O-62-41r r ORDINANCE NO. 62 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1960 edition of the National Board of Underwriters' "Fire Prevention Code ". Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, that: 1. Adoption of Fire Prevention Code. -) The regulations contained in the 1960 edition of the Fire Prevention Code printed and promulgated by the National Board of Fire Underwriters are hereby adopted and shall constitute a part of this ordinance. Provided that the provisions in the said code requiring a permit for the conduct of any business or occupation therein described are not hereby adopted, but the regulations governing the activities described shall apply and be complied with. 2. Bureau of Fire Prevention.) The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall consist of the fire marshal and such other persons as may be appointed by the village President. 3. Enforcement.) The fire marshal shall have the power and duty to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. 4. 'Stop Order.) Whenever any work is being done in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or in variance with the terms of any permit issued for such work, the building commissioner may order all work on the job stzpped until such violation or variance is eliminated and any work or installation made in violation of this ordinance is corrected. Such stop order, if oral, shall be followed by a- written stop order within twenty -four hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday or holidays.). It shall be unlawful to do or perform any work in violation of such stop order, except as may be necessary to prevent injury or damage to persons or property.. Such stop order may be revoked by the building commissioner, - 1 - the village president, or the board of trustees. 5. Districts in which storage of flammable liquids in outside above ground tanks and bulk storage of liquified petroleum gases is to be restricted.) The limits referred to in section 16.22 of the Fire Prevention Code in which the storage of flammable liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited, and the limits referred to in section 16.51 of the said Code in which bulk storage of liquified petroleum gases is restricted are hereby defined as the entire area of the village. 6. Interpretation.) Whenever in the regulations adopted herein it is provided that anything must be done to the approval of or subject to the direction of the chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, or any other officer-of the village, this shall be construed to give such officer only the discretion of determining whether the rules and standards established by ordinance have been complied with; and no such provision shall be construed as giving any officer discretionary powers as to what such regulations or standards shall be, or power to require conditions not prescribed by ordinance, or to enforce ordinance provisions in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. 7. Penalty.) It shall be unlawful to violate any regulations contain Any person, firm or ordinance shall be two hundred dollars deemed committed on or continues. =_d in the Fire Prevention Code hereby adopted. corporation violating any provision of this fined not less than five dollars nor more than for each offense; and a separate offense shall be each day during or on which a violation occurs PASSED THIS i - DAY OF 0� , 1962 APPROVED: ATTEST: VILLAGZ U LER G R E ENT PUBLISHED THIS �� DAY OF , 1962, IN THE DEERFIELD REVIEW.