O-61-38ORD.I.NL.NOR BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village. of Deerfield, Illinois; that: ,gECTI0,N1W The following described property to wits The west 33' of the east 66' (except the north 1351 thereto). of the south west of the southwest f.Section 34, Township 43 North, Range 129 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Lake County, Illinois,.now owned by the .Village is not neaessasy# appropriates* required for the .use. ofi profitable to or for- the best interests of -the Village to retains SECTION.2, The said property shall be sold to the - highest and.'best bidder, Notice of the proposal'to. sell .shall be published once each week. for three successive weeks in the DERRFIELD REVIRWO a weekly paper. published in the Villages and the first publication shall 'not be less than thirty days before. the date provided for .the opetiinig of bids. SECTION 3, The said notice .shall be in substantially the following form; _ D rbada4of-Octber NOTICR O1JP SALS OF RRAL ESTATE , 1961 On the 'kAie'x cx� , at the hour of 8s 00 P,M. s the Village wiil_ receive offers 'to purchase the following described real estate: The west 331 of the east .661 (except the north 1-331 thereto) of the southwest f of the southwest .Section 349 Township 43 North$ Range 129 east of the Third Principal Meridian.in Lake County., Illinois. ; `The said offers may be. fixed with-the Village Manager at any time up. until the hour of 8 :00 P.M, • of the said date, and will be opened at a regular. meeting of the Board of Trustees, Tho property it presently used as a aright -of -way from County Line Road to the East' Side Sewage Treatment Plant, The*Board F @iii §s the right to.'reject any or al l offers. A -D RR I r VilZag snags ATTESTS' APPROVED 1 VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE PRESIDENT Passed thi s 5th day of September, 196,1.­,. r PUBLISHED: September 14, 1961 ' September •21, 1961 By 1 September 281,'- 1961' ORDINAL "NCB BE, IT ORDAINED by ;the- Presi dent "ind -Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois; .that :. SB. CTION le .The following, described property to watts. The west 33' of the east 66" (except the north 133' thereto) 'of the south- west of the. southwest +.'S'ection 3E,'; Township 43 - North, Range 129 East of the Third Principal.Meridian : in Lake.•County, Illinois, now owned by the Village is not necessary, appropriate, required for the use of, profitable to,. or , for the best interests of . the .Village to retain.,..'. SECTION 2. The sa.iA properly shall be sold to the highest and best bidder. Notice of t).e pr.-opbsal to sell shall be published" once each week for three successiae weeks ' in .the DEERIPIELrD' REV .EW., •a weekly paper published in the Village, and the first publication' .shall not be-loss than thirty days before the date : provided for' the opening of , bids. 1 SECTION `3. The said.'notice shall be in substantially the following forma NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE 2nd day of October, 1961 ah the )a$*Jac.,dA*Xx)fKx6*p&4mtt"q' at„ the hour of 800 P.M,.,, the village will reoeive o rs_to purchase the,follot,Ti.ng . described real estates The west 33" of the. east 66",. '(except 'the north .155' thereto) of'.the southwest of the southwest y Section 34, Township '43 North,, .Range 12, . east .of the Third Principal Meridian in Lake County, Illinois_. The said offers may be filed with , the Village Manager at any time up until the hour of 8:00 P.M of. We said', date,', and will be opened at a regular: meeting of. the Board of Trustees* ' The, property►: is presently used as a right -of -way from . County 4ine Road to the. East 'Side `Sewage Treatment Plant. The: Board: reserves the_.ri•ght to reject,any or•aH offers: VI Pr"'-DEER LBL , .. .: }71'1a g anager ATTEST a APPROVED:. VILLAGE•. CLERIC. . VILLAGE PRESIDENT "Passed this; 5th day of September, .196.1 r PUBLISHED:` September 14, 1961 September '21, 1961 Se'p'tember, 28, 1961