O-19-05ORDINANCE NO. 0-19-5 AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING THE OPERATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD AND VILLAGE OF BANNOCKBURN JOINT EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM BOARD WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield became a 9-1-1 system under Illinois Commerce Commission docket no. 88-0254 and has a previously established Emergency Telephone System Board hereinafter referred to as the "DEERFIELD ETSB"; and WHEREAS, in 2004, the Village of Deerfield and the Village of Bannockburn established a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board under the authority of the Emergency Telephone System Act, 50 ILCS 750/1 et seq.; and WHEREAS, on February 1 9 , 2019, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield approved and adopted an Intergovernmental Agreement (hereinafter referred to as IGA); which joined Deerfield into a centralized dispatch and communication system known as the " Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint Emergency Telephone System Board (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "JETSB" ) for the purpose of providing facilities, equipment, personnel, software, data processing and all other services necessary or incidental to the provisions of emergency and/or municipal dispatch and communication services to its members; and, WHEREAS, the IGA establishes the JETSB as a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board in conformity with Section 15.4 of the Illinois Emergency Telephone Act, 50 ILCS 750/1 et seq. and outlines and defines the duties and powers of the Board in compliance with the Illinois Emergency Telephone System Act; and WHEREAS, upon the Village of Deerfield joining as a member of the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and becoming operational and providing enhanced emergency fire and police dispatching services to its members, the IGA provides that all surcharge funds received by the Deerfield Bannockburn Joint Emergency Telephone System Board pursuant to Section 20 of the Emergency Telephone System Act shall be transferred to the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint Emergency Telephone System Board: and WHEREAS, upon the Village of Deerfield joining the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and becoming operational and providing enhanced emergency fire and police dispatching services to its members, and upon the approval of the Illinois Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator ("Administrator") as evidenced by an order of the Administrator, the Illinois Emergency Telephone Act provides the future 9-1-1 surcharge funds collected thereafter in compliance with Section 20 of the Illinois Emergency Telephone System Act shall be DEERFIELD, VILLAGE / ETSB/911 issues / Ordinance Suspending ETSB /302931 deposited with the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint Emergency Telephone System Board; and WHEREAS, upon the Villages of Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire becoming jointly operational as the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and providing enhanced emergency fire and police dispatching to its members and upon approval of the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator as evidenced by an order of the Administrator, the IGA provides that the Village of Deerfield and the Village of Bannockburn shall suspend the operation of its Joint Emergency Telephone System Board; and WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield and the Village of Bannockburn shall not operate as a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board unless and until they would terminate their membership in the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and receive approval of the Administrator as evidenced by an order of the Administrator to once again operate as a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and receive surcharge funds collected pursuant to Section 20 of the Emergency Telephone System Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois as follows: SECTION 1: Recitals. The foregoing recitals are a material part of this Ordinance and incorporated herein as if they were fully set forth inthis section. SECTION 2: Suspension of the Deerfield Bannockburn JETSB: Transfer of JETSB Funds to the Deerfield Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint ETSB. The Deerfield Bannockburn JETSB shall suspend operating as a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board as of the date the Statewide 9-1-1 Administrator permits itto operate with the Deerfield, Bannockburn and Lincolnshire Joint ETSB as the Joint Emergency Telephone System for its members. The Deerfield Bannockburn JETSB shall not again operate as a Joint Emergency Telephone System Board and receive surcharge funds collected pursuant to Section 20 of the Emergency Telephone System A. SECTION 3: Repealer. The specific terms and conditions of this ordinance shall prevail against other existing ordinances of the Village to the extent there may be any conflict. All existing ordinances of the Village which directly conflict with the terms of this ordinance are herein repealed. SECTION 4: Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on May 1, 2019 after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. DEERFIELD, VILLAGE / ETSB/911 issues / Ordinance Suspending ETSB /302931 PASSED THIS 19th DAY OF February, 2019. AYES: Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Shapiro, Struthers NAYS: None ABSENT: None Village President ATTEST: Village CI rk DEERFIELD, VILLAGE / ETSB/911 issues / Ordinance Suspending ETSB /302931