O-61-631 iT Oi, kTI,r ED by the S - esidont and „mare! of T.r. astces cf the Village or' i oors -.eldi that: The recoi:mendation of t :e Plan Co-m iissior., for tho ad.option of the following amendment to the zoning ordinance be and Che ;a.: o is hereby approved: The zoning evc.1i nance of t_,o Village of Deer`':i.el.d bo and 'Uho same is hereby amone.kerj'. by addAng thereto and insort,iY7g thor - =,z; follo!•ring Paragraph ].?f. of Sectwon V, the follo -`ping to be known_ as Paragraph 153 No pormit fc> -t�-ho orcct; ion of a.,.,� bu- 1-1ding or any structure, or ".:icenso or porm' -.t: f',,r he conduct o-[' any use, shall be issued for a period of throo, months a.fto.r the auesti.on of amending tho zoning ordinance so 6.s 11-o prohibit the use :e or building contemplated in the ar. ca concornod` i�.rys boon re: erred by ':he 3,oa.rd of Tsus toes to a Board or Commission to hold a ��ubl.ic hearing on the question: of adopting such. ainan,dmo-jit, Frovi.doct t at if final action by the oard of TruEtoes is not toZ.:en or, tlin go0stion within throe months of tho time tho mat-tor is so referred to hold a public hearing, the permit shall be issued,. i.f otherwise lawful. If, within such throe months t period, the ;governing 'body of the municipality shall pass an ordinance ar:ionding the zoning ordinance so as to prohibit such bui- lding, structure or uso, no such permit shall be issued, If a por -_pit for any such building or structuro, or a l-icenso for the conduct of any such business or use, has boon issuod p -rior to such r. of oronco, but the: business or use has not boon established, or no substantial part of tho construction has boon complot.od at the time of such reforenco, stxch license or permit shall be sus- pondod and no action taken thereunder for a period of throe r_ion•chs after the question of amending the zoning ordinance has boon so referred. If' final action by the 3oard of Trustees is no =, t,-alcon on the question within three r_ ent;is of the time of roferonce, tho rights under the vcrin t or license may be oso.r. cisod. f' within such three months period the governing body of tho municipality 'shall pass an ordinance prohibiting the use, building or structure on the site involvod, such prohibition shall be appli.cabl3 to the holder of such permit or license, PASSED: This day of o ATTEST: APPROVED: VIj..i.AGB CL311 t VILLAGE PRESI ONT O R D I N A N C E 0-6r— �3 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: The recommendation of the Plan Commission for the adoption of the following amend"'Pt,' to the zoning ordinance be and the same is hereby approved: The zoning ordinance of the village of Deerfield be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein following Paragraph 14 of Section ,V., the following to be known as &A-Alre_n 15. No permit for the erection of any building or any structure, or license or permit for the conduct of any use, shall be issued for a period of three months after the question of amending the zon- ing ordinance so as to prohibit the use or building contemplated in the area concerned has been referred by the Board of Trustees to a Board or Commission to hold a public hearing on the question of adopt- ing such amendment. Provided that if final action by the Village Board is not taken on the question within three months of the time the matter is so referred to hold a public hearing, the permit shall 8z_ issue, if otherwise lawful. Ifs within such three months period the golvatning body of the municipality shall pass an ordinance amending. the zoning ordinance so as to prohibit such building, structure or use, no such permit shall be issued. If a permit for any such building or structure, or a license for the conduct of any such business or use, has been issued prior to such reference, but the business or use has not been established, or no substantial part of the construction has been completed at the time of such reference, such license or permit shall be suspended and no action taken thereunder for a period of three months after the question of amending the zoning ordinance has been so referred. If final action by the Village Board is not taken on the question within. three months of the time of reference, the rights under the 1. M the rights under the permit or license may be exercised. IP within such three months period the governing body of the municipality shall pass an ordinance prohibiting the use, building or structure on the site involved, such prohibition shall be applicable to the holder of such permit or license. Lt Passed this day of i' , 1961 ATTEST! APPROVED: Al Q-.16 P /s% D'e, ' u, VILLAGE CLERK VILIA GE PRESIDENT 2 `72 e,�