O-66-32ORDINANCE N0, 0 -66f32 AN ORDI�,TANCE LEVYING TAXES ' OR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCe:kL YEAR COM- MENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1966, AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1967, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. That a tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the pur- poses specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1966, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1967. A. GENERAL .ADMINISTRATION PURPOSES FUND Amount of To Be Appropriation Levied 1. Salaries $85,000-00 $74,000-00 2. Temporary Employment 10, 000.00 - 3. Professional Services Zoning Recodification 3,000-00 C. P.A. Services 6,500.00 3,500-00 Investigations and Studies 5,000-00 - Other 2$000.00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 5,000.00 3,500.00 5. Engineering and Contract Work Parking Lot Improvement -30,000-00 - Partition Changes 500.00 - Village Hall Expansion 55,000-00 15,000-00 Painting 700.00 - 6. Advertising, Legal and Special 2, 000.00 1,500.00 7. Electricity - Lighting 1,000.00 500.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 5,000-00 3,500.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 3,000-00 1,000.00 10. Postage 2, 000.00 1$000.00 11. Radio Service 1,000.00 100.00 12. License Plates,. Badges 200.00 25.00 13. New Motor Vehicle 1, 000.00 - 14. Automobile Maintenance 1,000.00 175.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 20 000.00 100.00 16. Equipment andlor Furniture Public Address System 750.00 - Furniture 300.00 - File Cabinets 800.00 150.00 Tape Recorder 300.00 - Typewriter T able 150.00 - Drill Press 400.00 - B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries $195,000-00 95,000-00 A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PURPLES FUND - continued 16. Equipment and /or Furniture 3. Professional Services 1,500-00 Chairs 500.00 100.00 3,500-00 Lockers 350.00 100.00 500.00 Air Compressor 750.00 - 300.00 Executive Chair 200.00 - 1, 200.00 Village Hall 10, 000.00 - 17. Office Supplies 5,000-00 2,500.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 200.00 21. Fuel and Heat 3, 000.00 12000.00 22. Building and Ground Maintenance 3,500-00 300.00 23. Wearing Apparel 100.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 1,200.00 300.00 25. Travel 1, 600.00 300.00 26. Land, Rights of Way, Lot Payments 125,000-00 - 27. Chemicals, Cleaning Materials 1,500-00 100.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 800.00 100.00 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 - 31. Elections 2P500-00 500.00 34. Legal Fees and Retainer 30, 000.00 15, 000.00 35. Planning Commission Expense Planning Consultant 15,000-00 5,000-00 36. Board of Zoning Appeals 500.00 100.00 37. Board of Building Appeals 500.00 - 38. Dog Pound Operation 500.00 - 39. Youth Council 1,500.00 - 40. Sister City Committee 250.00 - 41. Human Relations Commission 500-00 - TOTAL $429,850-00 $129,650-00 B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries $195,000-00 95,000-00 2. Temporary Employment 22, 000.00 5,000-00 3. Professional Services 1,500-00 500.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 3,500-00 2, 000.00 5. Engineering Contracts 500.00 100.00 6. Advertising Notices 300.00 100.00 7. Telephone and Telegraph 1, 200.00 600.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 500.00 200.00 10. Postage 400.00 50.00 11. Radio Service 1,500-00 700:00 12. License Plates, Badges 200.00 50.00 13. New Motor Vehicles 9,000.00 6,500.00 14. Automobile Maintenance 6,000.00 2, 500.00 15. Equipment Maintenance 500.00 150.00 -2- B. POLICE DEPARTMENT - Continued 16. 17. 18. 20. 23. 24. 25. 28. 29. 30. 38. 39. Other New Equipment New Radio Radar Unit Three Lockers Training Supplies Office Supplies Meters, Parts and Signs Gasoline and Lubricants Wearing Apparel Dues and Memberships Travel and Training Small Tools, Sundry Items Miscellaneous Equipment Rental Safety Council Fire and Police Commission TOTAL C. CIVIL DEFENSE 43. Training Expense Travel Expense Supplies Equipment Miscellaneous TOTAL D. WATER DEPARTMENT 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. Salaries Part Time and Overtime Insurance and Bonds Engineering and Contract Work Professional Cathodic Protection Water Main Extension Reservoir Excavation Leakfind er Advertising, Legal & Special Electricity Telephone and Telegraph Maps, Periodicals, Printing Postage Radio Service License Plates, Badges Motor Vehicle Maintenance -3- 1,200.00 1,500.00 .300.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 6, 000.00 3,000-00 250.00 3,000-00 200.00 500.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 $262,250.00 1,000.00 500.00 2, 000.00 2, 000.00 500-00 ___ $6,000.00 35,000.00 8,000.00 1,,500.00 10, 000.00 1,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 5,000-00 100.00 10$000.00 500.00 400.00 800.00 .300.00 50.00 750.00- 250.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 3,000.00 2, 000.00 50.00 1,000.00 150.00 200.00 $1211200.00 D. WATER DEPARTMENT -Continued 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3,000-00 - 16. New Equipment and /or Furniture 6, 000.00 3. Radio 1, 000.00 - Earth Auger 2, 000. 00 - 17. Materials and Supplies 8,500-00 - 18. Meters and Parts 25, 000.00 - 19. Water Purchases 300, 000.00 - 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 800.00 - 23. Wearing Apparel 250.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 - 25. Travel and Training 250.00 - 27. Chemicals and Aggregate 1,000.00 - 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 300.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 2, 000.00 - 30. Equipment Rentals 1,000.00 - 32. Office Rental 10, 000.00 - 40. Water Revenue Bond Ordinance 200.00 Principal and Interest 39,.370.10 - 17. Reserve Charges 11,400.00 - 20. Depreciation 3,000-00 - 23. Bank Agency Fees 250.00 - TOTAL $552,620.10 - E. SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Salaries 45,000-00 2. Part Time and Overtime 6, 000.00 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 6,000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 900.00 5. Engineering and Contract Work Sewer Separation Project 100, 000.00 Sewer Cleaning, TV Inspection 7,500.00 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 100.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 10. Postage 300.00 11. Radio Service 150.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 750.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3,000-00 16. New Equipment Sewer Machine Intercom 200.00 Cleaning Buckets 400.00 17. Materials and Supplies 6$000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 23. Wearing Apparel 200.00 -4- E. SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE - Continued 27. Chemicals and Aggregate 1o500-00 - 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 200.00 - 29. Sewer Construction 50P000.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 1,500-00 - 31. Bond and Interest (Revenue) 11,500.00 - 32. Building and Office Rent 10, 000.00 - 33. Sewer Revenue Bond Ordinance 50.00 - 14. Depreciation Fund Expense 5,000-00 - TOTAL F. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT $258.9800.00 1. Salaries 35,000-00 - 2. Part Time and Overtime 5,000-00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 1,500.00 - 5. Engineering Consultation 3,000-00 - 7. Electricity 8)1000.00 - 8. Telephone and Telegraph 200.00 - 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 - 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 300.00 - 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 4,000-00 - 16. New Equipment Heat Exchanger Replacement 15, 000.00 - Odor Control Equipment 3,500-00 - Stand By Generator 12, 000.00 - Storm Water Pump 5,000-00 - 17. Materials and Supplies- 3,500-00 - 18. Gauges and Signs 500.00 - 19. Water Purchases 400.00 - 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 350.00 - 21. Fuel and Heat 3,000-00 - 22. Building and Grounds Maintenance 1,500.00 - 23. Wearing Apparel 150.00 - 25. Travel and Training 200.00 - 27. Chemicals and Cleaning Supplies 8, 000.00 - 28 Small Tools and Sundry Items 150.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 - TOTAL $111P300-00 - G. STREET AND BRIDGE 1. Salaries 40,000-00 20, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 15,000-00 5,000-00 4. Insurance and Bonds 3,500.00 1,000.00 -5- Y G. STREET AND BRIDGE - Continued 5. Engineering Contract Work Construction - Broege Lot 20, 000.00 Sidewalk Repairs 15,000-00 2, 500.00 Tree Pruning 3,000-00 1,000.00 Curb Reconstruction 2, 000.00 500.00 Street Resurfacing 15,000-00 - Dutch Elm Disease Control 5,000-00 - 6. Advertising 100.00 - 7. Electricity, Street Lighting 10, 000.00 5,000-00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 - 11. Radio Service 500.00 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 3,000-00 500.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 5,000-00 1,500-00 16. New Equipment Leaf Loader 4,000-00 2,000.00 Power Post Hole Auger 3,000-00 - T Two New Trucks 10, 000.00 5,000-00 17. Materials and Supplies Street Maintenance 30, 000.00 10, 000.00 18. Street Signs 4,000-00 500.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 4,000-00 2,000.00 23. Apparel 250.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 50.00 - 25. Travel 200.00 - 27. Chemicals 10$000.00 3,000-00 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 250.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 5,000-00 - 30. Administrative Overhead 10P000.00 - 47. Paving not covered by Special Assessments - Village Share 15, 000.00 - 48. Hazel Avenue Bridge Construction 30,000-00 - Village Reforestation 2, 000.00 - Land Purchase, Broege Lot 65,000-00 - 49. Equipment Rental 2j 000.00 500.00 TOTAL $331,950-00 $60,150.00 H. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FLND Village's Contribution 18, 000.00 - I. BOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal & Interest, 1954 42,500-00 42,500-00 Principal & Interest, 1960 34, 406.00 34, 406.00 10 r I. BOND AND INTEREST FUND - Continued Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 Issue Principal Interest TOTAL J. POLICE PENSION F LND Village's Contribution K. PUBLIC BENEFITS TAX FUND L. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Payment of Public Benefits VILLAGE LIBRARY Salaries and IMRF Building Reserve Fund Building Equipment Publications Building Repairs & Maintenance Eq uipm ent Binding Supplies Postage and Express Surety Bonds Insurance Janitor Service Telephone Audit Electric, Heat, Water Legal Fees Architectural Services Miscellaneous Office Expense Contingencies TOTAL SUMMARY OF LEVIES Total Levy from Tax for General Corporate Purposes 2.400.00 $79, 3o6. oo 22,000.00 16,500.00 54,000-00 1,000.00 6, 000.00 15,000-00 5,000-00 10, 000.00 3,000-00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,500-00 500.00 800.00 4,000-00 2, 200.00 7,500-00 2, 000.00 2.000.00 $122,500.00 Levied from a special tax to pay bonds and interest, in addition to all other taxes -7- $76,906.00 22,000.00 54,000.00 1,000.00 6, 000.00 15,000.00 5,000-00 10,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,500-00 500.00 800.00 4,000.00 2, 200.00 7, 500.00 2, 000.00 2,000.00 $122,500-00 $250,850-00 76, 906.00 SUMMARY OF LEVIES - Continued Levied from a special tax for payment to the Illinois Municipal Employees Retirement Fund as provided by law, in addition to all other taxes -0- Levied from a special tax for payment to the Police Pension Fund as provided by law, in addition to all other taxes 22, 000.00 Levied from a special tax to pay Public Benefits under special assessment proceedings -0- Levied for Street and Bridge Purposes 600150.00 Levied from a .special tax for Library Purposes 122.500.00 TOTAL OF ALL LEVIES $532,406.00 Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with' the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1966, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. Section .3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 15th day of .AYES: FOUR (4) ATTEST: n�,� 7o. -/�a� Village Clerk August , 1966. NAYS: NONE (0) APPROVED: Mayor G. H. STREET AND BRIDGE - Continued 5. Engineering and Contract Work Construction - Broege Lot 20,000.00 - Sidewalk Repairs 15,000.00 2,500.00 Tree Pruning 3,000.00 1,000.00 Curb Reconstruction 2,000.00 500.00 Street Resurfacing 15,000.00 - Dutch Elm Disease Control 5,000.00 - 6. Advertising 100.00 - 7. Electricity, Street Lighting 10,000.00 5,000.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 - ll. Radio Service 500.00 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 50.00 14.. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 3,000.00 500.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 5,000.00 1,500.00 16. New Equipment Leaf Loader 4,000.00 2,000.00 Power Post Hole Auger 3,000.00 - Two New Trucks 10,000.00 5,000.00 17. Materials and Supplies ' Street Maintenance 30,000.00 10,000.00 18. Street Signs 4,000.00 500.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 4,000.00 2,000.00 23. Apparel 250.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 50.00 - 25. Travel 200.00 - 27. Chemicals 10,000.00 3,000.00 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 250.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 5,000.00 - 30. Administrative Overhead 10,000.00 - 47. Paving not covered by Special Assessments - Village Share 15,000.00 - 48. Hazel Avenue Bridge Construction 30,000.00 - Village Reforestation 2,000.00 - Land Purchase, Broege Lot 65,000.00 - 49. Equipment Rental 2,000.00 500.00 TOTAL $331,950.00 $60,150.00 ILLINOIS MUNI CI PAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 18,000.00 - BOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal and Interest, 1954 42,500.00 41,187.50 Principal and Interest, 1960 34,406.00 38,237.50 Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 Issue Principal - 10,000.00 Interest 2,400.00 2,250-00 TOTAL ;;79,306.00 $91,675.00 -6- Lj 00 C) z 0 z RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-300 SE RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL -30¢ SENT POSTMARK -TO j OR DATE OR DATE RE.I AND,Ii'. +AND F. O., ST TE, ZIP CODE STR� N,O.. �ANN�D 1 EIfIRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES Roturn Rocolpt Deliver to Shows to whom Shows to whom, Addressee Only EXTRA SER ES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES and date date, and where Roturn Roeolpt Deliver to delivered delivered El 500 fee [] 10¢ fee ❑ 35¢ fee delivered delivered El 500 POO Form 3800 NO INSI RRMCM COVEWAG0: PWOVOOED— (See other side) Mar. 1966 NOT FOR ONTERNATOONAB. MAOL RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL -30¢ SENT POSTMARK OR DATE STR� N,O.. �ANN�D 1 U P., STATE, AND IP CODE � Q EXTRA SER ES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES Roturn Roeolpt Deliver to Shows to whom Shows to whom, Addressee Only and date date, and where delivered delivered El 500 QIO¢ fee ❑ 35¢ fee (See other side) POD Form 3800 NO OPISIIOI'ANCIE COVEE92AGIE PROVIDIFD— Mar. 1966 NOV P063 IMTIERNATOONAL BAAOO. i INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE ❑Show to whom and Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered 1:1 address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. 591582 NSURED NO. SIGNATURE R NAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always befilled in) T1SSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) W —_L— INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE ®Show to whom and Show to whom, when, and Deliver ONLY when delivered ❑ address where delivered ❑ to addressee (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED N0. jk SIGNATURE OR -AIAME OF ADDRESSEE (Must always befilledin) CERTIFIED N0, d 591581 2 SIGNATURE INSURED NO DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE r ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF A� ED (only if requested) r r ` 055 -16- 71548-8 WPO c55 -16- 71548 -8 oPo POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID OFFICIAL BUSINE PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, 1300 Q AUG 8 OEI_F'.E . °' NAME OF SENDER � iNM I 56 1966 POST OFFICE, STATE, AND ZIP CODE ILL- 60015 INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. RETURN Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmlyy to back f, of article. Print on front of article RETURN TO n RECEIPT REQUESTED. ` w NAME OF SENDER 0 Village Clerk c STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX Do 850 Waukegan Road ` E a POST OFFICE, STATE, AND ZIP CODE u° 8 Deerfield, I l l i no i s 6001 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT nwv,ri n, a �m raccc �1 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYM0J=0ft6Q5=E , 1300 .`' �EiRy tr I AuL LP PP i Q INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and address below and complete instructions on other side, where applicable. Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. e� !C TO NAME OF SENDER Village Clerk STREET AND NO. OR P.O. BOX 850 Waukegan Road POST OFFICE, STATE, AND ZIP CODE Deerfield, Illinois 60015 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached ordinance is a true and accurate copy of an ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, 1966. Dated this 16th day of August, 1966. C' V'P4'�. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk SEAL AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COM- MENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1966, AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1967, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. That a tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the pur- poses specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1966, and ending on the ,30th day of April, 1967. A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PURPOSES FUND Amount of To Be Appropriation Levied 1. Salaries $85,000-00 $74,000-00 2. Temporary Employment 10, 000.00 - 3. Professional Services Zoning Recodification 3,000-00 - C.P.A. Services 6,500-00 3,500-00 Investigations and Studies 5,000-00 - Other 2, 000.00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 5,000.00 3,500.00 5. Engineering and Contract Work Parking Lot Improvement 30, 000.00 - Partition Changes 500.00 - Village. Hall Expansion 55,000-00 15,000-00 Painting 700.00 - 6. Advertising, Legal and Special 2,000.00 1,500.00 7. Electricity - Lighting 1, 000.00 500.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 5,000-00 3,500.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 3,000-00 1,000.00 10. Postage 2, 000.00 is-000.00 11. Radio Service 1, 000.00 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 200.00 25.00 13. New Motor Vehicle 1, 000.00 - 14. Automobile Maintenance 1)-000.00 175.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 2, 000.00 100.00 16. Equipment and /or Furniture Public Address System 750.00 - Furniture 300.00 - File Cabinets 800.00 150.00 Tape Recorder 300.00 - Typewriter Table 150.00 - Drill Press 400.00 - A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PURPOSES FUND - continued 16. Equipment and /or Furniture B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 2. Temporary Employment 3. Professional Services 4. Insurance and Bonds 5. Engineering Contracts 6. Advertising Notices 7. Telephone and Telegraph 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 10. Postage 11. Radio Service 12. License Plates, Badges 13. New Motor Vehicles 14. Automobile Maintenance 15. Equipment Maintenance -2- $195,000.00 Chairs 500.00 100.00 1,500.00 Lockers 350.00 100.00 500.00 Air Compressor 750.00 - 1,200.00 Executive Chair 200.00 - 400.00 Village Hall 10, 000.00 - 17. Office Supplies 5,000-00 2i 500.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 200.00 21. Fuel and Heat 3,000-00 1,000.00 22. Building and Ground Maintenance 3,500-00 300.00 23. Wearing Apparel 100.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 1,200.00 300.00 25. Travel 1$600.00 300.00 26. Land, Rights of Way, Lot Payments 125,000-00 - 27. Chemicals, Cleaning Materials 1,500-00 100.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry Items 800.00 100.00 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 - 31. Elections 2,500-00 500.00 34. Legal Fees and Retainer 30$000.00 15,000-00- 35. Planning Commission Expense Planning Consultant 15,000-00 5,000-00 36. Board of Zoning .Appeals 500.00 100.00 37. Board of Building Appeals 500.00 - 38. Dog Pound Operation 500.00 - 39. Youth Council 1,500.00 - 40. Sister City Committee 250.00 - 41. Human Relations Commission 500.00 - TOTAL $429,850-00 $129,650-00 B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 2. Temporary Employment 3. Professional Services 4. Insurance and Bonds 5. Engineering Contracts 6. Advertising Notices 7. Telephone and Telegraph 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 10. Postage 11. Radio Service 12. License Plates, Badges 13. New Motor Vehicles 14. Automobile Maintenance 15. Equipment Maintenance -2- $195,000.00 95,000.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 1,200.00 600.00 500.00 200.00 400.00 50.00 1,500.00 700.00 200.00 50.00 9,000.00 6,500-00 6, 000.00 2, 500.00 500.00 150.00 • B. POLICE DEPARTMENT - Continued 16. Other New Equipment New Radio Radar Unit Three Lockers Training Supplies 17. Office Supplies 18. Meters, Parts and Signs 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 23. Wearing Apparel 24. Dues and Memberships 25. Travel and Training 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 29. Miscellaneous 30. Equipment Rental 38. Safety Council 39. Fire and Police Commission TOTAL C. CIVIL DEFENSE 43. Training Expense Travel Expense Supplies Equipment Miscellaneous TOTAL D. WATER DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. Salaries Part Time and Overtime Insurance and Bonds Engineering and Contract Work Professional Cathodic Protection Water Main Extension Reservoir Excavation Leakfind er Advertising, Legal & Special Electricity Telephone and Telegraph Maps, Periodicals, Printing Postage Radio Service License Plates, Badges Motor Vehicle Maintenance -3- 1,200.00 1,500.00 300.00 1,500.00 1, 000.00 500.00 6, 000.00 3,000-00 250.00 3,000-00 200.00 500.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 $262,250-00 1, 000.00 500.00 2,000.00 2, 000.00 500.00 $60000.00 35,000.00 BY 000.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 1, 000.00 30, 000.00 40, 000.00 5,000-00 100.00 10, 000.00 500.00 400.00 800.00 ,300.00 50.00 750.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 3,000-00 2, 000.00 50.00 1,000.00 150.00 200.00 $121,200.00 D. WATER DEPARTMENT - Continued 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3..000.00 - 16. New Equipment andlor Furniture 6, 000.00 - 3. Radio 1,000.00 - Earth Auger 2$000.00 - 17. Materials and Supplies 8,500-00 - 18. Meters and Parts 25,000-00 - 19. Water Purchases ,300, 000.00 - 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 800.00 - 23. Wearing Apparel 250.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 - 25. Travel and Training 250.00 - 27. Chemicals and Aggregate 1$000.00 - 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 300.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 2, 000.00 - 30. Equipment Rentals 1,000.00 - 32. Office Rental 10, 000.00 - 40. Water Revenue Bond Ordinance 200.00 - Principal and Interest 39,370-10 - 17. Reserve Charges 11,400.00 - 20. Depreciation 3,000-00 - 23. Bank Agency Fees 250.00 - TOTAL $552,6.20.10 - E. SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Salaries 45,000-00 - 2. Part Time and Overtime 6, 000.00 - 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 6, 000.00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 900.00 - 5. Engineering and Contract Work Sewer Separation Project 100, 000. 00 Sewer Cleaning, TV Inspection 7,500-00 - 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 100.00 - 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 - 10. Postage 300.00 11. Radio Service 150.00 - 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 - 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 750.00 - 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 3,000-00 - 16. New Equipment Sewer Machine Intercom 200.00 - Cleaning Buckets 400.00 - 17. Materials and • Supplies 8, 000.00 - 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 - 23. Wearing Apparel 200.00 - -4- E. SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE - Continued 27. Chemicals and Aggregate 28. Small Tools, Sundry .Items 29. Sewer Construction 30. Equipment Rental 31. Bond and Interest (Revenue) 32. ' Building and Office Rent 33. Sewer Revenue Bond Ordinance Depreciation Fund Expense TOTAL F. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1,500-00 - 200.00 - 50,000.00 1,500-00 - 11,500.00 - 10, 000.00 - 5,000-00 - $258)1800.00 1. Salaries 35,000-00 - 2. Part Time and Overtime 5,000-00 - 4.. Insurance and Bonds 1,500.00 - 5. Engineering Consultation 3; 000. 00 - 7. Electricity (9,000.00 - 8. Telephone and Telegraph 200.00 - 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 - 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 300.00 - 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 4,000-00 - 16. New Equipment Heat Exchanger Replacement 15,000 - 00 - Odor Control Equipment 3,500.00 - Stand By Generator 12, 000.00 - Storm Water Pump 5,000-00 - 17. Materials and Supplies 3,500-00 - 18. Gauges and Signs 500.00 - 19. Water Purchases 400.00 - 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 350.00 - 21. Fuel and Heat 3,000-00 - 22. Building and Grounds Maintenance 1,500.00 - 23. Wearing Apparel 150.00 - 25. Travel and Training 200.00 - 27. Chemicals and Cleaning Supplies 8, 000.00 - 28 Small Tools and Sundry Items 150.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 - TOTAL $111,300.00 - G. STREET AND BRIDGE 1. Salaries 40,000-00 20, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 15,000-00 5,000-00 4. Insurance and Bonds 3,500.00 1,000.00 -5- M G. STREET AND BRIDGE - Continued 5. Engineering Contract Work Construction - Broege Lot 20, 000.00 Sidewalk Repairs 15,000-00 2,500000 Tree Pruning 3,000-00 1,000.00 Curb Reconstruction 2, 000.00 500.00 Street Resurfacing 15,000-00 - Dutch Elm Disease Control 5,000.00 - 6. Advertising 100.00 - 7. Electricity, Street Lighting 10, 000.00 5,000-00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 - 11. Radio Service 500.00 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 3..000.00 500.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 5400.00 1,500.00 16. New Equipment Leaf Loader 4,000-00 2$000.00 Power Post Hole Auger 3,000-00 Two New Trucks 10, 000.00 5..000.00 17. Materials and Supplies Street Maintenance .30J.000.00 10, 000•.00 18. Street Signs 4,000-00 500..00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 4s000-00 2,000.00 2,3. Apparel 250.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 50.00 - 25. Travel 200.00 - 27. Chemicals 10, 000.00 3,,000-00 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 250.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 5,000-00 - 30. Administrative Overhead 10, 000.00 - 47. Paving not covered by Special Assessments - Village Share 15,000-00 - 48. Hazel Avenue Bridge Construction 30,000-00 - Village Reforestation 2, 000.00 - Land Purchase, Broege Lot 65,000-00 - 49. Equipment Rental 2.000.00 _500.00 TOTAL $331,950.00 H. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT Fr-NQ Villages Contribution 18,000.00- I. BOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal & Interest, 1954 42,500-00 Principal & Interest, 1960 34, 406.00 �12 $60,150.00 ON 42,500-00 34, 406.00 3k. A O_ To • I. BOND AND INTEREST FUND - Continued Municipal Building Bonds - 1956 Issue Principal Interest TOTAL J. POLICE PENSION F t1VD Village's Contribution K. PUBLIC BENEFITS TAX FUND Payment of Public Benefits L. VILLAGE LIBRARY 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Salaries and IMRF Building Reserve Fund Building Equipment Publications Building Repairs & Maintenance Equipment Binding Supplies Postage and Express Surety Bonds Insurance Janitor Service Telephone Audit Electric, Heat, Water Legal Fees Architectural Services Miscellaneous Office Expense Contingencies TOTAL SUMMARY OF LEVIES Total Levy from Tax for General Corporate Z"urposes 2,400-00 - $79,306.00 $76,906.00 A . 0-•,., m- 79, q � S—, do 22,000.00 16, 500.00 54, 000.00 2, 000.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 5,000-00 10,000.00 3,000-00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1, 000.00 2, 000.00 3,500-00 500.00 800.00 4,000-00 2, 200.00 7,500-00 2, 000.00 2.000.00 $122,500-00 Levied from a special tax to pay bonds and interest, in addition to all . other . taxes -7- 22, 000.00 54,000.00 1, 000.00 6, 000.00 15,000-00 5,000.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 2, 000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2, 000.00 3,500-00 500.00 800:00 4,000.00 2, 200.00 7,500-00 21000.00 2.000.00 $122,500,00 $250,850-00 76; 906:'00 - " r 4 " lt . I I SUMMARY OF LEVIES - Continued Levied from a special tax for payment to the Illinois Municipal Employees Retirement Fund as provided by law, in addition to all other taxes -0- Levied from a special tax for payment to' the Police Pension Fund as provided by law, in addition to all other taxes 22, 000.00 Levied from a special tax to pay Public Benefits under special assessment proceedings -0- Levied for Street and Bridge Purposes 60;150.00 Levied from a .special tax for Library Purposes 122. _500.00 TOTAL OF ALL LEVIES $5,32', 406.00 Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1966, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 15th day of AYES: FOUR (4) ATTEST: Village Clerk August , 1966. NAYS: NONE (0) APPROVED: M-0 4 L�"v Mayor y� °� \\ �' I w..._� J1 August 16, 1966 Mr. Garfield leaf County Clerk of Lake County Court House ' Waukegan, Illinois Dear Mr. Leaf: Enclosed are certified copies of ordinances as follows: 1. Ordinance levying taxes for corporate purposes. 2. Ordinance abating Municipal Building Bond Tax for 1966. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk