Vol. 29, No. 2 - Mar/Apr 2007Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847/945-5000 Visit us online at www.deerfield-il.org Meeting Schedule Meeting times/dates subject to change. March BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess March 5 & 19, 7:30 p.m. Viillllaaggee CCeenntteerr DDeevveellooppmmeenntt CCoommmm.. March 7, 7:30 p.m. PPllaann CCoommmmiissssiioonn March 8 & 22, 7:30 p.m. CCoommmmuunniittyy RReellaattiioonnss CCoommmmiissssiioonn March 13, 7:00 p.m. AAppppeeaarraannccee RReevviieeww CCoommmmiissssiioonn March 19, 7:30 p.m. CCaabbllee aanndd TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCoommmm.. March 20, 7:30 p.m. SSaaffeettyy CCoouunncciill March 27, 7:30 p.m. April BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess April 4 & 16, 7:30 p.m. CCoommmmuunniittyy RReellaattiioonnss CCoommmmiissssiioonn April 10, 7:00 p.m. VViillllaaggee CCeenntteerr DDeevveellooppmmeenntt CCoommmm.. April 11, 7:30 p.m. PPllaann CCoommmmiissssiioonn April 12 & 26, 7:30 p.m. AAccttss ooff KKiinnddnneessss April 12, 7:00 p.m. CCaabbllee aanndd TTeelleeccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss CCoommmm.. April 17, 7:30 p.m. AAppppeeaarraannccee RReevviieeww CCoommmmiissssiioonn April 23, 7:30 p.m. SSaaffeettyy CCoouunncciill April 24, 7:30 p.m. Deerfield Village Hall Construction Continues Since beginning construction in June 2006, the Village Hall Expansion and Renovation Project has progressed steadily. To date, the new north wing has been fully enclosed, and work indoors has commenced at a rapid rate. The new wing includes space for the Administration and Finance Departments, as well as the majority of the public meeting space in the building. The second floor of this wing houses the new Village Board room, two conference rooms and a new lobby area. Residents will be greeted by a new counter and reception area for the Finance Department on the first floor, in addition to office space for administration personnel. Anticipated occupancy for the new wing is late July. At that time, the Administration and Finance Departments will vacate their current offices and move into the new wing, after which the existing Village Hall will be renovated. The completely renovated space in the existing Village Hall, when completed in January 2008, will be occupied by the Community Development Department. This space will include conference and meeting D-TALES Your Municipal News Source March/April 2007 Vol. 29, No. 2 rooms for use by Village staff, in addition to new office space and a new reception desk. The building will be upgraded with energy efficient HVAC systems and windows. When complete, the Village Hall will house the departments of Administration, Finance and Community Development. It will provide public meeting space and full access to the reception area of the Police Department, allowing for all departments, except Public Works and Engineering, to be located under the same roof. Thanks to a cooperative arrangement with the Deerfield/Bannockburn Fire Protection District and the Village of Deerfield, the Community Development Department has been housed in the lower level of the Fire Department Headquarters at 500 Waukegan Road. We appreciate their cooperation. Please pardon our dust as we continue construction! Check it Out! PPaaggee 22:: • Refuse Collection Reminders • Deerfield Festival of Fine Arts PPaaggee 33:: • 2007 Construction Projects PPaaggee 55:: • The Dangers of “Spoofing” • Voting - April 17 Elections PPaaggee 66:: • Precinct Map Pictures: Top: Exterior of new wing. Middle: Interior view of the new lobby area. Bottom: View of the new Village Board room on the second floor of the new wing. villageNEWS Page 2 Senior Taxi Program The Village of Deerfield offers subsidized taxi tickets to residents who are over the age of 65 or who have a documented medical disability. Participants of the Deerfield Taxi Program pay: •Fifty cents plus a taxi ticket for all fares within the Village limits. •All rides outside of the Village limits will have $3.25 subtracted from the fare, plus a taxi ticket. •Rides to and from Highland Park Hospital cost a rider one ticket plus $4.25. •Participants who share rides with another qualified individual only need to pay $0.25 plus one taxi ticket per rider for rides within the Village limits. The cost for three passengers is only $0.20 per rider. American Taxi, 303 Taxi Cab, and North Suburban Yellow Cab are all participating members of the Senior and Disabled Taxi Program. These cab companies are available for use by all participants in the program. To utilize this program, visit Village Hall to register. Residents will receive 50 taxi tickets per month that are redeemable at any time. Residents of One Deerfield Place and the Gidwitz Center may also register at those locations. The Village of Deerfield is always striving to improve the quality of services to its residents. If you have any questions or suggestions related to the Senior Taxi Program, please contact the Village Hall at 847/945-5000. 2007-2008 Budget Work is underway on the annual budget for the 2007- 2008 fiscal year, which begins on May 1. Village staff will present a proposed budget to the Mayor and Board of Trustees in early March. A public hearing will be held on the budget on Wednesday, April 4 at the regularly scheduled Village Board meeting. The budget includes operating and personnel costs, as well as a capital improvement plan to help guide expenditures for improvements to infrastructure throughout the Village. A more detailed view of the budget will be presented in the May/June edition of D-Tales. For more information, contact the Finance Department at 847/945-5000 Deerfield Festival of Fine Arts Mark your calendars now! An annual event in Deerfield, the 2007 Festival of Fine Arts will be held on June 2nd and 3rd from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Jewett Park Drive and Robert York Avenue in downtown Deerfield. This year’s festival will showcase the work of dozens of fine artists and craftspeople from around the country, in addition to many local Deerfield artists. Now in its 5th year, the Festival of Fine Arts has proven to be a fun-filled community event. The show’s popularity continues to grow, and now approximately 100 artists annually participate, with several thousand visitors from all over the Chicagoland area in attendance to peruse or purchase art. At this year’s show, all art media will be represented, including acrylic, ceramics, jewelry, watercolor, fiber, wood, sculpture, oil, metal, photography, mixed media, printmaking and glass. Bring the whole family! In addition to the first rate artwork, the festival will again offer other family events, including continuous music, free hands-on art activities for kids, as well as an internationally diverse food selection. Plan on attending the Artist’s Preview Party on Friday, June 1. It is a great opportunity to meet some of the event’s presenting artists and to mingle with neighbors and friends. Look for more information on ticket sales in upcoming editions of D-Tales. Volunteers for this community event are always needed! Please contact D&W Events, the festival coordinators, at 847/726-8669 if you would like to assist with the show. For more information, please contact the Village Manager’s Office at 847/945-5000 or visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield-il.org. Refuse Collection Reminders The Village of Deerfield offers once- and twice-per-week refuse collection service through Veolia Environmental Services. All residents are offered this service at their backdoor or “top of driveway,” meaning that refuse may be left at either location for collection. Some residents may choose to carry refuse to the curb (recycling and yard waste must be taken to the curb for collection), but this is not required. Residents also have a choice of the frequency of service and must inform the Finance Department of their choice. However, residents who wish to change their status, i.e. those who wish to switch from once-per- week to twice-per-week collection or vice-versa, may only do so one time per year. These changes are processed quarterly; in March, June, September, and December. Residential yard waste collection is set to resume during the week of April 1. Beginning April 1, the cost of landscape waste stickers will increase to $$11..7700 each. Stickers may be purchased at Village Hall. Residents north of Deerfield Road will have yard waste collected on Mondays; those south of Deerfield Road will be collected on Tuesday. Yard waste must be placed in a 30-gallon paper bag and placed at the curb with a sticker affixed for collection. A sticker is also required for each bundle of brush, not exceeding 4' in length and 50 pounds or individual branches of 3" in diameter. Questions regarding refuse collection may be addressed to the Finance Department at 847/945-5000. REMEMBER! Daylight Savings Time begins earlier this year - set your clocks ahead one hour beginning at 2:00 a.m. on March 11! publicWORKS Page 3 2007 Construction The Village is planning a number of projects for the upcoming construction season. Below is a brief synopsis: Crabtree Lane This roadway and underground infrastructure are both deteriorated. The Village will install new storm and sanitary sewers and will also install new utility services to just beyond the new roadway limits. In addition, a new watermain will be installed, and the existing service lines will be replaced and upsized. The existing roadway will be replaced after all underground infrastructure is completed. An engineering consultant is developing the design of the new sewers and the final roadway configuration. Similar to past projects performed by the Village, staff has been working with the consultants to ensure the proper care of trees in the construction zone, as well as limiting inconveniences to those residents who live in the area. Clavinia Subdivision This project involves rehabilitating deteriorated watermains located on Susan, Sapling, Clavinia, Dartmouth and Castlewood. Because of the extensive number of watermain breaks in this area, these watermains and water services are scheduled to be replaced. Based on the 2005 IMS roadway study and the extensive amount of street work that will be required to install the new watermain and • Mulching around trees helps to facilitate maintenance and can reduce the likelihood of damage from “weed whackers” or the dreaded “lawn mower blight.” • Mulch can give planting beds a uniform, well-cared for look. As beneficial as mulch is, too much can be harmful. Applying the recommended 2” to 4” layer of organic mulch can mimic a more natural environment and improve plant health. Unfortunately, too often over-mulching has become the norm. A “Mulch volcano” is a term used to describe mulch that has been piled up around the base of trees. Shallow roots, which are essential for taking up water and minerals, require oxygen to survive. A thin layer of mulch, applied as broadly as practical, can improve the soil structure, oxygen levels, temperature, and moisture availability where these roots grow. Most organic mulches must be replenished, but the rate of decomposition varies. Some mulch, such as Cypress mulch, remains intact for many years. Top dressing with new mulch annually (often for the sake of refreshing the color) creates a buildup to depths that can be unhealthy. Deep mulch can be effective in suppressing weeds and reducing maintenance, but it often causes other problems. Questions regarding tree care should be directed to the Public Works Department at 847/317-7245. Knowing where underground lines are buried before each digging project helps prevent injury, expense, and penalties. In 2004, statistics suggest that there were approximately 680,000 underground line strikes nationally resulting in damages, including service outages and injuries. Many of these accidents might have been easily avoided by calling ahead to have lines marked before digging. Please note: some utilities will not locate services that are on private property. Visit www.call811.com for more information, and be sure to call before you dig! Proper Tree Mulching Mulches are materials placed over the soil surface to maintain moisture and improve soil conditions. Mulching is very beneficial for the health of a tree. The benefits of proper mulching include: • Helps maintain soil moisture. Evaporation is reduced, and the need for watering can be minimized. • Helps control weeds. A 2 - 4 inch layer of mulch will reduce the germination and growth of weeds • Mulch serves as nature’s insulating blanket. Mulch keeps soils warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. • Many types of mulch can improve soil aeration, structure (aggregation of soil particles), and drainage over time. • Some kinds of mulch can improve soil fertility. • A layer of mulch can inhibit certain plant diseases. residential service lines, the concrete streets will also be removed and replaced with new asphalt roadways. This work will include the installation of new curbs and some minor sidewalk rehabilitation work. It is anticipated that some utility structure rehabilitation work will be required as part of this project. Questions regarding these projects may be directed to the Engineering Department at 847/317-2490. Periodic construction updates will also be placed on the Village’s website at www.deerfield-il.org. Call Before You Dig! Homeowners and contractors have for years known of the importance of calling JULIE before beginning any excavation project in order to locate underground utilities. To make these locates even easier, effective May 1, 2007, a new national system will be introduced, which is as simple as dialing 8-1-1. 811 is the new FCC- designated national number created to eliminate confusion of multiple “Call Before You Dig” numbers across the country. This quick and efficient service connects callers with local one call centers who notify the appropriate local utilities, who in turn send crews to the requested site to mark the approximate location of the underground lines at no cost. A “Call Before You Dig” Web site – www.call811.com - has been designed to serve as a national resource for professional excavators and the general public. The new website has been launched to educate residents about the new 811 telephone number. The following is a synopsis of actions taken by the Village Board since the last publication of D-Tales. For complete sets of minutes for Village Board meetings, please visit the Village’s website at www.deerfield-il.org. Village Board Action Approved an Ordinance Granting a Variation for the Property at 380 Paula Court. Approved an Ordinance Authorizing a Drive-Up ATM Facility as a Special Use for Devon Bank at 70 South Waukegan Road. Approved an Ordinance For a Final Plat of Subdivision for the Property at 1521 Central Avenue and Authorizing a Lot Depth Variation. Authorized a contract with Vonage America for Acceptance of E-911 Fees. Approved a Resolution Authorizing the Illinois Telecommunicator Emergency Response Task Force Intergovernmental Agreement. Approved an Ordinance Amending Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield of 1975 to Increase the Number of Class I Liquor Licenses from One (1) to Two (2). Approved an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15, Morals and Conduct, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield (Drug Paraphernalia Prohibited). Authorized a Contract with Pools Press for Printing of the D-Tales Newsletter. Approved an Ordinance Granting a Variation for Certain Property Commonly Known as 1157 Hazel Avenue. Approved an Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Establish Requirements for the Proper Completion of Work Authorized by Building and Demolition Permits. Approved an Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code to Authorize a Process for Settlement of Certain Ordinance Violations. Authorized a Contract for Digester Valve Replacement at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Approved a Resolution Authorizing a Comprehensive Amendment to the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the Village of Deerfield. Approved a Resolution Authorizing Construction Work Within State Rights-of-Way. Proclamations, Appointments and Recognitions Proclaimed the month of February as Autism Awareness Month Proclaimed the month of February as Youth Art Month Appointed the following residents to various Boards and Commissions: Sean Ehlke - Appearance Review Commission Larry Berg - Board of Zoning Appeals Neil Samuels - Community Relations Commission boardREPORT communityCALENDAR Page 4 Deerfield Park District Golf Lottery Deerfield Golf Club March 7 Travel Around the World Family Event Jewett Park Community Center March 9 Kid’s Flea Market Jewett Park Community Center March 10 Spring Flings and Spring Break Sports Jewett Park Community Center March 26 - 30 Art Show Patty Turner Senior Center April 29 For more information on event times, or to register for Park District programs, call 847/945-0650, or visit the park district’s website at www.deerfieldparkdistrict.org. Deerfield Public Library The library will be closed Sunday, April 8 for the Easter holiday. The library will open at 1 p.m. on March 16 and at 10 a.m. on April 17. AAdduulltt PPrrooggrraammss:: AARP Tax Aid Program Tuesdays and Fridays through April 13 Voter Registration March 10, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. and March 17, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest Reception March 11, 2 p.m. Illinois Women and the Suffrage Movement March 14, 7 p.m. Around the World in 60 Minutes March 20, 7 p.m. The Trains, The Trains! March 24, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friends of the Deerfield Public Library April 4 & 25, 7 p.m. Chicago Botanic Garden’s Lenhardt Library April 17, 7 p.m. BBooookk DDiissccuussssiioonnss:: Case Histories March 8, 10:30 a.m. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close March 15, 7:30 p.m. East Wind, Rain April 12, 10:30 a.m. The History of Love April 19, 7:30 p.m. YYoouutthh PPrrooggrraammss:: Toddler Times March 2 & 15, April 13 & 19, 10:30 a.m. Family Times Saturdays through May 26, 11 a.m. Mark McKillip’s Puppet Arte Troupe presents “Irish Tales” March 17, 2 p.m. Activated Storytellers presents “Quizzical Quests: Multicultural Folktales” April 14, 2 p.m. National Library Week April 15 - 21 National TV Turn off Week April 23 - 29, Note: Please register in advance for all programs by calling 847/945- 3311. Visit the library on the web at www.deerfieldlibrary.org West Deerfield Township Township Board meetings will be held March 20 and April 10 at the Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. Call 847/945-0614 or visit www.westdeerfieldtownship.org for more information. Upcoming Festivals/Events Festival of Fine Arts - June 2 - 3 Family Days - July 3 - 4 policeDEPARTMENT villageNEWS Page 5 Law enforcement is working to end the fraudulent activities associated with spoofing. Most of the caller ID spoofing service providers do surrender call logs to authorities in response to subpoenas. Also, telephone companies trace calls to their origin regardless of the Caller ID information they carry, but the process is laborious, especially since a call may be carried by several companies before reaching its destination. The fragmented nature of the telephone network also makes it technically difficult for the carriers to prevent spoofing. Generally, this means you should be cautious when providing any personal information over the phone. As a rule, if you are not absolutely certain of the identity of the individual on the other end of the call, keep your information private. For more information, or to report a problem, please contact the Deerfield Police Department at 847/945-8636. Remember: Wipers On, Headlights On! It is an Illinois law that if the weather conditions warrant use of windshield wipers, you must also have your car’s headlights on. It is also the safest choice. Err on the side of caution and keep your lights on whenever conditions are less than ideal; early or late in the day, in rain, snow, fog or any other time that drivers and pedestrians utilizing the sidewalks and carriage walks throughout the community may need a little help seeing your car. Pass this important message on to all drivers in your family. used by people who buy stolen credit card numbers. They will call a service such as Western Union, setting Caller ID to appear to originate from the card holder's home, and use the credit card number to order cash transfers that they then collect. To authenticate new credit cards, card holders are generally asked to call from their home phones to activate their new cards. Spoofers can sometimes take advantage of the caller ID systems utilized by the credit card companies, but many card companies maintain that they use additional means to confirm new cards, other than a simple caller ID check. Caller ID spoofing may not work for calls to 1-800 numbers, where the hardware is often in place to identify calls using a separate technology. Spoofing may allow offenders to break into cell phone voice mailboxes because many systems are set to automatically grant entry to calls from the owner of the account. Stopping that requires setting a PIN code or password for the mailbox. The lesson to be learned is to never completely trust caller ID. If you are unsure about who the caller is, take down the caller ID number and ask the caller for their number. Try returning a call to the caller ID number and then to the number given by the caller, if different, to verify the caller. If you feel you have been the victim of a crime, notify the Deerfield Police Department at 847/945- 8636 immediately from a different phone line. Call tracing only works if you have not made any outgoing calls since the call you received and are attempting to trace. Voting - April 17 Election There will be a Consolidated Election on April 17, 2007. West Deerfield Township residents may register to vote at the West Deerfield Township Center at 601 Deerfield Road. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may register to vote if you are: a United States citizen, 18 years of age by the date of the next election, and a resident of your precinct address for at least 30 days immediately prior to an election. Two forms of identification are required (one showing your permanent address). By law, voter registration will close March 20 at the Township Center, but you may still register during the “grace period” at the Lake County Clerk’s office by April 3. “Early Voting” at the Township Office will begin on March 26. “Early Voting” will require a picture government-issued form of identification. Questions regarding the new election laws and voting hours may be directed to the West Deerfield Township office at 847/945- 0614 or the Lake County Clerk’s office at 847/377-2400. Early Voting Hours - March 26 - April 11: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - noon Absentee Voting Hours - April 13 - April 16 Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - noon Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please see page 6 for more information on precincts and polling places. The Dangers of “Spoofing” The concept of “spoofing” has become a matter of concern to the public, as well as the Deerfield Police Department. “Spoofing” refers to the practice of hiding the actual caller ID number while making a call and replacing it with any number of the user's choice. This practice is not new, but it is becoming more prevalent. Developed and used by the federal government to help fight crime, spoofing has evolved into a menacing way for thieves to deceive the public, and has become especially prevalent with the introduction of voice over internet protocol, also known as VoIP. The criminal possibilities with spoofing are seemingly endless. It can be used to harass, stalk, falsely authenticate, and fraudulently obtain a person's personal information. Callers “spoof” using websites that provide these services, by utilizing phone cards purchased from Caller ID spoofing companies, or simply by utilizing versions of VoIP technology. Unfortunately, it has become easily accessible to almost anyone. For instance, virtual "calling cards" are sold allowing the user to dial a toll-free number and key in the destination number and the Caller ID number to display. The service also provides optional voice scrambling to make the caller sound like someone of the opposite sex. Criminals use spoofing for many types of offenses. For example, these services are villageINFO Page 6 PPrreecciinncctt 441133 Deerfield High School 1959 N. Waukegan Road PPrreecciinncctt 441166 Deerfield High School 1959 N. Waukegan Road PPrreecciinncctt 441177** St. Gregory’s Church 835 Wilmot Road PPrreecciinncctt 441188 Congregation B’nai Tikvah 1558 Wilmot Road PPrreecciinncctt 441199 Congregation B’nai Tikvah 1558 Wilmot Road PPrreecciinncctt 442200 St. Gregory’s Church 835 Wilmot Road PPrreecciinncctt 442211** Deerfield Village Hall 850 Waukegan Road PPrreecciinncctt 442222** Deerspring Pool 200 Deerfield Road PPrreecciinncctt 442233 Deerfield Village Hall 850 Waukegan Road PPrreecciinncctt 442244 Deerfield Village Hall 850 Waukegan Road PPrreecciinncctt 442255 Patty Turner Senior Center 375 Elm Street PPrreecciinncctt 442266 St. Gregory’s Church 835 Wilmot Road PPrreecciinncctt 442277 ** Patty Turner Senior Center 375 Elm Street PPrreecciinncctt 442288 ** Patty Turner Senior Center 375 Elm Street PPrreecciinncctt 442299 St. Gregory’s Church 835 Wilmot Road PPrreecciinncctt 222211 Red Oak School 530 Red Oak Lane (Highland Park - Moraine Township) In person absentee voting takes place at the West Deerfield Township Offices, 601 Deerfield Road. Questions should be directed to 847/945-0614. Precinct Map Village of Deerfield **Designates new location villageINFO Page 7 Senior Programs @ PTSC For more information on any of the programs listed below, or to receive the Patty Turner Senior Center newsletter, please call 847/940-4010. March 16: St. Patrick’s Day Party March 21: Mrs. Warren’s Profession March 23:Copper Canyon, Mexico Program and Dessert March 29: Glass Blowing Excursion April 3: Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar Testing Sponsored by ENH Healthcare April 12: Abraham Lincoln Library Program and Dessert Sponsored by the Deerfield Historical Society April 25:Joffrey Ballet Trip April 27: Spring Lunch with Still Acting Up Senior Assistance Program Residents who are at least 62 years old, maintain an independent household and meet certain income limits may be eligible for financial assistance under the Village’s Senior Housing Subsidy If you would like more information, please contact Village Hall at 847/945-5000. Outstanding Youth Award The Deerfield Community Relations Commission would like your help in nominating deserving young men and women for the Jeffrey Werner Outstanding Youth Award. This award was first presented in 1969 as a memorial to Jeffrey Werner, a Deerfield teenager who, despite a terminal illness, distinguished himself in service to his community. Nomination forms are available at the Village Hall. Please return completed forms to the attention of: Community Relations Commission Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 The deadline for accepting applications is Friday, April 6, 2007. The award presentation will take place at Jewett Park during the Memorial Day ceremony. For more information, please call 847/945-5000. Historical Society Program Dave Blanchette will present a virtual tour of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum at the Patty Turner Senior Center, 375 Elm Street, at 12:45 p.m. on Thursday, April 12. Please call 847/948-0680 to make reservations. Retire Your Worn American Flag There comes a time when your American flag that has flown so proudly becomes torn and tattered and is no longer a fitting symbol for display. These flags deserve a proper retirement. The Sons of the American Legion Squadron #738 and the American Legion Post #738, along with Deerfield Boy Scout Troops, are planning a Flag Retirement Ceremony on Wednesday, June 6 (D-Day), at 6:30 p.m. at the Jewett Park shelter. Anyone having an American flag in need of retirement may drop it off at the Deerfield Public Library reference desk, 920 Waukegan Road, any time prior to June 6. Clean Air Counts Clothes washers and dryers use heaping amounts of energy through operation and heating. In fact, the water-heating process uses 90 percent of the energy used by a washing machine! Yet, there are steps you can take to reduce this massive energy use and to help improve the environment. You can make the biggest improvement in energy conservation by purchasing an Energy Star® qualified washing machine. Energy- efficient washers use 35-50 percent less water and 50 percent less energy per load. This results in lower energy and water bills, and costs you less in detergent, too. Also, since energy-efficient models spin at a higher speed, extracting more water from the load, the drying time is less than with other normal machines. In addition, front-loading, or horizontal-axis, washers are much more energy efficient than standard top-loading, or vertical-axis, machines. Front-loading models use about two- thirds less water and are said to clean clothes more thoroughly than conventional top-loading units. Front-loading machines also spin the clothes faster and remove more of the moisture content resulting in a shorter drying time for the load. These machines not only reduce wear and tear on your clothes, but can also enable stacking of the washer and dryer, which is an invaluable space-saver for many homeowners. If you are in the market for a new washer or dryer, take into consideration both the purchase and operational price tags of the machines. In some cases, energy- efficient models cost more to purchase than standard models, but the cost savings in energy bills, detergent and time can easily repay the initial investment. If you cannot replace your machines with new units, there are methods you can use to reduce energy consumption with your standard appliances: • Make use of the cold/cold setting on your washer. This reduces the large energy consumption required for water heating. • Use the lowest water level possible for loads. • Insulate the pipes leading to the washer. This will reduce the amount of heat that escapes during heating. • Turn down the temperature of your water heater to no more than 122 degrees Fahrenheit. • Place your washer close to the water heater so the travel time and distance for hot water is not longer than necessary. Clothes dryers use large amounts of energy, and the energy efficiency of dryers varies very little. However, you can still save on energy use by making changes in the way you use your dryer’s features. Look for a dryer that has an automatic shut-off feature, or a dryer with an “end-cycle” tone or alert which can also reduce unnecessary drying time. Consider using the machine only until the clothes are damp, and then hang dry them for the remainder of the time. This not only saves energy, but preserves the clothing. Lastly, using the “permanent press” or “fluff option,” which blows cool air on clothes, reduces wrinkles. Some additional tips for energy- efficient drying are listed below: • Dry similar clothes together. • Do not over dry clothes, which wastes energy and damages clothing. • Try drying loads one after the other to take advantage of heat in the dryer. • Do not overload the dryer. • Clean the lint filter before every load and periodically check that the outside dryer vent is free from obstruction. • Consider installing a clothesline and naturally drying your clothes. How does all this benefit the environment? In two ways: by reducing electricity consumption, the power plants that provide electricity generate less pollution. Second, using less fossil fuel increases the fuel supply for other purposes and reduces our reliance on foreign sources of energy. For more information, log on to www.CleanAirCounts.org. The Village of Deerfield is committed to providing superior services to its residents. Therefore, we are pleased to respond to your individual questions, thoughts, suggestions, or concerns. Simply return this form to Village Hall or email us at deermail@deerfield-il.org. Please provide an address so that we can respond directly. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________Telephone:____________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ Please return to: Village Manager’s Office 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Village Board meetings are the first and third Mondays of the month and are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Board Room at Village Hall. If a meeting falls on a holiday, it is scheduled for the following business day. The Village Board agenda is posted on the Village’s website and cable channel 10 on the Friday prior to the Village Board Meeting. Village Voice The Village of Deerfield Incorporated - 1903 wwwwww..ddeeeerrffiieelldd--iill..oorrgg Village Officials: MMaayyoorr:: Steven M. Harris - 940-7533 TTrruusstteeeess:: Robert Benton - 945-1570 Michelle Feldman - 940-0628 Harriet Rosenthal - 945-3545 William S. Seiden - 945-2442 Barbara J. Struthers - 940-0917 Matthew J. Wylie - 945-5149 VViillllaaggee MMaannaaggeerr//CClleerrkk:: Robert D. Franz - 945-5000 VViillllaaggee HHaallll//PPoolliiccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt:: 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847/945-5000 847/945-8636 (Police non-emergency) PPuubblliicc WWoorrkkss:: 465 Elm Street Deerfield, Illinois 60015 847/317-7245 lastPAGE PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Deerfield, Illinois DD--TTaalleess 885500 WWaauukkeeggaann RRooaadd DDeeeerrffiieelldd,, IIlllliinnooiiss 6600001155 PPhhiilliipp KKiirraallyy,, EEddiittoorr POSTAL CUSTOMER DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015