R-69-16RESOLUTION NO. R-69- 16 A RESOLUTION TO CREATE A CODIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTYES,ILLINOIS: SECTION There is hereby created, a Codification ONE: Advisory Committee which shall consist of such number of persons as the President and Board of Trustees shall, from time to time, determine to be necessary to accomplish the Committee's purposes. SECTION Said Codification Advisory Committee shall TWO: be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees and shall serve until the Committee's purposes have been accomplished or for such other term as the President and Board of Trustees shall determine. SECTION The Committee, upon its appointment, shall THREE: meet and elect one of its members as Chairman and one of its members as Secretary and shall adopt its own rules of procedure and organize itself in the manner best suited to achieve its purposes. The Village shall provide, insofar as possible, secretarial services and necessary office supplies to assist the Committee. SECTION It shall be the Committee's objective to FOUR: prepare and recommend to the President and Board of Trustees the adoption of a new Municipal Code for the Village of Deerfield. To accomplish this objective the Committee is authorized to make a thorough study of the present Municipal Code of Deerfield, as amended, and to compare it with current statutes and judicial decisions with a view toward updating such Code and bringing it into conformity with existing laws while at the same time elimina- ting any conflicting, inconsistent, and invalid material contained therein. SECTION The Committee shall prepare a draft of a FIVE: new Municipal Code of Deerfield and shall first submit it to the Village Attorney who shall review the same and return it to the Committee together with his recommendations as to changes or altera- tions. If the Committee agrees, it shall make the recom- mended changes or alterations and shall forward the amended draft to the President and Board of Trustees with its recommendations. If the Committee does not agree with the recommended changes of the Village Attorney, it shall forward its draft to the President and Board of Trustees and shall attach thereto its recommendations and also the recommenda- tions of the Village Attorney. The Committee shall also accomplish any further study of its draft or any portions thereof which the President and Board of Trustees deem necessary and shall make the appro- priate changes and recommendations as indicated. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: TWO (2) PASSED this 6th day of APPROVED this 6th day of ATTEST: Village Clerk October A.D. 1969. October A.D. 1969. Village President FIRST RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PORTIONS OF FAIR - VIEW AVENUE, BIRCHWOOD AVENUE, KENMORE AVENUE, GORDON TERRACE, LAUREL AVENUE AND ROSEWOOD AVENUE, WITHIN SAID VILLAGE, BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENT WITH INTEGRAL CURBING .,SIDEWALKS, AND INCLUDING A DRAINAGE SYSTEM WHERE NECESSARY BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, that a local improvement is herein originated in the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, for the following local improvement: The construction of a non - reinforced Portland Cement Concrete pavement with an integral curb, Portland Cement Concrete sidewalk, together with the necessary drainage and other improvements of Fairview Avenue from the north edge of the existing pavement of County Line Road to a point 120 feet south of the south right -of -way line of Hackberry Road, Birchwood Avenue from the north edge of the existing pavement of County Line Road to a point 120 feet south of the south right - of -way line of Hackberry Road, Kenmore Avenue from a point 8 -1/2 feet south of the south right -of -way line of Laurel Avenue to a point on the north right -of -way line of Rosewood Avenue, Gordon Terrace from a point 8 -1/2 feet west of the west right -of -way line of Fairview Avenue to a point 8 -1/2 feet east of the east right -of -way line of Fairview Avenue, Laurel Avenue and Rosewood Avenue, from the east edge of the existing pavement on Wilmot Road to a point 8 -1/2 feet east of the east right -of -way line of Fairview Avenue, the construction of a thirty -three inch (33 ") storm sewer along Gordon Terrace beginning from a manhole to be located four feet (4') east of the west right -of -way line of Birchwood Avenue to an existing manhole located four feet (4') east of the west,.-right-of-way line of Fairview Avenue, all in Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian in the Village of Deerfield, in Lake County, Illinois, includ- ing the cost of all labor and materials, the cost of engineering and inspection, and the cost of making, levying, and collecting the assessment as provided by law. The nature, locality, character and description of such improvement and the estimated cost thereof shall be as set forth in the accompanying ESTIMATE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, attached hereto and made a part hereof. This Board of Local Improvements further resolves that a Public Hearing shall be held on the question of making said improvement on the 10th day of February, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the Village Hall of the Village of Deerfield, located at 850 Waukegan Road, in Deerfield, Illinois, and that Notice of such Public Hearing shall be sent by mail directly to the person who paid the General Taxes for the last preceding calendar year in which taxes were paid, on -each Lot, Block, Tract or Parcel of land specially benefited by the making of such proposed improvement; said Public Hearing is not less than ten days after the adoption of this Resolution nor shall the NOTICES therefor be mailed less than five days prior to the date set for such Public Hearing, as required by law. ADOPTED by the Board of Local Improvements this 27th day of January, 1969. President Member Member ATTEST: -6 4� Secretary January 15, 1.969 ESTIMATE ' TO THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE COUNTY, .I.LLINOIS R1 -: HOVLAND SUBDIVISION SPECIAL, ASSESSNLE.NT NO, 108 Centtenien: I hereby submit. an estimate of cost of constructing a non - reinforced Portland Cement Concrete paveirient with an integral curb, Portland Cf:rnent Concrete side- walk, toke.ther with the necessary drainage and other improvements of Fairview Avenue from the north edgo of tlhe, existinL, pavement of County Line Road to a point 120jeet south of the south right -(-)f -way line of Hacl,berry Road, Birchwood Avenue from the north edge of the c--xistim4 pavement of County Line Road to a. point 120 feet south of the south right -of -way line of I- la+ckbcrry Road, Xonmorc; Ave.huc from a point 8 -1/2 fret sough of the s(Mth ri�-,ht -of -way line Of Laurel Avenue to a point on the north right -of -way 1.inc of Rosewood Avenue, Gordon Tc roue(. from a point 8 -1/?. fact west of the west: right -of -way line of Fairview Avenue: to a point 8- I./2 feet cast of the east ri.,ght- of -•,vay line of Fairview Avcnue, Laurel Avenue! and 1osewood Avenue, from the east cdac of th,, ekistint,, pavement. on Wilmot Road to a point 8-1/2 fc of: east of the cast right -of -way line of Fairview Avcnue•, / tha construction of a thirty -three inch (33 ") storm sower alons, Gordon Terrace bcsinning from a manhole to be located four feet ( -I') east of the west right -of -way line of Birchwood Avenue to an existing; manhole located f0111' feet (4') cast-of the west ri*_,11t -of -way line of Fairview Avenue, all in Suction 32, Tovmship 43 North, Rank I2 East of the- Third Principal Meridian in the Village of Deerfield, in Lake County, Illinois, including the cost. of all labor and materials, the cost of cnginoerini! acid inspection, and the cost of making, levying, and coll.ecling the assessnient as provided by 1 aw. The said non - reinforced .Portland Cement Concreti(� pavement %mit:h an inte,-ral. curry shall have a 6 inch uniform thickness and shall be 27 feet in width mcasu.red hack to back of curb. The said Portland Cr.mcnt Concrete sidewalk along both sides of said irriprovement shall have a uniform thickness of 4 inches and shill he 5 feet in Width except that said sidewalk shall be 6 inches in thickness across existing driveways leading into adjoining lots. The drainage to properly drain the said improvement shall consist of the construction of concrete pipe; connected together to the proposed manholes, inlet catch basins, inlets and to the existing, storm sewers within the said irnprovement area. The proposed improvement shall include cica.ri,nf:, excavating, all borrow repairing the. sub - ,trade, trenching and tunnellin(,, rernoval of existing culverts, laying of all storm sewer pipe, connection to tho existing n-ianholes and sower pipe, con.neclion to all proposed manholes, inlet. catch basins, special manhol.i.,s and inlets construction of standard manholes, inlet catch basins, and inlets, with cast iron frame and lids; i including backf.illin%, trenches with earth wherein the parkways or with fine granular aggregate where a trench edge is closer than 2 feet of tlx: bask of the combined curb and (_;utter or v;here trenches or space outside the walls of inlets, manholes, man hole catch basins and special. manholes are within pavcrrnent, curb and gutter or drive- way and walk areas; all flushing of the storm scv:ers and tamping and jetting; of the backfill; thr: construction of Portland Cerrient Concrcu%sidevvalk and sidewalk 4Phroaches; the construction of crushed stone, hituminous and concrete driveways necessary to be replaced; the adjustriicnrts and reconstruction of existim, iiianholes, catch basins, and valve vaults, the existing cast iron cover is to he used; the adjust- and moving of fire hydrants; the removal of trees, the spreading of topsoil to a mi.nirmim thickness of 4 inches and rc- seeding and watering=, within the parkway; all curing of paving,, and conib.ined curb and uufter; protection of all concrete work from frost, rains, t raffi.c, sun and wind; protection Of al.l trees as designated by Engineer and all existing improve irients; the repair arld r(�ptacemcnt of existing iniprovcn-icnt:s where darriagcd; whcther public or private; removal of a.11 rubbish created by the construction ofd said improvement; removal of all, surplus materials, excavated or uthc:rwise; all. en(,inceri.ng servi.cf:s,, labor, matcrial.s, tools, equipment: and incidental expenses necessary to completely construct said proposed improvement, all in the \rilla�e of Deerfield, Lake. County, Illinois. The estimated cost of said improvement as herein stated including a.11 lawful expenses attcndin�P the sank, is the sw�i of Three Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand, Fifty Seven Dollars and ninety two cents ($ -) 79, 057. 92). A. GRADING R: PAVING 1.' 21,400 cubic yards of Excavation for the Non - Rcinforccd P (7. C. Paveynent with an integral curl-), driveway repl.acei»eni, the parkways, includinO the removal R disposal of all. earth all sub-,,rading; t compacting, furnishing; &. placint: of all borrow that may be required, placinQ of all fill., rcrnoval of al.l existing, pave- inent including base & surface courses, curbs, & gutters, combined curb & Butters, driveways and the removal & disposal of all log, stumps, brush, trees raider six (6 ") incrh diameter, vc +getation, rubbish & other ohjectional rnatLer complete in place at $1. 50 per cubic yard . . . $ 32, 100. 00 2. 29, 680 square yards of'non - reinforced P. C. C. pave- ' rnent 6" thick with intc�ral curl..), including lon gitudinal, transverse and expansion joints, con-lplete at $5. 00 per square yard . . . . . . . $.148, 400. 00 , 3. , 520 square yards bituminous concrete surface course, 3" compacted thickness, in place on povzolanic base course. Said wearing, surface; o shall be manufactured and laid in accordance with Section 44, Arts. 44. 1 to 44. 12 inclusive, entitled "Bituminous Concrete Dense- Graded A�o'gre.uate Type Class I complete at $2. 00 per square yard... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,040. 00 4. 520 sgizare. yards pozzolanic base course, 10" compacted thickness, in place under bituminous surfacing, including spreading,, .leveling, compacting and priming complete at $3. 00 per square yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1, 560. 00 5. 90,430 square feet of .P. C. C, sidewalk 4" thic}c and all. materials, placing;, finishing„ back filling and expansion joints, cornpletc in place at $0. 60 per square 'foot ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 54, 258. 00 6. 3, 440 square feet of P Cr C, sidewalk 6" thick at all driveway approaches and for rnconstrucLion of existing; P.C. C. driveways and all malcrials, placing" finishin', backfilling; and expansion Joints, eornpIcte in place- at $0. 70 per square foot $ 2,408. 00 r d 7. 260 square: yards of I-ltunlinous concrt•tc surfacr course, sub- cl,rss 1.- 1 1 , 2'' in con'tpacted thickness and sub -base llranrrlar material, Type I3, ,,radc 8 or 9, 8'' corrrpacted thick- ncss, i.nCIAldin", placint, sprearlin :u, conrpact- mu,, b. leveling for reconstruction of e...xistim- lii:e dri.vc:ways: complc tc. in place at $4. 00 per square yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 350 square yards of sub -base and surface (jramtlar material, Type l'., Grade b or 9, 8'' con-rpactcd thickness, including placing, spreading, c.orr,pactiw_ h, leveling for recon- struction of c!xistint; lilac drivewav!; comph-tc: in place: at $2. 50 per squarc yard . . . . . . 9. 24, 100 1.0. 2713 square yards of topsoil to seedincp, spread and prep:arc topsoil, li-ght:ly compact k.r a niinirnurn'i thlckn,.•ss of 4 '', water and seed, complete at'$0.70 per square yard . . . . . inches of diarrretcr of various diameter trees from 6'' and, greater to bc: removed, including all excavation, grubbin1„ li.rrrh rc:nroval, rcrrroval of all stumps &. debris, removal of surplus excavation and fillip, of the resulting hole with approved carl-h, coirlplete aL $3.'00 per inch diarnetcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL,. B. STORM SEWERS 1. 662 Lineal feet of 33 inch storm sewer, C 76, Class 11, co;mplctc in place at $1"2.00 per lineal foot ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 10 lineal. feel: of 27 inch storm sewer, C 76, Class II, complete in place at $.10.00 per lineal foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 50 lineal. feet of 21 inch storm sewer C 76, Class III, corriplete in place at `';9.00 per Lineal fool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 345 lineal feet of 18 inch storm sewer, C 14, complete in place: at $7. 00 per l.incal [Foot 0 $ 1, 040. 00 $ 875. 00 $ 16, 870. 00 $ 819. 00 $259, 370. 00 $ 7,944. 00 $ 100. 00 $ 450. 00 $ 2,415. 00 r' 5. 455 lineal feet of 18 inch st.o.rni sewer, C 76, Class III, connpletc in place at $8.00 per lineal foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 3, 640. 00 6. 45 lineal feet of 15 inch storm sewer, C 76, Cl.as s III complete in placd at: $7. 20 per lineal fool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $. 324.00 7. 355 lineal, feet of 15 inch storm sewer, C 76, Class II complete in place at $7.'.00 per lineal foot . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . $ 2, 485. 00 8. 305 lineal feet of 15 inch storm sewer, C 14, Complete in place at $6. 00 per lineal foot $ 1, 830. 00 9. 701. lineal feet 'of 12 inch storm sewer, C 14, complete in 'place: at $5. 50 per lineal. fool: $ 3, 855. 50 10. 368 lini.�al feet of 12 inch storn'l sewer, C 76, Class Ill comptetc in place at $6. 30 per lineal foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' $ 2, 318. 40 1 1. 500 lineal feel: of 12 inch storm sewer, Class III, Inlet Connr.cti.ons, complete in place at $6. 50 per lineal foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3, 250. 00 12. 1, 130 lineal feet. of 10 inch storni sewer, Class TT1, Inlet Connections, ce,inplete in place at: $6. 20 per lineal. foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7, 006. 00 13. 29 each, concrete inlets, 24 -inch 1. D. , 5 inch wall thickness, on 4 -i.nch concrete foundation, including all labor and materials, excavation and removal of surplus matt:rials, and Standard Franc: and Grate , complete in place at $200. 00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5, 800. 00 14. 24 each, concrete inlet catch basins, 48 1 nch I, D. 5 -inch wall,thickness, on 6 inch concrete foundation, .Wi.th sumps as shown on the plans. iiictudin' all .labor and rnat.crials, excavation and rernova,l of surplus material, and Standard Frame and Grate, compl.eLe in place aL $350. 00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,400. 00 15. 12 each, concrete manholes, 48 inch 1, D, , 5 inch wall thickness, on 6 inch concrcto foundation with moulded inverts, including all. labor and materials, excavation and removal. of surplus material and Standard .Frame and Cover, corplete in place at $300. 00 each'. $ 3, 600. 00 TOTAL. $ 53, 417. 90 C. OTHER 1. 12 sets of street signs, .furnish and install street sign units at all intersections as directed by ' the engineer, street sign unit to consist of four street narne signs, each two mounted back to back, and the signs mounted on a pole; street sign units to be purchased from Village; com- plete including all labor and materials at $50. 00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 600.00 2. 3 sets of street lights; furnish and install street lights mounted on concrete poles at three loca- tions as directed by the Enl-,inccr. Light shall. ,conform to the following: Joslyn - J214- 540 -PX -1 complete with photocell and each lei, fused; 6690/120 or 240 V, Bulbs 100 Watt, lamp #100 W Mercury Vapor, F1 38 -45 A/ DX, Pole shall be An-ierican Concrete, Pole 1101-E-12, corriplete including all labor and materials at $1, 000. 00 each . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . $ 3,000.00 3. 8 each adjust existing manholes to the proposed grade of the pavement or parkway, including top masonry adjustment or reconstruction, complete, at, $75. 00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 600. 00 4. 4 each adjust existing Wave Vaults to the proposed grade of the pavement or parkway, including top masonry adjustment or reconstruction, complete at $75. 00 each . . . . . . . . . $ 300. 00 5. 4 each adjust. existing fire hydrants to finished grade, including dismantling, salvaging suitable materials, furnishing and installing all appurj�, nances and pipe, and disposal of surplus materials, complete in place at $150. 00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 600. 00 6. 5 each manhole or inlet lids, to be rcpl.accd . as desi.g'nated; furnish and install complete in place at $50. 00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250. 00 TOTAL OTHER: $ 5, 350. 00 Total Estimated Cost of Construction $318, 137. 90 Cost. of Engincering, Inspection and Quality Control 38, 176. 55 TOTAL: $356,314.45 All lawful Crpellscs attending the proceedings for malting, said improvements, inclildin�, the court costs and the making, levying and collection of the assessment: of said improvernent, not in excess of Six (G) percent of the Cost of Said Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . $ 22, 743.47 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENT: $379,057.92 I do hereby certify that in my opinion the said estimate, does not exceed the probable cost of the improven-wnts and t:he lawful expenses attending the same. Dated January 15, 1'969 PRESIDF.N'.i, I N,RD JF 1,0CAJ I'1•111"OVE.MENTS Vill tgc of Dec rlield