O-61-02', ,G / --z STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF LAKE ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, and that the attached ordinance is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on February 8, 1961. Dated this 14th day of February, 1961. �^ Village Clerk . SEAL �^ Village Clerk ©`6 / -a. AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING AND RELINQUISHING ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST WHICH THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS, MAY HAVE ACQUIRED IN AND TO THE WEST ONE (1) ROD OF THE EAST FORTY (40) RODS OF THE SOUTH WEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE 3rd P. M., INCLUDING ALL WATER MAINS, METER BOXES, HYDRANTS, VALVES AND CONNECTIONS THEREIN, (EXCEPT THE NORTH 165 FEET THEREOF, SAID EXCEPTION BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS THAT PART OF SAID 1 ROD LYING NORTH OF THE POINT OF CONNECTION OF AN 8: -INCH WATER MAIN ON MARGATE TERRACE WITH A 6 -INCH WATER MAIN ON MEADOW - BROOK LANE IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD), IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BY DOCUMENT NO. 245283, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4, 1924, AND DOCUMENT NO. 579900 RE- CORDED JANUARY 17, 1946, AND UNDER THE TERMS OF A CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, IF ANY, ENTERED INTO BY SAID VILLAGE W TH THE OWNERS OF THE REID LANDIS TRACT REFERRED TO IN THE MINUTES OF THE VILLAGE. BOARD OF THE. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ON OCTOBER 1, 1923, DECEMBER 3, 1923, AND AUGUST 4, 1924. BE IT ORDAINED :BY-THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD: SECTION 1. It is hereby determined and declared that the public interest of the Village of Deerfield will best be served by said Village of Deerfield abandoning and relinquishing all right, title and interest which said Village may have acquired in and to the West 1 Rod of ,the East 40 Rods of the S. W. 1/4 of the S. E. 1/4 of Section 28, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., including all water mains, meter boxes, hydrants, valves and connections therein, (except the North 165 feet thereof, said exception being further described as that part of said 1 Rod lying north of the point of connection of an 8 -inch water main on Margate Terrace with a 6 -inch water main on Meadowbrook Lane in the Village of Deerfield), in Lake County;.. Illinois, under the terms of Document No. 245283 recorded September 4, 1924, and Document No. 579900 recorded January 17, 1946, and under the terms of a contract or agreement, if any, 'entered into by said Village with the owners of the Reid Landis tract referred to., -1- Qonu ,8 5* 0 F4047 BOOI�r 5:O PAGE 34 in the minutes of the Village Board of the Village of Deerfield on October 1, 1923, December 3, 1923, and August 4, 1924. SECTION 2. Pursuant to the authority vested in the Village Board of the Village of beerfield, all right, title and interest of the Village of Deerfield acquired undel said Document numbers, and the contract or agreement, if any, described in Section 1. hereof, in and to the said premises described in Section 1 hereof, including all water mains, meter boxes, hydrants, valves and connections therein, be and the same are hereby abandoned and relinquished. SECTION 3. The Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield is hereby authorized and directed to record this abandonment ordinance in the office of Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois. PASSED by a three - fourths majority of all the members of the Village Board of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, by "Aye" and "Nay" vote, this 8th day of February A.D. 1961). ATTEST: -2- IV President State of Illinois Lake County I� ss. No, �,y 0 � 2 0�. _ 1 Filed for Record at_ 0.'3;o.'cloc4. A.M. ApRI71961 anO. recorded in Book RECORDS_ - 8a eo R��tlR OF Village Clerk j` r -2- IV President State of Illinois Lake County I� ss. No, �,y 0 � 2 0�. _ 1 Filed for Record at_ 0.'3;o.'cloc4. A.M. ApRI71961 anO. recorded in Book RECORDS_ - 8a eo R��tlR OF I r ` , �; �q ti _ Y i. _ _ . .. _ �, :. 1 i... �. � � .... _ � . .. .:. , . ., ' i.. . t .: .� . r 1 .. t. v .. (,, t J .. "i 4 " I .. .. t .. ..... t .. '.. .... .... .. ' r .. a .. .