O-64-401 1 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -64 -40 ZONING AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING A B4 LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT. WHEREAS the question of adopting the following amendment to the zoning ordinance was referred to the Village Plan Commission which held a public hearing thereon after due publication as required by law: BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, that: The zoning ordinance of Deerfield be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein following section 14B thereof, the following: Section .14 -C B4 limited business district. A. Establishment: There is hereby established a B4 limited business distrfxt. It shall be unlawful to'use any property in the limited business district for any purpose other than those herein designated, or in violation of any of the regulations herein contained pertaining to such district. B. Permitted Uses: No uses.-other than the following uses shall be permitted as the principal use of land.' 1. Business and Professional Offices and accessory retail and service operations. 2. Farm and Garden -Shops 3. Public Dining Rooms or Restaurants 4. Retail Sales and Services as follows: Antique Sales Apparel Store Appliance Sales and Related Services Art Gallery Automobile Sales and Related Services Business Machine Sales and Related Services Floor Covering Sales (new) Florist Furniture Sales (new) Gift Shop Grocery Store Hardware Shoe Store Sporting Goods. Toy Store Variety or Junior Department Stores 5. Private Clubs and Fraternal Orders 6. All uses permitted in the 0 la R District C.. Uses permitted in the B- 4'Limited Business District-are' subject to the f o,l 1 owi ng conditions: 1. 'Accessory buildings and uses subject to,the regulations of Paragraph C -2 of this section and to the requirements of Section XVII, Paragraph A (1 and 3) of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. _Signs as regulated by Section XVII, Paragraph B of the Zoning Ordinance. 3 Dwelling units and lodging rooms shall not be permitted. 4. All business, servicing, or processing - except for off- street parking, off - street loading - shall be conducted within•completely enclosed buildings. 5. Establishments of the "drive -in" type offering food products for service to or consumption by customers in autombi.les or parking areas shall not be permitted. 6. The parking of.trucks as an accessory use, when used in the conduct of a permitted business listed herein, shall be limited to vehicles of not over 1-1/2-tons capacity. 7. Each retail sales use as listed in Paragraph B -4 shall occupy not less than 5,000 square feet of gross floor area and shall be enclosed in a separate structure. . D. Conditional Uses: In addition to the Conditional Uses specified in Section XXIII, Paragraph B of the Zoning Ordinance, the following uses may be allowed subject to the same conditions and procedures as specified in said paragraph. 1. Funeral Parlors 2. Newspaper Publishing E. Height: No building or structure shall be erected or structurally altered to exceed a height of thirty -f,ive (35) feet.. F. Area: No building or structure nor the enlargement• of.any building or structure shall be hereafter erected or. maintained unless the following yards, setbacks, and .lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure, or enlargement. 1 are observed. 5. Lot Coverage - Not more than forty (40) per-cent of the area of a lot may be covered by main buildings, structures, or accessory buildings. G.. Access and Traffic Control: All access ways to a public street or highway shall be' located at least seventy -five (75) feet from the intersec.tion,of any street center lines, and shall be designed in a manner conducive to safe-ingress and egress. 1. Only one (1) access way shall be.permitted to serve a business plot with a width of one - hundred (100) feet or less. 1. Yards - There shall be a front yard of .not less than one- hundred (100) feet, measured from the center line of Waukegan Road. There shall be two side yards each having a width of not less than twenty -five (25) feet and a rear yard ..with a depth of not less than twenty-f20) feet. Provided further, that a fifty -five (55) foot yard shall be'prdvided adjacent to the presently dedicated right -of -way of Kates Road. 2. Parking Area - The parking of private automobiles.shall be permitted within side and rear yard areas, but not within front yard areas. 3. Lot Area - Any principal use, together with all accessory uses shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than ` two (2) acres, except that any smaller lot, duly recorded prior to the adoption of this provision, may be used for any purpose permitted in this section provided that a.11 other require- ments of this ordinance are observed. 4. Lot Width. - Each, lot shall have 'a width at the building setback line of not less than two- hundred ('200). feet, except that any smaller tot, duly recorded prior to the adoption of this provision, may be used for.any purpose permitted in this section provided that all other requirements of this ordinance 1 are observed. 5. Lot Coverage - Not more than forty (40) per-cent of the area of a lot may be covered by main buildings, structures, or accessory buildings. G.. Access and Traffic Control: All access ways to a public street or highway shall be' located at least seventy -five (75) feet from the intersec.tion,of any street center lines, and shall be designed in a manner conducive to safe-ingress and egress. 1. Only one (1) access way shall be.permitted to serve a business plot with a width of one - hundred (100) feet or less. 2. No more than two (2) access ways shall be permitted to serve a business plot with a width of more than one- hundred (100) feet. PASSED: This 8th day of September, 1964. APPROVED: I. K. Hearn President ATTEST: 73, Clerk Published in the Deerfield Review on the 17th day of September, 1964. 77 1 1 Fj ,v ORDINANCE NO. 0 -64 -40 ZONING AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING B4 LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT WHEREAS the question of adopting the following amend- ment to the zoning ordinance was referred to the Village Plan Commission which held a public hearing thereon after due pub- lication as required by law: BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, that: The zoning ordinance of Deerfield be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein following section 14B thereof the following: Section 14 -C - B4 limited business district. A. Establishment: There is hereby established a B4 limited business district. It shall be unlawful to use any property in the limited business district for any purpose other than those herein designated, or in violation of any of the regula- tions herein contained pertaining to such districts. B. Permitted Uses: No uses other than the following uses shall be permitted as the principal use of land. 1. Business and Professional Offices and accessory retail and service operations. 2. Farm and Garden Shops 3. Public Dining Rooms or Restaurants 4. Retail Sales and Services as follows: Antique Sales Apparel Store Appliance Sales and Related Services Art Gallery Automobile Sales and Related Services 1, Business Machine Sales and Related Services kloor Covering Sales (new) Florist Furniture Sales (new) Gift Shop Grocery Store Hardware Shoe Store Sporting Goods Toy Store Variety or Junior Department Stores S. Private Clubs and Fraternal Orders 6. All uses permitted in the 0 & R District C. Uses permitted in the B -4 Limited Business District are subject to the following conditions: 1. Accessory buildings and uses subject to the regu- lations of Paragraph C -2 of this section and to the requirements of Section XVII, Paragraph A (1 and 3) of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Signs as regulated by Section XVII, Paragraph B of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Dwelling units and lodging rooms shall not be permitted. 4. All business, servicing, or processing - except for off - street parking, off - street loading - shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. 5. Establishments of the "drive -in° type offering food products for service to or consumption by customers in automobiles or parking areas shall not be permitted. 6. The parking of trucks as an accessory use, when used in the conduct of a permitted business listed herein, shall be limited to vehicles of not over 1 -1/2 tons capacity. 7. Each retail sales use as listed in Paragraph B -4 shall occupy not less than 5,000 square feet of gross - 2 - floor area and shall be enclosed in a separate structure. D. Conditional Uses: In addition to the Conditional Uses specified in Section XXIII, Paragraph B of the Zoning Ordinance, the following uses may be allowed subject to.the same conditions and procedures as specified in said paragraph. 1. Funeral Parlors 2. Newspaper Publishing E. Height:. No building or structure shall be erected or structurally altered to exceed a height of thirty- five (35) feet. F. Area: No building or structure nor the enlarge- ment of any building or structure shall be hereafter erected or maintained unless the following yards, set- backs, and lot areas are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure, or enlargement. 1. Yards - There shall be a front yard of -not less than one- hundred (100) feet, measured from the center line of Waukegan Road. There shall be two side yards each having a width of not less than twenty -five (25) feet and a rear yard with a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet. Provided further, that a fifty -five (55) foot yard shall be provided adjacent to the presently dedicated right-of-way-of Kates Road. 2. Parking Area - The Parking of private automobiles shall be permitted within side and rear yard areas, but not within front yard areas. 3. Lot Area - Any principal use, together with all accessory uses shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than two (2) acres, except that any - 3 - smaller lot, duly recorded prior to the adoption of this provision, may be used for any purpose permitted in this section provided that all other requirements of this ordinance are observed. 4. Lot Wi-dth - Each lot shall have a width at the building setback line of not less than two- hundred (200) feet, except that any smaller lot, duly recorded prior to the adoption of this provision, may be used for any purpose permitted in this section provided that all other requirements of this ordinance are observed. 5. Lot Coverage - Not more than forty (40) per cent of the area of a lot may be covered by main buildings, structures, or accessory buildings. G. Access-and Traffic Controt: All access ways to a public street or highway shall be located at least seventy -five (75) feet from the intersection of any street center lines, and shall be designed in a manner conducive to safe ingress and egress. 1. Only one (1) access way shall be permitted to serve a business plot with a width of one - hundred (100) feet or less. 2. No more than two (2) access ways shall be permitted to serve a business plot with a width of more than one - hundred (100) feet. PASSED THIS 8th -day of - September -- 1964. APPROVED: President ATTEST: Clerk Published in the Deerfield Review on the - 17th -- September - .,1964. -4- day of Ale 6;,64-40 iiWARS the 4i"4ob CW."optift the, 0ilcwinq amend- th the XQ�.io j,� ONWW"'. to, t* -,.Village pun liti*i due pub,- $Lon i 14 .:".libation an required by law: .- t r �; WI? bi*MMD by Ae'PaWL"t, and .9040 of Trustees <of the Village of beerfield LiAois'O' thats ?be- agning, Ordinanc6 of. Dnierf Leld be and the same is beroby amended by adding thereto-and insisting tjwr4in following section 14B,thereof the followings ti Section 14-C-- 54 limited business district. A: Bel"liMbmists ftore is hereby established a 94 limited business district. It shall be unlawful to use any �,pz4erty in the limited busin"o'district for any purpose other ,than those herein designated,,-or in violation of any of the regula- Itio" herein contained-portaiAing to such districts. B. P*M"tted Us": go uses other than the following uses shall be permitted as the principal use of land. 1. Business ifid Pr6fessional Offices and accessory retail and service operations. 2. Farm and Garden Shops 3.- 4ublic Diiing a6oix or Restauraits 4. Retail Salon and Services as follows: Antique $al" Affl-A, nce.Sales and dilated Services • art Gallery J-, Au0woVLl6 sales and Rolat4o _80rVICANG " 1, of the zoning O"Unam". 20 Slips asategulat� bY SBEtAU XVII o J?8MPf@h E of the Zoning Ordinance v 3. Dwelling emits &Md 10 ®hall u ®t be permitted. 4. All business, servicftg, ax, pr cesaW except for off - street parking, off - street loam m shall be agn6wted within completely enclosed buildings. So- Establisbiewts of the 0 drive -sae• type offering f0d products for service to or conamption by euitasers in au Ues or paw areas shall not be permitted. 6. "w parking of trucks as an accessory use, when used JA the a0riduct of a permitted business listed herjft; shall be li ited'to•vohicles of not over tomes cipacity. 7. Each snails use as listed in ftragraph 5-4 shall occupy not less than S,OW sire feet of 9"es - 2 - d . 7 • f f166r' aroi and sbal30bi• ainblosed 4in a soparate /fracture , , . +• °,, t ^, ��• 'ate- .,..�..— ......, �., 01 ,� Vi�� tt� tie =Oonditional spgci iad :'Aabliq►n ".XIiI, parigsaph a of the J ., Zb>ii:sg dic�ititR6ti1% 4tYjs 1lowmiv uia, mM V b4 allowed sgbj9ct to-.the same coW*ti"N and prQC4dures as 4 , sp -in, said, 3. agiaii. or stkt 1� be Greer � .v „ b�ilt q! ' thi:ty- Qr �ly � !• adIC the ealarge- asst d!' any wilding Ora ttn�ture ,s2ia11 be hereafter ± r : •,° sr ot�d ,prr si'intaif d 'q 1N tale fol,;* $ yards, sit- , r baoka, and '`lot a ' reu are`provided and maintained in `:r �,• vonsmt"'vith such +building;.structure; or enlargement. Theri'shall bo "a' frOnt gird of not less �. tbaa;106e- hundred; (100)' feet;: M4461ir4d from the center line of Waukegan: Tbsre shall be , two side yards each having a width of not less than twenty -five (25) 1 r r• feet and,a rear yard with a depth of not less than .V "`' • ( ) met. `�cOvided furtbir; 'that a fifty -five ' (55) foot yard $hall bo,prdvided adjaeent to the P"Soutly dedicat" 'ri jht-of -sway -of Xstes dad. - -.'Pha ,ParkiAg of private automobiles shall be peraitted'within.side and rear yard areas, but not•withLn front yard areas. 3• 101 :- Any-principal use; together with all acoisPprp u /ea aball be located an a lot having an aria o! not lii (2) a0ru, except that any � ; ,, I N J` 4, `'ias• . �+ a �' ,n. - .h a4,•�� -` rYSd' �' : •. � ° • , ILN w s�aall�r letl July rw*�*w phtor t* the adoption of Ali provl$100, May`N vied ftr any purpose penaltted In this -secttOn provided that all other row Irewents Of thla Ordlhant are Ohi�r�d„ 4 =. Eefh lit' s1i�1 h • wdth it `the bud 1�d1hp se�tdc 1 t�N► `of'�Ot� 1'rtt� der x drtid (w) fost; "capt;,that Ay lreller 1Otr duly recorded p�rjqr to 1*0 adopttin of . this -pr�i III "i may be used for p4009e poml tted In this section provided that all etktr yowlreuwlts of this ordinance are obse�ved� S At ® Not re thih forty (40) per cent *f h® arse Of a lot *by bo co►vered by wain buildings; $MxNrsss cr act*sory but ldingi. �. Access ardafflcrrrlD1; All access ways to a public street or atf y s + t yt located at least seventy -five (7S) feet fry+ ® Irtersoc0an of any street csnter lines, and Shall be dessoned In a manner co ive to safe Ingress and T egress, I's fly are (1) access woy shall be permitted to serve a baiilheis p1 ®t wit a width of one-hundred (100) feet or lens 2, NO more than two (Z) access ways shall be permitted 0 serve a bjsiness plot with a width of more than one hundred (100) feet: PASSED THIS. 8th day of September- , 1964. APPROVED; Pre :tdent '� A*S1 Clark Published tee s Deerfleld Revlew, On the 17th 'day of September -4- �.,