O-64-36ORDINANCE No. 0 -64 -36 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1964 AND ENDING ON THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL, 1965, FOR THE VILLAGE OF,DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of'Trustees of the Village of Deerfiel4, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: Section 1. That a tax.for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may bq authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commending on the first day of May, 1964, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1965. A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PURPOSES FUND . 1;-•; r:�:b Amount of TO Be Appropriation Levied 1. Salaries $85,000.00 $65,000.00 2. Temporary Employment 10,000.00 - 3. Professional Services '. " .'•. Zoning Recodification 3,000.00 - C.P.A. Services 6,500.00 .3,000.00 Investigations & Studies 4,000.00 - Other 2,000.00 -. 4. Insurance and Bonds 4,000.00 2,700.00 '5• Engineering & Contract Work Parking Lot Improvement. 30,000.00 - Partition Changes 300.00 200.00 Village Hall'Expansion Plans 5;000.00 - General. 1;000.00 - 6. Advertising, Lega %� Special 3,.500.00 1,500.00 7. Electricity - Lighting 1,000'.00 500.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 5,000.00 .3,500.00 9. Maps. Periodicals, Printing. 4,000.00 .1,200.00 10. Postage 2,500.00 .1.400.00 lli. Radio Service 600.00 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 200.00 100.00 13. New Motor Vehicle 1,000.00 - 14. Auto Maintenance 2,000.00 750.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 200.00 16. Equipment and /or Furniture Public Address System 750.00 - �' i V i Sufi 1 ci9 i ds 100.00 - Finance Department 600.00 100.00 Village Hall 800.00 100.00 :'ViE(],,lage Garage 4,000.00 3,000.00 Building Department 800.00 500.00 17. Office Supplies 8,000.00 3,300.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 2,000.00 300.00 21. Fuel and Heat 2,000.00 1,200.00 22. Buildiidg & Ground Maintenance 4,000.00 2,750.00 23. Wearing Apparel 100.00 50.00 24. Dues and Memberships 1,500.00 1,000.00 25. Travel 1;200.00 600.00 26. Land, Rights of Way Lot Payments 125,000.00 - 27. Chemic6ls � Cleaning Mat. 500.00 100.00 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 350.00 200.00 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 - 31. Elections 2,500.00 1,500.00 34. Legal Fees, Retainer 20,000.00 10,000.00 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PURPOSES FUND - Continued 35. Planning Commission Planning Consultant $ 10,000.00 $ 4,000.00 36. Board of Zoning Appeals •500.00 250.00 37. Board of Building Appeals 500.00 - 38. Dog Pound Operation 500.00 - 39. Youth Council 1,500.00 - 40. Sister City Committee 250.00 - 41. Human Relations Commission 500.00 - TOTAL $ 360,550.00 $ 109,100.00 B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 175,000.00 75,000.00 2. Temporary Employment 15,000.00 5,000.00 3. Professional Services 11500.00 500.00 4. insurance and Bonds 2,500.00 1,200.00 5. Engineering Contracts 500.00 100.00 6. Advertising Notices 150.00 100.00 7. Telephone & Telegraph 1,000.00 500.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing, 500.00 300.00 I]. Radio Service 1,000.00 750.00 12. License Plates, Badges 200.00 50.00 13. New Motor. Vehicles 6,000.00 4,000.00 14. Auto Maintenance 4,500.00 2,500.00 15. Equipment Maintenance 500.00 100.00 10. Postage 100.00 50.00 16. Other New Equipment New Radio 1,200.00 800.00 Radar.Unit 1,200.00 800.00 Other-Equipment 1,500.00 - Training Supplies 500.00 - 17. Office(Supplies 900.00 500.00 18. Meters, Parts, Signs 200.00, 50.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 6,000.00 3,000.00 23. Wearing Apparel 2,500.00 2,000.00 24. Dues and.Memberships 250.00 50.00 25. Travel and Training 1,500.00 1;000.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry 200.00 - 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 200.00 150.00 38. Safety Council 350.00. 250.00 39. Board of.Fire 9;8.Police Commissioners 500.00 200.00 TOTAL $ 225,950.00 $ 98,950.00 C., CIVIL DEFENSE 43. 'Emergency Medical Training 1A0..00 - Radiological Training Expense Equipment Radios and Equipment 300.00 Shelter Materials & Equipment 300.00 - Miscellaneous 400.00. - TOTAL $ 1,100.00 - D. WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries. 35,000.00 2. Part Time S Overtime 7,000.00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 Engineering Fees 9,000.00 - 1 WATER DEPARTMENT - Continued 5. Engineering & Contract Work Water. Main Estension $ 75,000.00 Raising & Replacing Hydrants 2,000.00 Leakfinder 5,000.00 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 100.00 7. Electricity 91000.00 8. Telephone & Telegraph 500.00 9. Maps. Periodicals, Printing 500.00 10. Postage �'�800.00 11. Radio Service 100.00 .12. Licenses, Plates, Badges 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance - 650.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 1,200.00 16. New Equipment andior Furniture Adding Machine 500.00 Leak Detection Unit 500.00 17. Materials and Supplies 8,000.00 18. Meters, Parts, Gauges 15,000.00 19. Water Purchases 275,000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 800.00 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 23. Wearing Apparel 200.00 25. Travel and Training 100.00 27. Chemicals and Aggregate 500.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry.ltems 300.00 29. Miscellaneous 2,000.00 30. Equipment Rental.s 500.00 32. Office Rental 5,000.00 40. Water Revenue Bond Ordinance Principal and Interest 40,000.00 ' Reserve Charges 11,400.00 D. Depreciation 3,000:00 Bank.Agency Fees 250.00 TOTAL $ 510,050.00 E. SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Salaries 35,000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 5,000.00 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 3,500.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 5. Engineering and Contract Work Sewer Cleaning S TV Inspection 5,000.00 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 200.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing- 100.00 10. Postage 500.00 ll. Radio Service 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 750.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 2,500.00 16. New Euipment Adding Machine 500.00 New Pump and Motor 800.00 '17. Materials and Supplies 6,000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 23. Wea r i ng .Appa re 1 150-00 24. -Dues and Memberships 50.00 27. Chemicals and Aggregates 1,500.00 28. Small Tools and.Sundry 250.00 29. Sewer Construction 11,500.00 31. Bond 6 Interest (Revenue) 12,000.00 SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE - Continued 30. Equipment Rental 750.00 - 32. Bui ldi ng S Office Rent 10,000.00 - 33. Sewer Revenue Bond Ordinance Depreciation Fund Expense 1,000.00 - TOTAL $ 98',700.00 - F. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1. Salaries 25,000.00 - 2. Part Time and Overtime, 5,000.00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 750.00 - 5• Engineering Consultation 3,500.00 - 7. Electricity 8,000.00 - $. Telephone and Telegraph 200.00 - 9• Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 - 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 150.00 - 15.- Other Equipment Maintenance 1,750.00 - 16. New Equipment Lab Table €, Equipment 1,200.00 - Pump S Motor Replacement, 5,500.00 - 17. Mate,ria1s and Supo1ies 2,000.00 - 18. Gauges and Signs 200.00 - 19.. Water Purchases 350.00 - 20. Gasoline arid Lubricants 350.00 - 21. Fuel and Heat 1,000.00 - 22. Building and Grounds Maintenance 1,200.00 - 23. Wearing Apparel . 150.00 - 25. Training and Travel 200.00 - 27. 28. Chemicals, Cleaning Supplies Small Tools and Sundry 4,000.00 150.00 - - 29. MiscelIaneous 750.00 - 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 - TOTAL $ 61,950 :00 - G. STREET AND BRIDGE 1. Salaries 40,000.00 20,000.00 2. Part Time arid Overtime 15,000'. -00 4,000.UO 4. Insurance 2,000.00 1,000.00 5. Engineering Contract Work Widening Hackberry Ave.- 8,000..00 2,000.00 ,Breitling Lot Improvement 300,00 - Sidewalk Repairs 10,000.00 2,500.00 Waukegan Highway, Curb and Sidewalk 5,000.00 - Curb Reconstruction 3,000..00 - Street Construction; .Chestnut, Hazel, Woodland, - Westgate, Stratford 65,000.00 - Dutch Elm Disease Control 4,000.00 - 6. Advertising 100.00 - 7. Electricity Street Lighting 8,000.00 4,000.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 1.00.00 - 11. Radio Service 500,00 100.00 12. License .Plates, Badges 50.00 - 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 3,000.00 11000.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 4,000.00 750,00 16. New Equipment Distributor, Tar 2,500.00 1,000.00 17. Materials and Supplies Street Maintenance 50,000.00 10,000.00 18, Street Signs 3,000,00 500.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 4,000.00 2,000.00 23.' Wearing Apparel 200.00 - 1 1 STREET AND BRIDGE - Continued 24. Dues and Memberships 25. Travel 27. Chemicals 28. Small Tools and Sundry. 29. Miscellaneous 30. Administrative Overhead 47. Paving not covered by Special Assess- ments, Village Share 48. . Cedar-Street Bridge Construction Reforestation Land Purchase 49. Equipment Rental TOTAL 25.00. ?200.00 5,000.00 300.00. 5,000.00 10.000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 2,000.00 150,000.00 2,000.00 $447,275.00 TOTAL LEVY FROM THE TAX.FOR GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES Levied from the Proceeds of a Special Tax in Addition to All Other Taxes for the following purposes: H. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 20,000.00 BOND AND 'INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds Principal & Interest, 1954 40,000.00 Principal &.Interest, 1960 35,000.00 Municipal Bui.ldfing Bonds, 1956 Principal 10 , 000.00 Interest 4.000.00 TOTAL 89,000.00 i. POLICE PENSION, FUND Village's Contruction 24,000.00 K. PUBLIC BENEFITS TAX FUND Payment of Public Benefits ,.15,000.00 Levied for Street and Bridge Purposes from Special Tax in addition to all other taxes as provided by Revised Statutes, Chapter 23, Paragraph 11 -81 -2 Levied from a Special Tax for payment to the PoItce Pension Fund as provided by law, in addition to all other taxes Levied from a Special Tax to pay bonds and interest in addition to all other taxes Levied for Civil Defense purposes from the proceeds of a special tax as provided by law TOTAL OF ALL LEVIES 1,500.00 50.00 $50,400.00 $ 208,050.00 3711,875.00 34,725.00 10,000.00 2,875.00 85;475.00 24,000.00 50,400.00 24,000.00 85,475.00 $ 367,925.00 Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook County, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, 1964, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and "approval. PASSED: This 17th day of August, 1964. AYES: 4 ATTEST: Lt.A' Village Clerk APPROVED: NAYS: 0 I. K. Hearn Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 0 -64 -36 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COM- MENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1964 AND ENDING ON THE 30th DAY OF APRIL, 1965, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: Section. 1. That a tax for the following sums of money; or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all - expenses and liabilities of the Village, be, and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1964, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1965: A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION '='URi OSES FUND Amount of To Be Appropriation Levied 1. Salaries $85,000-00 $65,000-00 2. Temporary Employment 10, 000.00 - 3. Professional Services Zoning Recodification 3,000-00 - C. F.A. Services 6;500.00 3,000-00 Investigations & Studies 4; 000.00 - Other 2, 000.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 4,000-00 2,700-00 5. Engineering & Contract Work Parking Lot Improvement 30,000-00 - Partition Changes ,300:00 200.00 Village Hall Expansion Flans 5,000-00 - General I)-1000.00 - 6. Advertising, Legal _& Special 3)1500.00 1, 500: 00 7. Electricity - Lighting 1, 000.00 .500; 00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 5,000-00 3,500-00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 4,000000 1,200 00 10. Postage 2,500-00 1,400-00 11. Radio Service 600.00 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 200.00 100.00 13. New Motor Vehicle 1, 000.00 - 14. Auto Maintenance 2, 000.00 750.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 1, 000.00 200.00 16. Equipment andlor Furniture Public Address System 750.00 -- Visual Aids 100.00 - Finance Department 600.00 100.00 Page 2. A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PURP'OS'ES FUND - Continued 16. Equipment andlor Furniture TOTAL $360,550.00 B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 100.00 3,000-00 500.00 3,300-00 .300.00 1, 200.00 2,750-00 50.00 1j'00-0.00 600.00 100.00 200.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 4,000-00 250.00 $109,100.00 1 . Village Hall 809. 00 75,000-00 Village Garage 4,000-00 15,000-00 Building Department 800.00 17. Office Supplies 8, 000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 2, 000. 00 21. Fuel and Heat 2,000.00 22. Building & Ground Maintenance 4,000-00 23. Wearing Apparel 100.00 24. Dues and Memberships 1,500.00 25. Travel 1,200.00 26. Land, Rights of Way, 300.00 11. Lot Payments 125,000-00 27. Chemicals & Cleaning Mat. 500.00 28. Small Tools, Sundry Items 350.00 29. Miscellaneous- 500.00 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 31. Elections 2.9500-00 34. Legal Fees, Retainer 20J-000.00 35. Planning Commission 50.00 Planning Consultant 10, 000.00 36. Board of Zoning Appeals 500.00 37. Board of .Building Appeals 500.00 38. Dog Pound Operation 500.00 39. Youth Council 1,500.00 40. Sister City Committee 250.00 41. Human Relations Commission 500.00 TOTAL $360,550.00 B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 100.00 3,000-00 500.00 3,300-00 .300.00 1, 200.00 2,750-00 50.00 1j'00-0.00 600.00 100.00 200.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 4,000-00 250.00 $109,100.00 1 . Salaries 175,000-00 75,000-00 2. Temporary Employment 15,000-00 5,000-00 3. Professional Services 1,500-00 500.00 4. Insurance and Bonds 2,500-00 1'.200.00 5. Engineering Contracts 500.00 100.00 6. Advertising Notices 150.00 100.00 7. Telegraph & Telephone 1, 000.00 500.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 500.00 300.00 11. Radio Service 1, 000.00 750.00 12. License Plates, Badges 200.00 50.00 13. New Motor Vehicles 6, 000.00 4, 000.00 14. Auto Maintenance 4,500.00 2,500-00 15. Equipment Maintenance 500.00 100.00 10. Postage 100.00 50.00 Page .3• B. POLICE DEPARTMENT 16. Other New Equipment: D. WATER DEPARTMENT 1. New Radio 1, 200. 00 800.00 Part Time & Overtime Radar Unit 1,200.00 800.00 1,000.00 - Other Equipment 1,500-00 - 5. Training, Supplies 500.00 - 1 7. Office Supplies 900.00 500.00 18. Meters, Parts, Signs 200.00 50.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 6$000.00 3,000-00 23. 110earing Apparel 2,500-00 2, 000.00 24. Dues and Memberships 250.00 50.00 25. Travel and Training' 1,500-00 1, 000.00 28. Small Tools and Sundry 200:00 - 29. Miscellaneous 500.00 - ,30 . Eq uipm ent Rental 200.00 150.00 38. Safety Council 350.00 250.00 .39. 3d. of Fire & Police Comm. 500.00 200.00 TOTAL $225,950-00 $98,950-00 C. CIVIL DEFENSE 43. Emergency Medical Training 100.00 - Radiological Training Expense Equipment: Radios and Equipment 300-00 - Shelter Materials & Equipment 300-00 - Miscellaneous 400-00 - TOTAL $1,100.00 - D. WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries 35,000-00 - 2. Part Time & Overtime 7,000-00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 - Engineering Fees 9,000.00 - 5. Engineering & Contract Work TV,/ &ter Main Extension 75,000-00 - Raising & Replacing ' Hydrants 2, 000.00 - Leakfinder 5,000-00 - 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 100.00 - 7. Electricity 9,000.00 - 8. Telephone & Telegraph 500.00 - 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 500.00 - Page 4. 1 ' D. L17ATER DEPARTMENT - Contirued 10. Postage 800.00 11. Radio Service 100.00 12. License Plates, Badges 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 650.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 10200.00 16. New Equipment andlor Furn. Sewer Cleaning & TV Insp. Adding Machine 500.00 Advertising, Legal & Special Leak Detection Unit 500.00 17. Materials and Supplies 8, 000.00 18. Meters, Parts, Gauges 15,000-00 19. Water Purchases 275,000-00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 800.00 24. Dues and Memberships 100.00 23. Wearing Apparel 200.00 25. Travel and Training 100.00 27. Chemicals and Aggregate 500.00 28. Small Tools & Sundry Items 300.00 29. Miscellaneous . 2,000.00 30. Equipment Rentals 500.00 32. Office Rental 5,000-00 40. Water Revenue Bond 01-di Principal and Interest 40, 000.00 Reserve Charges 11,400.00 Depreciation 3,000-00 Bank Agency Fees X0.00 $510.9050-00 E. SEWER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE 1. Salaries 35,000-00 - 2. Part Time and Overtime 5,000.00 - 3. Professional Services Engineering Fees 3,500-00 - 4. Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 - 5. Engineering and Contract Work Sewer Cleaning & TV Insp. 5,000.00 - 6. Advertising, Legal & Special 200.00 - 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 100.00 - 10. Postage 500.00 - 11. Radio Service 100.00 - 12. License Plates, Badges 50:00 - 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 750.00 - 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 2,500.00 _ Page 5. E. SEWER DEPARTMENT N;1.I1ZTT!2;_ \1 NCE - Continued 16. New Equipment TOTAL $98,700.00 F. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1. Adding Machine 500.00 R. New Pump and Motcr 800.00 17.. Materials and Supplies 619000.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 500.00 23. Wearing Apparel 150.00 24. Dues and Memberships 50.00 27, Chemicals and Aggregate 1,500-00 28. Small Tools and Sundry 250.00 29. Sewer Construction 11,500-00 31. Bond & Interest (Revenue) 12, 000.00 30. Equipment Rental 750.00 32. Building & Office Rent 10, 000.00 33. Sewer Revenue Bond Ord. 2, 000.00 18. Depreciation Fund Expense 1,000.00 TOTAL $98,700.00 F. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1. Salaries 25, 000.00 R. Part Time and Overtime 5,000-00 4. Insurance and Bonds 750.00 5. Engineering Consultation 3,500-00 7. Electricity 81F 000.00 8. Telephone and Telegraph 200.00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 50.00 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 15.0.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 1, 750.00 16.. New Equipment Lab Table . & Equipment 13-200.00 Pump & Motor Replacement 5,500-00 17. Materials and Supplies 2, 000.00 18. Gauges and Signs 200.00 19. T47ater Purchases 350.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 350.00 21. Fuel and Heat 1, 000.00 22. Building & Grounds Maint. 1, 200.00 23. Wearing Apparel 150.00 25. Travel and Training 200.00 27. Chemicals, Cleaning Supplies 4,000-00 28. Small Tools & Sundry 150.00 29. Miscellaneous 750.00 30. Equipment Rental 500.00 TOTAL $61, 950. 00 Page 6. G. STREET AND BRIDGE 1. Salaries 40, 000.00 20, 000.00 2. Part Time and Overtime 15,000-00 4,000-00 4. Insurance 2,000.00 1,000.00 5. Engineering Contract V: ork ' idening Hackberry Ave. 8, 000.00 2, 000.00 Breitling Lot Improvement 300.00 - Sidewalk Repairs 10, 000.00 2,500-00 Waukegan Highway, Curb and Sidewalk 5,000-00 - Curb Reconstruction 3,000-00 - Street Construction: Chestnut, Hazel, T''rood- land, TA,estgate, .cAratford 65, 000.00 - Dutch Elm Disease Control 4,000-00 - 6. Advertising 100.00 - 7. Electricity, Street Lighting 8, 000.00 4,000-00 9. Maps, Periodicals, Printing 100.00 - 11. Radio Service .500.00 100.00 12. License �'-1lates, Badges 50.00 - 14. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 3,000-00 1,000.00 15. Other Equipment Maintenance 4, 000.00 750.00 16. New Equipment Distributor, Tar 2,500.00 1,000.00 17. Materials and Supplies Street Maintenance 50, 000.00 10, 000.00 18. greet Signs 3,000-00 500.00 20. Gasoline and Lubricants 4,000-00 20000.00 23. Wearing Apparel 200.00 - 24. Dues and Memberships 25.00 - 25. Travel 200.00 - 27. Chemicals 5,000-00 1,500-00 28. Small Tools & Sundry 300.00 50.00 29. Miscellaneous 5,000-00 - 30. Administrative Overhead 10P000.00 - 47. Paving not covered by Special Aaz( -usm ents, Village Share 15,000-00. - 48. Cedar Street Bridge C'onst. 30,000-00 - Reforestation 2,000.00 - Land Purchase 150, 000.00 - 49. Equipment Rental 2.000.00 TO TAL $447, 275.00 $50,400-00 Page 7. Total levy from the tax for General Corporate Purposes $208,050-00 Levied from the Proceeds of a Special Tax in .Addition to all Other Taxes for the following purposes: H. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Village's Contribution 20, 000.00 - I. BOND AND INTEREST FUND General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Bonds: Principal & Interest, 1954 40, 000.00 37,875-00 Principal & Interest, 1960 35,000-00 34,725-00 Municipal Bldg. Bonds, 1956 Principal 10, 000.00 10, 000.00 Interest 4,000-00 2, 87,x - 00 TOTAL $89,000.00 $85,475-00 J. POLICE PENSION FUND Village's Contribution 24, 000.00 24,000-00 K. PUBLIC BENEFITS TAX FUND Payment of Public Benefits 15,000-00 - Levied for Street and Bridge Purposes from Special tax in addition to all other taxes as provided by Revised Statutes, Chapter 24, Paragraph 11 -81 -2 50,400-00 Levied from a Special Tax for payment to the Police Pension Fund as provided by law, in addition to . all other taxes 24, 000.00 Levied from a Special Tax to pay bonds and interest in addition to all other taxes 85,475-00 Levied for Civil Defense purposes from the proceeds of a special tax as provided by law - TOTAL OF ALL LEVIES $-367,9.25-00 Page 8. Section 2. That the Village Clem is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of .Lake an: -! Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the seco_id Tuesuay in September, A.J. 19640 a copy, of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effeQt from and after its ,passage and approval. PASSED: This 17th day of August 1964. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 ATTEST: APPROVED: 73 <::::?14 (:� A Village Clerk ^� ___ �� i✓-ayor STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF LAKE ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of an Ordinance passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on August 17th, 1964. SEAL Dated this 20th day of August, 1964. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Deliver ONLY to El Show address where addressee delivered (Additional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described on other side. SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (must always be filled on) L(iC G' R. I M*MTURE 01 ADDRESSE 5 NT, IF ANY DATe DELIVERED SH WHERE DELIVERED (only if requested) c55 16 71548 3 F cFo POST OFFICE DEPARIMINT PKHAI;�y,��ir`�Art USr TO AVOID e ornelar e v CIST r, $aoo AUG G 9 9Z ' RK i oFF E.� JF. 1..•� ILL- • . ,dab IN�JCTIONS• Fill In Items below and complete instructions on other side, if applicable Moisten gummed ends, attach and hold firmly to back ofarucle Print on RETURN front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. 10*0 TO REGISTERED NO. NAME OF SENDER CERTIFIED NO. /6 d STREET AND NO, & P. O. BOX A4 o C) ,, ., NSURED NO. CITY, ZONE AND STATE ! J C55— IS- 71549 -5 —F 638 EDWARD J. BARRETT County Clerk /LOOK /AL c W � • �I t N O� COUNTY CLERK COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS CHICAGO Z September 1,1964 Mrs. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk, Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield,Illinois. Dear Mrs. Price: r I herewith acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 28th containing therein duly certified copies of the following: GEORGE S. SMITH Deputy County Clerk 1. Annual Tax Levy Ordinance 2. Ordinance concerning levy for Street and Bridge 3. Ordinance on Abatement of Municipal Building Bond Tax for 1964 4. Ordinance on Abatement of Sewer Improvement Bond Tax for 1964. Ordinances as set forth above have been placed on file in this office under date of August 31,1964. Very truly yours, /COUNTY CLERK OF C K COUNTY,ILLINOIS. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COJ13Ty Or LADLE ) Ss The undorsIgned hore:by cortifios that she is the duly enected, quail fled and acting Village Clerk of the Vi11age of %xU '.;ld, LnOW, and Ccok Counties, Illinois, and that the attached Is a true and accurate copy of an Ordinarcc passed by :ho "resident and Qoard of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on August 17th, 1964, SEAL Dated this 19th day of August, 1154. Catherine B. Mce Village Clcrk I .� August 28, 1964 Hon, Edward J. Barrett . County Clerk of Cook County 118 North Clark Street Chicago, Illinois Dear Si r: Enclosed are certified copies of ordinances relating to tax levies for the year 1964 for the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cobk Counties, Illinois, as follows: Annual Tax Levy Ordinaoce 2. Ordinance Relative to Tax Levies for Street and Bridge Papposes i' 3. Ordinance Abating.Municipal Building Bond Tax for 1964 4. Ordinance Abating SEwer Improvement Bond Tax for 1964. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price i Village Clerk it /