O-65-04ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -4 PARKING REGULATIONS BE IT, ORDAINED by the President-and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: The Municipal C ode of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding to the lost of locations in which parking is prohibited, set out in Section 20.501 of said Code, the following: On either side of Deerfield Road between Wilmot Road and Apple Tree Lane. Passed this 18th day of January,-1965. ATTEST: C lerk APPROVED: I. K. Hearn President PUBLISHED: January 28, 1965 in the Deerfield Review. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -4 PAWING REGULATIONS BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: The Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding to the list of locations in which parking is prohibited, set out in section 20.501 of said Code, the following: On either side of Deerfield Road between Wilmot Road and Apple Tree Lane. Passed this 18th day of January , 196,x. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED: President PUBLISHED: January 28, 1965 in the Deerfield Review ORDINANCE NO. 0 -65 -4 PARKING REGULATIONS BE IT ORDAIM by the President and Board of Trustees of i the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: The Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding to the list of locations in.whieh parking is prohibited, set out in Section 20.501 of said Code, the followirigi On either side of Deerfield Road between Wilmot Road and Apple Tree Lane. Passed this 18th day.of January , 196 5� ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED: President PUBLISHED: January 28, 1965 in the Deerfield Review �n January 28, 1965 District Engineer Beni sl on of Highways 595 State Street Elgin, Illinois Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of an ordinance prohibiting parking on both sides of'Deerfieid Road between Wilmot Road and Apple Tree Laness passed by the Board of Trustees on January 18, 1965. Very truly yours, *fttherine B. Price Village Clerk