O-59-37ORD I NANCE V AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LIMITATION OF THE.USE OF WATER DURING EMERGENCY PERIODS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: Section 11 of Ordinance No. 203, enti,.tled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LIMITATION OF THE USE OF WATER DURING EMERGENCY PERIODS" is hereby amended to read as follows:.., 10SECTION II. All eaergency regulations issued by the President or Chairman of the Water Committee shall be published once in a newspaper having a general circulation in the Village of Deerfield, and shall be effective upon publication. Provided that, after publication of the proclamation promulgating regulations restricting and controlling the use of water for lawn sprinkling, upon water pre sure falling low . 3�_AJ14' pressure at _,AS7e-_ Veit Aeo , no water shall be used for any purpose other than inside domestic uses, and the Village Manager is authorized to use such means as may be available to notify residents of the existence of an emergency." Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) nor more than TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) for each offense. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. PASSED: This -`/l� day of tc_.,� 1959. APPROV Village esident ATTEST: 7a. -fi ' Village Jerk PUBLISHED: