O-64-44Ordinance No. 0 -64 -44 An Ordinance granting a zoning.variation WHEREAS, the question of granting the following variation was' referred tto the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Viilage for a public hearing, and the public hearing was held after due publication as required by-law; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has made a recommendation to the Village Board that the following variation be granted. NOW, THEREFORE,,BE IT ORDAINED by the.President and Board of Trustees,of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: A variation is hereby granted to permit the maintenance of a chimney which encroaches on the minimum sideyard requirement on the north side of the building at 1435 Woodridge Court, in Deerfield; and to permit the construction of an attached garage twenty -one feet by twenty feet in dimension, and a porch on the south side of the building on said premises, in accordance with the application made therefor by Lawrence J. O'Donnell. The.fi;ndings of fact contained in the report of the Zoning Board of Appeals are hereby adopted and made a part of this ordinance. Passed this 19th day of October, 1964. ' APPROVED: Attest: Village Clerk James E. Mandler Village President pro tem Published: October 29th, 1964 in the Deerfield Review 1 Ll 1 Ordinance No. 0 -64 -44 An Ordinance granting a zoning variation WHEREAS, the question of granting the following variation was referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village for a public hearing, and the public hearing was held after due publication as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has made a recommenda- tion to the Village Board that the following variation be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: A variation is hereby granted to permit the maintenance of a chimney which encroaches on the minimum sideyard requirement on the north side of the building at 1435 Woodridge Court, in Deerfield; and to permit the construction of an attached garage twenty -one feet by twenty feet in dimension, and a porch on the south side of the building on said premises, in accordance with the application made therefor by Lawrence J. O'Donnell. The finds of fact contained in the report of the Zoning Board of Appeals are hereby adopted and made a part of this ordinance. Passed this 19th day of October , 1964. APPROVED: Attest: Village Clerk Village President Pro Tem Published: October 29th, 1964 in the Deerfield Review. Ordinance No. 0 -64 -44 An Ordinance granting a zoning variation WHEREAS, the questlon of granting the following variation was referred to the ucniag board of Appeals of tre Village for a public hearin.w, and the public hearing was held after due publication as required cy law; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Boara of Appeals nas made a recommenda- tion to the Village hoard that the following variation be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: A variation is hereby granted to permit the maintenance of a chimney which encroaches on the minimum sideyard requirement on the north side of the building at 1437 Woodridge Court, in Deerfi e;d; and to permit the construction of an attached garage twenty -one feet by twenty feet in dimension, and ,i porch on the south side of the building on said premises, to -accordance with the application made therefor by Lawrence J. O'Donne .. The finds of fact contained in the report ,.,f the Zoning Board o:' Appeals are hereby adopted and made a part of this ordinance. Passed this 19th day of Attest: ii age Clerk October , . �,o4. APPROVED: Village President Pro Term J Published: October 29th, 1964 in the Deerfield Review.