O-64-07ORDINANCE NO. 0 -64 -7 VARIATION TO ZONING ORDINANCE DEERF IE LD . Whereas the question of granting the following variation to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield has been referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a public hearing, and the Board of Zoning Appeals has held such public hearing after due notice as required by law; Now Therefore, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that a variation to the Ordinance for the Comprehensive Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, enacted May 4, 1953, as amended, is hereby granted to the effect that: Permission is granted for a variation from Secti on VII, C -5 from the required 75 ft. lot width to a 70 ft. lot width on the following property: The west one -half of Lot 5 in Block 10 in the replatting of lots 13 to 19, inclusive, and Lots 27 to 40, inclusive, in Block 11 in Deerfield Park Land and Improvement Association Subdivision, in the S. E. 1/4 of Section 29, Township 43 N, R 12, East of the 3rd P.M. according to plat thereof recorded June 1, 1909, in Book H of plats, Page-36, as Document 122780, in Lake County, Illinois, or commonly known as the lot located on the northeast corner of Holly Lane and Wayne Avenue. Passed this 2nd day of March, 1964. APPROVED: I. K. Hearn VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK PUBLISHED: March 12, 1964 in the Deerfield Review. 1 ORDINANCE NO. p -64 -7 VARIATION TO ZONING ORDINANCE DEERFIELD Whereas the question of granting the following variation to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield has been referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a public hearing, and the Board of Zoning Appeals has held such public hearing after due notice as required by law; Now Therefore, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that a variation to the Ordinance for the Comprehensive Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, enacted May 4, 1953, as amended, is hereby granted to the effect that: Permission is granted for a variation from Section VII, C -5 from the required 75 ft. lot width to a 70 ft. lot width on the following property: The west one -half of Lot 5 in Block 10 in the replatting of lots 13 to 19, inclusive, and Lots 27 to 40, inclusive, in Block 11 in Deerfield Park Land,and Improvement Association Subdivision, in the S.E. 1/4 of Section 29, Township 43 N, R 12, East of the 3rd P.M. according to plat thereof recorded June 1, 1909, in Book H of plats, Page 36, as Document 122780, in Lake County, Illinois, or commonly known as the lot located on the northeast corner of Holly Lane and Wayne Avenue. Passed this 2nd day of ATTEST: n VILLAGE CLERK hfarch 1964. VILLAGE PRESIDENT PUBLISHED: March 12, 1964 in the Deerfield Review. ORDINANCE N0. 044 -7 VARIATION TO ZONING ORDINANCE DEERFIELD Whereas the question of•g"ranting the following variation to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield has been referred to. the Board of Zoning Appeals for a public hearing, and the Board of Zoning Appeals has held such public hearing after due notice as required by law; Now Therefore, Be It Ordained by the President and Board.of; Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that a.variation to the Ordinance for the Comprehensive Amendment of the-Zoning Ordinance, enacted May 4, 1953, as amended, is hereby granted to the effect that: Permission•is granted for a,variation.from'Section.Vll, C -S .from the required•75 ft. lot width to'a 70 ft. lot width on the following property The•west one -half of Lot 5 in Block 10 in the replatting of lots 13 to 19, inclusive,-and Lots 27 to 40, inclusive, in Block ll.in Deerfield Park Land.and Improvement -Association Subdivision, in the S.E. 1/4 of Section 29' Township- 43 N, -R 12', East: of the: 3rd..P.M. according to plat thereof recorded June 1, 19Q9,.in Rook H of, plats,,. Page 36, as Document 122780, in Lake County, Illinois, or commonly known as the lo.t located on the northeast corner of Holly Lane•and-Wayne'Avenue. Passed this.: 2nd: day :oF 1964. APPROVED: .VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: r rw VILLAGE CLERK Published: March 12, 1964.in the Deerfield Review