O-62-15r. ZONING AMENDMENT WYMPOAS the question of amending the zoning? ordi- nanae of the Village as hereinafter described was re- ferred to tl;e Plan Commi�-uion which held .a pvblio hear- .Ing$ after due notice as required by lawt NOW TY'1,R"!AMRB BE IT ORDA MOD by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield$ Cook and Lake Couritiess Illinoist that; The zoning ordinance of the Village of Deerfield is hereby amended by classifying as M-11,IC"nufacturing,, and placing in the MI-Manufacturing District all that portion of the following property excepting so much of it as lies within 190 feet of the center line of Waukegan Road $ to-wit., 1, That part of the North East quarter of the South West quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. described as follows:- Commencing on the North line of said South Test quarter at the center line of Waukegan Road, thence South 31 degrees 18 minutes East along the center 1 i ne of Waukegan Road; 125.0 feet; theme South 66 degrees 55 minutes West 314.0 feet; thence north 23 dagrpes .05 minutes West 249.95 feet. Bare or less, to the North line of said South West quarter of Section 33; and thence East along the North line of said South Vest quarter 321.9 feat, more or less. to the place of beginning. That part of the North 605.2 feet of the South Vest quarter of Section 339Township 43 North. Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., which lies West of the center line of Waukegan Road (formerly Telegraph Ro+d) and East of the Easterly right of way line of the Chicago. Milwaukee,, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (except therefrom the following described promises: (a) Commencing on the North line of said South West quarter at the center line of said Waukegan Road; thence South 31 degrees 18 minutes East along the center line of said Waukegan Road, 125 feet; thence South 66 degrees 55 minutes West 314 feet; thence North 23 degrees 05 minutes West 249.95 fe0t, more or less, to the North line of said South Vest quarter; thence East along said North line 321.9 feet. more or less, to the place of beginning; (b) That part hereof failing within the foi loci ng described premises,, conveyed to Harrq Hardt and ®live Hardt. his wl fo. by Dead dated April 16. 1942 &d :recorded %prl 1 21, 1942. as ®ocuwent 582152. to-Ul t: ftg1 nnl ng at a point on the center line of said Waukegan Road South 63 degrees 15 alintas West 307 feet, rare or less, from a point on the East line of said South West quarter 537 fact South of the north East cornaor thereof; thence South 63 degrees 15 minutes West 200 fast; D, kJ 14 thence Worth 27 degrees 14 minutes West 100 Yeaat; tkenca kwtb 63 degrees 15 minutes East 200 Feet to the center lino of Uauhog}aan ROCS; thence South Easterly along the center lime of said Road, 000 Voo? to the place of beginning; (c) That part of prowl ses In gwo5ti ca failing i n the promises conveyed by Edwin P. Easton eM Hattie q. Easton, his wife, to Alfred F. Voltz and wife by Doed recorded August 14, 1944, as Document 548452, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Easterly right of way line of Zko Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul and Pacific Railway cowany, which is 620.2 feet due South (measured at right a I ®s) from North 1 i use of said South West quarter of said Section 33, being the place of beginal "; U( onoco East parallel with the North line of said South West quarter, 0415.8 feet; thence North Easterly with an angle of 26 degrees 21 winutes, 112.7 feet, more or less, to the .center of Chicago and Waukegan RoW and (d) Beginning at the intersection of. the North line of said Souuth West quarter and the Easterly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Pacific Railway Company; thence East along said North line of said South West quarter, 799.5 feet; thence South Easterly parallel to the Easterly 1 i ne of said right of way to a point 605.2 feet due South of the North Ilex of said South West quarter; thence nest to said Easterly limo of said right of way of said Railroad and thence North Westerly along the right of way 1 i ne of said Railroad to the p 1 ace of beginning, in lake County, Illinois.. That part of the North 605.2 feet of the North half of the South West quarter of Sec=tion 33c, Tomahi p 43 North, Ranp 12, Ezot of tNo 3rd P.M., described as follows: Beginning at .the Intersection of tho North line of the South West quarter of said Saetion 13 cad the EasturIV Iins of the right of waxy of the Chicago, Mi lwaukm, St. Paul &9W Pacific Railway Ca any; thence East along the Korth 01m of the North ha I f of the South bast quarter of said Section S3, a dl sta nto of 367.5 filet; thence Sough Eaikarly aloaq a 11no parallel to Bald Easterly limo of Gold rlt;42 of aog go a polat Ich dt3 605.2 fleet do a Seutu% of ezo C�rtfo 1 l of aai & Borg �5o 1 f of sa0 d South Wzst quartor and t;&i ch l g a I oo 367.5 foot East of a point on sold Easterly 1 i no of riot of may wh i cle 1 Z 605.2 fact' South of the North line of sald South West quarter; thence due West to sold Easterly line of said rloht of way; thence Worth wastar'ly along aaLd Easterly line of said right of way to the plaice of beginning., In Lake County, Illinois. A Qv"t of IwW A foot 1w tfidtfo, tto center Ileas of sAich Is desscribad as foHaws: aQQ1 I qj at a pol wt In the Eaaswr l j ri SM of way Has of t;w rlj�t Q# " ®g t hlc ® N1 lsasWme. St. Paul aj F aelf0c Rani Ism+ Cry, wMuh Is GM lost SauUi Easterly, ap&surlaq alagV aald Easterly right of .way line frw the ieatersectiop of scald Easterly Prat of way line with the Il th 9lne of tls Umth. blest qmrter of Sactifo 33® Y - t)lp 43 Lath, R zss 02, East Qf ate 3rd P.A., MA V1c5 0s3 08M 620.2 feat ;ac all r5 &51t axoDaa f= Uo R'or* i8 o e tM Sa utth 1mst quarter of said Sectloa S3, being e0w place of beginning; -2- A thence East parallel a distance of 1415. with an angle of 26 nom or less i to the Illinois. with the North line of 2,05 l �oaBDs UaGZ quarto?, 8 feet to 'an iron pi po; tOwotm Wrth Easterly degrees and 21 aiino4 ®s, a diotanoo of 112.7 foot, center -line of WiWmW Road,, in Laho County, That part of the Worth 6i15.2 feet o9, *a Ubnh 1a09 of South West quarter of Section 33, TogmAl p 43 M*rrti, kmgo 82, East of 21ke 3rd P.M.. described as follows. to-�++l t: RVI nnl ng et a point an tkz) North I i ne of the South West art ®r of sal d Sect1 am 330 tai ch Is 363.5 feet East of the intersection of said Worth 1 i ne of said Sou6 West quarter wW the Easterly line of tho right of way of tho Chicago, Ni laaulore, St. Paul coed Pacific Railway y; thatue East alaV sago North line of sgid South West quarter, a distance of 432 feet; tabs South Eestiirly along a line parallel to said Easterly lina of said right of way to a point which is 605.2 feet due South of the North 01no of said South Nest quarter and whlali Is also 799.5 foot East of a P60nt on said Easterly line of said right of way which I s 605.2 feet Sao& of said North *iIne of. said South West gasirte -i; thence West alon a line parallel 0 said Nwth line of "Id Soaot�v West quartwro a dlstamo of 432 feet; tkwiOm WorQh Westerly al em' 9 lino para0DoO to geld Ea$tarly line of said right of way to �As pVaco C' Qng4mgRau Oc,� tyo .1 i l i oial a. i d The zoning map of the Village is hereby amend- ed to show the foregoing changes. PAS''ED this � _ day of �'Z- ��'�'(>" 1962. ATTEST: APPROVED: VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE PRESIDENT J >� PUBLISHED in the DEERTIELD REVIEW on the day of , i s 1962'. J