events visitwww.deerfield-il.orgorwatch cable Channel 10 Important Numbers:Emergency: 911Community Development: 847/719-7484Engineering Department:847/317-2490Finance Department: 847/945-5000Police Non-Emergency: 847/945-8636Public Works: 847/317-7245Village Manager’s Office: 847/945-5000 Utility problems? Call these numbers first!AT&T: 888/611-4466Comcast: 866/594-1234ComEd:800/EDISON-1JULIE Locates: 811North Shore Gas: 866/556-6005Veolia Environmental Services: 847/272-4145