O-19-16VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ORDINANCE NO. 2019- 0-19-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5.02-C AND 9.02-B.8 OF "THE DEERFIELD ZONING ORDINANCE OF 1978," AS AMENDED, TO PERMIT MULTI -FAMILY RENTAL APARTMENT AND TOWNHOME COMMUNITIES AS A SPECIAL USE AND SIGNS FOR MULTI -FAMILY RENTAL APARTMENT AND TOWNHOME COMMUNITIES IN THE C-2 OUTLYING COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Village is a home rule municipal corporation in accordance with Article VII, Section 6(a) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970; and WHEREAS, Gateway Fairview, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Applicant'), desires to construct on the property commonly known as 10 S, 158 S, and 184 S Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Cook County, Illinois ("Property's: (i) one residential apartment building consisting of five stories and 186 rental units with an attached four-story parking garage; (ii) 60 rental townhome units in nine buildings of four to ten units; (iii) a surface off-street parking lot; (iv) two acres of greenspace, including a dog park, pool with sun deck, and multiple courtyards and garden spaces and related improvements; and (v) signage (collectively, the "Proposed Development'; and WHEREAS, the Property is located in the C-2 Outlying Commercial District ("C-2 District'; and WHEREAS, multi -family rental apartment communities are not authorized uses in the C-2 District; and WHEREAS, signs associated with multi -family rental apartment communities are not authorized in the C-2 District; and WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted an application to the Village seeking approval of, among other things, amendments to the "Deerfield Zoning Ordinance 1978," as amended ("Zoning Ordinance's to: (i) make multi -family rental apartment and townhome communities an allowed use in the C-2 District upon the issuance of a special use permit; and (ii) permit monument and wayfinding signs associated with multi -family rental apartment communities in the C-2 District (collectively, the "Proposed Amendments'; and WHEREAS, a public hearing by the Plan Commission to consider the Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance was duly advertised on February 27, 2018 in the Deerfield Review, and was held on May 24, 2018; and WHEREAS, on May 24, 2018, the Plan Commission approved findings of fact in support of the Proposed Amendments, in accordance with and pursuant to Section 13.10 of the Zoning Ordinance, and voted to recommend approval of the Proposed Amendments by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Village Board has considered the standards for amendments set forth in Section 13.10 of the Zoning Ordinance; and Additions are bold and double -underlined; del- s -- stvaek t4Feug WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that it will serve and be in the best interest of the Village to adopt of the Proposed Amendments, as set forth in this Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE BOARD OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION ONE: RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into, and made a part of, this Ordinance as findings of the Village Board. SECTION TWO: AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 5.02-C. Section 5.02-C, titled "Special Uses," of Article 5, titled "Commercial Districts," of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: "5.02-C Special Uses The following special uses are permitted in the C-2 Outlying Commercial District when authorized in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, Administration and Enforcement. 15. Multi-familv rental apartment and townhome communities when part of a commercial planned unit development of over 40 acres in size, which use may include the following ancillary uses operated primarily for the benefit of the residents livingin the multi -family rental apartment community: a. Clubroom: b. Fitness center: C. Business center and internet cafe: d. Multipurpose and party rooms: e. Theater f. Management Office: i= Swimminix pool; h. Parking structure: and i. Similar ancillary uses. Additions are bold and double -underlined; through.- 2 hro g 2 SECTION THREE: AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 9.02-B. Section 9.02-13, titled "Commercial Districts," of Article 9, titled "Signs," of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: "9.02-B Commercial Districts In all Commercial Districts, only the following signs are permitted and then only if accessory and incidental to a permitted or Special Use in such districts: 8. C-2 Outlying Commercial District - Shopping Center/Planned Unit Developments of More than 500,000 sq.ft. of Gross Floor Area. Multiple -Family Rental Development. 01 Main Entry Monument Sian La) Type A sign must be a single faced ground sign and a pier sign. Ubb Number and Content There shall not be more than one main entry monument sign and two pier signs on a zoning lot. Each sign may indicate only the name of the residential development Such signs may contain a brand mark Oc Area The maximum area of a main entry monument sign shall not exceed 39 square feet. The maximum area of a pier si n shall not exceed 16 square feet m Hei ht The maximum heij'ht of a main entry monument sign shall not exceed six feet in height. The maximum height of a pier sign shall not exceed eight feet in h6 ht. Le Illumination A main entry monument sign or pier sign may be illuminated. Additions are bold and double -underlined; ael-e*;e^s StFuek through. (2 Secondary Entry Monument Si n La) Type A sign must be a single faced around sign. Ub Number and Content There shall not be more than one secondary entry monument sign on a zoning lot. The sign may indicate only the name of the residential development. Such sign may contain a brand mark. We Area The maximum area of a secondary entry monument sign shall not exceed 47 square feet. d) Hei ht The maximum height of a secondary entry monument sign shall not exceed six feet. seven inches in height. Le) Illumination A secondary entry monument sign may be illuminated. X32 Wayfinding Signs a T"ee Directional signs must be double-faced ground si ns. Ub Number and Content There shall not be more than 10 directional signs on a zoning lot. Each directional sign shall indicate only: the wording for the leasing office, additional parking areas and vehicular access points: and the addresses of the development. Such signs may include directional arrows and a brand mark. Oc Area The maximum area of a tenant identification directional sign shall not exceed six square feet per face and not exceed 12 square feet if it is a double- faced sign. d� Hei ht The maximum height of such sign shall not exceed seven feet in height. Additions are bold and double -underlined; a^'^* ^^^ ^r^ struek t' r^ ^' Le Illumination Tenant identification directional signs may be illuminated. SECTION FOUR: PUBLICATION. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Illinois. SECTION FIVE: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Shapiro, Struthers NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PASSED: June 17, 2019 APPROVED: June 18, 2019 ORDINANCE NO. 0-19-16 uCHarriet Rosenthal, Mayor ATTEST: V Kent S. Stree , Village Cler Additions are bold and double -underlined, -1-1-4— — stnaek .h..eug 5