Village Budget For Year Beginning May 1, 1990VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1990 - 1991 BUDGET 0 i r� �i 0 c 0 0 u r� 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE BUDGET MESSAGE - MAYOR BERNARD FORREST------------------------- - - - - -- BUDGET SUMMARIES -- Revenue and Expenditures--------------------- - - - - -- 1 BUDGET SUMMARIES -- Revenue and Expenditures--------------------- - - - - -- 2 COMPARISON OF 1986 -90 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES---------------------- - - - - -- 3 SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES AND CHARTS------------------------------ - - - - -- 4 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--------------------- - - - - -- 5 BUDGET CALENDAR------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 6 BUDGET SUMMARY - Administration-------------------------------- - - - - -- 7 BUDGET SUMMARY - Police Department----------------------------- - - - - -- 8 BUDGET SUMMARY - Public Works Department----------------------- - - - - -- 9 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -- Employees Full Time------------------------ - - - - -- 10 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -- Employees Part Time------------------------ - - - - -- 11 SECTION GENERALFUND--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1 POLICE--------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2 YOUTHBOUND----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3 ENHANCED 9 -1 -1 FUND-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4 PUBLIC WORKS - Street Division--------------------------------- - - - - -- 5 PUBLIC WORKS - Seder Division---------------------------------- - - - - -- 6 PUBLIC WORKS - Water Division---------------------------------- - - - - -- 7 SCAVENGER SERVICE---------------------------------------- - - - - -- 8 GARAGE------------------------------------------ NOTOR FUEL TAX------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 10- TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PENSIONS - Police------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 11 PENSIONS- ID Mo Re Fa----------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- 11 CAPITAL PROJECTS-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 12 DEBTSERVICE------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 13 PUBLICBENEFIT---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 14 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND---------------------------------------- - - - - -- 15 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY---------------------- - - - - -- 16 PARKINGLOTS------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 17 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM-------------------------------------- - - - - -- 18 REPLACEMENT FUND-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 19 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLENISHMENT-------------------------------- - - - - -- 20 LIBRARY----------------------------------------------------------- - - - -21 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Administration---------------------- - - - - -- Appendix A EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Police Department------------------- - - - - -- Appendix B EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Enhanced 9 -1 -1 Fund----------------- - - - - -- Appendix B -1 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - Street Division------ - - - - -- Appendix C -1 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - Sewer Division------- - - - - -- Appendix C -2 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public [forks - hater Division------- - - - - -- Appendix C -3 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - Garage Division------ - - - - -- Appendix C -4 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE---------------------------- - - - - -- Appendix D BOND RETIREMENT FUND------------------------------------ - - - - -- Appendix B VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Elected Officials Bernard Forrest, Mayor James Lo Marovitz, Trustee Edwin Bo Seidman, Trustee Cynthia Jo Marty, Trustee Vernon E. Swanson, Trustee Harriet E. Rosenthal, Trustee Jo Robert York, Trustee VILLAGE MANAGER Robert Do Franz DEPARTMENT HEADS George Jo Valentine, Treasurer and Finance Director Richard Co Brandt, Chief of Police James E. Soyka, Director of Public Works & Engineering Barbara Houpt, Director of Community Development Kent So Street, Assistant to the Manager a a a a 0 o o o� o� �o 0� �Q 0rn �o a a 0 a a aQ 9 Q� 00 �a �Q Qo cg ° w �QD V� Q� 9O V)� 00 XE L40) X a" U W lei x as C3 L J C9 e-b N LLJ c U Cl Q �o o o� o co � w o IL 2E �. � W J g �U3 C NS ca ct g � rs W _ �� �® ab U a BUDGET MESSAGE a a The annual budget generally represents the single most important policy adopted each year in any organization. This is particularly true in municipal government which engages in very diverse activities ranging from critical emergency services to routine general maintenance. Although a legal document, we have tried in Deerfield to keep both the budget and the process by which it is passed as simple and understandable as possible. Our budget breaks down the cost of each Village service on a per capita basis. More- over, through regular reports by each department during the fiscal year, the (� Village Board is able to measure the progress made on the objectives established u by and funded in this document. a The combined total budget is $15,456,300. For the third consecutive year, there will be no General Fund Property Tax. Our expanded tax base and other revenue sources, primarily the Hotel Room Tax, have allowed us to eliminate this portion of the tax levy. Deerfield currently receives 10% of the total tax bill. Uith the exception of the Library Tax Rate (which, by law, must levy through the Village), all rates are well below the limits established by State Statute for anon -Home Rule communities. There will be no increase next year in personnel. To remain competitive in the municipal market, there will be a 5% increase in the employee salary plan. The 1990 -91 budget will continue the Senior Subsidy Housing Program and the combined effort with the Deerfield Park District to provide basic services essential to their needs. Also continued are the 50/50 sidewalk, curb, and tree replacement programs which encourage a shared responsibility for infrastructure improvements that benefit both the Village and the homeowner. Scheduled for dedication during this year are the new Public Horks /Park District Facility and the 13 acre Brickyards Parko Through the use of Tax Increment Financing funds for these significant improvements, their cost has not been passed on to local residents. These projects will not only provide years of quality services, but successfully demonstrate the benefit of cooperation between alocal agencies. Where will be no increase in either water or sewer rateso As we adopt this budget, final plans are being made to implement a yard waste collection and disposal pro- gram similar to our very successful recycling program begun last yearn This new service, required by State law to begin on July 1st, will be part of a new scaven- ger contract that will necessitate an increase in the tax levy and /or quarterly utility bills° As with recycling, the Village's objective is to provide a curb- side yard waste program without curtailing the refuse service as we now know it. aMajor capital projects scheduled for 1990 -91 are: resurfacing approximately 1o4 oiles of roads under the Street Rehabilitation Program (to be funded by the tempo- a nary Income Tax Surcharge, thereby avoiding the use of bonds or increasing property taxes); completing the Brickyards Park, which will be leased to the Deerfield Park District; rehabing the Montgomery Road bridge; constructing the plaza at the southwest corner of Deerfield and Uaukegan Roads; implementing enhanced emergency number 9 -1 -1; and constructing drainage ditch improvements in connection with the Lske Gook Road Detention Basin project scheduled to begin this summero a C Bost of the capital projects are possible due to the Village having leveraged its funds with Federal monies, Tax Increment Financing funds and developer contribu- tions. Clearly, this represents the Village's commitment to maintain its basic Infrastructure which, if deferred, will only result in increased costs at a later date. An unknown expenditure at this time, but a project having a high priority with the Village in the next fiscal year, is the potential redevelopment of the southeast quadrant of the Village Center. Currently, the Village is awaiting proposals from developers that, hopefully, will result in a private - public venture to improve the economic vitality of the Village Center as well as its visual identity. In presenting this budget, the Board and I restate our commitment to providing high quality services at reasonable costs. In performing our duties, we are most grateful for the support received from the many volunteers on Boards and Commis- sions, whose input is extremely valuable to our decision-making. Through this concerted effort, Deerfield will continue to maintain its tradition as a fiscally sound community responsive to the needs of its citizenry. BERNARD FORREST Hayor April 16, 1990 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1990 - 1991 BUDGET SUMMARIES TOTAL ALL FUNDS* $17,8739015 $15,456,300 *The total figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. PAGE 1 ESTIMATED PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION REVENUES EXPENDITURES General $ 49454,500 $ 4,508,080 Scavenger 192299000 194969740 Street and Bridge 997,500 9679250 Sever 192759000 194239600 Hater 29126,000 29019,870 Debt Service 197799951 198279451 Enhanced 911 889000 1509400 TOTAL $1199499951 $1293939391 REVENUES AND FUNDS ESTIMATED CLASSIFICATION ON HAND IN TREASURY* EXPENDITURES Municipal Audit Fund $ 129500 13,500 IMRF 6269000 5779000 Emergency Services 59000 69700 Parking Lots - Village Constructed 499500 16,260 Parking Lots - Combined Funding 339000 24,920 Motor Fuel Tax 974,120 689000 Police Pension Fund 927,000 2629000 Village Garage 194,000 185,510 Transportation Program 5,200 59100 Replacement Fund 8049467 2349500 Infrastructure Replenishment 19122,858 500,000 TOTAL $ 497539645 $ 19893,490 TOTAL VILLAGE FUNDS $16,703,596 $14,286,881 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY $ 1,169,419 $ 191699419 TOTAL ALL FUNDS* $17,8739015 $15,456,300 *The total figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. PAGE 1 M 9,70m � �� P ����� P °gym$ m Cd td P P G9 P P C9 O P O P � a P P 0 c d; to c 0P�� a t1i 8 8 g� d C4 Q; 'cam � eP of P A o . W 0 LU W CO 9 P R $ aCD EO a C 0 cm $ a�ti;d� P pp pq pp pp pq pq Rpgi pg Ppp yp� yp� a ti ti ti R R ti 4 4 P O 9 C9 R tm ° en 0 goo 0906 g gg gggg gg gg ggg �o�ggq quv, m ® gg 911 ii 9°96 t ° P as �a a o PAGE 2 a PUrPose General Street Emergency Services I.l. R.F F I.O.A. Police Pension Audit Scavenger Public Benefit Debt Service (Net) Budgeted Village Levies Abatement (not budgeted) Fide Year Property Tau Comparison 1983 1987 lose 1989 log® 320,000 220,000 0 0 0 240,000 240,080 330,000 330,000 330,CM 5,080 5,080 5,080 5,080 5,CM 325,080 177,080 190,080 280,080 350,08D 2,036,366 183,080 200,080 210,080 260,= 175,000 140,080 150,080 150,080 170,0M 10,500 10,500 12,080 12,500 12,500 425,080 475,= 545,080 605,080 605,080 1,097,941 2,598,441 1,096,826 2,547,326 1,426,080 2,858,080 1,525,075 3,117,575 1,558,001 3,291,301 Net Village Levy 2,598,441 2,547,326 2,858,080 3,117,575 3,291,301 Public Library 672,017 722,017 722,017 814,493 855,187 Total Levy 3,270,458 3,269,343 3,580,097 3,932,068 4,146,488 DEBT SERVICE GROSS LEVY 2,036,366 1,466,226 1,772,343 1,822,600 1,822,451 Reduction Replacement Tax 26,593 12,080 16,983 17,500 17,50 Total Reductions 26,593 12,080 16,983 17,500 17,500 Abatements Replacement Tarr 30,080 35,080 45,080 50,080 50,080 Revenue Sharing 0 T.LF. 208,712 222,400 84,280 80,025 96,150 Other Budgeted Abatements 100,080 200,080 150,080 100,CM Capitalized Interest 673,120 Total Budgeted Abatements 911,832 357,400 329,280 280,025 246,150 Total Budgeted Reductions and Abatements 938,425 369,400 346,263 297,523 263,60 Net Budgeted Debt Levy 1,097,941 1,096,826 1,426,080 1,525,075 1,558,801 EA V 279,386,218 314,987,029 377,208,775 425,080,080 460,080,CM T&z Rate (§mr $100) Debt Service 0.393 0.348 0.378 0.359 0.339 Other Village 0.537 0.460 0.380 0.375 0.377 Total Village 0.930 0.809 0.758 0.734 0.716 PAGE 3 I I coo-al BudgM Ddav ®MEO Fa®M PAGE 4a 0 CjhavS° 2 BudgM NBC - 0 0 lodav al Genre G®deent RO.7% oefleraIl OO bRisadon Debt R2.8% pUMn. C OO qag . 61.M tUxa 05l 0 ° ° ° ° ° 0 0 ° O 0 0 0 0 0 00 ° ° 0 0 0 p p 0 O ° p0 ° ° 0 0 0° 00 Op °° 0 0 ° ° °00 0 0 °0 °0 °0° ° 0 0 0 O 0p° ° 0 0 0 0 p ° °O°0 V� °° O p p ° ° ° O °°o ° p °�oo° ° ° 0° 0° 0016 ll � ° ° O° ° 0 O C O 0 0 ° 0 ° 00 O f0° ° ° 0O° ° 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 °0 °00 0 00 °0 0 O °o ° 0 °0°00 O ° 0 0 000° 0 00 0 00°0 00° 0 p °0°0 °000 °00°0 °0 ° 0 0 00°O °o ° 0 °000° 0 °0 ° 0° 000° ° O o °p° °0°0 ° 0O 0° 0 0 0 ° ° 0 ° O 0 0 0 p sRaver er o 0 0 0 0 ° ° ° °° ° ° ° °o ° ROo5 ° 00 °0 °° O 00 °o °° ° °00 °0 °O° ° 0°°O O °° °O 0p 0°0 °00 0 00 0 0 0 0 00O 00 ° ° o O ° °° O p M�T 5% O 0 000000°p °00000000 0p 00 0 C O p O ° 0000000000 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 °000 0 W&C0 °0000 °0 °0° ° °O °0000R9.0% 0000 0 0 °0 ° 0 0 0 °0 °0 00 00 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O p 0 0 0 00 °0 °0° 0 O O ° 000 0000 0 °000 . . 000000 p 00000 ll�Y�jIlQoc. °0 °0 00 00 O Il�oOO 69 . ° 0000 0 PAGE 4b pFop(My TaK Do00�� appo�400��c����9' 1888 TaK Lswy'CaHsWsd kn 1809, �r On-' Im". � �Oo ffim, schod Distflct R R3 Sc hcoR Distfic¢ 109 APPOOMOMMM7 M GIEMIERALLV RIEPMESCMA70MC OF THE MLAGE AS AS MOLE. PAGE 4c 3.3 I 2.5 �s ®® a ® 5 0 9.3 0.3 0 Property T ®x Bill 89 02 03 04 93 ES 07 R Levy YGvr balge PoMon ® Total Proprty Tot This graph is based on an actual tax bill received by the same residence over a seven year period. As the graph illustrates, the Village receives a comparatively small portion of the annual property tax bill. PAGE 4d Equalized Assessed Valuations (1989 & 1990 Estimated) 300 400 300 0 0 200 100 0 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1983 1986 191;7 1988 1989 1990 YEAR Development has expanded the economic bases of the Village and the other overlapping taxing bodies. This graph does not include the EAV of $60,140,000 for the Village of Deer- field TIF Districts. PAGE 4e 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 v x 0.5 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Village of Deerfield Property Tax Rate (1889 & 1990 Estimated) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1994 1285 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Leda Year This chart shows the change in the Village tax rate per one hundred dollars of Equalized Assessed Valuation over a ten year period. PAGE 4f 9 6 m 3 g 4 3 2 t 0 Annu ®I Expenditures and Revenues 00l RMWENTIL FUa06 79 1O 81 02 ® 04 1a Es n ® a The.chart above illustrates that Village revenues have equalled or surpassed expenditures for the last ten years in the governmental funds. This indicates that the Village is in a stable or improving economic environment. PAGE 4g VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Village of Deerfield, Illinois, was incorporated April 14, 1903. The Village operates under a Board /Manager form of government and provides the following services as authorized by its charter: public safety (police), highways and streets, sanitation, health and social services, culture - recreation, public improvements, community development and general administrative services. The accounting policies of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. A. Reporting Entity and Its Services This report includes all of the funds of the Village. It also includes all activities considered to be part of (controlled by or dependent on) the Village. Bo Basis of Presentation - Fund Accounting The accounts of the Village are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self - balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The following funds are Special Revenue Funds: Enhanced 911, Street, Motor Fuel Tax, IMRF, Public Benefit, Municipal Audit, Emergency Services, Transportation, and Library. Debt Service Fund - Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long -term debt principal, interest, and related costs. The Debt Service Fund has been treated as a single fund and budgeted in a like manner by the Village. Capital Projects Funds - Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by Proprietary Funds, Special Assessment Funds, and Trust Funds). These projects are budgeted in the Capital Projects Budget. In addition, the Infrastructure Replenishment Fund and the Replacement Fund are budgeted as individual Capital Project Funds. PAGE 5a C. PAGE 5b Enterprise Funds - Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and /or net income is appropriate for capital main- tenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. The Village has the following Enterprise Funds: Water, Sewer, Refuse and Parking Lot Funds. Internal Service Funds - Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the Village, or to other governments, on a cost - reimbursement basis. The Village has one Internal Service Fund which is the Garage Fund. Trust and Agency Funds - Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the Village in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and /or other funds. These include Pension Trust and Agency Funds. Pension Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds since capital maintenance is critical. Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. The Police Pension Fund is the only Trust Fund within the Village. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the annual budget. All Governmental Funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. The Village's share of State - assessed income taxes, gross receipts, and sales taxes are considered "measurable" when in the hands of intermediary collecting governments and are recognized as revenue at that time. Anticipated refunds of such taxes are recorded as liabilities and reductions of revenue when they are measurable and their validity seems certain. Property Tax is considered revenue (for budgetary purposes) in the year levied. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. Agency Fund assets and liabilities are accounted for on the modified accrual basis. All Proprietary Funds and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they are earned, and their expenses are recognized when they are incurred. Unbilled Waterworks and Sewerage Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year end. STANDARD BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990 -91 February 6 - All departmental budgets returned to Village Manager for review. February 6 -16 - Manager completes reviews with department heads. February 19 - Completed budgets to Finance Department for computation and typing; further review when necessary. March 2 - Budget to Mayor and Board of Trustees for review. March 5 -16 - Review by Mayor and Board of Trustees. March 19 - Commence budget review meetings. March 19 - Adopt ordinance calling for tentative budget and publication. March 22 - Legal publication of notice of public inspection of budget. March 23 - Proposed budget placed on file for review by public. April 5 - Notice of budget hearing. April 16 - Public hearing and Board meeting and passage of the budget. PAGE 6 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PAGE 7 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1990 - 1991 ACCOUNT 1990 -91 1989 -90 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5115 Benefits $ 112,200 $ 110,400 $ 1,800 1.6 5116 Apparel 500 200 300 150.0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 22,850 19,500 3,350 17.2 5213 Printing and Advertising 16,300 12,000 4,300 35.8 5214 Communications 20,000 24,700 (4,700) (19.0) 5315 Insurance 71,000 71,600 (600) (0.8) 5316 Professional 163,480 154,000 9,480 6.2 5317 Contractual 65,700 60,000 5,700 9.5 5216 Utility Services 3,500 2,500 1,000 40.0 5419 Petroleum Products 2,000 2,000 0 0.0 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 24,500 25,500 (1,000) (3.9) 5215 Rental Property Repairs 4,000 4,000 0 0.0 5218 Miscellaneous 34,400 35,000 (600) (1.7) 5318 Senior Assistance 38,000 38,000 0 0.0 5231 MV Maintenance 7,600 6,000 1,600 26.7 5412 Supplies 31,550 23,500 8,050 34.3 5428 Materials 1,000 2,000 (1,000) (50.0) 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 1,000 1,000 0 0.0 6111 Equipment 18,200 10,000 8,200 82.0 6212 Motor Vehicles 11,000 0 11,000 100.0 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. 22,300 0 22,300 100.0 TOTAL (without salaries) $ 671,080 $ 601,900 $ 69,180 11.5 5111 Salaries 861,520 789,280 72,240 9.2 TOTAL $1,532,600 $1,391,180 $ 141,420 10.2 Per Capita Cost $85.14 $77.29 Number of Employees: Full time 18 18 Part time 6 6 PAGE 7 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1990 - 1991 ACCOUNT 1990 -91 1989 -90 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5115 Benefits $ 283,130 $ 270,840 $ 129290 4.5 5116 Apparel 30,500 29,900 600 2.0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 36,400 32,550 3,850 11.8 5213 Printing and Advertising 6,400 6,400 0 0.0 5214 Communications 45,800 32,100 13,700 42.7 5315 Insurance 128,000 141,300 (13,300) (9.4) 5316 Professional 59000 5,500 (500) (9.1) 5317 Contractual 80,150 72,950 79200 9.9 5419 Petroleum Products 29,000 29,000 0 0.0 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 23,000 30,500 (7,500) (24.6) 5218 Miscellaneous 8,800 11,300 (2,500) (22.1) 5231 MV Maintenance 34,700 39,400 (4,700) (11.9) 5412 Supplies 27,530 26,730 800 3.0 6111 Equipment 20,400 20,740 (340) (1.6) 6212 Motor Vehicles 45,000 91,000 (469000) (50.6) TOTAL (without salaries) $ 803,810 $ 840,210 $ (36,400) (4.3) 5111 Salaries 2,171,670 2,0522152 119,518 5.8 TOTAL $2,975,480 $2,892,362 $ 83,118 2.9 Per Capita Cost $165.30 $160.69 Number of Employees: Full time 50 50 Part time 10 10 PAGE 8 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PUBLIC UORItS DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1990 - 1991 ACCOUNT 1990 -91 1989 -90 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5115 Benefits $ 1619290 $ 1669410 $ (5,120) (301) 5116 Apparel 79300 79300 0 0.0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 69700 6,700 0 0.0 5213 Printing and Advertising 8,900 8,900 0 0.0 5214 Communications 369600 33,080 39520 1006 5315 Insurance 197,200 1829600 149600 800 5316 Professional 159950 35,950 (20,000) (5506) 5317 Contractual 246,500 2499400 (29900) (102) 5216 Utility Services 3459800 3629100 (169300) (405) 5419 Petroleum Products 349050 349200 (150) (0o4) 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 2639300 2519600 119700 407 5210 Equipment Rental 159000 149500 500 395 5425 Salt 40,000 32,500 7,500 23.1 5221 Occupancy 30,000 30,000 0 0.0 5218 Miscellaneous 14,700 14,900 (200) (103) 5427 Aggregates 71,500 60,100 11,400 1900 5426 Chlorine 99000 9,000 0 0.0 5432 Purchase of dater 1,300,000 193009000 0 0.0 5231 NV Maintenance 609680 53,550 7,130 1303 5412 Supplies 108,000 1039450 4,550 404 5428 Materials 118,300 109,300 9,000 802 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 59000 4,000 1,000 2500 6111 Equipment 41,250 86,100 (44,850) (5201) 5429 Street Signs 69800 6,800 0 0.0 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 459000 (45,000) (100.0) 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. 0 1879000 (187,000) (10000) 7316 Depreciation 68,500 68,500 0 0.0 7116 Bond Principal 0 45,000 (45,000) (10000) 7217 Bond Interest 0 19000 (1,000) (10000) 7317 Vehicle¢Equipment Replacement 1279060 1269000 19060 0.8 TOTAL (without salaries) $39339,380 $396349940 $ (295,560) (801) 5111 Salaries 192569850 19162,800 949050 801 TOTAL $49596,230 $4,7979740 $ (2019510) (402) Per Capita Cost $255035 X3266054 Number of 3wployeesa PAGE 9 Full time 32 32 Part time 1 1 I {t 1 M O r� r-I I,- V I` r-0 O cV 01 Ln M O1 v 0 r4 I Pa c� 0 6• I 1 � I 01 W I 0% I I I 1 I 0 1 M O 1` N t9 IW f- H O CV H an M 8` V O ON I r4 H cV O 1 1 O/ r4 ON I A eOa 1 O I I I 1 I I 0 I M V-4 r- cN 0 M 8, r4 O (V H I* M co v 0 co 1 ri 9-9 cV O I co I I OD I I I I 1 I ! I I I O 1 4' H r- cV to M tD H CO cm cm 10 M 1* M in I O 1 r4 H fV O• I 1 I 1 � I I O I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 i` 1 v H I` cV O M O O O M N O M H M cV 1 O 1 r-1 H cV O• 1 I 1 I O I I O 1 I I t!] I 1 W I I W I I 'a 1 O I ri r, cV 0 M O O O cV cm to cn r4 M cV O/ °" I H cm 0 A eOa 1 1 I Ln I O I aka 6sa 64a 1 I (s7 M Ea 1 O I v H r, cm O M to O co cm cm N M H M cV A Ea W 1 co 1 9-1 rq tV O► t9 I I I ® 1 O I W I I cW a2 O I I H 8` cm to M W O OD cm 0 Ln M M I* N a7 1 OD 1 r J cm 01 >4 I rll I 1 I co I 1 � 1 1 IA 1 I M I v H r, cV M M t0 O O cV O1 to M M M 9-9 O 1 7-4 N ai cV I OD 1 N O v-4 O I* rI r, cV O M t.9 O OD N 01 O M M M r4 T4 cm O` I Ea o v 0 I E-4 EA r. 0 [A 0ra rA I c� W W ® m o-0 E4 1 Im 0 M H cad rb H oo h4 L� O �a 1 C� C� E4 C. w 0 0 � H 0 c� ° eiA00 04 8 0 01 m U A 0 1dIH4A8 R 101cid 0 D404Sa 0 I-4 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 to W W 0 0 a W 0 W W as as W H 0 A6 W W H H A � CW9 a A i W :D O H m z W W O as H W a 0 S< II O O I G 1 a-4 014P O 9-4 0 0 H 0 0 ri CV O r- 0 1 O I 1 I 1 O 1 H0I;pOH 00H0 0 ricV01� ai I O I O I O I HOVOH OOHOO O«10r, O I co I W I I I I 1 W I OOMOH OOr100 oclloo a0 I H 1` I 00 1 1 I I I r- 1 0 0 M o H O O H o 0 00400 OD I H %D I co I O I O O M H H O O H O O H Cv 0 0 co I H Ln I 00 1 I I 1 I Ln 1 ooMoH 00000 Hmom 00 I V I co 1 I v I OOMoo 00000 r4mocV co I H M 1 CD I M I O O N O O 0 0 0 0 0 M O O N 0 1 H 1 1 CV 1 co I N 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O O N O I ri I I ri I co 1 I I 1 1 I H 1 1 U m H I I U a O H aka ® 10-4 bid 1 � I W WB�83��cflci�o-WaH oo��� 1 Ra 1 0 Am;0 m��qF°a9bH'r� adaa o-`7H 1 A 1> iha W c� VHJ eH°7 a r- 9-4 r T-4 H r rr1 r r4 r ra 1` T-4 0 H 0 W tja a GENERAL FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax $ 2189151 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Municipal Sales Tax 1,978,225 2,160,000 2,082,920 2,1009000 State Income Tax 5219687 5609000 575,000 6159000 Hotel Tax 559,414 625,000 6739090 7509000 Beer - Liquor Licenses 50,800 48,000 479130 48,000 Food Licenses 49517 49500 49550 49500 Other Business Licenses 9,891 99000 13,039 139500 Animal Licenses 69856 6,500 6,380 6,500 Vehicle Stickers 0 0 0 0 Non - Business Licenses 35,416 32,000 31,650 32,500 Building Permits 360,443 125,000 106,820 125,000 Special Police Services 17,566 17,500 179820 18,500 Dispatching Services 26,950 26,500 26,500 279000 Engineering Charges 11,023 6,000 3,000 6,000 Ordinance Violations 206,902 220,000 225,450 230,000 Interest Earnings 242,734 200,000 228,140 2609000 Rental Income 32,704 33,500 38,760 409000 Miscellaneous 49,492 209500 16,870 229000 False Alarms 359015 28,000 49,010 50,000 Franchise Fees - Cable TV 80,698 809000 839760 859000 Franchise Fees - Telephone 44,810 45,000 46,810 45,000 State Grants 7,164 89000 9,210 89000 Sale of Land 0 0 100,000 0 Transfer Charges 45,000 459000 45,000 45,000 Transfer to Other Funds (639135) (81,000) (49,650) (77,000) TOTAL REVENUE $4,482,324 $4,219,000 $493819258 $4,454,500 TOTAL 2.7:7ZKn_T_TURES $397359954 $49283,542 $399469809 $495089080 NET CHANGE $ 7469369 $ (64,542) $ 4349449 $ (539580) 1 -1 GENERAL FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Municipal Sales Tax State Income Tax Hotel Tax Beer- Liquor Licenses Food Licenses Other Business Licenses Animal Licenses Vehicle Stickers Non- Business Licenses Building Permits Special Police Services Dispatching Services Engineering Charges Ordinance Violations Interest Earnings Rental Income Miscellaneous False Alarms Franchise Fees - Cable TV Franchise Fees - Telephone State Grants Sale of Land Transfer Charges Transfer to Other Funds TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1 -2 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 0 $ 0 2,300,000 2,500,000 6509000 700,000 825,000 9009000 48,000 48,000 4,500 49500 13,500 13,500 69500 6,500 0 0 32,500 32,500 120,000 120,000 19,200 20,000 27,000 27,000 6,000 6,000 230,000 2309000 225,000 225,000 33,750 33,750 22,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 85,000 85,000 45,000 45,000 8,000 89000 0 0 45,000 45,000 (102,000) (1029000) $4,693,950 $5,019,750 $49799,820 $5,0279560 $ (105,870) $ (7,810) GENERAL ADMINISTRATION VILLAGE CLERK The Village Clerk is responsible for the maintenance of the official records of the Village as required by statute and by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. The Clerk acts as custodian of the Village seal which is required on many documents, publishes legal notices, oversees Village elections, and performs other duties as stated in statute or ordinance. MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES The legislative branch of the Village is responsible for interpreting the wishes of the community and determining the policies under which the Village operates. The people elect the Mayor and six Trustees who serve gratis. BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COUNCILS There are nineteen independent commissions, councils, and boards authorized by the Mayor and Trustees or required by State law that are appointed to advise and assist the Board of Trustees in its policy decisions. These councils also conduct hearings that pertain to their function. All positions on these boards are non-salaried. to Board of Local Improvements - Consists of seven members (the Mayor and the Board of Trustees). Makes recommendations to the Trustees regarding those things that it feels should be done to improve the Village by special assessment, special taxation, or otherwise. The Village Clerk is secretary to the Board. 2e Plan Commission - Consists of seven members plus the Mayor (ex- officio), serving three -year overlapping terms, except the Mayor who serves a four -year term. Members are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, and the chairman is designated for a one -year term in the same manner. The Planning Commission is responsible to the Board of Trustees for holding public hearings and making recommendations regarding the Comprehensive Plan, annexation, sub - division, and zoning (land use, ratio of building to land area, and building height). 3. Board of Zoning Appeals - Has seven members who serve five - year overlapping terms. Appointed by the Mayor with the auvicc and consent of the Board of Trustees. Responsible to the Board of Trustees to hear and make recommendations on applications for variations to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and hear and rule on appeals from orders or decisions made by the administrative officer enforcing the zoning ordinance. 1 -3 4. Board of Police Commissioners - Consists of three members, each serving three -year overlapping terms. No more than two members may be from the same political party. Appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. Responsible for all appointments, promotions, and dismissals in the police force; conducts entrance and promotional examinations. 5e Police Pension Board - Has five members who serve two -year terms, including two civilians appointed by the Mayor, two members elected from the police force, and one member elected from the beneficiaries of the pension fund. Determines eligibility of applicants, distributes funds, manages, invests, and controls the police pension fund. 6e Safety Council - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, serving three -year overlapping terms. Responsible to the Board of Trustees to study and make recommendations regarding Village safety problems. 7. Board of Building Appeals - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, to serve five -year overlapping terms. The members are responsible to the Board of Trustees to hear appeals on decisions made by the Building Commissioner enforcing the building ordinances and to recommend action to the Board of Trustees regarding such appeals. The Board holds hearings and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding changes in the building codes and makes recommendations regarding issuance of building permits for non - residential structures. 8e Youth Council - Consists of twelve members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year overlapping terms. Studies and investigates activities which might involve or contribute to the delin- quency of juveniles and makes recommendations to the Village Mayor and Board of Trustees regarding legislation or action to protect the youth of the Village. 9. Human Relations Commission - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year overlapping terms. Studies and recommends means of developing better relations between people, cooperates with the State and Federal agencies, and issues such publications and reports as it and the Board of of Trustees consider in the public interest. 10. Manpower Commission - Consists of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year overlapping terms. Reviews possible appointees to the Village boards, commissions, and councils and makes recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. 1 -4 LI �l �7 11. Electrical Commission - Consists of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for four -year coterminous terms or until their successors are appointed. Responsible to the Board of Trustees to recommend standards, specifications, and rules and regulations governing the installation, alteration, and use of electrical equipment in the Village. 12. Emergency Services and Disaster Agency - Consists of a director and such additional members as the director selects. Responsible for the administration, training and operation of the Agency. 13. Village Center District Devel t and Redevel nt Commission - Consists of nine members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of 'Trustees. This Commission advises, makes plans or initiates on matters which directly or indirectly affect the development or redevelop- ment of the Village Center District. 14. Energy Advisory and Resource Recovery Commission - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three -year overlapping terms. Its responsibilities include advising the Board and initiating matters related to the recovery of resources (recycling) and energy conservation. 15. Cable Advisory Board - Consists of seven members, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, for five -year overlapping terms. To serve as a screening body for all issues involving cable television. 16. Cemetery Association - Consists of three members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for indefinite terms. Arrange for the care and maintenance of the Deerfield Cemetery. 17. Appearance Review Committee - Consists of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for three year terms. Responsible for reviewing exterior design of new and remodeled buildings. 18o Sister City Committee - Consists of five members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for indefinite terms. Communicates with and maintains friendly relations with Ludinghausen, Germany. 19. Stormwater Management Committee - Consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for indefinite terms. Responsible for making recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Trustees regarding improvements to the storm and sanitary sewer systems. 1 -5 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT The Administrative Department is staffed by three full time people - the Village Manager, Administrative Assistant, one secretary, and by two part time persons. The Department's objectives are too 1. Assure that the Board of Trustees is supplied with relevant data needed to make policy decisions and to be informed; also do the necessary follow -up to carry out Board policies. 20 Provide direction to the operating departments so that their activities are in harmony with the expectations of the Board and Village residents. 3. Encourage innovative approaches in management of departmental activities. 4. Respond to inputs from individuals and groups in such a manner as to develop and maintain cooperative relationships between the Village organizations and the community for the benefit of the entire Village. FINANCE DEPARTMENT The positions of Director of Finance and Treasurer are traditionally held by one person who coordinates all of the financial affairs of the Village. He establishes and maintains necessary controls and supervises the employees and activities of the Finance Department. The functions of this Department are to: 1. Collect and, upon authorization, disburse all funds. 2e Establish purchasing procedures to obtain the best possible value for each dollar spent on equipment and supplies. 3. Establish and operate accounting systems in conformance with good accounting practice and statutory requirements. 4. Assist the Village Manager in budget preparation and budgetary control. 5. Assist the Village Manager in personnel administration. 6. Procure and administer an adequate insurance program, including fire, casualty, workers' compensation, and group health and life insurance. 1 -6 7. Arrange for financing of capital improvements. 8e Invest temporarily idle funds. 9e Assist in other projects as assigned by the Village Manager. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT This department is headed by the Director of Community Development. The Department's major functions are too 1. Enforce the building code. 2e Enforce zoning ordinances. 3. Furnish information to assist the Plan Commission and Village Board on matters before them. 4. Review plats for their relationship to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Ordinances, the official map and good design principles. 5e Maintain the official map and comprehensive plan. 6. Prepare research studies and reports on future plans. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department is headed by the Director of Public Works. The functions of this Department are too 1e Oversee all engineering activities within the Village. 2e Conduct engineering studies. 3. Estimate costs and fees. 4. Review subdivision plans and specifications. 5. Supervise Village projects. 6. Supervise construction activities. 7. Act as technical advisor to the Mayon and Board of Trustees. 1 -7 -s 6�7 H M U ps7 � A V! •oa tsl � cd H �+ E-4 (n O H � H A 1 -8 O` r- ao%DNcn M 0N%�oN�-- TwoLn--4oa, co %0 r-O N r\000000N00�Dr -+MN ON r+ N %0 rb r- r\ N U-) %0 to ra ra nM -N O N re 'r rb r, -1419cnall �-o %,D I'D ON �o0MMOMO00 00 -T ko N N M ON r� r- cn .T r, O CO r1 cn co C,4 N Ln-4 1-4 CO N '-+ Ln N? N •-4 Lnr-01%N%D 0% r- rl- ON 0NCOM-zt0000 co I:r LnN %D0 ON COMtnu1- -Tcn%D +M r+ ON r, M to O Ln -T ` 0 -1 1-4 a r+ r- %r+cn O N N �9 O�r�N0�o w 0 �9r+M.TNr- NNN 00 n r C � � O ON Ln Ln N ON 00 co %D r+ .-n N� 00 V) NNcn -T Pa r CY) CJ 0 N N E Q! A >•a O O O r-1 G3, E (d +J W M Q) (A $pa H % E u1 a cOd O A co 9 cUd cd U b.+ —4 � cd b9 r. O U) O O w E W W cd v1 bfl U ,-a ai r-1 cwd •° s"-0a rn a p N C U U O u w� c0 •� to ODD '0 6\ z E °O rd to H 'S6 v1 bU O a-b U H 0.) as c0 W O M r-M4 0) e ] t/1 0 O bo w G •H O Q) (q cd r~ V1 O r) V a+ r7 O c� Ql vl cd O 44 Q) a Q4 r. W •rt to •ri V U r. V) cd H 4-1 w r. Q) E-c Oa V1 cd •�+ b9 ate+ O r. 0 rn r-I O s., Q) w U to rA N O O O O ba cd Q) •ri O Q) r-I •r-0 3 U - - O vl •ri �, •ra •ra cd 'o a b9 b9 Q) w Q) •Pa P-� O A4 Ql O 6 0. a+ ul •m cd u �D N 04 0 U - E -94 44 Q) Q) N •o w w 0 Qy a r-I r. a O O Q! bo U1 U! Q1 d fd Cd r1 W a r7 r-I s+ ld ld O U 69 ? . W 0 U W 0 O r-I 910 � � � QQ u Q) 5 Qe QU ba •ra O O •rt !•a U U Qq a+ •� > O 'd v! cd O 0 A U En •rt .�" ld �" Q1 O O w W r1 O O U it * H -) 0 04 04 N m > is ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET CATEGORIES 1990 -91 1990 -91 BUDGET PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1989 -90 BUDGET Personal Services $ 6509335 $ 789,280 $ 737,111 $ 861,520 $ 729240 5111,511395114 Other Services 151,572 521095211952149521595216 5231 Contractual 337,853 5115,5315,5316,5317,5318 Commodities 159,331 5116,5212952139521895419 542495428,543195434 62,700 35,300 59,600 (3,100) 434,000 363,832 450,380 16,380 95,200 94,357 109,600 14,400 Capital Outlay 772488 102000 35,050 519500 419500 611196212,641596513 TOTALS $1,376,579 $1,391,180 $1,2659650 $1,5329600 $ 1419420 1 -9 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 BUDGET CATEGORY PROJECTED PROJECTED Personal Services $ 913,210 $ 9589850 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 59,200 59,600 52109521195214,521595216 5231 Contractual 4849710 516,180 5115,5315,53169531795318 Commodities 110,650 112,000 5116,5212,5213,5218,5419 5424,5428,5431,5434 Capital Outlay 20,700 24,700 6111,6212,6415,6513 TOTALS $1,5889470 $1,6719330 1 -10 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ANALYSIS 1990 - 1991 PROPOSED BUDGET $195329600 1989 - 1990 BUDGET 193919180 INCREASE $ 141,420 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114- -Part Time) Increase in Salaries: Annual Salary Adjustment $419020 To Bring All Current Positions to Fully Budgeted Levels 319220 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $729240 OTHER SERVICES: (5210 -- Equipment Rental; 5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214 -- Communications; 5215 -- Rental Property Repairs; 5216- - Utility Services; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Decrease in Communications $(59300) Increase in Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,600 Increase in Hater Usage 19000 Miscellaneous Decreases (400) CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES $(39100) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual; 5318- - Senior Assistance) Increase in Contractual: Equipment Maintenance $ 2,000 Equipment Maintenance - Copier 4,000 Increase in Cost of Microfilming 49000 Increase in Professional: Prosecutor 49000 Miscellaneous Increases 29380 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $169380 1 -11 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424- - Miscellaneous; 5424 - -Dog Pound; 5428 -- Materials; 5431 - -Small Tools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Printing: Detales Building Codes Cost of Supplies Cost of Mental Property Taxes Miscellaneous Increases CHANGES IM COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212- -Motor Vehicles; 6513- -Land Acquisition; 6415 -- Improvements Other Than Buildings) Increase in Motor Vehicles Annex Remodeling - Capital Project No. 32 Increase in Equipment CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 1 -12 $ 2,000 2,000 7,000 2,000 1,400 $11,000 22,300 8,200 $14,400 $41,500 $141,420 ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5216 Utility Services 5419 Petroleum Produces 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5215 Rental Property Repairs 5218 Miscellaneous 5318 Senior Assistance 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. TOTAL �r Capita Cost EXPENDITURES FUND SUMMARY GENERAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 546,505 $ 6839280 $ 6459991 $ 7509750 14,258 11,000 13,321 149170 899572 95,000 77,799 969600 74,357 1109400 86,652 112,200 60 200 339 500 179554 199500 16,989 229850 13,563 12,000 139719 169300 209515 249700 159430 20,000 71,722 71,600 60,141 719000 98,485 154,000 124,960 163,480 649041 60,000 549710 659700 2,915 2,500 2,230 3,500 16,569 29000 1,400 29000 119,641 25,500 11,030 249500 432 0 0 0 3,172 4,000 280 49000 86,320 35,000 35,140 349400 29,250 38,000 37,370 38,000 49897 6,000 6,330 7,600 23,759 23,500 26,699 31,550 1,484 2,000 70 1,000 20 1,000 0 1,000 58,988 10,000 35,050 189200 18,500 0 0 11,000 0 0 0 22,300 $19376,579 $1,391,180 $1,265,650 $19532,600 $77029 $85014 1 -13 POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF THE POLICE MISSION The mission of the Police Department is to protect life and property, preserve the peace, and to provide service, in a professional manner, to the community. The Police Department has ten continuing goals that accomplish this mission. Prevention of crime Deterrence of crime Apprehension of offenders Recovery and return of property Movement of traffic Provision of services unavailable from other public or private welfare agencies Prevention of substance abuse in the community Education of juveniles to their responsibilities before the law Education of the public in the steps it can take to reduce the probabilities of becoming the victim of criminal attack Participation in the implementation of Disaster and Disorder services In addition to these continuing goals the Deerfield Police Department will implement the following innovative goals during the next fiscal year: 1e Emergency Telephone System All necessary modifications will be completed and an E 911 System will be operational during this fiscal year. 20 Data Processing New computer hardware, IBM AS400, will be installed into a Haster Data Control System. This total system will accommodate both our Hanagement Information and Communication systems. r, 3. Mobil Data Terminal Network (MDT) UOur current MDT network will be enhanced with the addition of other area Police Departments' participation in the network. 2 -1 POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1990 -91 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1989 -90 BUDGET CATEGORIES BUDGET Personal Services $197949645 $2,052,152 $1,9919160 $2,171,670 $ 119,518 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 56,943 5211,5214,5231 Contractual 350,577 511595315,5316,5317 Commodities 103,126 5116,5212,5213,541995424 5434,5412 102,000 83,640 490,590 379,749 135,880 115,370 103,500 1,500 496,280 5,690 138,630 2,750 Capital Outlay 54,084 1119740 1119239 659400 (46,340) 6111,6212 TOTALS $2,359,375 $2,892,362 $2,681,160 $2,975,480 $ 83,118 2 -2 BUDGET CATEGORY Personal Services 5111,511395114 Other Services 5211,5214,5231 Contractual 511595315,531695317 Commodities 51169521295213,541995424 5434,5412 Capital Outlay 6111,6212 TOTALS POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $293019980 $2,4179070 85,750 85,400 551,230 624,260 145,390 150,500 127,000 79,000 $39211,350 $3,356,230 2 -3 POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ANALYSIS 1990 - 1991 PROPOSED BUDGET $2,9752480 1989 - 1990 BUDGET 2,8922362 INCREASE $ 83,118 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114- -Part Time) Annual Salary Adjustment $1039400 Scheduled Step Increases 129537 Retirement Sick Pay 13,321 Decrease in Overtime (49770) Decrease in Part Time (49970) CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $119,518 OTHER SERVICES: (5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214 -- Communications; 5231- - MV Maintenance) Decrease in Repairs & Maintenance $(7,500) Increase in Communications (includes portion of cost for new telephone system) 19,300 Decrease in Motor Vehicle Maintenance (4,700) Other Decreases (59600) CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES $ 1,500 CONTRACTUAL: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315 -- Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317- - Contractual) Increase in Benefits: Cost of Educational Incentives $10,440 Miscellaneous Benefits (Social Security) 1,580 Decrease in Liability Insurance (13,300) Decrease in Professional (500) Increase in IBM Maintenance 6,000 Add Cost of Vehicle Lease (Replacement of Youthbound Bus) 2,000 Miscellaneous Decreases (530) CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 5,690 2 -4 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424 -- Miscellaneous; 5434 -- Supplies Increase in Training (Law Enforcement Television Network) $ 39750 Decrease in Advisory Boards (Police Commission) (29500) Increase in Supplies 800 Miscellaneous Increases 700 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $ 29750 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412- -Motor Vehicles) Decrease in Motor Vehicles $(46,000) Miscellaneous Decreases in Equipment (340) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY $(462340) TOTAL INCREASE $ 83,118 2 -5 W u E-4 a-1 U) Ow � W td A � N W .a O O '3s 614 2 -6 ON r a CO O .-a N .-a B ON N '-a 00 M %DN 10 M .-4M M 1.0 —4 �'9 .-a M M 1� . u1 ul 00 00 N--7 01000 --T 'D ra N 00 O M 1- -4 N -4 as ul ­4 M O M ul N --t -17 %0 - cn O -41 u1 1- N O ulON r- Ch 110ON 00 c+•1 N co N M 0 1�9 M r-4 N 19 I- N --? k9 N 00 0 N? u1 I 1.4 co 1A N -:t c+M — -zt CO I- 0 0 n 00 V) ul IT 00 N O 19 0--4 ul N ON 'T r-a ul N M -.T It N 00 r-4 O a� 6: Q1 TJ u C u o .M m o a c z w uw w u x w w ba v! E-+ U '0 8 U W 14a 0 u 0 w o-a cd .� Q) � W .,uy � �V W W � e SV , >� u � U 61a 61a � f� •r! vl (" u (� rV U� E- 04U U >0 E�e� EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUND POLICE SUMMARY GENERAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $1,674,936 $1,881,622 $198539129 $2,002,850 5113 Overtime 799320 999920 869031 999900 5114 Part Time 40,389 70,610 52,000 68,920 5115 Benefits 163,756 270,840 204,258 283,130 5116 Apparel 249219 299900 299900 309500 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 189878 329550 279108 369400 5213 Printing and Advertising 3,865 6,400 7,311 6,400 5214 Communications 20,511 329100 249000 459800 5315 Insurance 1339455 1419300 112,841 128,000 5316 Professional 1,842 5,500 4,100 59000 5317 Contractual 51,524 72,950 58,550 80,150 5419 Petroleum Products 229654 29,000 229691 29,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 4,915 30,500 299080 23,000 5218 Miscellaneous 13,426 11,300 6,540 8,800 5231 MV Maintenance 31,517 39,400 309561 34,700 5412 Supplies 20,084 26,730 21,821 27,530 6111 Equipment 22,358 20,740 20,239 20,400 6212 Motor Vehicles 319726 91,000 91,000 45,000 TOTAL $2,359,375 $2,892,362 $2,681,160 $2,975,480 Per Capita Cost $160°69 $165030 FMl W E•� A GaJ U H r� O 04 2 -8 � 70 O N�0 4f N "' 0 0 o a r-d 0 ON � o '-' o C4 r~ ON 0, vs� o ON 0 H� o ? 00 0 CY) H ON M E-a r-, Rc7 E-+ C% U) O O Ln r4 I °470 ° � g O\ %D C14 r O OIA br? co 619. r-1 rb 0 N � ON n 00 N O O H 00 O �Uco cn bo O 4b cd •ra •O 4 w r--I U O td uJ t' W •ri N Z r. r-I U) a U 0 '$4 uJ 4: O O W W W •O r O r. -r4 a cd -W a ( "-q 4-1 4.1 •� cd 0 N O 8 w� a Oa W E U r-4 •rl I•a ra > -W Q cd 0. •r4 U •r4 O W in. O O to UJ bO a r-4 w W = to ra e � r-I a a+ W cd r0 O O 0.0 c0 W a U) •ri bO U d-+ 6: U •� � � ra W r-I rr 44 W bd W U) 6 1: Ca. 3; 0 a m 0. r-4 0 >> •rl 44 O O 0 O r-i 0) a W c0 v? •rr W cd O A O U •ri U r-4 r-i ra U) 'O �+ C a W cd > U •H > bo U) O. O R7 O O b.+ r-1 M ra W a cd .a M b4) W a W 8 a •ri U) >, cd w O> > O a u cd U) w = a CO a-1 r1 e..r br W 4-4 W u •ri W - bO (d A. <-' U) v 0 0 W W C44 W W 6 H 0 0 W a W a.+ ra 4. a W I.a ra 4-4 0. W 4 44 4 O W W W to W. raor0cdc4'd 1 tv0 d'OH�+►nW8 (dEU) d r4 4: W 'O a cd fn. •O M a U) C U 6a •ri r- r. � (0 u U Ca. Ul 0 u •rt •ra a < (�" O •raa >> A ro " H � ^� W I: A •O 'O •ra U) ° E O W '•g7 4-4 •O U) •O •r4 10 •r4 4) O Z C a 0� w O O O 61 a> C� W "O U) tad cd td W&) u E u u to cn W r-Wi w o w -H W A 0> U U U) a 8 ,1 0 bo 6+ s ,O O ri O 10 W W4 w O O •r+ O a H O H r� 0 a O C4 •ra a M U U) Q) .a 61 O w >, r-4 O 4a O •r u S w ri O E a W C w ° S4 4-1 r. b (d M. d� s' W Ora W r-4 C O a u O d W w 'C a W cd U) bo -w 44 (a r-i r4 a+ O. U) ad - •n bo - W O W a a W u w a a U) w 0. u U) W r-I cd 3 .O u cd 8 •ra s+ r-4 W O 0. r4 •ri W A bO O a E 0-0 ra O r: Q) 6 bO O bO a a-+ � �+ O w "q a 0. a a r4 Q) cd cd A A a U) r9 O cd W -r-I •rl kd "0.0 r- U 44 O� U W 8 �r W 'O U U) U r-4 O • Q) b U 9 O W O 'O 6' O U 0 6 6-O r4 -0 r-4 r-I O r. O r-I •ra 4-4 W r-4 Qd 'O � W a 0 0 • -4 .9 O U � !d > '0 (d O cd r-I 0.0 W W W a O 04 bo U •ri U 9.a a r9 O W W U a 44 O •ri °H V) w•4 U) 4a m. a CO a O W cd ra U) W Q) W r-a a •� Q) V) Q) ra O "1 s+ Q) r-4 W E V) U) •ri Q) bo Ea 9 (d O r-4 u U) U) > bo r-1 od U cd a a U) > 0 a O O r4 ,-4 •O a U) —I a O s w 'O a u 'O O V •ri ra r4 u -a - a r-4 4: w W O •rd (d •ri r-I e�l ®® G.l r� °O a+ O cd •r4 O 0 W a •ra O U) a.+ O u 44 U •ra a 4-1 Q) U) O cd W W f� > •rt O r-f U) cd M ar .ra 0 3 8 F3 O Ra 61 r4 O ra W a &+ •d Q) 4,4 U a cd O 4 w a+ 44 O a W r-4 O aJ 0 U) O ra > 1-a W O a 6' >% •O w O 4a W N a 044 •ri r4 w 0, a 41 w ra W •O i s ra td U Q) W •ri O Q) O A td O 61 �a cd Q) U 61 td s+ ra is Q) u U) a+ 4a >� U) W •r-0 6 a cd Q) O - O A O d a •r1 r4 t+ -H a+ O •O > Q) O r r-1 b9 O 0) W cd 0 W •O r� •ri UJ Ul 4 . bd r •1 . U A. sr Q) O •/•4 ra •r'4 r4 •r•0 V a r•4 L W r id a L6.4 U) W r 44 r4 r bj U td O O d H u -ri 44 bo a r9 44 W O 44 N W bo W C: Q) bo b9 G.° O a 44 r- val 0 9 d+ U) m 0 0 two O ra > ra 0. •r4 •rl •ri A W r4 O Co •r•a a °O 4j r4 w °O (3 w r. Q) °O N (" 4-+ %d td &, r-I •ri Q) a 6 'r°� U1 q. 0 O U N W w :3 � H U) A V b•r U) r 4 61 4 O °O W a 'O W W cd a U w 'O 4•a •O u cd W > W W> 44 0 A O -ra W W u > e•+ a tN W a O W U) O 44 Q A O r•1 O W O a W a a 0 a C O V O d b O O A a E4 44 1:14 U) d 3. td Q< (d -r-I Q E4 ra O 4-4 E " •ra 4d Z = .0 va 1 1 r 1 1 1 f' [I C U W Ef a w a F4 U H w O C)a 0 •-4 r•C O n O w n M rb cr1 r-4 a Cta (7A co � r-4 O ON 6C " N 04 —4 ts9 Ow a r� Q W O O ON � %0 O O H co E-+ ON N N r-1 (fl N W a t p? r-4 W O r� 00 OO �o m O\ 69 0 Qa4 cq r� 64 � co O O U O0 O � M toct Q)wE44 �bo w r-4(� w u cd 4c Z W coo U) 0. >, E � 0 e+ O •rc bO 3 U) 0. •r+ cd E Q) O A O C > '0 -r-I = r-I "0 O = 4-4 O co w ib Q) 4-+ w bo w C u 4.1 0 u N O co a r cd (o E a 0 U C: W O •ra •rt 4-4 Q) 4.1 U) •rd A U Q) r-I Q) U) -H Q) 0.4-0 = ,-j 0 (1) U) •r-( Q) 04 ri U) u (d E 0> 0 O H 0 - Q) 3 CL u cd •r-0 Q) Q) U) W C: Q) is U) Q) Q) (d Q) Q) cd N co co •r( u w.0 b+ Q) O •H u O O (1) w 61 E> •rl r•4 U > (o 6+ co •r( 44 E W 44 W O O •ra •rl V. w w E w b+ C: •ri O (1 A b' 'o 0. t + e-d b0 Q) 1d Q) Q) •rl O Q) •r( Q) W Wd U) Q r-I Q) r-I 0 > Q) U) 44 w 01. r-I u C: d✓ a O C; U) w 10 O 0 u - Cba m O •r, 3 Q) U1 (n •r+ 0 44 •r.a 4-+ 16-1 u 4) 61 fn A 0 wI Q) >, Q) O •rc w u U) Q) a •rc r-t O Q) O Q) u b+ () v 3 C O Q) •rd •rd U Z (4 = v > Q) O U) Q) O C3 4ti4 fa •re cd O u R Q) w )a O W U) •rd O w•I 0 tJ > O •ri O Sa 0 -H 4..) Q) 4-+ U) •rd Q) u >~ w o 0.44 •rl ea U) 'b 41 :3 co > cd -14 U) QJ Q) Q) O 0 41 b.+ 0 O r-f U Q) U Q) > •rd aEr dJ 5d W b.0 r. " •-H () to bd U) •r•( ).d 44 U ¢.r -r-I Q) bO LO-1 44 >, U) E Q A b°r 0 O 9 U) ar V C: 4-4 W-d U) a+ O Q) O O (d (d O. 0 (n •rt •rd c0 to Q) •r•d O O vi O Q) H () C; " H r•4 (1) u V w w u C. Oa 6+ -H X 0. r•9 O O 0> r. r. a+ 4-1 -H 0 Y) m 14 E-+ O bO •rl Q) w C.. -H 0 > E Q) 0 'a -H w w I~ Q) U) U . 6j r4 Ca. U) a ba E w w 0 > 61 4-1 •ra u -r-I .r~ w cd r-) (n e + a.r Q) 0 Q) 0 -H . o r. 3 -M > r-I cd 0. — co Q) u C; U) u U U 4 A 6j Q) O O r•t O O 0 0 0 6 0 Q) U r. w I~ E U r-d o $4 Ca. >� O 0 •ra i9 E $o Q) •ra 0 0 r-4 Q) Q) r4 asod 41-r r= rZQ)Q) .0 r-4 u�OErI u u0)r_ �•rt00u�61 O 4w0)a) -t-4 4-4 Q) � •ri = •rl (d W (d u W d-r Ca. 0 bo - > 44 �wc�'�HI 0)�Q)�rA(A -m044 (04 W A cad Q) 4-J o U) U) O 44 W $410 Ca > Q) w d 44 -F=l O N U) o Q) r-I Q) O lad 0 Q) Q) C: 4 a+ O v Q) •H Q) Cb 6+ Cd cad bo °O A •r+ r✓ }� .0 A to > 0 bo A 0 u 0 0 E-4 po O O Q) ar 0 O 910 a 9 9- u .0 w (d g a+ Q) gad 0 = IV bo r+ C: co 0 •rd Q) , 4 0 Q) 0 O •H d-J U) Q) 0 6j •rt -X •ri > U) O to N = O U1 U) r4 >, 61 U) 0 M W W 10 U 0 C: •rd a-+ U) rt •rd •rI bd W (o Ib a •rt (d cd Q) Q) C$ Q) O 41 cn > 0 a+ Q) U Q) r! 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N r` Z ,-+ rn a) v N O,% a >av a =1 W-+440M0c t 10 o v> N b4 A �al�cn."oa>i•nu� �+ O a C H 3 O H v u b � o 0mc.ccv •c �+ �+ c •ri o c 4-1 a) $4 H co <0WUO,co >a) H rn V) c o +-) co co N .-•i O O O O w O •,1 O W 44 •H = a) •ri O c O d+ 3 ba.0 a) > •ri o u N u u c H c cd E c fft H O N O N W .g ON cd 44 O cd • O . Q U) a U • .7 w0 c+') o •ri o o •r+ " O co •-+ cfl N V) N -W O H •H .c O a) v c o c 44 O> �-+ N cd V W u v4 co V. 4.4 vi c > >> •ri A N cd �, •ri o r-I •,-c 4) to 44 V4 Sri •ri 3 V) W> 14 w r- c r-I to c = r- O I c0 u w w o M F-+ 00 •w o w 3 w o o= a a o O\ • M > cci > � ,--, ­4 0 a) O V) a+ M A A A vi 64 N r.. ri 4 >� o r1 w o $4 o au co >, • rn V A4 bc000w cd 0U) rn a) v W •ri •,i r-I •.+ •�+��a)uoa >av a =1 W-+440M0c cd 10 o v> �cc,� v, �al�cn."oa>i•nu� �+ H a C H 3 O H v u b � o 0mc.ccv •c �+ �+ c •ri o c 4-1 a) $4 <0WUO,co >a) u U) 3 4-4 o V) c o +-) O c 44 (n a) W V) n C O O O O w O •,1 O 44 •H = a) •ri O c O d+ 3 ba.0 a) > •ri o u u u c H c cd E c •ri c U) -H cd 4 •ri U) a) o w 4-1 a) •v " cd 44 O cd • O . Q U) a ,a u w0 o •ri o o •r+ " 4 3 O 4•d Vl r. V) N -W O H •H .c O a) v c o c 44 O> b-+ > 44 cd V W u v4 V. 4.4 vi c > >> •ri A cd �, •ri o r-I •,-c 4) to 44 Sri •ri 3 V) W> v a E c r-I to c = •ri 'O •ri T7 7 O a O y u w w o •w o w 3 w o o= a a o • > cci > s3•+ rA • > •rc E 0 a) O V) a+ w A A A vi >> CO O a) ° .A •ai cn U) 10 W u cod � ai .0 Q! a) c •,-c •0 u •r 4 •ri V) u )a c o> u 3> •H 'o »tv�a • ,� eau,� o woE:bcdo�r�. w N (!� (n •ra by a' = V) Cd M-a 6' 'Y7 .� •w0 W W rya •i V! 6 r• O> c0 7 O it O a -H U) d O 0 O a) •ri c ri O G c a rA 4d V) H a) -H W O O 61 0 a-, 44 •,-c " a) 0.= r1 0 ocd >•0wu 61o0 O a+ •,•c c cd (V aJ O r4 •O $4 7+ H CO 0 cd 3 V) ^d W <4 cd to EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND POLICE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL 10 -6040 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time $ 379,455 $ 4399700 $ 4309000 $ 5049420 39590 3,500 29500 39670 119438 289500 159000 259830 5115 Benefits 37,056 63,800 39,509 729300 5116 Apparel 3,750 4,500 4,500 5,100 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 4,105 5,800 4,599 49800 5213 Printing and Advertising 39865 6,400 79311 6,400 5214 Communications 20,511 329100 24,000 452800 5315 Insurance 133,455 141,300 112,841 1289000 5316 Professional 19842 59500 49100 59000 5317 Contractual 249886 45,400 31,950 529100 5419 Petroleum Products 431 1,000 1,000 1,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 4,129 12,000 112000 18,000 5218 Miscellaneous 139426 119300 6,540 89800 5231 MV Maintenance 1,541 2,000 12500 1,800 5412 Supplies 10,669 12,200 11,000 159000 6111 Equipment 89896 139800 132800 109000 6212 Motor Vehicles 79000 99000 99000 0 TOTAL $ 670,044 $ 8379800 $ 730,149 $ 9089020 Per Capita Cost $46054 $50045 2 -11 POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost 2 -12 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND INVESTIGATIONS GENERAL 10 -6043 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 832211 $ 138,000 $ 1259380 $ 136,500 49568 8,000 8,120 10,500 7,987 16,700 14,021 18,920 19200 1,800 1,800 19800 337 19100 620 2,000 26,638 27,550 26,260 28,050 856 1,000 900 1,000 203 19000 500 2,000 2,067 4,000 19110 3,500 2,853 5,000 1,990 3,500 6,808 1,500 1,000 750 0 12,000 12,000 0 $ 136,727 $ 217,650 $ 193,700 $ 2089520 $12°09 $11.58 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT POLICE FUNCTION PATROL FUND GENERAL 10 -6044 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $1,096,441 $1,151,682 $1,151,680 $1,1882680 5113 Overtime 49,695 56,000 51,000 58,800 5114 Part Time 28,951 429110 37,000 439090 5115 Benefits 107,804 168,920 133,179 169,410 5116 Apparel 18,469 229400 229400 229400 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 142236 24,050 219099 28,000 5317 Contractual 0 0 340 0 5419 Petroleum Products 209127 25,000 20,000 252000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 584 2,000 2,000 29000 5231 MV Maintenance 25,197 29,900 24,901 249600 5412 Supplies 69182 82600 8,100 8,100 6111 Equipment 59318 32940 3,940 8,650 6212 Motor Vehicles 249726 709000 709000 369000 TOTAL $12397,730 $196049602 $1,5459640 $196149730 Per Capita Cost $89°14 $89°71 2 -13 DEPARTMENT POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5113 Overtime TOTAL Per Capita Cost 2 -14 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION SPECIAL DETAILS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 FUND GENERAL 10 -6047 PROPOSED 1990 -91 $ 189003 $ 269820 $ 22,000 $ 21,050 $ 18,003 $ 26,820 $ 22,000 $ 21,050 $1049 $1.17 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND POLICE YOUTH & SOCIAL SERVICES GENERAL 10 -6048 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 1159829 $ 152,240 $ 1469070 $ 1739250 5113 Overtime 3,464 5,600 29410 59880 5115 Benefits 10,909 219420 179549 229500 5116 Apparel 800 19200 1,200 1,200 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 200 1,600 790 1,600 5419 Petroleum Products 19240 2,000 790 29000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 0 15,500 15,580 19000 5231 MV Maintenance 29712 3,500 3,050 49800 5412 Supplies 380 930 730 930 6111 Equipment 1,336 1,500 1,500 1,000 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 92000 TOTAL $ 136,871 $ 205,490 $ 189,670 $ 223,160 Per Capita Cost $11042 $12.40 2 -15 u YOUTHBOUND aThe "Youthbound" program of the Deerfield Police Department was started in 1975 and has been both a unique and successful youth project. Since Youthbound °s inception, the Police Department has encouraged other community organizations to develop similar out -of -doors youth programs. Currently, the schools, the park district and many area churches are D involved in out -of -doors youth programs. Because of the involvement of other community groups, the demands for Youthbound have decreased. a While Youthbound activities will continue with the Police Department, they will be reduced, and the Youthbound program will no longer be budgeted as a separate fund. It will be incorporated into the regular police budget. 1 G Il 1 3 -1 YOUTHBOUND FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Project Income (Fees) Village Share TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 3 -2 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 0 $ 13,500 $ 0 $ 0 4,000 4,000 0 0 4,000 $ 17,500 $ 0 $ 0 $ 29139 $ 19,660 $ 2,257 $ 0 $ 1,861 $ (2,160) $ (2,257) $ 0 YOUTHEOUND FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Project Income (Fees) $ 0 $ 0 Village Share 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 0 $ 0 NET CHANGE $ 0 $ 0 3 -3 DEPARTMENT YOUTH BOUND ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 3 -4 EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FUND YOUTHBOUND ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ (415) $ 600 $ 0 $ 0 1,209 1,300 911 0 68 110 1,070 0 128 5,950 110 0 8 900 0 0 0 400 0 0 1,140 29500 165 0 0 69700 0 0 0 19200 0 0 $ 2,139 $ 19,660 $ 2,257 $ 0 $1,09 $0.00 a ENHANCED 9 -1 -1 FUND To provide Village residents with immediate access to emergency services - -Fire, Police, or Ambulance - -by dialing 9 -1 -10 This program was begun during the 1989 -90 fiscal year with actual implementation to occur during the 1990 -91 fiscal year. By referendum the citizens of Deerfield (� agreed to pay a $.50 per month per telephone line surcharge to have the U Enhanced 9 -1 -1 Program. 4 -1 ENHANCED 911 FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Telephone Surcharge Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Repairs and Maintenance Contractual Miscellaneous Equipment Improvements -Other Than Bldg. TOTAL EXPENSE NET CHANGE 4 -2 1988 -89 ACTUAL 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 0 $ 78,000 $ 78,810 $ 849000 0 0 19000 4,000 $ 0 $ 78,000 $ 79,810 $ 88,000 0 9,110 99110 0 0 139000 139000 75,400 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 104,000 85,000 759000 0 22,400 0 0 $ 0 $ 150,510 $ 109,109 $ 150,400 $ 0 $ (72,510) $ (29,299) $ (62,400) ENHANCED 911 FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Telephone Surcharge Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES° Repairs and Maintenance Contractual Miscellaneous Equipment Improvements -Other Than Bldg. TOTAL EXPENSE NET CHANGE 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 84,000 $ 84,000 + 49000 49000 $ 889000 $ 88,000 0 0 249000 24,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 64,000 $ 64,000 4 -3 STREET FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Motor Fuel Tax Vehicle Licenses 50/50 Program Train Station Maintenance Interest Earned Miscellaneous State Highway Maintenance Traffic Signal Reimbursement Transfer from Parking Revenue TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 233,835 $ 3309000 $ 330,000 $ 330,000 180,000 190,000 190,000 195,000 2789530 3309000 3389180 340,000 139113 309000 309379 25,000 0 19500 19500 1,500 42,172 229000 229860 25,000 6,718 59000 4,540 5,000 209765 219000 229140 23,000 0 0 3,010 3,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 50x000 $ 805,132 $ 969,500 $ 982,609 $ 997,500 $ 826,928 $ 998,440 $ 963,121 $ 967,250 $ (21,796) $ (28,940) $ 19,489 $ 30,250 5 -1 STREET FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Motor Fuel Tax Vehicle Licenses 50/50 Program Train Station Maintenance Interest Earned Miscellaneous State Highway Maintenance Traffic Signal Reimbursement Transfer from Parking Revenue TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 5 -2 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 3309000 $ 3309000 200,000 205,000 3409000 3409000 259000 25,000 19500 19500 259000 25,000 5,000 59000 23,000 .239000 3,000 3,000 50,000 50.000 $190029500 $190079500 $ 994,400 $190339042 $ 8,100 $ (259542) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1990 -91 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 198990 BUDGET CATEGORIES BUDGET Personal Services $ 2879656 $ 3079130 $ 2979498 $ 3119970 $ 49840 51119511395114 Other Services 148,463 169,000 1559170 163,410 (59590) 521195214952319521095216 Contractual 1609746 237,260 226,141 2359140 (29120) 5115953159531695317 Commodities 1639010 1759000 1759518 1899950 149950 511695212952139541995424 543495431954289542995427 5425 Capital Outlay 67,054 110,050 108,794 66,780 (439270) 73179611196212 TOTALS $ 826,928 $ 998,440 $ 963,121 $ 967,250 $ (319190) 5 -3 BUDGET CATEGORY Personal Services 51119511395114 Other Services 521195214952319521095216 Contractual 5115953159531695317 Commodities 511695212952139541995424 543495431954289542995427 5425 Capital Outlay 73179611196212 TOTALS 5 -4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 3309990 $ 3479182 1639910 1659910 245,680 257,810 1949450 1989450 59,370 63,690 $ 994,400 $190339042 PUBLIC VORKS DEPARTMENT Street Division Budget Analysis 1990 - 1991 PROPOSED BUDGET $ 967,250 1989 - 1990 BUDGET 9989440 DECREASE $( 31,190) PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114- -Part Time) Annual Salary Adjustments $ 189720 Increase to a Full Year One Third Secretary III Salary 49880 Increase in Hourly Rate for Seasonal Employees 2,420 Decrease due to Transfer of Leaf Removal to Refuse (21,180) CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $ 42840 OTHER SERVICES: .(5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance, Equipment; 5214 -- Communications, Postage; 5231 - -MV Maintenance; 5210 -- Repairs & Maintenance, Building; 5216 -- Utility Services Decrease in Repairs & Maintenance (300) Cost of Postage for Vehicle Stickers 1,720 Increase in Garage Hourly Rate 49840 Decrease in Utility Service for Gas Usage (2,100) Decrease due to Transfer of Leaf Removal to Refuse (92750) CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES $(59590) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Increase in Cost for General Lines Insurance 9,900 Increase in Cost for New Ueather Service 800 Decrease in Tree Planting (10,000) Increase for New Computer Program 19000 Miscellaneous Decreases (1,130) Decrease due to Transfer of Leaf Removal to Refuse CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $(29120) 5 -5 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $14,950 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212- -Motor Vehicles; 7317 -- Vehicles & Equipment Replacement) Decrease in Equipment (109050) Increase in Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 530 Decrease in Motor Vehicles (332750) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 4( 3,270) TOTAL DECREASE $(31,190) 5 -6 etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424- - Miscellaneous; 5425 - -Salt; 5427- - Aggregates; 5428 -- Materials; 5429- - Street Signs; 5431- -Small Tools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Small Tools and Equipment $ 500 Increase in Cost of Materials 500 Increase in Cost of Aggregates 5,700 Increase in Cost and Amount of Salt Used 7,500 Miscellaneous Increases 19350 Decrease due to Transfer of Leaf Removal to Refuse (600) CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $14,950 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212- -Motor Vehicles; 7317 -- Vehicles & Equipment Replacement) Decrease in Equipment (109050) Increase in Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 530 Decrease in Motor Vehicles (332750) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 4( 3,270) TOTAL DECREASE $(31,190) 5 -6 z Ed O rn 0 u •r4 ..-0 a4 rn a0 W •,� U) > •rq .ra 4.1 c co 9 CA O Ql U b+ O H PA ON 00-::r 0 Ln 0 000 0r-N NWO omo 000 co OOcn r\r- v •400 Or-+N M I900n O 0 NOOA %9 --7 � ONLn 6+ N-4 r•r -4 N •-+ rb O v1 M N •? M O 00 C90CY) NO 0r�0 0 P -a MMO N?r- Ln 00 00 �9O— Lr)r�O N00 OO- N rNt9 ON 61 %D 0 00 r- .? -.? O N --? 0 N N? N r-i -4 -4 N r+ Cl) 00 N e-4 -7 M 00 r- ONOM (n N0 0ON0 0 u r+ %9N0 00r-N 00 00 -0-? 0cal0 0 cn00 0-?M I9 MV)00 O- O\ %900 0 .-a M N --? O N O 0 .4 O\ r+ � a r+ Pa N N 1r1 00 M N? M 00 �9 r- Urlr- -IT OA0 OOAO ONN X900 ?0000 rlM O0 �9 0 %10 N -7 0 O N 00 O co cn ON -4 %9 00 -? N 0 r� N 61 N -? N O M M O � a a O M M 00 N ra —4 �? M 00 A v 6 z Z v b :d Id cc 10 a QQ u v bd u QJ 1n 6 A id O E-4 t/ A Z., (ll w '1�0 d �dr'i QJ �W W> A •+O wi W .O O .0 w O 0 \/ V :D 0 AA1 v Q) a-+ caa r-4 10 10 0 U) A .0 Q1 U) 44 Q) Y) 6 r-r ksa cA 6 Q) P� V Ql 6a O a+ 6a cd 0 0 •ri A r-0 ra bd Q) cd d O w _ _ _ d O �+ U Q) 10 !ate ba r a (d A 0> '� O Q) Ql '� A a+ z e-4 Q) Q) R9 a) 6 t/1 U w O P4 0) 0) Q) U a.+ cd 0 0 •r4 A U A A 41 O Ql Q) •ri 0 U u O u 6+ n o w o--3 6 •ra 6 6 Z -H - r I 1010 Ql (d O H Fd Q) 04 6 d O A a O (d o-4 U •r4 O C cn ri r-I E-a a E 0 @9 d r. z O Z Z Q) 0) U (a - .0 A Q) H r. O i19 �+ U d �s ri L4 d d 6+ .4 cd Q) Q) 6-P �a E-4 •rr U) U d U rz9 w N CO U C4 'a A Q) •rr .0 bd O 6+ H Ql w Ql O (d U w 61(4 �> r. 0 r. 0. .0 UJ fd w F J (d C > cad O rt O $9 e t :D O9 0) bo as U B (d O w 6 9) t 4 N cn •'a m -H a.+ w d r1 6 Q. Q) 0 to o-4 U 04 r-I "-4 Q) x 89 9 U N Q) rn Al 0 >-O w Ul cd rQ a1 44 •rr O (d •rr P4 cd 4-1 6-f a+ a+ a+ N 6+ V2 d @) }� •ra ka U) �r0)44 U) (4.0 o� Q) (9 Q) Q) v Q) @) ba -7 ( w� w 0 r_ w w Q) Q)0u w w 0 sdQ)Qy 0 61 61 QlQly � a vQ)� � �u o5 61 o o a4 E4(n E -0p.3 E-4 E-00 cw Nv) NNM (Ayr4 En C.) it PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES SUMMARY ACTUAL 1988 -89 FUND STREET BUDGET- ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 231,701 $ 257,140 $ 2459630 $ 2659560 5113 Overtime 39,987 339720 389348 279720 5114 Part Time 159967 16,270 139520 18,690 5115 Benefits 26,486 42,260 339132 389440 5116 Apparel 1,350 19800 19230 1,800 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 2,188 2,200 1,380 2,200 5213 Printing and Advertising 4,139 4,600 29680 4,600 5214 Communications 5,135 79900 7,880 9,620 5315 Insurance 44,360 48,600 549910 58,500 5316 Professional 464 500 0 500 5317 Contractual 89,436 145,900 1389100 137,700 5216 Utility Services 539542 65,400 549640 63,300 5419 Petroleum Products 119203 17,300 169590 179150 5211 Repairs 9 Maintenance 52,361 589100 559000 49,800 5210 Equipment Rental 674 8,500 90 8,500 5425 Salt 39,463 32,500 44,050 40,000 5218 Miscellaneous 3,914 3,500 4,660 3,300 5427 Aggregates 449727 43,700 46,149 499400 5231 MV Maintenance 36,751 299100 37,560 32,190 5412 Supplies 5,458 9,500 109788 109600 5428 Materials 439045 52,500 40,961 539000 5431 Small Tools 9 Equipment 484 900 530 1,400 6111 Equipment 6,054 13,300 13,230 3,250 5429 Street Signs 7,038 6,500 6,500 6,500 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 33,750 329564 0 7317 Vehicle¢Equip Replacement 619000 639000 63,000 63.530 TOTAL $ 826,928 $ 998,440 $ 9639121 $ 9679250 Per Capita Cost $55047 $53°74 5 -8 i Is W E4 W Ga N O U H 04 O w c O .rl U) Q Q! N C) --r N O U1 O O O W 0 M N M 110 -Y V) t 00 M N O O N N N 64% N N:` N O 6aD N �t Ln p4 rb N Cba 4f} H4 W O O O O E-0 0 00 -T i n (t1 n H OD Ln N E-e ON M U1 W 613 69 � E-t O ON O Ln O O W as 40 O ON a C14 C14 O 00 N r¢? -41 b9 M IYl 6c, (7A . a r-, 6°i iJ4 �3 i-] 00 M I� -4 00 n N --T 0 i 00 c+") tr 1 U 000 O O c 01% M M ,-•r r•1 � bpi +rcpt La U) O .lid (1) O� A O bO 0) 44 U) to '3 r U) cd U) •O Q) �4 Ql Q) -G r-I -M c U c c c to v) 0) u c •ra r-I Q! (d •� r+ O O to •O = •ri O W a •H w U) w Q) .U) 4 u � a � 0) u (cd o-0 •a >, to Q) .a Uri a) 7 co •ri -H W Q) O c G) •r•I O Q) r-I — Q) _ :. -14 _ a > c m Q) a cd w a v .0 c Q) Q) •rr 6+ Q) bD w U1 0 w d Q) IQ u cd c 3 Q) a = c cd •rd bO U Q) U U) 6r aJ 4a U) Q) U O H U) 44 (d w 6.r -r4 E 0.0 V to O X V) 44 O U Q) r-I -14 rt W a r-I w 4-1 r �4 �4 U) O E bO > c ri v u a Q) U O (n 4� �4 O U) a) +J • a) c w O O 0 w a- u ri O 3 0+ Q) U) (d .c Q) •ri u 61 Q) W W U1 Q) O Q) ;> " w Q) c 4-+ w tae ta4 r-I U) U) 6- 4- Q) E w C U U O w O c c e-+ E r-i r-I c U) > •r, 6j C a, •r+ 3 4� -r-I O O U) a (d r-I .', a r-4 61 bQ O 34 r-I U) b+ E •O (d c a 4- O c E -r, -.1 .0 u u UJ E U) 6� rn 4) � a) > a •r+ O 4 � o a -r-I 44 a) (d 4-+ a cd c (n a w u Oa r-i O 0 O Q) a r-I Q) •ra sr •rti 6-r Q) 4-4 Q) Q) O W M U Q) - (d by r-4 > 0, c Q) c .0 4-4 a U) U) (d td >% Q) 3 c r-4 0 U) c -r4 mob; Q) c 4-1 O Or Q) U) +r > m U) U) -ri Q) a � O (d a O r-I Q) r•0 a a a U) 3 Q) rt r-i a c U 44 6+ O -r-I c (d Q) Q) 4-4 O w %64 .t0 U) a U) 0) O c .3 E •ri •ri 3 c Q) Q) Ia (d U) O . s+ •r9 E c > ^. Q) 41 U) 41 U) O bO W u a (d d > O O Q) •rI U) 'O O a c cd 61 Q) r-4 •r! U -H W W i~ Q) r- .0 Q) U) rl Q) bD 10 bo Q) u O 6+ >> --•( Q) .c •O Q) - r- C c c c Q) (d c$ •ri FO w w 61 6+ >> Q) -H r4 61 -r4 6+ -r4 (0 -H 4-4 m4 U) O U) c (d (d c H 4 U) •ra Q r> dr 61 0. -ra -M a U) ra W4 4-4 Q) - Q) E Q) 44 c U) u r-4 Q) O bQ a pr4 U) cd to O 61 w 3 Q) O •r4 Q) a 0 w 41 6+ c Ci (1) U) Q) td c N U) = (d c w Q) •r4 Q) Q) U a 1: E •r+ c N E-r bO a •r4 e-r c W c w r-s W r-) () Q) a u •r( -H N () c r-I U) -H O O •O O •O u c . a V) (d 7Q Q) M •ri 44 c r--0 +-4 Q) 44 c Q) -r4 4-0 Q) - O c 'O k•d Q) r U) O w O •O a•r a+ (d U) = Q) Q) 61 w O c O ;D c O 0) u u•1 Q) cd to c = (d Q) U -c = 44 c a ra (d O a u) 41 rl% 6N w w O -� a U N 3 i A (d U) a 0 Q) 6+ -H V) � r� Q) � Od 6.0 U) bd i.d a a 'O A U •r4 Q) - Q) (d 'a •ri U (do w O O (d a 0 i; O c w u U) Q) O w w N M Q) W U M 6+ O 44 (d (d (d c b0 r3 6+ N Q) w c M a U) >% 61 (1) O a r r-4 cd c U) c, O O c U) a U) -H r-4 U) •n bO M u) Q) bO (d U) Q) -r-I W (d 044 W u • -1 6+ ON c .0 ri O ,a O c Q) c c m -H r-I c Q) 4.4 c 6+ (1) 00 bo 61 (d O c W•ri bD�4O" U cd aW O mA -r4 >.. c 0)ON •-4 a -r4 • -4 a -X c w w Q) 0) O -H r-i , X 6, -M W •-a U) c c 6.1 E (0 •r4 O Q) -c Q) r-I U) 44 U) 4 Cd )a ,a (d 61 •rt W E- cu�r6�o <e m E Qr6d6 •r>ua�Hw4) 6+ Q) •• (d bD t+ -M 44 bt r-I -ri Q) -M W u a-r a 6+ Q) E U) U) 'A w r 4 e-+ c O b0 O °O c r-I . 6-r r-4 E O cd u U U u W -r-0 -ra 'vd (d 6+ r-4 .0 •r4 -H c 0) -H -4 Z 44 w •r4 (d by r) . 6+ 6+ c !� U) O O r-♦ dJ W •O b0 c > U) Q) 'a N 6+ 4-4 0 W U) U) r 4 •r) Q) w ^a U )-a •O •r-0 4.a O cd Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) w N V) -O c 4a U) r-� 6+ 61 u 5 -9 ® •O c r-I Q) r-) >► w C c to O O O c Sb ri r-I a -r4 .0 C U Q) O a U) U (d w •ri r-4 U) r,% 14 -r4 -r4 •r J -ra -q cd C 4 0 td a 44 ,Z 4-a 0 6+ U U H E 61 0 M 0 d E4 E-c > •O m N c. 0z H z W Ix H Ae W A O 3 U H LY) 610 C O •r( ,-c •ra A W W w En 5 -10 A -4 u1 O 14 O O O C T ab .-a O V) O N O U) o cn 1-4 f� r O\ 64% (r1 89 Ln r- 0 tq � A O 011 e-4 H rn � M v� N ON H o0 O vO cy� C� N (H/) W H O � O O N O WCY� CO N M U 1 > r1 • ^ , as A CYI% c!1 M ra � co O -1 ti. N 1-4 r-r 6s? 6R b9 O rl �4 co ctoY) M M A i co M ON H co u o0 co C �rn r- -T N 1-1 (¢} 89 6+4 cd cd cd ' a a cad cad (d O u u • U) U W H 0 G w w w 3 w q QO! N w a cd W bo cd d-+ w • Q) W O (d (d w w A W M O W •� ar O W V x w u W w as V w U) •re b0 r-I a s aJ a.+ b0 U) •r( bO O •ra cd = W W U U) U) •. a+ Q) W R) (d W E a 4-+ E W W U) 10 O r-4 U O .0 (d r-I r! I co O r Q) .14 w e-1 a s O W w H W Q) W •r( w 4 0 a cd •r Q) O O d O O •r U w > O a - O E bo .0 r-1 (j) O U •r+> (t 4-J • u w 0 W u u •-+ w W a r-d a •r+ a �+ u w >.. 3 W A p cd Q) 44 C 44 w W O O U) b0 a U O W u 4-' O4--) O a O> cd 3 4 W w by 4-1 W r-i w w .9 4.4 V V) O U) b•+ w r-i UJ A O cd O .Q ap U) � a0 Q H C ..x 'a bo Q) O ra aso � td si I u O •r( t J CO U) `O +J W • (� V) W N W 0) 'a 4.J . r-4 a90 .14 a w 0a9 b9 u a (n •a cd W V u O 0 o W d a W W o W a (n H 'e9 >~ cd - 04-1 •� ".0 N V. w w E H O w V) " cd W VI (d V) ?, U) u a O (d C3. W W O U W (d w a1 r-( 4-+ cd O 4-1 N- O .O V) W E W w u W a Q) r a H cd >, 3- E o o r-I 4-1 -r-I a a) H W r-I a) W W U) U r-1 .tC t-+ W U W +r 'r 9 • N > W •r( cd V) a.+ e W w W 4-1 (d � V O ba .O r-1 cd W H a W � ,� e1 z .a W r� q r-I r. .0 W b0 \ U) •r( u 4-1 � W u CO r-i W •r1 O a a W +) r� (d w W Q .0 .iC s' M U) w •• W 0.'1 cd b0 x s+ a +� u w u v w H w q� O 3 a1 O 0 V) a+ U) N W O = u O. O cd r4 ^a I; .0 *0 O w u) cd (d W r H O cd C E V .0 O w 9 b•+ W !~ u W u) W a W W r-1 u V) O W +-J O w cd U •r1 b0 O W > w >, O u a ri cd U) O r-1 O 4-I a+ W E r-I >> (d o w cd W w r-I � o w r-f 'a 4) C C W cd W o (wit w UJ w > cd W a O •a a v W (d b0 b0 w'V w W O .c •r1 ad 44 0 4.1 U (d o w • W co r� o �'•' --1 u 41 '•' CL >; u w rO rWi w U) -1d a) 4) s0+ r-Wi boa WW a a.,�� cdW zT 0>,u w E0u)o W A bo U) w rl a r-, U) E ri r-I cd cd O O •r( 4 •r( •rt •r( cd .� W '� W r-i aC (d •ri r-i -W w b.i w r-4 w ar .!; ^ E ri U •a W 10 U) Q vi u e-1 • $ •r1 V) a+ u Lw Q U •O w r1 O cd U) W .1d 4-4 cd )C c W 4d O a� c aJ 41 w° W •r( w o z V) u W w 4-j 4-0 U) a+ 4-1 w V) co a cd cd (d j > d-+ r-i '.} (d .�4 U) U -r-I w O ', U o s.) W 9z W IO m v� E 0 O u r-4 " m cd 'C9 10 O va N M a• e.+ bW.+ rU) tic (d r•i ra r-4 w 0 r-7 W W e.r O O O U) ON 7 W cd w w cd W 'O (d u w r-f U) •r( .0 aW+ W W W a+ r•7 'a bo •r1 Ib u u a W •r( M •r1 O cd W W W W w w O w W w r-i " O W W U) •H u W > > > w d O O bo +r w r-( O a+ W > (d cd cd 41 W O w bo cd w o id •r( a• UJ cd aC C W w x td O a 04 a U) >> rL4 44 --:� E H A4 LW Q) ra E cd H (d t, A W u •O 4-d u Q � W � rn i 00 w (ON 0 ON a­4 P4 0 H� H 00 E-4 ON W A O` M) 00 PO O` r� a 0, H c0 ON r� W H C p4 O �<CG •,1 a U, w •� > M Ca O Q) 6aa n"1 O O �7 u1 n N -4 ta O O V) 1�0 a � to% O ON I- O .? co o M rb r~ tq c O ON co n u1 O co ON O ^ O co tM a -,::r co + ttl a9 ul cv 00 1.: -4 +<i4 r-r 61� Vi. O n � r, -T CV) 00 r� t9f r� co co fo 09 cd v r, cd cad cd b� U U U •� !,a O � 3 u rn a r w m C 0) v a to u a cd •ri C Q) • Ra O V w(au U) Vu rn .0 - oo &0 Ou O o w co cn 3 -H rc7 O w C 3 a O 0) 4 Ord X 3 1 a) Q) -= "o a (d tdri A U)4 E A a) o U) U) 4-j v c a) 3 W�4-1 O u o o > (0 a) w cd w u 3 w to ac •ra N r-I •rt >, cd ac O )r •ri 4-1 rl •p Q) (1) O a 4.4 r•-0 u •ri 044 (A w U) •ra 10 a u 3 E r-4 44 co to -H o w Q) C 7 u a 09 Q) A to W Q) $4 A $4 u) ®, cd a. co Q) w C 3 O ac cd Q) Q) a� ,•t E bD v •ri r0 ul O rJ w C bD a) u co V 3a a+ u) -r-I U') a) U) Q) ,r N Q) •r4 v bo I~ r-i •v Q) U) a a O � 4-1 v) .54 a O r1 w c E co O r-I O $ •rt E V) O co Q) r-I O r-I 1..r O •rt ri •ri •r1 W 'C x co 1d V) > M td W A •ri U) E a� r-4 4-1 > O Q) rl 4-4 •ri CO 3 a a i •r9 cd w w O O 0 w c Q) w .O Q) Q) Bbd ar O rd a V) 'o a Q) Q) C 3 w O Q) C •H Q) ac td cd co O aD j Q) Q) Q) 0 O C O 0 cA O 6.1 a C 6 U) 3 Q) w C -H 3 bO w 9 r-I O A a) u -W O 4J O� td A 0 a A -H s� 04 (1) U) C to 'O CO O r-I 61 A > U) U � = � i-4 � ba V U U) co U) • r 4 i) Q) r-4 O Q) O Q) •ri r-I Q) 00 > u dJ C to w U +1 U) w ri d 61 N .id O in wH O a� O u C O C C C Q) y r-4 ba Q) r-I A V Q) 4•1 cd ba •ri a U C td Wd ,C ac A E '0 ba rC V) 6t ri ld C r9 3 C-a ^ C U) O Qa 0. Q) V A S " � U c0 10 a�.� .� r 4 sr . V •r4 O ac u 4.4 •P:i Q) IM C cyt U) C w w •H O u a C N s R7 cd O D U V O O 00 •r4 td Q) d+ 44 C C C Q) UI Q) A .0 (" a) u O C 61 Q) Q) 44 U) H Qd rI E to W to m r-1 b.r W O w °ry W 4--1 C c8 Q) o r-4 00 O C C cd Qy 0) m cd 0) e u U) (o r-I V) •r) Q) r a) r-4 U) 09 W Q) ba td �; 3 a \ -0 O r-i ,rd Q) C O O C $4 (a U) C V) r-4 r-I a) Q) O 0 C w U E w •r4 %64 Q) o O O ray C r-I •14 O O •r4 61 O w 3 Q) •r+ U) I4 O td ca O Q) 3 •N ul cd C Q) to a+ 010 U) C 41 v) co u C cd a � 6 O W " C) V Q) •r=4 td u 09 C °O G" V) O U O. O U) 6+ in $4 to y >, •r4 ul cd .O •ri u cd C .x v) U) M 6a V O Q) cd Q) a s+ b+ U) O r9 W U) •ri 3 O w C Q) a) M a+ u 0) .A a 4 'r•4 O r-q C -1 0 w O u u Q/1 C (9 w O aC `Z9 > Q) O A u A U) U) a O u H •ri cd w - 4 bo —i ,-I C C u a+ O to w 44 C � Q) Q) (d N u bQ •ra .4 61 cd cd U) to Q) a Q) U a O 'a V 11 "1 8•+ C aC u r-i r0 (1) 44 v C 0 U) A r-4 C C ri cd U W 6 0 •ra ed (d a r-i E V to 3 3 r•-1 44 F==l co co I. N =i u C o a) U) Q) 7 U) 0 O O 0 •r4 o •r0 co Q) r® O w10 uQ)Q)v co u s4 (A a ,r+e u rn r-I U) O r-4 u mu'a0(90 �com 3 5 -11 ba Q) O O a : r4 C t� = cd •r O Iq C .0 c = u C -M O C o°es q -a 0 3 W > .1-1 0 cd to H r-I ;s, = •rt 0 4.1 a a+ N V 6 v) cn U) N 04 O 04 �+ Ora A W O E-+ ON E4 � N r-C W E� O W � Oa ON r4 �i co E-4 CO .-a E4 z W E-� 04 W C) H 04 a O O r1 N > A Q) 5 -12 O u r-1 w a+ O C� u a� N O 0 x -14 O r--q -H I r-4 N u Q) av O u o . w �q 40% w a 0 > Os. r. 3° u cG b9 u Q) SE > 0 O cd u a m O Q) 4-1 r--4 O ^a O H O r—I > cn " 6 O ..'1' ^O -H 6 � > --H Or-+ a >:3wE o cd wv�v�v 4J —4 O, N Q) W �+ a W a &0 w o ° o O -0 c v) w co 4) 0 > cd a a 4a � v v a O o cd V3 ri tto w o 44 0) a4 c�d-�ir -vir-�v r3 a) r-t 'CS > to (0 0V v >0.0 (d 0)4ccoo >,� us°%1:94 44 $4 e.+ O+ r-q PO A V 0) r-r Q) Q) 3r O (Od E (Y%°oav0 cO O F--4 O $s a. ►nu ON u 12.44 4 a a �0)�0 boxes «� bO b9 O O cd r. -w0Aw 61 a Q).0 a a+ a cn w 0� w 0� (d M +P :3 Cd 3 vvi V) a+ -0 a u W 9) - O V 0) v) A Cd 04 O a > a+ V u w O O w b0 cd s+ Q) a) po A 0 w 4) O : �a 41 � w 19 ,04 m «M o � 0 64 6<A N N O` O 6o4 Ln co N 61i cn ON 61� O O\ O\ N N 6fli cd O �-o "' O O 00 Ln N O 69 M vaa� �q 40% w a O O\ O\ N N 6fli cd in. cd vaa� w a Os. r. Q) u ,� 0) > w SE > 0 (mod -H r'4 04 Q) b+ cd r-9 S m cd 61 cd u r—I > E Q) U) -H 6 Q) O Or-+ a >:3wE wv�v�v avv 44 Ql cd ON O -0 E-{ > v) w co 4) cd a a 4a � r� a O o cd V3 ri 44 0) a4 c�d-�ir -vir-�v ° r,-4 to (0 0V v (d 0)4ccoo >,� us°%1:94 44 $4 e.+ O+ r-q PO cd O` r-r Q) Q) 3r O (Od E er'0 a. ►nu -4wa 4) �0)�0 boxes «� bO b9 O O cd O 1 z 0 0 w 0� 44 Cd vvi 0 0) W 9) - O V 0) v) A r3 > 4 � O Q) 0� Q) ,a .rc cd 61 u O w a b0 cd s+ Q) a) po «M 3 O O° -H u a 8- 99 u w 0)v-M O 0) 1 -H 0) 0 0 61 (dw�T)>��,u� 1 c :3� CO U) '0 4-4 v > O S v Q) a� E-0 n N 64 0 61 •r4 04 (a v co� Owrq w � 3 E-4 era � FS � a ►nom >� rt O V) 4-4 Q) � V Qy v >s�� e > w u v O � v u a O to fa La u tv a+ 61 e °es o 61 u; o �co co 9-� "4 Al—� cd as hd o ba Q) v 0 Q) ® 04 V a M O U) 'o 10 ^ei ed 9 C to r-1 r-C O ours u ev�+� O r� u @, W Sri :s E-4 Q) .0 °a r. E-0 o O •r( raa •�+ sa > � A � 0) w � N as a a� VII, E-0 0 E� 5 -13 U) o co o O o 0 CA (d u (d cd V V) i o N (d 44 0 a (N 00 r-4 . ° a r- a as OA 69 O 64� M 60? —4 P� y cd c U 0.0 - •rq o W U u a'0 as U v v o O � ra � -H 'O O E M ro -H br v "O •r( ar > ri U) 61 w -H 0 (•'$ O 61 64 Im as b9 V. 61 0 R4 v -rl -A as � u cd (0 v a cd ON U) 44 0) (0 o U) O E4 ON co 0) 41 M c� i o v� v� $4 M •ra 61 bD -? —4 > U) 0) U) 0 br C A 0 u1 -H .0 6+ E v E cd 0 W 00 cd 6\ (D 0 0 Ln v Q) (d w � cn OS r-, ba 61 W U) cq � � ° %D (�/) E-4 O � O "c 69 .W 69 Q) R 64 r 4 M Q) Ls7 Q 6+ .�L 'O O O E (1) •ri 0. o �' f d -H %8-I (d 7 r-1 w Q) w 00 N O O co --T E N� 3 •r( N uJ w 61 v 00 r-a kd . o w r--I Bbd (d 10 •rl Q) Q) a+ Q) Q) O ^o Q) V r-C r-i bo r-a r. -ri b( ^D -H cd Q) bO G" E E." 04 co tpe M t*e M 3 •r1 (0 Q. co > Q) w a A "a O Q) cd r( H Q) w -H 0- ri 0 0 w % va 44 E O W O -H b9 4.4 (d Q) Q) U) 64 .4 61 u1 r-1 6+ 10 6+ (d 6+ M co 10 r-q r. w 0 O 0 0 w u Q) C r-4 4 b9 v r-( O Q) 1 (d (d 010 - (0 Q) 6+ O U (d Q) -H 6+ r-1 O r-4 u 61 w >% 0 H 3 > U) to r-4 a °0 61 0 0 9, v ri U 0000 W cd •r, N (n Q) >� w t` "4 61 = •ra bO W Q) 0.-'td 4 0% 0) 0) .O .0 0 W r-4 04 r-a u 641� E 0) 64 V b4 co VII, E-0 0 E� 5 -13 U) 6+ r-I (d u (d cd V cO 6-0 (d 44 0 a ce a 0) E cd v o (d co cd c U 0.0 - •rq o W U u a'0 as U v v o O -H 'O O E M ro -H br v "O •r( !a > ri U) 61 w -H 0 (•'$ O 61 w Q) -H O (1) as b9 V. 61 0 R4 v -rl -A as � u cd (0 v a cd U) 44 0) (0 o U) O 0) 41 v v � o v� v� $4 •ra 61 bD (0 Q) > U) 0) U) 0 br C A 0 u1 -H .0 6+ E v E cd 0 cd (D 0 0 v Q) (d w 0 Q) r-, ba 61 W U) � � ° m a) E-4 O � O "c .W Q) R r 4 M Q) Q 6+ .�L 'O O O E (1) •ri 0. o �' f d -H %8-I (d 7 r-1 w Q) w E cV (0 •r ( (0 O 6+ co v tIl 04 U) = V Q) N, a a E N� 3 •r( uJ w 61 v 00 r-a kd . o w r--I Bbd (d 10 •rl Q) Q) a+ Q) Q) O ^o Q) V r-C r-i bo r-a r. -ri b( ^D -H cd Q) bO G" E E." 04 (3 3 -H M O Q) 3 •r1 (0 Q. is r-4 (d O U) > Q) w a A "a O Q) cd r( H Q) w -H 0- ri 0 0 w % va 44 E O W O -H b9 4.4 (d Q) Q) U) 6+ 10 6+ (d 6+ U) () r( Q) 10 r-q r. w 0 O 0 0 w u Q) C r-4 4 b9 v r-( O Q) (d (d 010 - (0 Q) 6+ O U (d Q) -H 6+ r-1 r-4 u 61 w >% 0 H 3 > U) to r-4 a °0 61 0 0 9, v ri W cd •r, (n Q) >� w "4 61 = •ra bO W Q) 0.-'td 0) 0) .O .0 0 W v a 61 > w v 6+ (J u E 0) V Q1 w 10 10 O Q) b0 .r( O Q) b+ d+ 0 w Q) 3 - 4+ 0 (d 0 (d cd (d Q) = 0 0 Q) r-0 61 0 O m E W Q) 6+ o (! - e D Q) cd U) ka r-i Q) X cd 3 u 0 a u Q)44 Q) 0 61 wro 10 6',10 0 t3 W Q) 61 1 0 V 1: 0 r_ Q) O v) a W ° w Q) v 0) 0 -4 E13 V 0.0 (a Q) 10 -H 6+ 10 a 44 O Q) 0 0 0 r 'e9 O w Q) 0 0 t-( 0 ( U (d Q) a o (d a 10 U) Ln 6r .M Q) q 44 r-( w :3 n Q) UJ (A Q) r. r-4 E X Q) E4 u 0 w 0 r-4 (q >, •r( E 0 0 .0 U) o E W 0 A 0 N Q) cd (3 -H w •r+ o «q (d Q) -H cd Lea w - w 6r as ra 3 Q) Q) 3 44 (d a V 0 0 9 w Q) w 6+ 0 Q) b9 6�+ w 0 U) 6+ a.r O b9 b-' W W bo (d w W 03 0- W 63 m (3 (d`0 (d 61 6.r O� 10 — Q) E r•1 w as S$ 10 ri ,'> a r. 10 93 0 W ;D r-� •ri Q) r-a Q) (3 co r4 0 (d cd 0 044 U) :5 0 �a 9E .0 ^r-0 b9 0 to b9 0 U u Owl 0 E 0 W - X w -M 0 to to @) W (o 6j () r-) 0 u Q) r 4 '0 � a s� Q) a 6( 0 r-4 U) 9 •r! Q) 0. v0 v •r( Q) Q) Q) w w M 04 O .0 0 w 4 Q) .0 O (3 Q) Q) Q) 0 Q) (d E4 4 44 E4 03 u 6+ Ea $r U o w A 3; 44 3 M r-I VII, E-0 0 E� 5 -13 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5218 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -14 BUDGET ESTIMATE 1989 -90 1989 -90 FUND STREET 20 -2110 PROPOSED 1990 -91 $ 50,964 $ 44,410 $ 42,680 $ 52,020 0 39900 2,510 6,900 4,684 5,450 6,060 8,350 1,350 1,800 1,230 1,800 2,188 2,200 19380 2,200 4,139 4,600 2,680 4,600 5,135 6,100 6,080 7,820 44,360 48,600 549910 58,500 464 500 0 500 2,201 1,200 2,140 3,000 4,551 1,500 1,500 1,500 172 1,500 600 2,000 2,958 2,200 3,280 2,000 3,190 2,500 2,440 2,900 3,522 3,000 5,290 4,200 61,000 63,000 63,000 63,530 $ 190,878 $ 192,460 $ 195,780 $ 221,820 $10.69 $12.32 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS STREET CLEANING STREET 20 -2111 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 11,038 $ 20,790 $ 20,890 $ 18,930 5113 Overtime 1,762 19200 19420 1,260 5115 Benefits 19129 3,570 1,990 2,420 5317 Contractual 1,997 3,700 2,000 3,700 5419 Petroleum Products 1,791 1,500 1,810 1,850 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 6,921 5,500 59500 5,500 5210 Equipment Rental 0 1,500 0 1,500 5231 FEU Maintenance 4,742 4,000 4,000 49650 5412 Supplies 489 1,800 1,700 1,800 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 455 500 230 750 TOTAL $ 30,323 $ 44,060 $ 39,540 42,360 Per Capita Cost $2045 $2035 5 -15 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 5429 Street Signs TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -16 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND TRAFFIC MARKING STREET 20 -2112 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 15,025 $ 23,870 $ 23,870 $ 22,620 155 320 540 340 2,691 2,730 2,710 2,730 1,961 4,130 3,300 3,380 10,907 10,000 10,000 10,000 42 500 500 500 544 800 840 1,000 161 1,000 500 1,170 1,023 4,000 4,000 4,000 7,038 6,500 69500 69500 $ 39,547 $ 53,850 $ 52,760 $ 52,240 $2099 $2090 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS PAVEMENT PATCHING STREET 20 -2113 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 28,612 $ 439950 $ 43,950 $ 459660 5113 Overtime 335 19260 19730 19320 5115 Benefits 39520 7,600 3,720 5,000 5419 Petroleum Products 529 2,000 2,000 2,000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 4,214 59500 3,930 59500 5427 Aggregates 32,909 339900 33,900 379300 5231 MV Maintenance 6,916 5,000 49910 5,830 5412 Supplies 0 600 0 600 5428 Materials 1,766 2,000 2,000 2,000 6111 Equipment' 0 39300 39300 0 TOTAL $ 78,800 $ 105,110 $ 999440 $ 1059210 Per Capita Cost $5084 $5085 5 -17 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5427 Aggregates 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -18 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND TARRING CRACKS STREET 20 -2114 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 20,768 $ 22,980 $ 17,360 $ 25,060 235 630 570 660 2,667 29730 2,730 3,640 2,995 39980 12910 2,740 864 3,000 2,060 3,000 1,441 1,900 3,080 2,100 331 2,500 0 2,500 846 600 470 600 1,143 1,400 3,220 1,650 12,938 15,000 9,240 14,000 5,107 0 0 0 $ 49,336 $ 549720 $ 409639 $ 55,950 $3004 $3.11 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES STREET 20 -2115 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 13,468 $ 11,230 $ 15,160 $ 139710 5113 Overtime 65 950 530 19000 5115 Benefits 19962 1,950 29061 39360 5419 Petroleum Products 71 300 310 300 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 693 2,300 2,300 2,300 5427 Aggregates 12132 19200 1,900 19500 5231 MV Maintenance 3,923 2,000 19950 29330 5428 Materials 32623 2,000 22000 29500 TOTAL $ 24,937 $ 21,930 $ 269211 $ 279000 Per Capita Cost $1022 $1.50 5 -19 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5216 Utility Services 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5427 Aggregates 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -20 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION LIGHTS & SIGNALS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 FUND STREET 20 -2116 PROPOSED 1990 -91 $ 89518 $ 119280 $ 11,280 $ 119550 2,552 19200 49060 1,260 993 1,950 19010 1,230 8,361 319000 21,560 319000 53,542 65,400 54,640 63,300 151 800 750 800 3,619 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 1,000 0 19000 505 400 400 400 1,466 1,500 1,010 1,750 99762 10,000 109000 109000 0 0 0 2,250 $ 89,468 $ 126,530 $ 106,709 $ 126,540 $7003 $7003 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE STREET 20 -2117 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 249360 $ 102000 $ 2,790 $ 189230 5113 Overtime 5,946 2,200 5,210 2,310 5115 Benefits 2,120 1,740 4,149 4,000 5317 Contractual 49,937 55,700 59,380 55,700 5419 Petroleum Products 757 600 500 600 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 2,759 3,000 5,080 3,000 5210 Equipment Rental 343 2,000 90 2,000 5218 Miscellaneous 956 19300 1,380 19300 5427 Aggregates 4,982 2,000 4,480 4,000 5231 MV Maintenance 1,077 1,000 960 1,170 5428 Materials 4,132 5,000 69280 6,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 29 400 300 650 TOTAL $ 97,397 $ 84,940 $ 90,599 $ 98,960 Per Capita Cost $4.72 $5050 5 -21 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5214 Communications 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5425 Salt 5427 Aggregates 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -22 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND SNOT] AND ICE CONTROL STREET 20 -2118 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 15,410 $ 24,620 $ 18,650 $ 20,130 20,637 92900 132910 10,400 1,415 4,260 2,170 2,090 0 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,633 5,300 5,300 5,300 17,910 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 39,463 32,500 44,050 40,000 3,966 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,582 7,000 149440 8,160 518 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,881 2,000 2,000 29000 0 9,000 9,450 0 0 22,500 21,314 0 $ 115,415 $ 145,380 $ 158,583 $ 116,380 . $8.08 $6.47 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS LEAF REMOVAL STREET 20 -2119 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91* 5111 Salaries $ 89152 $ 1,830 159140 $ 0 5113 Overtime 7,044 10,000 49710 0 5115 Benefits 1,173 330 1,940 0 5419 Petroleum Products 280 500 500 0 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5,318 8,000 5,370 0 5231 MV Maintenance 956 1,500 1,960 0 5412 Supplies 75 100 50 0 6212 Motor Vehicles 0 11,250 11,250 0 TOTAL $ 22,998 $ 33,510 $ 40,922 $ 0 Per Capita Cost $1.86 $0°00 *As of May 1, 1990 the Leaf Removal Function will be budgeted in the Refuse Fund. 5023 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 6111 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -24 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND TREE REMOVAL STREET 20 -2120 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 8,580 $ 14,230 $ 14,230 $ 13,100 455 630 840 660 49133 4,300 29150 4,900 1,243 2,460 1,500 1,500 10,054 21,000 21,000 21,000 102 400 400 400 1,818 1,000 780 1,000 0 500 0 500 922 700 510 820 207 1,100 280 1,100 $ 27,961 $ 469820 $ 41,689 $ 45,480 $2060 $2053 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS TREE PLANTING STREET 20 -2121 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 59950 $ 9,990 $ 6,150 $ 69900 5113 Overtime 102 420 19090 440 5115 Benefits 454 1,730 860 17100 5317 Contractual 5,980 209000 19,900 10,000 5419 Petroleum Products 51 400 400 400 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 70 300 300 300 5231 MU Maintenance 63 500 250 590 5428 Materials 236 500 370 500 TOTAL $ 12,905 $ 33,840 $ 29,320 $ 20,230 Per Capita Cost $1088 $1012 5 -25 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5427 Aggregates 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials TOTAL Per Capita Cost 5 -26 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND TRAIN STATION MAINTENANCE STREET 20 -2122 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 12,862 $ 9,070 $ 9,070 $ 8,710 671 1,000 770 19050 3,870 3,780 39200 4,690 1,892 19570 1,800 2,420 0 39300 2,120 3,300 2,791 49800 39489 39300 386 600 0 600 854 1,500 1,249 19500 4,635 7,900 3,790 7,900 $ 27,961 $ 33,520 $ 25,489 $ 33,470 $1086 $1.86 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES FUNCTION WEED CONTROL FUND STREET 20 -2123 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 7,995 $ 89890 $ 49410 $ 89940 5113 Overtime 31 110 460 120 5114 Part Time 2,607 2,730 2,730 29730 5115 Benefits 945 1,540 660 850 5419 Petroleum Products 380 500 560 500 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 4,091 39500 3,730 3,800 5231 MV Maintenance 1,612 1,000 1,410 1,170 5428 Materials 842 39000 1,000 39000 6111 Equipment 500 500 480 500 TOTAL $ 19,003 $ 219770 $ 159439 $ 219610 Per Capita Cost $1021 $1.20 5 -27 SEWER FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 6 -1 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Sewer Charges $1,042,373 $1,150,000 $1,123,290 $1,1509000 Surcharges 419921 509000 25,020 259000 Permits and Fees 45,260 20,000 8,810 10,000 Penalties 10,606 11,000 11,480 12,000 Other Charges for Services 6,128 1,000 2,720 1,000 Interest Earned 58,538 70,000 68,920 75,000 Miscellaneous 10,494 0 1,920 2,000 Construction Res - Collections 46,964 48,000 489000 48,000 Transfer to Construction Res. 0 (489000) (48,000) (48,000) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $1,262,284 $1,302,000 $1,2429161 $1,2759000 Transfer from Construction Fdo 0 0 0 0 Transfer from Depreciation Res 0 51,000 0 1182000 TOTAL REVENUES AND RESERVES $1,262,284 $1,353,000 $19242,161 $1,393,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,173,241 $1,407,840 $1,211,539 $1,423,600 NET CHANGE $ 89,043 $ (54,840) $ 30,623 $ (30,600) 6 -1 SEWER FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Sever Charges $19150,000 $1,150,000 Surcharges 25,000 259000 Permits and Fees 10,000 10,000 Penalties 12,000 129000 Other Charges for Services 1,000 19000 Interest Earned 75,000 759000 Miscellaneous 2,000 29000 Construction Res - Collections 489000 48,000 Transfer to Construction Res. (48,000) (48,000) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $1,275,000 $1,275,000 Transfer from Construction Fd. 0 0 Transfer from Depreciation Res 105,000 909000 TOTAL REVENUES AND RESERVES $1,380,000 $1,3659000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,493,380 $1,5599240 NET CHANGE $ (113,380) $ (194,240) 6 -2 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEVER FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1990 -91 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1989 -90 BUDGET CATEGORIES BUDGET Personal Services $ 438,048 $ 510,710 $ 494,100 $ 553,230 $ 42,520 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 324,502 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 143,131 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 106,087 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5429 413,030 349,738 422,740 225,600 146,979 219,480 119,000 108,921 120,500 9,710 (6,120) 1,500 Capital Outlay 161,473 139,500 111,800 1079650 (31,850) 7317,6111,7316 TOTALS $19173,241 $19407,840 $1,2119539 $194239600 $ 159760 6 -3 BUDGET CATEGORY Personal Services 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5429 Capital Outlay 7317,6111,7316 TOTALS 6 -4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 586,600 $ 616,350 419,740 4559240 259,250 262,300 1239500 1249000 104,290 1019350 $1,493,380 $1,559,240 n n U Li 0 U v 0 J 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sewer Division Budget Analysis 1990 - 91 PROPOSED BUDGET $19423,600 1989 - 90 BUDGET 1,4070840 INCREASE $ 15,760 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 - -Part Time) Annual Sala Increase to Secretary Increase in Station Increase in Employees ry Adjustments a Full Year One Third III Salary Overtime for New Lift Hourly Rate for Seasonal CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5210 -- Equipment Rental; 5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214 Communications; 5216 -- Utility Services; 5231 - -14V Maintenance) Increase in Repairs & Maintenance-Bldg. Reroof Lift Station North and South Bldgs> Increase in Repairs & Maintenance - Equipment Increase in Communications Increase in Garage Hourly Rate Increase in Equipment Rental Budgeted Adjustment for Utility Service: Electricity CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Decrease in General Lines Insurance Decrease in Professional Services: Study on Sludge Beds, Completed Miscellaneous Increases CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $339040 4,880 3,790 810 $429520 $ 8,000 129000 1,800 2,210 500 1 $(4,300) (2,000) 180 $ 99710 $(6,120) 6 -5 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5221 -- Occupancy; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424 -- Miscellaneous; 5426 -- Chlorine; 5427 -- Aggregates; 5428 -- Materials; 5429 -- Street Signs; 5431- -Small Tools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Cost of Aggregates $ 700 Increase in Small Tools and Equipment 500 Miscellaneous Increases 300 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212- -Motor Vehicles; 6415 -- Improvements, Not Bldg.; 7316 -- Depreciation; 7317 -- Vehicle & Equipment Replacement) Increase in Vehicles and Equipment $ 250 Decrease in Equipment Purchases (327100) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 6 -6 $ 1,500 $(319850) $ 15,760 r'J 6aa C- O •4 6sa rl s�+ 6a7 to v) > L) Q) O O Ra P-a co 0 is it 4( is is is 4c is it it it is is --TON oo r- 000 0 -4 'T 0.-4 r-4 —00 Inr- co -400 -+O r- co CelCn -1 MO -Y N 00 M N 00 r+ Q) 6aa it •tt �c it � �c �c �tc �c �c �tc is is N000 0040 Lnr�0 �o -T r- r- OO U1 u1 N cY) fl- -40 %00 - N %O E M • -e Ifl Ln O M N N N r-4 ;t it iC it it it �c jc it is it it �c 00•-I \9MC0 I�o-IN Id')�+�Y OOC�O �4C�It1 'Tcn -4 N-4 Mf- NON N\9 N%0%D co N M -IT O o-+ N O r.e M is �c it is is it i� is is is it is is is 00r-N7 --T%9cf) 1* cn 0�D�o OMO 01% U')r-r -< NO MI- ON 00NTN 1� NNI7 f� N N co In O U cd '0 •ri O Gy O to V M (d w Q) V1 1 S° Bka N-d M 'O W @0 O PH Q) 61 bd Q) a .6 -7 it Q) 6aa V O r-4 cd a+ +r V) O U cd '0 •ri O Gy Go to V M (d w Q) V1 1 S° Bka N-d 'O W @0 O PH Q) 61 @9 10 m U) V 1 a 1 •ri 0 f" 0) Q) P14 6� � E� Qb 0 w o 0 Q) v Q) Q In r. 2 •r-0 JY. O E-a Q) 0. 0) Q) m ® ® 61 P-4 -M 0 (A C-4 Q) 6+ Q) (d O in 0 O L) bP w Q) LJ V -SA Q) V. -H (A •` > m 8 0 a pi V) U Q) O F-4 O 61 0) ra O w N ba w > r-4 0 to Q) M Q L) 'o -,4 (d w Q) 0-1) W r1 A Q) r. U) V) (1) 64 w :3 � ba Q) Q) x 0 to Q) O H w w (d > r-4 V w Q) in Cn in DQ h 4 ti ® � �n , •r4 , @) :0 r-i Q) U bd w :D 6°e S �1 �i C,) x w r. N Q) H V) M w F 7] fd @a N . to cn O 61 a U1 MM 01-10 000 W41,4 cn v) en en en en w U) w cn r-a v) N en en V) 2; as bd Q) a .6 -7 it 1 Gsl N O Oz U ►-1 .-2 O OA 6 -8 N O ^� •ro •ra > •rt cd G2 � br Q1 �; 3 Sa Cl) N ,'3i n CO 01% �e V N 00 r-a C+A 00 %D %0 NO -7ce).4 ­4 %,q .-a .-a Pa N .-a -T N r a N u1%.or- Ln MO 0%.0 %D 1.9 0 ra .--a �Y CO r•e N 14 t9 cn CO ,-a -4 01%C7%N n%0 -12 ra cv N L1%oLn NON E ON C A c+') cn ill ra O r-1 A C4 A ra O r-1 O 0 d Rd -H - f-i F-q 4) cd r. (d bO V U 0 W I cn A, v cn cn sta d d Rd (d :D - v 4) cd r. (d bO V U 0 W I (� 6a •ra @J @1 bd @9 tm a w4 9 O 10 V U cn A, v cn cn sta EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUND PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY SEWER ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 418,455 4879400 $ 4699930 $ 5249370 5113 Overtime 129633 15,230 169181 19,970 5114 Part Time 69960 89080 79990 89890 5115 Benefits 56,962 789400 63,360 779780 5116 Apparel 2,068 3,200 29231 39200 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 2,653 2,100 1,801 2,100 5213 Printing and Advertising 118 1,100 630 1,100 5214 Communications 12,900 129530 13,480 14,330 5315 Insurance 80,994 90,300 71,290 86,000 5316 Professional 605 6,200 1,790 4,200 5317 Contractual 4,570 509700 109539 51,500 5216 Utility Services 164,575 209,300 189,550 194,500 5419 Petroleum Products 15,565 11,500 11,500 119500 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 131,970 1729800 133,039 192,800 5210 Equipment Rental 1,440 5,000 710 5,500 5221 Occupancy 15,000 159000 15,000 15,000 5218 Miscellaneous 5,732 59700 5,261 5,700 5427 Aggregates 12,486 99400 7,760 10,100 5426 Chlorine 7,250 8,000 89000 8,000 5231 MV Maintenance 139617 13,400 129959 15,610 5412 Supplies 259138 359700 289148 369000 5428 Materials 19,040 26,000 25,999 262000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 19037 19000 1,490 1,500 6111 Equipment 5,716 419000 139300 8,900 5429 Street Signs 0 300 1,100 300 7316 Depreciation 1249757 68,500 689500 689500 7317 Vehicle+Equip Replacement 31,000 30,000 30,000 30,250 TOTAL $1,1739241 $1,407,840 $1,211,539 $19423,600 Per Capita Cost $78°21 $79009 6 -9 SEVER CONSTRUCTION FUND The Board of Trustees have established a special annual sewer charge for major maintenance and repair to the Village Sewer System at the rate of $8.00 per year to be billed and paid quarterly together with the regular water and sewer bill. The projected balance in this fund is as follows: 1990 -91 1991 -92 1992 -93 1993 -94 Projected Balance - May 1 $3509000 $3029000 $2679000 $2479000 Estimated Receipts 709000 709000 709000 709000 Available Funds $4209000 $3729000 $3379000 $3179000 Total Expenditures $1189000 $1059000 $ 909000 $ -0- AVAILABLE FUNDS $3029000 $2679000 $2479000 $3179000 6 -10 Psa A v Q�I 0 6Zr O wi •ra > 0 ca -4 ko o rN o Prd ON Qn Ln Qr1 00 C� a A4 ON r-0 N 69 Ln O ON wl� N M PG r+ N r~ 6aa b+r3 � A H 00 000 � O\ H c co C-4 Q�A co O N r-a PQ Qy4 Psl O\ M M 00 —4 6Q ON r-0 M a-4 N .-r 613. Mt co c n E+ 00 a 000 00 co r-+ N O O w .a cd • 44 4) W O b.a 0) • m co a) V 0) Q) Mq 40 O N O O 44 U) J% 0) W Cd u =1 60 A r-I Qo •rr 61 6+ A a •r+ O Q) �+ = N r. O u C ar 0) U) Q) O r. in w 0. (d 3 ,a 61 -M ad O •ri u Qc.) E O U) O 0) O Q) ksa w 4) •ri O O 4-4 r-I Q) •c-i r.. U) 61 W r-I U) (d 467 O Q) 04 Qd •ri O (d 61 61 bfl r-I .0 CO (1) U U O 0. 3 6 u U O > to Qd r+ co - 3 E w O 61 O 4) bA U) •ri A u U) Q) 10 w ba >� O Qn 4'-4 w $4 a+ O Q) O U) O Q) O V) O O Qy ba a 4-4 A t+ Q) 9 •ra r-I v ri W W a R.r (d u Q) A V) 04 •ri bO •rt Qy W O (d O U) r1 0) 4 r. C td O E Q) Q) '�) e-+ ba V) co w 6+ 4 A O E 0 41 3 ¢' a U) O U) 6+ 4-4 Q% 6J � 6+ A A �d cd U) "Q9 � CA 6J > :3 -4 O O Q) va � O •ri O R `0 O a." Pa° a� .0 Q) > A 10 Q) A O 4) r-! O A W 61 .0 W in, ,).•' •rl bd 10 w 0 U) Q! 61 w O O by 'ri A 61 u r O 00 Kam! 4.4 (d a QQl Ib 6.) Ul c6 a Qd ai (1) Q-1 r-9 4-4 r-I O (Q 4) w w1 U) r0 6+ = o td O co w M O O ba E 4 > A Q) co 44 M vJ co U) (d Q) •ri u cd O M -�d O W Q+J 00 Qy ba Qy Cd r-I 'C ri 4) A •ri E A r--i •ri U) C� g W.0 U) 0 O u U) w O O U) E •ri U O r-I 6 r w co c3a O 6+ O 44 N %14 d co QQ) QQ) 0 O W 0 O � O d$ .0 > U) 4 6+ -M W 6 + 6 r 6+ A W 6+ cd E 6+ • ri 61 -M H .Q) Q) ba O 6+ `0 A U > O .O U) kid O O U) O .0 O V Q) 3 ba •ri O W O M U 3 8 0 W E W w O 6+ O w 4 0) O O (d 44 to r-1 E w sa (1) Q) O u r64 ri 6.r U) t64 0 dJ a) C b9 r-1 U) r. :�t U) u c 4 U) oa QU O 6+ bo O .a co ar4 W 0) ari cd +r QQ) 6+ w 6+ 0) N N A •ri ^r4 A Q) A 0) > w 0 i O 0 r-I Wd w •ri u 6 r r-9 6+ w w�3 $4 uJ Z O 044 0 010 (A re 0 O Oa td O Q) O 0 U) u •ra u Qi) O r-I 4> 4.4 A w Qy O U) U) ib O u $4 r-I 6+ fq U) 10 Co O 6+ r bo w bd td O 0 ri •ri fd ba QU O O 0 Q3`t Qi) r. R9 cd 04 r. O r-I r-4 •r4 Q. od m •ri U) Q� ari O fb -M Z 4) "-M b9 ri u O '� 6+ A W 0 o-%44 6+ U) E N O •ri w O •rI td fd ddi 'Q9 a 4) a QQ) •ri w Ln O b9 w E rz 61 O O r=4 Qy 0 0 m •ri w (d C Q) U) •ri (y U) •ri bbd O bo cd -H b� 61 u } UI (0 .0 O O 10 > O O 64 6 by w Qo O ,-r >, U) J-d Ea r-1 a .F4 (d w 9 O 6+ 0 `0 r-I Q) u U) O 0 w 0) 6+ �+ tea° w Q) r. Q) Q) 0) A r-t U) 04 w u u 61 b0 61 U Q) a A �a vi r� Ql 6+ 6+ aQ bra t� 10 u cd (d O a m .0 •rd 41 •ra �. U) 44 61 m 6°a -M Q) % H 6 -ri W4 Q) Cda Qd e> aow w rI �a a A co •ra ,ra X �g U O 0 61 w Vq a0 co � E O w r- O Q) r-I = ba 00 •rya Cd ba a Q9 ,ri 9 " 6+ Q) E r-4 W4 w w V Q) O :l dd O kd so 10 CO 6+ O 44 A Qom, r-4 w W o U w IQr %D 4 do o �D 0 :n (d U C-4 0 4.4 U) %0 U) .0 •r4 .® do H :�, 6 -11 Q --r r O -:T O N 1 � • C� a4 ON ti% ON cfl Ill O ON M b9 N 14 -4 •--( 0� Ga Oil (s4 A O H O x H co OYN r- E-+ C5N —4 0% N rb r-1 I` Gal 6ox E-1 O -b O I� O Gal 01% O 07 -b N C% OD .� CQ CY% � to% N r-I r-1 ON ti4 b9 ON -�4 0000 � —4 D 1 ON E-+ CO U 00 r- r- O n 64 Gal H O w C Pw O '0 bO Gal V) Q1 v1 b+ aJ -r-I M A •ra a.+ Ls.+ bO O 'C cd d' U) O > C; U 0 - a) U) )-a (0 a) I- O V! •r-a O r-I O .0 A • E 0 � 0 p�4/ tq to Sr bra aj -I .� -4 U 44 (0 Q) w O 0 cd cd W > •r1 4.1 3 C r-I bQ in. -H O w Q) a, a) 4-1 u in. (0 v •r1 cd a E H cd •r 1 -r4 •r1 3 V) •H •ri w •r1 (.,' C >. 4- u i Q) w C LL 41 U) ,C '� •rt w C � 0. 0 O d Q) °O b H N cd U) Q) cd cd •r1 61 '0 w WIC Q) O '0 w r-9 w a) 4) U '0 3 to U b+ 4 cd O = E O C 3 "0 44 Q) - Q) RO Q) 3 Q) CJ H - r-I a.+ a) C Ln cd Q) >, C cd A O w bO a) W co w a+ U) C 4 bo O a 4-1 w .0 E e.+ U P64 (1) cd C: — a) cd 'a H U -V W -T U) U w 0 3 a E E a 3• C a) a -r-I a 0 a r-4 a) cd (1) )r ej 00 C 4 bo r-1 > 44 r-I U) a-+ s+ C 'O E O r•I 0 1� 44 r b-' 10 U) C O Q) C 4+ 0 C v) 0 0 uJ •rf a Q) U) O �. cd •ri Q) !r U) cn O (4— —'0 O A U) (d X0 C a) '0 r-1 0..0 H uJ 3 a a 3- LO O w r+ (d U) b QJ 0.10 u C <-+ a) W W r. N .A bD U 3 O E Q) U C C a! v (d •r+ C 0. )-c -H .�La a4.J A C3.0bo -HN a)CC Q)3v O W 44 U) U a+ cd O O Q) O C •r1 10 u Q) O E cd )-1 a+ O w a X: bo -r( (n )r O Q) '0 C )-a a O a w O .A V) (1) w 4-1 (d + Q) r-I W -H -0 cd O C4 C 61 > a+ 0 Q) H (d cb•d W CO 0 Q) H ed - a) e1 u) O Q) O U) U r-I bO O C r-I bO >> O O O w o w u u Q) u C C •r1 •r1 cd C r-s cd u 3 w M 61 w O u 4-1 E O •r•1 > r•( b+ 0 •r1 r-i a+ 41 cd 'a a-j w •r/ va A C: b.1 -r-4 '> r-I N 44 C r. •>w ri C cr a 0 10 O a O - .r4 .--c Q) 0 •r1 Q) 0. cd � r-a 61 C C C E 44 U) Q) > C C (d bO Q) C 0) cd 0 cd r-4 - (L) .rC - 0 E-4 C E C to U) '0 -H Cl. •r1 cd cd C; b9 aj Q) . 0 . 0 4-1 u O x4-1— w u O •r1 4 4 w •r1 Q) .0 Q) Q) r-I C M a) cd � a) it -M a A b-' bO r� ri Q) �+ w ul C 4-� 41 A 3 Q(d! 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C O u •r) (d Q) a) r•I >> k-d '0 U) V b.1 .0 C Q) uJ td Q) E-4 E (1) bO (d 0) a) V) C a-i ,-1 r•1 O Q) 10 C bO 'U -r1 C 4+ r-I C H C U) O C 04 is C b.1 .A Q) •ri >$ N -H (d (8 (9 0 cd r-4 O b+ •rq 0 () a (0 U Q) W a•+ > E r-4 6 bo U (a -V4 V) a+ lid a v+ -:T U) C A fd U) O bO (1) a O bo 61 id U b 1 V) N cd to cd a I w 'O '0 bo v+ O >.. cd N U) •r1 r-4 Q) eIs 3= C C r1 0 m a w 10 3 O O- C a+ ! 7 •r-0 Q) 00 (d H Q) •rl O w 3 r-4 > 0 Q) co O " O V) Q) a� 4 ON w O 49 C d+ Lw -H M s+ 61 M O r-I C - U .74 � 6 -12 a ry C a+ C w &0 .A I` 0 r-4 C a+ �" cn O cd V) ba Q) 10 cd >, 0. Q) a+ Q? r-4 44 O 0 0 .0 C r-i S4 m 44 d" -H - e0 wM -M v H 0 H ri 5 Oz E-c Ca. 3 Q. cd a. A cd 0 E-0 3 cd u 6 r4 td 1 W x H W Ca N 0 U H as O O rl v4 0 0�4 o NON co 0 00 4 04 ON H co cn ON U co cli P QY n r a r-1 -r1 = O ® ON W O 14 M H Q) Ln 1 17 a H 00 O .r H ON a + N 0 4 -H O -H � E-4 � O 1-4 - i co c 0 6+ r-a wa W O � 4 ON r-r co 4 N H co a U co cn QY n r a r-1 -4 wli 6 -13 bO W O Q) 3 -r1 = O cn 14 6+ 6+ r-4 Q) "1 O 17 s; O O cd 4-4 a + r-I 0 4 -H O -H � r 1-4 - -I 0 6+ 4-4 M W wa W O M Q) .,i $4 Q) H dt�r.=.dr -4w :3 oho .0 0.0 -Hw V) Q) Q) 61 r. = 10 cd m 0 0 0 O .� bo co (d u Q) O v4 N cn W� 0 QJ 6, Q) :r w x O a U) 44 CO A 3 Asa .0 Q) 3 QJ gad Q) 44 cd cd ,-1 Q) u O H 61 = O O 4 r-I O 61 U Q) 6+ V) O 6+ 4n, O u Q) cd 3 cd u .r, w 4-1 ba a+ bo 3 6J 4 Q1 Q) bO O %6.4 O 6+ Q) Q) w O •r4 �, Q) >$ O 6+ O O 0 VJ u -H =+ O 6-+ 6 = '9 rJ r-I U >' U E -H co 10 QJ -H .O Q) M W $4 M cd 6J rJ a) r. wumw 3 eOr1O co -H 3 cd w O G m Q) A Q) 44 A r-4 Q) Q) r4 41 Q " cd 1n, cd 4 to = w •r1 61 Q) r4 to u u u V! 6+ 61 u Q) 61 O O Q) td bo td 3 O> - r-4 () U) 61 psi 0 u Q) O O 44 O O uJ = =.O O r-1 cd .0 61= -H -rc U ra � �, bAa 6 -H o -H &A O "a bar ACdQ)wosQ) �r. =Q) O 'a to 44 4 v4 0 61 O 60 bo o 61 Q) O b+ O w O Q) U W W to cd a+ O Q� In w Q) a Q) C 8 0 O cd 1C 1.a O 6j ^ 3 a Q) 6 !b b9 0 u a u cd m O .O 44 o Q1 cd (A cd 1. r-4 0.10 H O V) b Q) r-4 r-I Q) Q) r- o r1 W Q) r-4 Q) M r-4 r-1 Q) O $4 6+ 6+ 6+ b9 Q) b.Q Q) (d a u O -w4 = O cd 1; bo 0 O 04 W - 6+ @p V) 44 6+ Q) O Q) u ® '� V) E r1 E r7 O O .0 w O —14 6+ O 61 P� 0 cl 4-4 u" O M 0 44- cd W cd v4 0 � � -M bo 6+ N � (is 4 H O 89 � W 6J bid r. V) >s V r Q) a O M a g 61 Q) V4 V) W r-1 -H ® 6+ 6+ 4-4 v4 a r1 8 r4 Q) r4 V) w a 61 O O Q) 6d r W -M Q) cd 464 ® �° u '-0 cd O ba E O cd 3 �O � r--4 r. Q) .0 a Q) ,a O o-I 3= 3An W a r. O wr4 $4 6+ r4 V) 6+ O u O w O v4 04 44 O O H Fd %64 r°4 cd r-1 r-4 O 6+ 0 dJ 6+ bd O 4-4 $4 6+ id 6 yid '0 kd 33 CO 6+ 9 " 6+ t o V ) W W O r . o Q) V) w o o Q) g Q) Q) 61 m o m V) A V) O 9 6+ O r4 O 6+ -40 :1 V) V) m w (1 r1 6+ 61 w-I .A u 44 6+ O 0 Q) b9 Q) 8 O b9 6+ 0 0 0 9 V) v4 �s w4 fd QO a 0 u O 3 w r1 Q) 6- 0 0 v4 V) A F4 @) a V1 SQ ^T4 X 0, 0 10 M r-4 10 > 9 61 � � � u � N 0 C4 w 6' '� � ( m .Z5 Q) Q) m 0 � cd Q) 6+ Q) Q) g3 m @) 0 ba - fd O I d V) a= Q) C r1 ;a V. A O O 1b S w 0 , D 04 0- V) 6+ V) a+ Lm M-0 H 6+ u :23 •r4 V) M t' 6 -13 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5221 Occupancy 5218 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost 6 -14 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND ADMINISTRATION SEVER 21 -2328 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 699434 $ 67,780 $ 639160 $ 76,560 8 530 910 39360 79698 8,240 8,700 119670 1,112 1,500 1,010 1,500 492 550 311 550 64 100 120 100 39550 4,430 49430 49430 809994 909300 719290 86,000 605 200 (210) 200 690 1,200 900 2,000 89858 1,000 1,000 1,000 33 1,300 530 1,300 159000 15,000 159000 159000 520 700 700 700 2,029 900 860 1,050 900 700 1,379 1,000 17,000 16.000 16.000 16.130 $ 208,985 $ 2.10,430 $ 186,089 $ 222,550 $11069 $12°36 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC [CORKS CLEANING & MAINTENANCE SEXIER 21 -2329 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988-89 1989-90 1989 -90 1990-91 5111 Salaries $ 49,420 $ 549600 $ 529320 $ 619000 5113 Overtime 29396 4,620 39820 49850 5114 Part Time 2,443 2,520 2,520 2,520 5115 Benefits 6,034 10,070 7,161 8,580 5317 Contractual 2,498 109000 3,500 10,000 5419 Petroleum Products 462 1,500 1,500 1,500 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 4,246 5,000 59000 59000 5210 Equipment Rental 240 39000 260 39000 5218 Miscellaneous 0 2,000 1,560 2,000 5427 Aggregates 69127 19100 19100 19100 5231 MV Maintenance 4,191 4,000 4,000 4,660 5412 Supplies 139209 20,100 12,450 20,100 5428 Materials 5,563 79000 79000 7,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 345 300 290 300 6111 Equipment 19500 69300 69300 39600 TOTAL $ 98,673 132,110 108,780 1359210 Per Capita Cost $7034 $7051 6 -15 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5427 Aggregates 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 6 -16 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION FUND CONSTRUCTION SEVER 21 -2330 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 64,669 $ 82,760 $ 71,270 $ 80,760 257 2,200 19350 2,310 1,256 1,260 1,180 1,470 8,280 15,260 109000 119770 0 52000 59000 5,000 1,938 29000 29000 2,000 3,397 7,500 49180 79500 0 19000 0 1,000 3,334 5,500 3,040 5,500 5,254 5,500 59150 69400 297 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,784 14,000 14,000 14,000 201 200 100 200 $ 97,666 $ 144,180 $ 119,269 $ 139,910 $8001 $7.77 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5216 Utility Services 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5218 Miscellaneous 5427 Aggregates 5426 Chlorine 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 6111 Equipment 5429 Street Signs 7316 Depreciation 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPENDITURES FUNCTION TREATMENT PLANT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 FUND SEVER 21 -2331 PROPOSED 1990 -91 $ 234,932 $ 282,260 $ 283,180 $ 3069050 9,972 79880 10,100 9,450 3,261 4,300 49290 4,900 349950 44,830 37,500 459760 956 19700 1,220 1,700 2,162 19550 19490 1,550 55 1,000 510 1,000 9,350 89100 99050 9,900 0 6,000 29000 4,000 1,382 34,500 1,140 349500 164,575 2099300 189,550 1949500 4,307 79000 7,000 7,000 124,294 1599000 123,330 1799000 1,200 1,000 450 1,500 5,213 3,000 3,000 3,000 39025 29800 3,620 39500 7,250 8,000 8,000 89000 29144 3,000 29950 39500 10,732 12,900 12,320 12,900 4,693 5,000 5,000 5,000 490 500 19100 1,000 4,216 34,700 7,000 5,300 0 300 19100 300 1249757 68,500 68,500 68,500 149000 149000 149000 14,120 767,917 $ 921,120 $ 7979400 $ 9259930 $51017 $51044 6 -17 WATER FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 7 -1 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Mater Sales $2,229,092 $19925,000 $2,100,900 $1,990,000 Penalties 22,672 25,000 209080 229000 Permits 50,329 20,000 19,910 20,000 Interest Earnings 719476 65,000 90,690 90,000 Miscellaneous 17,195 0 39820 49000 TOTAL REVENUE $29390,764 $29035,000 $29235,400 $2,1269000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,014,651 $2,213,940 $29198,358 $2,019,870 NET CHANGE $ 3769113 $ (1789940) $ 379042 $ 1069130 7 -1 REVENUE: Mater Sales Penalties Permits Interest Earnings Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 7 -2 HATER FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $29000,000 $2,000,000 22,000 229000 20,000 20,000 909000 90,000 4,000 41000 $2,1369000 $2,1369000 $2,214,640 $2,144,420 $ (78,640) $ (8,420) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT [WATER FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET CATEGORIES 1990 -91 1990 -91 BUDGET PROPOSED OVER /UNDER 1989 -90 BUDGET Personal Services $ 257,064 $ 264,960 $ 269,080 $ 302,330 $ 37,370 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 1039985 123,300 106,699 125,130 1,830 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 83,774 153,780 143,320 146,730 (7,050) 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 1,467,704 1,372,050 1,352,799 1,385,800 13,750 51169521295213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5432 Capital Outlay 1029124 299,850 326,459 599880 (239,970) 7116,7217,7316,7317,6111 6212,6415 TOTALS $2,014,651 $2,213,940 $2,198,358 $2,019,870 $ (194,070) 7 -3 BUDGET CATEGORY Personal Services 5111,5113,5114 Other Services 5211,5214,5231,5210,5216 Contractual 5115,5315,5316,5317 Commodities 5116,5212,5213,5221,5419 5424,5434,5427,5428,5431 5426,5432 Capital Outlay 7116,7217,7316,7317,6111 6212,6415 TOTALS 7 -4 PUBLIC [CORKS DEPARTMENT WATER FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 319,070 $ 333,840 130,130 175,560 125,130 243,810 1,388,800 1,388,800 201,080 529840 $2,214,640 $2,144,420 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Water Division Budget Analysis 1990 - 1991 PROPOSED BUDGET $2,019,870 1989 - 1990 BUDGET 2,2132940 DECREASE $ (194,070) PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114- -Part Time) Annual Salary Adjustments Increase to a Full Year One Third Secretary III Salary Increase in Overtime to Reflect Actual Expense Increase in Hourly Rate for Seasonal Employees CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214- - Communications; 5210 -- Equipment Rental; 5216 -- Utility Services; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Increase in Hourly Rate Charged by Garage CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Increase in General Lines Insurance Decrease in Professional Services - Engineering: Completion of Water Main on Chestnut Increase in Cost for New Leak Survey Miscellaneous Decreases CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $22,120 4,880 8,270 2,100 $37,370 $ 1,830 $ 8,600 (18,000) 4,500 (2,150) $ 1,830 $(7,050) 7 -5 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5221- - Occupancy; 5419 -- Petroleum Products; 5424 -- Miscellaneous; 5426 -- Chlorine; 5427- - Aggregates; 5428 -- Materials; 5431- -Small Tools and Equipment; 5432 -- Purchase of Hater; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Cost of Aggregates Increase in Cost of Materials Miscellaneous Increases CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: 7 -6 (6111 -- Equipment; 6212- -Motor Vehicles; 6415-- Improvements- Not Bldgse; 7116- -Bond Principal; 7217- -Bond Interest; 7316- - Depreciation; 7317 -- Vehicles & Equipment Replacement) Decrease in Bond Principal and Interest Increase in Vehicle Equipment Replacement Increase in Equipment - See Appendix C -3 Decrease in Motor Vehicles Decrease in Improvements Other Than Bldg. CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 5,000 8,500 250 $(46,000) 280 4,000 (11,250) 18 $13,750 $(239,970) TOTAL DECREASE $(194,070) z Ra Ds7 N O U R4 J Rb 0 �+ > s� Q � ba sr fa cd O :n :D O` co ON —4 fl- 00 v—t 00 -4 O 0 9 00:TO �P-� Lr)%D%D 0c%r, •-4-40 N9NU) 0ON0 m0-:;r 0 N NMOp �-YUI -7 00 0t.900 N 0`4 0 N O M M M N %9 -4 --+ Nr- %D 0N11O� 000 r- -7 -0 Nr'd::r — r - \g I"O� ONCYAM N .-iMON crl -;�M M O nOD%D 4 .-4M O N N M N ra M r-� N N inr- %D Nr- ON �9 —P- O CV) 00 cr100 %000-4 -4NN N I i W � — n .--i - Y) U1 �D M M 0 co ON -4 co rb 1 6 OD � M N M M M N N Ln 00� M0O-:r 0 -4•-a Lr) -4 D 0-10 Mr- 00 NOi- � Lr) I I M-4N r\ — NOD ONflM M O ON0� 00 CO OD r4 N cy) -4 r� N N N n br O C7° 9G O O r4 w •ri d 4 0 O 04 M r1 N O '1'4 Q! bd 0 � c� u as r—f (a 0) u d E-5 Q) bd Ci w O 0 u V) v1 w @0 v 0 6.1 ►� •ri vi N J V} tQ cd r-0 Bbd rM � (� Ord £�° �► �e � a w 0. Vl C!. w r-4 U) > O r-1 r-0 r-d @ A Q) d+ Q) ^ra cd PC $4 C) ci3 (6 cd O cd - Q) O Q) Q) O C: Ce 94 Q) Vl A Q) try P4 Q) w U is M w V! w Q) U O U 8 10 C4 Q) -H N $4 X '0 6-+ -M 04 (d H 6-1 Q) w V) d-+ 6•+ Q) $4 Vl Q) 0 Q) Q) cd ► Ce fd P-4 Ul a+ Q) w W (1) O r-I (1 61 ri rst r-4 61 N m Vl u O (1) a+ Q) Q) cd v+ r-4 m 0. C. •.a w 0. Q) - w w 9n Q) fd 61 w Q) °3 S S S r-I U •r1 w W m Q) V Ul �'. too Vi a (Q W •Pr Q) D!a w 0 Q) Q) W&4 > } W4 X w o w r-4 0 w Q) Q) W M W 7-7 O > Q) . Q) > O Q) N Q) (a &4 � Q) N > Q) 0 Q) 0 6+ M :0 w 4+ r-I 61 a+ ;D w 0 61 0 e-+ 93 Q) :j 61 O r-4 a+ o+ 61 (Q Q) 0) •.a (d W Q) Q) O Q) 0 W 0 •ra 04 Q) w 0 (d Ed 0 PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5216 Utility Services 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5221 Occupancy 5218 Miscellaneous 5427 Aggregates 5426 Chlorine 5432 Purchase of hater 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. 7316 Depreciation 7116 Bond Principal 7217 Bond Interest 7317 Vehicle¢Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost 7 -8 EXPENDITURES SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 FUND WATER PROPOSED 1990 -91 $ 211,121 $ 222,370 $ 214,591 $ 2489000 31,002 199240 319250 289880 14,942 239350 239240 25,450 24,817 349980 279750 32,830 2,050 1,800 1,250 1,800 1,050 1,700 910 1,700 1,726 2,800 420 2,800 9,087 10,050 10,180 10,050 30,888 369900 439170 45,500 1,790 29,200 25,320 11,200 26,279 52,700 47,080 579200 71,128 859500 719010 859500 4,375 49600 4,831 4,600 9,166 15,700 139490 159700 100 1,000 0 19000 15,000 159000 15,000 15,000 2,174 5,500 39200 59500 6,522 7,000 12,200 12,000 375 19000 500 1,000 1,3959230 1,300,000 1,275,000 19300,000 14,505 119050 12,019 12,880 19907 1,850 1,619 2,100 36,851 30,200 379270 38,700 444 600 600 600 14,381 22,600 30,660 26,600 0 11,250 119250 0 0 187,000 205,550 0 55,830 0 0 0 0 45,000 45,000 0 1,913 1,000 1,000 0 30,000 339000 33,000 33,280 $2,014,651 $2,213,940 $291989358 $29019,870 $123.00 $112022 W E4 a W A V) O t� as as ao a C O v) A ba QJ A � W 6\ � c 00 aCYI% O ON t% r+ a, A W O H 00 E-4 (7` V) --e W E-0 O W � da 00 rh 00 E-4 00 U 00 r4 Ln -4 r-9 00 M �e O O 00 O N CYN N N N U') N b3 O n N 00 N N co 14 M u1 r-a r, b�A tr1 O r-a N wis O co n O N r- n 01 M t3 O N O` 00 rl M t4 M N rr (n Q) bD > C 6a O 0 w r-I V) a V) b+ •0 O > -H c0 Q) .X M r-I cd Q) -ri Laa C c0 7 4 O (0 O 0 3 (d bO U) N-d M O >-. U) r-f Q) (1) •rt a w -H O O w -ri 10 cd > >+ c0 O •ri U) bd Id C fd O O Q) C a 94 0 �, U sr r-4 61 (d 0 u w w Q) c0 (d cO C !a C u! u a cd U Q) 0. cd W r-i (4 '0 U 0 0 0 6 -�d U) V) r) -H )0 Q) w cO w > 0 UJ 6a Q) Q) cd U 0 A 0 Q) bO Sa V o w Q) O C w U Q) (1) -r-4 -r1 3 4 V) Sa Q) A C O a 3= (1) Q) • ?C Pr ba }a v' 04 ,I.,' O 44 a Q) U) - U) O (� (O Ql QI .0 d". .0 •r+ c0 u 3 Ql w .0 r-I r-4 .L: 10 u U) •.4 S+ ON 0 O (0 (0 41 a + v+ w k U e✓ 6-1 r-4 Q) --a .0 - Q) V) V) .0 41 3 4-4 04 = W 44 U) 0 C 0 10 r-1 i t Q) 0 r-1 a+ a-+ (d w a w Q) U Q) 0 O .0 -0 c0 >, �r bfl 4-j -sa 0 w (0 C > 44 E-, C Q) .0 ba tC Q) U) 00 C C .0 44 u -M .0 Q) 0 6+ 1 cO +-' C 0 00 •rc 0 b0 0 u cd b9 Q) ,i u 0 r-d $r 0 •ri U U •rc O a (0 Q) W- v) Q) C c0 O w (d 6 4-1 Q) O a cO U) vi C O UJ 010 (O C r-I Q) C 4 w v1 3 -r, •0> C 4-+C4.J cOabO40)u eJa -OCw0 0 c MQ) 4)cou8 -M ry C 0 Q) U C Q) w O W r-I -rd e� 4 O .0 a uJ a+ O a U C r-1 .0 w 3= Q) r i C fn 44 0 U) a+ O U) 0 -r-I 3 (d E U O Q) Q) V1 Q) C ..O .� V) Q) cd Q) > a > U) 0 -H Q) b + M u 6 = U) Q) s; !a r! - Q) ,1 C r-I s+ 10 W bD 0 U) C s-r Q) Cl (d (d U) Q) .0 0) r-1 0 -M O C 3= -14 (d w -H a c0 Q) a r-1 61 > 0 r0 U) 0 -M w C Q) Q) Er Q) Q) r-4 U U N O Q) w Q) t64 W u O Q) ad r-I = A C 0 cA E )-a 0 Q) W c Q) -H 3s a-+ c0 .0 E-4 W (d ba •r4 O > > Q) Q) r-d C 3 C - >-. Q) Q) C +� ►A > w C 0 -r7 0 C C .0 u c0 U) C s-+ is Q) ka O w s+ b9 O -H 0 -H c0 (d bD 04 (O 44 C c0 (d V) a+ O r-! W r=l a C .O O M •r9 t-+ 0 ba 3 C Q) O Q) CO 44 aJ r-I G,' W 44 0 (A C r Q) Bbd 0% Q) 0 A r0 (� ba Q) U) w•) 0 0 04 C Q) c0 >► O CO w ® b+ >> w Q) -r) $> 6 10 (d r-I w w u O\ .0 �+ Q) w C Q) C 4-1 + O w - r4 '0 Q) O c0 o --< ba a 0 -ra - W- 0 W c0 C > 10 E >, 4.1 r� C A O co u (d -0 C E 61 O Q) a+ .,C cO 44 b0 bfl -H 44 a W C -r-I a) -0 Dca V) 10 .°8: + 3 O O 6 v4 C Q) C (d w .X C Q) cr) Q) a+ O -ra 0 ka O @e r0 O (1) U) W Q) = - Q) �o w O) @) hd Q) a -ri 9C 9 010 61 Q) O 4-1 4-r s+ w -H . Z >.. U) w 0 w 0 Q) - 4-1 Q) U O (d -M 3; 6.° C ^d bD 4.4 b-r Q) )d O A Q) fd u (d 3 - -M ►54 0 Eke C > 0 4N4 4.) M )-a r-C (d -H u w O O ri bO C W O +� O (0 C .� r-I -M Q) u •0 C C •r-1 0 u 6-r . cd C fd U r>t 0) -ri 04 U) O 0 -r) r-I 044 U C -ri •ri U) w U) r. co va (d •Fa -ra -ra Q) a+ ,(] 0 U fd c0 fd U U) r1 Q) >b > G rz u .� �+ M 0 V) cO a+ cO ,� M cd r-1 Q) %o a () -� C u a, 0 U) C C r-i M Q) > •r� Q) d 7-9 O •ra (° Q) Q) -r4 -M -H a 0 61 ba w 10 V .0 W O 0 44 .0 ksd = 4-4 0 b4 c0 O N 0 C 0' .� U) 0 �4 E4 a e-+ 4-1 O a+ O a.1 O } )a -0 3 C -r-) 0 Cj W A+ 0 a 7s E-4 O O 04 � 6�7 vl r� a O Spa 7 -10 00 O^ N Ln %D N O C9 00 � .p O � co N -:r C� W —4 ul � O N ray � G� w O O .-. co ON W ^ Ln �D M I H co 00 E-4 0 c 6aa 6et �t3 W ON O O O , 0 M Ci O\ 6, M a co co O 04 M. � L a b? N a N -7 co co Lr) N E co u co O C� -11 N `—� u1 ra O N toe C W O 0 O w to L° •r4 r-4 CL a1 0 r1 i4 b9 a cd O O r-s E R r-4 •ro O ba CL O -H r-q W b0 O r G. V O cd a O a+ -H cd 0 cd V) (d w b9 w O a U ri cd 4.1 e-+ )r a a� •H 0 O V) Co r-) V) ri is C •rt w O C: w O a .0 cd >> a CL a a m cd > A .c b9 r-i 4-1 (d W $r E to 04 � •4 '0 o 6J to a u cd W4 da u 0 r-I S: cr) 0 f" CL b+ a+ V) 10 (n r1 Z co >, 0 a r. w a s •r1 1a S." a r1 O u cd •r0 V) a 0 U E r-I O 0 cd w E w O !b ;r- ri •p 04 O O E.e 6L r-I by cd a r-1 sa C td 'e7 cd a 0 w b9 bD •r1 a s O O a-+ bo .c 0 V) w O E -W CL 0 cd V) •rc 41 e4 -0 M a r1 td 0 a : 3 �+ 0 (1) E � A •H u) Vl r. 0 a � cn O C; E w V) cd O ra cd "0 cd O e Bbd SL ,=. r-4 d-+ >> a V) cd :d a •ri V) z E )r 0 0- H 0 O Rr C O to a. (d �� U44 �ks3 r�1 E 4�A cd 0 r-i b9 Sae w O � a r-0 0 r. U) Sae :3 0 44 q r-4 ).a •r1 -H " 0. O CL V! a O W cd cd V) ,d > r-i Sae E (n a-e V) 4-1 O O �� V) 0 w4-4 $4 b9 0 >> O 0 0 u cd O 4 9 04 a cd '0 w.0 -H O •ra (d A Oar O e.+ H v1 cd tJ -H U w u rC M r. 3 (d r-) V) (0 4-' )-d tJ O� Sd M O > W 0 •r0a •r i r- O Sae O O r-4 4-4 44 r•i I u •ra •r1 0 a.e ar O 0 0 0. •r4 •r1 cd O °� cd �+ •rs O bD E V) 4-1 u cd r 4 E •ra °e9 (C �+ (d (d M (n V) 0 10 0 0 e-r r-0 m 0 (0 O w O w r. (d 41-u o •4 01 rN v•i4 cd .� ® 0 E co N V) a 0 (n > 0 � -M a rn (n 0 r-d $4 O — a = a :C Sr ba $4 Q •r� �' 0 cd )a s+ ,0 u a a •r1 0 14.1 Co W Q) O H U)) •M (dd w 0.0 0 w a+ V) E .O O O E E O 61 (0 b � 0 ^0 0 04 0 0 9 0 U� � X 0 0) 10 �' 0) O r-1 61 •O v" O 2 e-� O cd m 61 03 tv �9 H u 0 0 w w V) Q+ 0 V) •�, •r1 cd cd - a b9 49 >, e a W V " $4 w r1 0 0 w .0 V) w V) to w 0 x 0 0 61 .0 > a 0 0 0 0 a r4 0 b961 V) 0 O bD 0 -0 q w 6- E .0 b+ u w V) •ro .0 0 r-4 to :1 0 r1 0 0 O Wed (d 0 ® P, U 0 U O 3{ 61 r4 X: H O 04 - EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing and Advertising 5214 Communications 5315 Insurance 5316 Professional 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5221 Occupancy 5218 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies 7116 Bond Principal 7217 Bond Interest 7317 Vehicle¢Equip Replacement TOTAL Per Capita Cost BUDGET ESTIMATE 1989 -90 1989 -90 FUND HATER 30 -2224 PROPOSED 1990 -91 $ 82,685 $ 67,780 $ 649200 $ 769560 0 0 890 2,800 7,698 8,240 89790 10,050 2,050 1,800 1,220 1,800 1,050 1,100 710 1,100 522 700 420 800 9,087 10,050 10,180 10,050 30,888 369900 439170 45,500 350 23,200 23,000 5,200 90 1,000 1,020 19000 1,441 700 700 700 0 800 360 800 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,562 1,000 1,000 1,000 530 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,364 1,000 1,369 1,000 0 459000 45,000 0 1,913 19000 1,000 0 30,000 33,000 33,000 33,280 $ 186,228 $ 249,470 $ 252,229 $ 208,040 $13086 $11°56 7 -11 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION PUBLIC WORKS MAIN &FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5317 Contractual 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5210 Equipment Rental 5218 Miscellaneous 5427 Aggregates 5231 MV Maintenance 5428 Materials 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 6111 Equipment 6212 Motor Vehicles 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldg. TOTAL Per Capita Cost 7 -12 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 FUND HATER 30 -2225 PROPOSED 1990 -91 $ 44,191 $ 37,630 $ 57,980 $ 41,950 17,225 12,100 20,440 15,750 14,054 22,400 22,400 24,500 6,647 6,940 79870 9,550 22,185 40,900 40,900 45,400 714 1,900 2,130 1,900 8,084 109500 109500 10,500 100 19000 0 19000 (30) 2,900 1,500 2,900 6,522 7,000 12,200 12,000 8,978 5,000 6,960 5,830 33,416 269000 33,870 34,500 305 300 300 300 0 6,100 5,730 1,500 0 119250 11,250 0 0 1872000 2059550 0 $ 162,391 $ 378,920 $ 439,577 $ 207,580 $21005 $11053 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS DISTRIBUTION HATER 30 -2226 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 42,067 $ 79,130 $ 54,580 $ 869550 5113 Overtime 13,436 6,300 9,410 9,450 5115 Benefits 5,614 129820 69100 79050 5213 Printing and Advertising 1,116 1,100 0 1,000 5316 Professional 1,440 39000 19500 3,000 5317 Contractual 3,315 8,600 4,460 89600 5216 Utility Services 71,128 859500 719010 859500 5419 Petroleum Products 247 12000 1,000 19000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 1,064 39000 29000 3,000 5218 Miscellaneous 604 1,300 600 1,300 5426 Chlorine 375 19000 500 1,000 5432 Purchase of hater 1,395,230 1,3009000 19275,000 1,300,000 5231 My Maintenance 2,979 2,150 29340 2,500 5412 Supplies 513 500 200 500 5428 Materials 1,629 19200 1,180 19200 6111 Equipment 0 0 0 89600 TOTAL $19540,758 $1,506,600 $19429,880 $19520,250 Per Capita Cost $83070 $84,46 7 -13 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS METER MAINTENANCE WATER 30 -2227 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 42,177 $ 37,830 $ 37,830 $ 42,940 5113 Overtime 341 840 510 880 5114 Part Time 889 950 840 950 5115 Benefits 4,858 6,980 4,990 6,180 5116 Apparel 0 0 30 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 600 200 600 5213 Printing and Advertising 88 1,000 0 1,000 5316 Professional 0 3,000 820 39000 5317 Contractual 689 2,200 700 2,200 5419 Petroleum Products 1,973 19000 1,000 19000 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 18 1,400 630 1,400 5218 Miscellaneous 38 300 100 300 5231 MV Maintenance 2,018 2,700 1,520 3,150 5412 Supplies 30 350 50 600 5428 Materials 1,806 3,000 29219 39000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 139 300 300 300 6111 Equipment 14,381 16,500 24,930 16,500 7316 Depreciation 55,830 0 0 0 TOTAL $ 125,274 $ 78,950 $ 76,671 $ 84,000 Per Capita Cost $4.39 $4067 7 -14 1 1 REFUSE FUND GENERAL SERVICES The General Services Function of the Refuse Fund is used to account for the costs associated with refuse collection, a recycling program and a pilot composting program. Deerfield's successful curbside recycling collection began for single family homes in September of 1989° Each home is supplied with a 14 gallon container to be set at the curb once each week. During the 1990 fall season the Village is participating in a pilot composting program sponsored by Lake County. The source of funds will be a state grant plus a per capita contribution from all participating communities. The Village of Deerfield's matching contribution totals $16,5000 DLEAF REMOVAL The Leaf Removal Function formerly budgeted in the Street Division is a function of Refuse as of May 1, 1990. Leaves are to be picked up loose on a weekly basis from mid - October to mid - November. The Village will use three dump trucks, two leaf loaders, and leaf vacuum machines as needed. The regular scavenger service will pick up leaves on a bagged only basis. The bags will be special yard waste bags. 1 0 G n n 8 -1 REVENUE: Refuse Billing Interest Earnings Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous Penalties TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE REFUSE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 520,314 $ 605,000 $ 5989290 $ 606,000 49,177 .15,000 7,150 10,000 541,019 545,000 6059000 605,000 0 0 (31) 0 62445 7,000 79630 8,000 $1,1169953 $1,172,000 $1,218,039 $1,229,000 $1,071,161 $1,196,350 $1,275,001 $1,496,740 $ 45,793 $ (24,350) $ (56,962) $ (267,740) REVENUE: Refuse Billing Interest Earnings Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous Penalties TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE REFUSE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 606,000 $ 606,000 109000 109000 6059000 605,000 0 0 89000 89000 $192299000 $192299000 $196529620 $198009460 $ (4239620) $ (5719460) 8-3 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND REFUSE GENERAL SERVICES REFUSE 26 -2837 ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5315 Insurance 5317 Contractual 5221 Occupancy 7232 Other Charges TOTAL Per Capita Cost 8 -4 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 $ 171 $ 350 $ 270 $ 350 1,054,977 1,180,000 1,258,731 1,445,000 15,000 .15,000 15,000 15,000 12012 1,000 12000 12000 $1,071,161 $1,196,350 $1,275,001 $1,461,350 $66046 $81°19 DEPARTMENT REFUSE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5419 Petroleum Products 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 5231 MV Maintenance 5412 Supplies TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPENDITURES FUNCTION LEAF REMOVAL FUND REFUSE 26 -2853 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91* $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ $0.00 *Prior to May 1, 1990 Leaf Removal was budgeted in the Street Fund 0 $ 11,850 0 10,500 0 2,690 0 p 500 8 0 ,000 0 1,750 0 $ 35,390 $1.97 8 -5 GARAGE Garage personnel (a foreman and a mechanic) are responsible for the overall operation of the garage facility. This includes maintenance of 6 administration cars, 14 police - related cars, 25 public works vehicles, and 34 various pieces of contractors' related equipment. The contractors, equipment includes 17 snow plows, 2 backhoes, 2 farm tractors, 5 lawn mowers, 6 chain saws, one self - propelled paint striper, one snowblower, 2 sidewalk plows, 3 generators, 2 front end loaders, 6 water pumps and 2 air compressors. A charge is made to the various Village departments by budgetary functions for parts and labor on vehicles and equipment serviced by the garage° The garage is responsible for contracting for service from outside repair service companies for major body and transmission work. The foreman acts in an advisory capacity reviewing the specifications for the purchase of new vehicles and equipment and replacement parts. Diesel and gasoline fuels are also charged back to the departments and allocated to the budget expenditures by function. 9 -1 REVENUE: Administration Police Street Sewer Water Parking Lots Emergency Services Youthbound Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 9 -2 GARAGE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 59008 $ 49000 $ 59410 $ 59000 179721 22,000 21,700 27,000 82,122 80,000 879800 90,000 21,797 309000 189010 35,000 23,254 28,000 21,700 33,000 29839 39000 70 3,000 798 1,200 570 19000 1,140 1,000 250 0 0 0 820 0 $ 1549678 $ 169,200 $ 156,329 $ 194,000 $ 1669433 $ 1779520 $ 1799439 $ 1859510 $ (119755) $ (89320) $ (239110) $ 8,490 GARAGE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 . 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Administration $ 59000 $ 59000 Police 279000 27,000 Street 90,000 90,000 Sewer 35,000 35,000 [dater 33,000 33,000 Parking Lots 3,000 3,000 Emergency Services 1,000 1,000 Youthbound 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 194,000 $ 194,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 200,180 $ 211,330 NET CHANGE $ (69180) $ (179330) 9 -3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Garage Budget Analysis 1990 - 1991 PROPOSED BUDGET $185,510 1989 - 1990 BUDGET 177x520 INCREASE $ 7,990 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime) Annual Salary Adjustments $ 6,820 Increase in Overtime 2,500 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9,320 OTHER SERVICES: (5211 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5214- - Communications; 5216 -- Utility Services) Increase in Utility Service $ 600 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES $ 600 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5315- - Insurance; 5316 -- Professional; 5317 -- Contractual) Increase in Medical Insurance $ 1,470 Increase in General Lines Insurance 400 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 1,870 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Training, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertising; 5419 -- Petroleum Products-, 5424 -- Miscellaneous; 5428- - Materials; 5431- -Small Tools & Equipment; 5434 -- Supplies) Increase in Cost of Supplies $ 29900 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $ 2,900 9 -4 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (6111 -- Equipment; 6212 - -Motor Vehicles; 7317 -- Vehicles & Equipment Replacement) Decrease in Equipment $(6,700) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 6� y%00) TOTAL INCREASE $ 79990 9 -5 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE GARAGE 23 -2732 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries $ 689593 $ 749500 759500 80,920 5113 Overtime 79991 59500 129480 89400 5115 Benefits 99402 109770 109160 129240 5116 Apparel 207 500 420 500 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 345 700 210 700 5213 Printing and Advertising 301 400 260 400 5214 Communications 768 2,600 29260 29600 5315 Insurance 69019 69800 69570 7,200 5316 Professional 0 50 0 50 5317 Contractual 45 100 50 100 5216 Utility Services 1,116 1,900 1,859 2,500 5419 Petroleum Products 343 800 610 800 5211 Repairs & Maintenance 3,960 5,000 1,600 5,000 5218 Miscellaneous 96 200 0 200 5412 Supplies 59,004 569400 569230 599300 5428 Materials 593 600 530 600 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 1,472 1,500 1,500 1,500 6111 Equipment 5,677 9,200 99200 29500 7317 Vehicle +Equip Replacement 500 0 0 0 TOTAL 166,433 177,520 1799439 185,510 Per Capita Cost $9.86 $10031 9 -6 MOTOR FUEL TAX The motor fuel tax is collected by the State of Illinois and is a flat 19 cents per gallon after January 1, 1990. The tax is then apportioned in accordance with a rather complex formula; after certain deductions, 32 percent of the remaining motor fuel tax is allocated to the municipalities of the State on a per capita basis. In addition, 2% of the State's portion of sales tax collections are distributed to the Village. Motor fuel tax funds will continue to be utilized according to State regulations for the following purposes: 1. Street construction or reconstruction to improve traffic capacity. 2. Installation of traffic signs, signals, and controls. 3. Sidewalk repair and replacement. 4. The public benefit share of new street improvements when certain criteria are met in connection with a special assessment project. 10 -1 O O ban O >C O 44 O E-4 -H 61 4 cd W u o -H ran r, W a� o � o � c� a� u O N 10 -2 � 00 N 00 N 00 O O ,--a N.-4 a 0 O` 0 O O �9 C7% co �0 O %D ra .-a Ln P� � 61% O 00 N O O N 00 —00 ,--a 0 0 O 0 � Q) ctl O V) O %D P-a ON Ln � W) N 69 a U1 N O O N �S9 —4 O O O O 6% q9 —0 0 P-n O BOO ON 6� Ln 19 O M � e9 a O ra ban 61 N � � e N O O N —00 �+ ro u 00 COW CO E-4 -1 N Ln eo O �4 6sq O 00 O 00 00 ° 0 0 0 O 0 � Q) ctl V P- N 1l O W) N CO 00 U1 N O O N .4 V9. bi 89 6% q9 O 00 O O 00 O O 0 O O O 0 � Q) Ln cn In co cn O ton N � n co ^d O O N 0% V9. bi 89 6% q9 O 00 O O 00 O O N 0 O � Q) Ln cn In co cn 00 --T N %D %D !.a ^d O O N 0% V9. bi 89 6% q9 O 00 O i O O N � Q) � ao 00 M N c!1 M !.a O O N t0 O a E-r O i w r-a S � Q) � ao as !.a O O bo O 4•d 4tia w 04 a a O M � O ban 61 N � � e � ro u w E-4 nn nn eo O O c 04 9a � u � A4 O *H (1) bo 41 u q O u U U 0 O c {c .0 w 0) r w RG r. u A4 o E �w (d 44 Q) Q) O 94 O Q) 0) r4 .l b-+ (Q w 6+ u 0) 44 r. r� V. Rq 3�r <9 E-r P W o p cd �9 Q) (n Gad C V! ra 0 6=n O w w kta 04 N 61 61 � Q) O O i w r-a � Q) � ao as O O N 6� 4•d 4tia a a M � ban 61 N � � N 6+ -NJ u E-4 nn nn z 04 9a U U 0 O .a � &4 {c 1 1 1 1 PENSION FUNDS The Village contributes to two pension funds as required by State Law, POLICE PENSION FUND The Police Pension Fund is required by State law for all communities of over 5,000 population. The fund is administered by a Police Pension Board made up of five members. Two are active members of the department, two are from the citizens of the community, and one is elected from the beneficiaries of the fund. They are charged with the investment of the funds collected from the active personnel and by a special tax as the contribution of the community. I.M.R.F. I.M.R.Fo covers Village employees with the exception of sworn police personnels The total current employer contribution is 19.43% of salary, which includes the employer's pension contribution and the employer's portion of social security taxes. 11 -1 REVENUE Payroll Deduction Property Tax Levy Replacement Tax Interest Earnings Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES° Pensions Separation Refunds Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 11-2 POLICE PENSION FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS ARID EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 83,619 $ 1159000 $ 130,000 $ ;150,000 148,818 1509000 1509000 1709000 69612 69000 59840 79000 4889746 5509000 553,410 600,000 0 0 0 0 $ 727,794 $ 821,000 $ 839,250 $ 927,000 88,659 188,000 117,659 241,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 1,619 12000 560 19000 $ 909278 $ 209,000 $ 1189219 $ 262,000 $ 6379516 $ 6129000 $ 7219031 $ 6659000 POLICE PENSION FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 11 -3 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Payroll Deduction $ 1609000 $ 1759000 Property Tax Levy 185,000 200,000 Replacement Tax 7,000 79000 Interest Earnings 670,000 7259000 Miscellaneous 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $1,0229000 $1,1079000 EXPENDITURES° Pensions 2639000 266,000 Separation Refunds 20,000 20,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 1,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 280,000 $ 287,000 NET CHANGE $ 7389000 $ 820,000 11 -3 IMRF FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: IRRF Village Contribution FICA Village Contribution FICA Library Contribution TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 11 -4 231,147 280,000 260,860 340,000 1499363 170,000 165,540 190,000 38,001 40,000 389470 479000 $ 418,510 $ 490,000 $ 4649870 $ 577,000 $ (60,747) $ 18,000 $ 36,599 $ 49,000 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $ 1639502 $ 280,000 $ 2809000 $ 3509000 Property Tax Levy - FICA 1729421 210,000 2109000 2609000 Replacement Tax 89416 8,000 7,250 8,000 Interest Earnings 13,425 10,000 4,220 8,000 Other Revenue 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 3579764 $ 5089000 $ 5019469 $ 6269000 EXPENDITURES: IRRF Village Contribution FICA Village Contribution FICA Library Contribution TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 11 -4 231,147 280,000 260,860 340,000 1499363 170,000 165,540 190,000 38,001 40,000 389470 479000 $ 418,510 $ 490,000 $ 4649870 $ 577,000 $ (60,747) $ 18,000 $ 36,599 $ 49,000 IMRF FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy 3509000 $ 350,000 Property Tax Levy - FICA 260,000 260,000 Replacement Tax 9,000 9,000 Interest Earnings 8,000 8,000 Other Revenue 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 627,000 $ 627,000 EXPENDITURES: IMRF Village Contribution 360,000 370,000 FICA Village Contribution 210,000 225,000 FICA Library Contribution 52,000 602000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 622,000 $ 655,000 NET CHANGE $ 5,000 $ (28,000) 11 -5 a SUMMARY OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COMPLETED a in the Fiscal Years 1985 -86 thru 1989 -90 During the last five years dramatic growth has occurred in the Village of Deerfield. Major commercial developments have been completed which required a substantial level of private capital investment. Likewise, the Village has provided a considerable level of capital investment to ensure the adequacy of public facilities and the infrastructure cf the community. A total of $32,675,000 was spent on capital projects during fiscal years 1985 -86 thru 1989 -90, summarized below: 1) Access Avenue Project - $3,209,000 (consisting of acquisition of LJ u necessary right -of -way, engineering, and construction from Hazel to Osterman); a2) Street Rehabilitation - $3,378,000 (street resurfacing and reconstruction program involving approximately 1 1/2 miles of streets annually); 3) Pfingsten Road Extension - $4,543,000 (a multi -year project including the construction of Pfingsten to Edens and Kates to Waukegan overpasses); 4) Motor Fuel Tax Street Maintenance - $1,200,000 (general street maintenance, sidewalk repair, inlet reconstruction, etc.,); 5) Traffic Signal Installation - $468,000 (traffic signals were installed at Deerfield and Castlewood, Lake -Cook and Deerlake, and Lake -Cook and Birchwood); 0 6) Storm & Sanitary Sewer Projects - $8,919,000 (Phase I and II of a the storm and sanitary sewer program including manhole reconstruction and sewer renovation in several sectors of the Village); 7) Excess -Flow Pumping Stations - $3,544,000 (including construction of the Deerfield Road, Marwick Road and Wilmot Road pumping facilities); 8) Sewage Treatment Plant - $1,190,000 (items consisting of a new a9) clarifier and miscellaneous annual improvements); Mater System Improvements - $360,000 (including a 1099 water main from Deerfield to Dartmouth, a 1699 water main from Marwick to Greenwood, and a 1091 water main from Chestnut to Deerfield); 10) West Fork Channel - $1,029,000 (project consisting of the West Fork aChannel relocation and culvert improvement); 11) Public Works /Park District Complex - $3,545,000 (construction of a new garage for the Village's public works department and the Park District); a 12 -1 n 12) Village Hall Remodeling - $87,000 (including remodeling the finance and administrative offices, as well as the Board Room); 13) Brickyards Park - $304,000 (Village's contribution towards developing a recreational park in the Brickyards); 14) Streetscape Phase I - $387,000 (consisting of a Pedestrian Overpass and walkways at the train station, entry signage features, and improvements to the Marathon Parking Lot); 15) Miscellaneous Capital Projects - $512,000 (including 50/50 sidewalk and curb replacement, and parkway tree planting and restoration programs); Total Capital Projects - $32,675,000 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Of this total, $14,355,000 (44%) of the funding was provided by outside sources (i.e., developers, TIF districts, and other Governmental Agencies). PROJECTED CAPITAL PROJECTS EXPENDITURES For Fiscal Years 1990 -91 to 1994 -95 During the next five years, it is expected that the number of capital project items will decline signficantly when compared to the previous five -year period (FY1985 -86 thru FY1989 -90)0 Storm and sanitary sewer renovations, comprising nearly 40% of the capital expenditures from FY1985 -86 thru 1989 -90, are largely completed. Under street improvements, an additional $1,025,000 will be spent for the on -going Access Avenue project. Also worth noting is the $19662,000 in projected costs for Phase 2 -4 of the Village Center Redevelopment project. The aggregate level of funding for capital projects during the period FY1990 -91 to 1994 -95 is projected to be approximately $13,758,500, or only 42% of the funding required in the previous five -year period. The total projected expenditures for capital projects can be broken down into the following categories: 1) Street Projects - 2) Sever Projects - 3) Sewage Treatment Plant 4) Water Projects - 5) Streetscape Projects - 6) Other Projects - Total * Dependent on future studies 12 -2 $69451,000 46.9% 291139000* 15.4% - 916,000 6.7% 196299500 11.8% 1,6622000 1201% 987,000 701% $1397589500 10000% A A 0 tn q Fsl O to U Ers1 0 ca 0 P4 � U 00 N N O @U o-4 in Ga O U U) &G 0 OP. � a4 to o-d P•d 102 N b � P4 Uw U to 2 0 W U to G� O ks, O U t� O O Ln s+ I a a4 [7 I M o4 M I W N A I v4 .4 ICA 1 0 b Eti O O O 00 O 00 O O O 00 O 00 O O O O O O O O %0 O O o O O 1 c -4 mD o 1` 0 q q N qq q qtn q q N q 010 q M q q!n c c M. q q Fad 0 0 0 w -4 a�a :P. 0000 0 0 0 0 w W 61 _ coo 000 N-4 tp r41 U 0000 ®000 > 0 (D-44 > O 0 0000 0000 tn-- s4- 'U U 0 1 &a $4 -+-4 q v q b4 •4 •-4 q gq ii $: to £E O ua ac c ®O 61 94 E-4 to a) N St c4 H ta° &-0 a4 2: Nk .K $4 00 W ML46a H eb F Er C-4 *4 I I E 00 0 0 U® 000 I O 1 -4 00 0 0 �,A 000 m I k I M 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 o $4 t4 000 C s+ N c 4J N O 0 9 0 0 ® >I 0 0 - - -4 ®c -4 0 c N IN 44 " " _ oV o o a la a o00 + 41 0 /I b� t90 >. 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The levy year is somewhat different from the actual payment year. The property tax is levied in such a fashion so that the Village will receive funds in time to pay the principal and interest as it becomes payable. The Tax levy schedule is included in the budget as Appendix E. 13 -1 DEBT SERVICE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Receipts from Other Funds Replacement Tax Interest Earned Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 13 -2 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $1,1109004 $1,5859575 $1,5259075 $19558,801 84,280 80,025 809025 96,150 58,573 45,000 499580 509000 86,201 75,000 889343 759000 $1,339,058 $1,785,600 $1,743,023 $197799951 1,4669226 1,822,600 1,8239099 1,8229451 29737 209000 2,141 5,000 $1,468,963 $1,842,600 $19825,240 $198279451 $ (129,905) $ (57,000) $ (829217) $ (47,500) DEBT SERVICE FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Receipts from Other Funds Replacement Tax Interest Earned Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $198229213 $195879474 89,250 829200 50,000 509000 759000 75,000 0 0 $290369463 $197949674 1,822,213 1,587,474 5,000 5,000 $198279213 $195929474 $ 209,250 $ 202,200 13 -3 PUBLIC BENEFIT The public benefit portion of local improvements installed under the special assessment procedure of financing is paid from this fund. 14 °1 PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Interest Earnings Other Charges Beginning Cash Balances TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE EXPENDITURES: Transfer to Debt Service Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES REMAINING CASH BALANCE $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63,273 63,273 $ 0 $ 63,273 $ 63,273 $ 0 0 0 0 0 63,273 63,273 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 63,273 $ 63,273 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 14-2 PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Interest Earnings Other Charges Beginning Cash Balances TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE EXPENDITURES: Transfer to Debt Service Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES REMAINING CASH BALANCE 14 -3 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND The municipal audit is an independent, outside audit conducted by a firm engaged by the Mayor and Board of Trustees on an annual basis as required by State law. a These are earmarked funds that can only be expended for audit purposes. The amount levied is designed to be the exact cost of the audit. 15 -1 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES° Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 15 -2 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 10,418 $ 12,500 $ 34 0 $ 10,453 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 122500 12,540 $ 129500 119600 129500 11,700 13,500 $ 11,600 $ 12,500 $ 119700 13,500 $ (1,147) $ 0 $ 840 $ (1,000) MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 129500 $ 129500 0 0 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 149500 15,000 $ 14,500 $ 15,000 $ (2,000) $ (2,500) 1503 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY The Emergency Services and Disaster Agency supersedes the Civil Defense Agency and now basically relates to natural disasters caused by floods and tornadoes. The Agency also prepares a plan of action to be taken if man -made disasters occur such as train, aircraft and truck accidents where cargo involves potential danger to- our Village residents. 16 -1 u EMERGENCY SERVICES FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Travel, Training, etc. Communications Insurance Contractual Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Petroleum Products Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 4,948 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 12 0 50 0 $ 4,959 $ 5,000 $ 5,050 $ 5,000 572 700 320 700 1,563 1,500 1,470 1,500 68 600 270 600 180 300 110 300 109 100 80 100 798 1,300 290 1,300 0 200 0 200 143 1,000 1,015 1,000 346 500 299 500 2,514 500 0 500 $ 6,294 $ 6,700 $ 3,853 $ 6,700 $ (1,334) $ (1,700) $ 1,196 $ (1,700) 16 -2 EMERGENCY SERVICES FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Travel, Training, etc. Communications Insurance Contractual Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Petroleum Products Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 16 -3 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 700 700 19500 19500 600 600 300 300 100 100 1,300 1,300 200 200 1,000 1,000 500 500 $ 6,700 $ 6,700 $ (1,700) $ (1,700) PARKING LOTS 17 -1 The Parking Lot Section consists of expenditures for the maintenance and operation of the commuter parking lots. They are broken down into lots constructed with Village funds only and lots constructed with both Village and Federal funds. The parking lots are: NUMBER LOCATION SPACES CONSTRUCTION FUNDING Lot 1 Chestnut, North of Train Station Drive 78 Village Lot 2 Park .Avenue (East Side) 34 Village Lot 3 Access Avenue on Street Parking 14 Village Lot 4 Marathon Lot 87 Village Lot 5 Deerfield & Elm 91 Village and Federal Lot 6 Around Railroad Station 187 Village and Federal Lot 7 Park Avenue (West Side) 91 Village and Federal Lot 8 Elm Street 32 Village Lot 9 Elm Street 51 Village Lot 10 Peterson Lane 20 Village 17 -1 PARKING LOT FUND - VILLAGE SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Collections TOTAL REVENUES Transfer to Street Fund TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES: Salaries Benefits Insurance Utility Services Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Aggregates Materials Contractual Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 17 -2 1988 -89 ACTUAL 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 509061 $ 65,000 $ 65,989 $ 74,500 $ 50,061 $ 65,000 $ 65,989 $ 74,500 (159000) (20, 000) (20,000) (25,000) $ 35,061 $ 45,000 $ 45,989 $ 49,500 5,803 4,300 4,171 4,520 455 710 790 850 378 340 339 340 2,897 6,800 3,600 4,500 2,779 1,000 570 1,000 958 500 370 700 0 250 0 250 3,092 1,500 550 1,500 0 2,500 1,000 2,500 $ 16,362 $ 18,000 $ 11,490 $ 16,260 $ 189700 $ 279000 $ 349498 $ 33,240 PARKING LOT FUND - VILLAGE SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Collections $ 749500 $ 749500 TOTAL REVENUES $ 749500 $ 749500 Transfer to Street Fund (259000) (259000) TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS $ 49,500 $ 49,500 EXPENDITURES: Salaries 4,790 5,030 Benefits 1,010 1,210 Insurance 362 374 Utility Services 4,500 49500 Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 1,000 Supplies 700 700 Aggregates 250 250 Materials 1,500 1,500 Contractual 2,500 2,500 Equipment 100 100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 16,712 $ 17,164 NET CHANGE $ 32,788 $ 32,336 17 -3 PARKING LOT FUND - COMBINED SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: Collections $ 679141 $ 65,000 $ 569008 $ 58,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 67,141 $ 65,000 $ 569008 $ 589000 Transfer to Street Fund (15,000) (20,000) (20,000) (25,000) TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS $ 52,141 $ 45,000 $ 36,008 $ 33,000 EXPENDITURES: Salaries 4,926 4,200 4,200 4,410 Benefits 389 600 680 820 Insurance 378 40 270 290 Utility Services 2,358 2,300 3,620 4,500 Repairs and Maintenance 60 2,500 530 2,500 Property Rentals 14,880 7,500 7,500 7,500 Supplies 0 500 330 600 Aggregates 0 500 100 500 Materials 426 800 250 800 Contractual 0 2,500 1,000 2,500 Equipment 0 500 500 500 Depreciation 3,671 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 27,088 $ 21,940 $ 18,980 $ 24,920 NET CHANGE $ 25,054 $ 23,060 $ 17,028 $ 8,080 17 -4 PARKING LOT FUND - COMBINED SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Collections $ 58,000 $ 58,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 58,000 $ '58,000 Transfer to Street Fund (25,000) (25,000) TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS $ 33,000 $ 33,000 EXPENDITURES: Salaries 4,680 4,910 Benefits 990 1,190 Insurance 305 320 Utility Services 4,500 4,500 Repairs and Maintenance 2,500 2,500 Property Rentals 7,500 7,500 Supplies 600 600 Aggregates 500 500 Materials 800 800 Contractual 2,500 2,500 Equipment 500 500 Depreciation 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 25,375 $ 25,820 NET CHANGE $ 7,625 $ 7,180 17 -5 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM n In August, 1981, a Taxi Subsidy Program was established for senior citizens and the handicapped. This was a major program change which eliminated the Dial -A -Ride Program. 1801 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED EXPENDITURES° Contractual Other Charges TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 6,036 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 0 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE: 5,100 $ (569) $ 0 $ 460 $ Grant $ 39670 $ 49500 $ 39510 $ 2,700 Village Contribution 2,000 29000 29000 29500 TOTAL REVENUE $ 59670 $ 69500 $ 59510 $ 59200 EXPENDITURES° Contractual Other Charges TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 6,036 6,500 4,950 5,000 203 0 100 100 $ 6,240 $ 6,500 $ 5,050 $ 5,100 $ (569) $ 0 $ 460 $ 100 18 -2 REVENUE: Grant Village Contribution TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Contractual Other Charges TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 18-3 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS ARID EXPENDITURES PROJECTED 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 2,700 $ 2,700 2,500 22500 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 59000 5,000 100 100 $ 5,100 $ 5,100 $ 100 $ 100 u PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPLACEMENT FUND The purpose of this fund is to amortize the replacement cost of certain village equipment over its useful life. For the purpose of this fund, capital equipment for replacement is defined as any vehicle or large a regularly replaced equipment item having a useful life of more than one year and having a value of $5,000 or more at the time of purchase. 1 i 1 U �j'01 n u 1 19_1 REPLACEMENT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: Depreciation Charges: Street Sewer Sewerage Treatment Plant Plater Garage Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR EXPENDITURES: Equipment Motor Vehicles Total Expenditures REMAINING CASH BALANCE 19 -2 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 61,000 $ 63,000 $ 639000 $ 639530 17,000 16,000 16,000 16,130 149000 14,000 14,000 14,120 30,000 33,000 339000 33,280 500 0 0 0 65,638 459000 16,386 50,000 $ 188,138 $ 171,000 $ 142,387 $ 177,060 481,681 550,680 598,180 627,407 $ 669,819 $ 721,680 $ 740,567 $ 804,467 14,066 123,500 113,160 185,900 57,573 0 0 489600 $ 71,639 $ 123,500 $ 113,160 $ 234,500 $ 598,180 $ 598,180 $ 627,407 $ 569,967 REPLACEMENT FUND SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE: Depreciation Charges: Street Sewer Sewerage Treatment Plant Water Garage Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR EXPENDITURES: Equipment [rotor Vehicles Total Expenditures REMAINING CASH BALANCE 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 58,370 $ 62,690 142820 15,920 129970 139930 30,580 32,840 0 0 50,000 50,000 $ 166,740 $ 175,380 569,967 602,707 $ 736,707 $ 778,087 60,100 48,500 732900 92,500 $ 134,000 $ 141,000 $ 602,707 $ 637,087 19 -3 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLENISHMENT n This fund was established in September, 1989 for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and renovating the capital assets of the Village. D The sources of revenue for this fund are the State Income Tax Surcharge, Residual Equity Transfers, and Interest earnings. 20 -1 L L' D 0 fll L� INFRASTRUCTURE REPLENISHMENT SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROPOSED REVENUE: State Income Tax Interest Earnings Residual Equity Transfer TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR EXPENDITURES Professional Contractual Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 1988 -89 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED $ 0 $ 0 $ 2429890 $ 5009000 0 0 59080 50,000 0 0 3249888 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 572,858 $ 5509000 0 0 0 572,858 $ 0 $ 0 $ 5729858 $191229858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 500,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 572,858 $ 622,858 20 -2 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLENISHMENT SOURCES OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES PROJECTED REVENUE State Income Tax Interest Earnings Residual Equity Transfer TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Cash Balance FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR EXPENDITURES Professional Contractual Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET CHANGE 20 -3 1991 -92 1992 -93 PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 2509000 $ 0 50,000 30,000 0 0 $ 300,000 $ 30,000 622,858 422,858 $ 922,858 $ 452,858 0 0 500,000 5009000 A - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 422,858 $ (479142) DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY (Not Included in Municipal Budget) Sources of Funds and Expenditures Actual and Projected Account Number 60 -9090 ACCOUNT NUMBER BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET AND CLASSIFICATION 1989 -90 1989 -90 1990 -91 5111 Salaries -- Professional $229,837 $2059537 $2439426 5114 Salaries- -Non Professional 323,373 2919410 342,131 5115 Benefits 41,500 24,631 329500 5211 Repairs, Maintenance of Building and Equipment, Building Supplies 95,000 40,040 120,000 5212 Education -- Travel, Dues, etc. 10,000 39575 5,500 5213 Printing 7,000 49880 6,000 5214 Communication 99500 89467 99500 5216 Utilities 1,000 663 19000 5220 Binding 2,500 754 1,500 5224 Periodicals 339000 279876 30,000 5224 Books 96,000 799514 96,000 5224 Audio Visual 25,000 14,416 209000 5315 Insurance 209000 14,106 20,000 5316 Professional Services 69000 510 79600 5317 Contractual: Equipment Rental, Maintenance & Xerox 13,500 6,495 99500 5320 Special Library Programs 69500 3,615 4,000 5320 Data Base 2,000 390 1,500 5320 Cataloging Service 7,000 49580 6,000 5424 Miscellaneous 19000 19024 1,000 5434 Supplies (Library and Office) 23,000 202547 21,000 6111 New Equipment 22,000 12,711 109000 6415 Improvements- -Other Than Buildings 509000 0 80,000 SUB TOTAL $1,024,710 $765,741 $190689157 Automation Project 899250 72,559 1012262 TOTAL $1,113,960 $838,300 $1,169,419 SOURCE OF FUNDS Property Tax Levy $ 814,493 $ Personal Property Replacement Tax 16,000 Non - Resident Fees 15,000 Fees, Fines and Penalties 23,000 Gifts 500 Reciprocal Borrowing 3,500 Xerox 159000 Interest 25,000 Grants 17,467 Videos 24,000 Reserve for Repairs & Replacement plus Improvement 1609000 TOTALS $1,113,960 855,187 16,000 12,500 28,500 500 4,000 99300 37,000 179432 29,000 1609000 21 -1 $1,169,419 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY Mork Statistics 1986 -87 1987 -88 1988 -89 1990 -91 CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: 5,464 571 247 18 Materials Circulated - 330 240 Books 192,698 200,634 194,790 2059820 CDS, Cassettes, Records 119643 14,497 17,238 20,360 Puzzles (Miscellaneous) 536 533 567 648 Paintings (Discont'd 11/30/90) 595 567 518 234 Videos 77 49 2 47 Films 7 55 141 141 Talking Books 576 565 670 645 Interlibrary Loans 29176 29532 29527 2,927 Miscellaneous 499 484 (see puzzles) - -- Rental Books (Discont'd 1/1/87) 352 - -- - -- - -- Video Tape Collection 222422 27,597 32,515 34,659 Total Materials Circulated 231,581 ** 247,513 ** 248,968 ** 265,481 ** Overdue Notices Mailed 3,300 9,000 ** 7,200 ** 99340 ** (After 3 -4 weeks) Registered Borrowers PROCESSING DEPARTMENT: Material Purchased and Received - Books 4,563 Records, Compact Discs & Tapes 397 Miscellaneous 24 Video Cassettes 275 12,656 ** 12,164 ** 11,500 ** 6,366 5,464 571 247 18 57 330 240 Total Materials Processed 5,259* 7,285* PROGRAMMING - ADULT AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: Adult Programs Sponsored or Conducted by Library Staff 22 * ** 30 * ** Children's Programs Sponsored or Conducted by Library Staff 155 * ** 180 * ** Meeting Room Use by Groups Outside the Library 181 * ** 166 * ** Adult Reference Inquiries 13,690 ** 15,728 ** Children's Reference Inquiries 10,679 ** 159552 ** * Figures through 3/19/90 (88/89 through 2/13/89) ** Figures Estimated March, April * ** Figures through February 1990 21 -2 6,242 564 50 165 6,008* 79021* 38 * ** 49 * ** 190 * ** 218 * ** 252 * ** 16,444 ** 19,350 ** 293 * ** 19,087 ** 18,830 ** APPENDIX A Administrative Department Equipment Request 1990 - 1991 Equipment Fax Machine (Annex) Copier (Annex) Computers (2) P.C.'s and Printer (Word Processing and Planning) Work Stations and Files (Annex) Computer Terminals - Printer (Administration) Miscellaneous Office Equipment (Administration) Budget $ 1,900 3,000 4,700 2,600 2,000 4,000 TOTAL $18,200 APPENDIX B Police Department Equipment Request 1990 - 1991 Equipment Computer Hardware Furniture Replacement Car Telephone Two (2) Unitrol Units Two (2) Portable Red Lights Two (2) Hand Held Spot Lights Miscellaneous Replacement Equipment for Investigations Budget $10,000 7,000 1,000 1,200 200 250 750 TOTAL $20,400 APPENDIX B -1 Enhanced 9 -1 -1 Fund Equipment Request 1990 - 1991 Equipment Budget E 9 -1 -1 Computer Hardware $759000 TOTAL $759000 APPENDIX C -1 Public Works Department Equipment Request Street Division 1990 - 1991 EQUIPMENT Drill Press for 704 Generator for 704 Shovel Basket for 704 Two (2) Chain Saws @ $250 each Lawn Mower TOTAL BUDGET 1,000 900 350 500 500 $ 3,250 APPENDIX C -2 Public [forks Department Equipment Request Sewer Division 1990 -1991 Equipment Two (2) Root Cutters @ $1,500 Portable Electric Generator URF 311 Electrical Pump 411 Electrical Sump Pump Microwave Oven Budget $ 3,000 600 3,000 2,000 300 TOTAL $ 8,900 APPENDIX C -3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Equipment Request Water Division 1990 -1991 Equipment Budget Service Locator $ 19500 Upgrade Controls - Village Hall 4,000 CL2 Kit (Hawthorn Reservoir) 1,100 Utility Service Analyzer 700 Four (4) Pressure Gauges 2,000 Portable Sand Blaster 800 Water Meters 16,500 TOTAL $269600 APPENDIX C -4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Equipment Request Garage Division 1990 -1991 Equipment Budget Computer Test Equipment $ 19500 Large Drill Bits and Accessories 19000 TOTAL $ 2,500 r-� 'v u A E u Ar � u L, It ON ON I M ON C� —4 M N N r� r-a i O a--7 QG 0 �a 0.4 O H H a O a 0 U) N +�9 n V) 00° D O C O N —a N a o u0 0 N a O a0 N N a a C O0N0 0Coll 000000 I'D ID � a P\ � m%o0%D00Ln OO CC w w w 00 00 00 ON 0�ON 0%C7% a o •r7 U u � v-0 IC •ra O. � •r, Aa A 04 6-1 � u w r-g � P E-4 r a Eva N° N E-4 u 010 \ Pa Eb v-4 a o•b 0 6 � 1010 > 10 10 10 ba 4w � ba Pa ba U t� a Pn co cd °n a) a! r- 4 00 d' 0000 v 6' °' 61 u QJ u r-i W W A td •r-o -rq -rP ai m Ia. 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