O-64-05ORDINANCE NO. 0 -64 -5 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD' Whereas, the question of making the following amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield has been referred to the Plan Commission for a public hearing and the Plan Commission has held such public hearing after due notice as required by law, and Whereas, a proposed plat of subdivision has been submitted indicating that the average lot size is 14,324 square feet, Now,. Therefore,.Be It.Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the V,i l lage of. Deerfield that: • Section 1. :The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield passed May 4, 1963 and as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following section immediately after Section XII. 12.1 R -8 Use District: A. Use Regulations: Permitted uses are: 1. Any use permitted in the R -1 District. B. Building Height: The same regulations shall apply as required in the R -1 One- family District. C. Areas: The same reulations shall apply as required in the R -1 One - family District with''the exception that the minimum Jot area shall be 13,500 square feet, and the minimum lot width at the front bui ldi'ng line shal 1 be •80 feet; and with the further exception that on interior lots there shall be a side yard on each side of a main bui ldi ng of mot less than 10 feet and a. combined total of side yard of not less than 20 feet. D. Dwelling Standards: The same regulations shall apply as required in the R -1' One - family District. Section 2. The following described property shall be classified as a R -8 Use District: Parcel 1: The North West quarter_ of the North West quarter of Section 34, Township 43 North, Range 12,"East of the 3rd P.M., (except that part thereof lying Northerly and Easterly of the Center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch, as laid out in Nixon - Blietz Deerfield Devd4opment, Unit No. 1, according to the plat thereof,.recorded October 26, 1959, as Document 1049637), in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel 2: The South west quarter of the North West quarter of. Section 34, aforesaid (except that part thereof lying Easterly of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch), in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel 3: The South 20 acres of the East half of the East half of the North East quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range .12, East of the 3rd P.M., (except the West 100 feet thereof), in Lake County;•Illinois. Parcel 4 :. The East half of'the North East quarter of the North East quarter of Section 33, Township agd`R «singe aforesaid, (except that part thereof lying North and East of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch also except.the West 100 feet thereof lying South of the North line extended East of Lot 27 in Brierhill Subdivision also except the following described parcel of :land: Commencing at the North West corner of the East half of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of said Section 33; thence South along the West line of said East half of the North East . quarter of the North East quarter of said Section, a distance of 475.00 feet; thence North 64 degrees 54 minutes East 114.47 feet; thence North 38 degrees 30 minutes East 91.0 feet; thence North 88 degrees 35 minutes East 231.5 feet; thence North 63 degrees 16 minutes East 121.32 feet; thence North 40 degrees 51 minutes West 343.92 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 33, said point being 338.53 feet West of the North line of said Section, 320.06 feet to the place of beginning), in Lake County, Illinois. r , Parcel That part of the South East quarter of the South East quarter of Section 28, Township 43 North, Range 12, East'of the 3rd P.M., lying South of the center line of Deerfield Road and West of the center of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch (except that part thereof described as follows: Commencing at a point on the South line of said Section 28, a distance of 391.91 feet West of the South East corner of said Section 28, said point being the intersection of the South line of Section 28 with the center line of Deerfield Road; thence East along the south line of Section 28, a distance of 53.38 feet; thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West 32.34 feet to the center line of Deerfield'Road; thence South Westerly 50.52 feet along the center line of Deerfield Road to the point of beginning, also except that part there6f:11ying within a distance of 45 feet of the following described center line of State Aid Route 11; Beginning at a point on the West.line of the East half of the South'East quarter of the South East quarter of said Section 28, 3.43 feet North of the South West corner.of said East ,hal,f "of said quarter quarter Secti.on; thence Easterly 12.2 feet along a line parallel to a line forming an angle of 0 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds (measured from East to North) with the South line of said East half of said quarter quarter Sectiop; thence North Easterly 517.6 feet along a curved line to the left, concave North - Westerly,.having a radius of 818.57 feet, and tangent to the last described course; thence North Easterly 204.6 feet along a line tangent to the last described course to a point on the East line of :said Section 28, lying 283.53. feet North of the South East corner of said Section 28) , in Lake County, I 1 1 i not s. Parcel 6: The North 436 feet (as measured along the East line of Quarter quarter Section) of the North East quarter of the South East quarter of Section 33, Township and Range aforesaid (except the North 33 feet of the West half of said North East quarter of the South East quarter and except the North 33 feet of the West 100 feet of the East half of said North East quarter of the South East quarter), in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel 7: The North 436 feet. (as measured along the West line of quarter quarter Section) of the North West quarter of the South West quarter of Section 34, aforesaid, (except that part thereof lying Northerly and Easterly of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch and except that part thereof described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of said North 436 feet of said quarter quarter Section with the center line of West Skokie Drainage Ditch; thence West along said South line to a point 380 feet East of the South West corner of said North 436 feet of said quarter quarter Section; thence North Easterly along a fine which forms an angle of 24 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds as measured counter clockwise from last described line', 624 feet, more or less, to said center line of said ditch; thence South Easterly along the center line of said ditch to the place of beginning), in Lake County, IU 1 1 i not s. The zoning map of the Village is hereby ordered amended to effectuate this change. Passed this 20th day of January, 1964. ,APPROVED: Village C le rk . Passed: January 20, 1964 Approved: January 23, 1964 Published: January 30, 1964 I. K. Hearn Vi llage. President i L �' 1 • .f . y. > ORDINANCE —,_ S✓ VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Whereas, the question of making the following amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield has been referred to the Plan Commission for a public hearing and the Plan Commission has held such public hearing after due notice as required by law, and Whereas, a proposed plat of subdivision has been submitted indicating that the average lot size is 14,324 square feet. Now, Therefore, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that: Section 1. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield passed May 4, 1953 and as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following section immediately after Section XII. 12.1 R -8 Use District: A. Use Regulations: Permitted uses are: 1. Any use permitted in the R -1 One- family District. B. Building Height: The same regulations shall apply as required in the R -1 One- family District. C. Areas: The same regulations shall apply as required in the R -1 One- family District with the exception that the minimum lot area shall be 13,500 square feet; and the minimum lot width at the front building line shall be 80 feet; and with the further exception that on interior lots there shall be a side yard on each side of a main building of not less than 10 feet and a combined total of side yard of not less than 20 feet. D. Dwelling Standards: The same regulations shall apply as required in the R -1 One- family District. Section 2. The following described property shall be classified as a R -8 Use District: Parcel 1: The North West quarter of the North West quarter of Section 34, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., (except that part thereof lying Northerly and Easterly of the Center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch, as laid out in Nixon- Blietz Deerfield Development, Unit No. 1, according to the, plat thereof, recorded October 26, 1959, as Document 1049637), in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel 2: The South west quarter of the North West quarter of '" Section 34, aforesaid (except that part thereof lying Easterly of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch), in Lake County, Illinois. i r Parcel-3: The South 20 acres of the East half of the East half of. the North East quarter of Section 33, Township 43'North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., (except the West 100 feet thereof); in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel A :- The East half of the North East quarter of e Nor t East quarter of Section 33, Township and Range aforesaid, (.except that part thereof lying North and East of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch also except the West 100 feet thereof lying South of the North -line extended East of Lot 27 in Brierhill Subdivision also except the following described parcel of land: Commencing at the North West corner of the East half of the North East .quarter of the North East quarter of said Section 33;.therice South along the West line of said East half of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of said Section, a distance of 475.00 feet; thence North 64- degrees 54 minutes East 114.47 feet; thence North 51 degrees 15 minutes East 57.6 feet; thence North 38 degrees 30 minutes East 91.0 feet; thence North'88 degrees 35 minutes East 231.5 feet; thence North 63 degrees 16 minutes East 121.32 feet; thence North 40 degrees 51 minutes West 343.92 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 33, said point being 338.53 feet West of the North East corner of said Section; thence West along the North line of said Section, 320.06 feet to the place of beginning), in Lake'(bunty, Illinois. Parcel'5: That part of the South East quarter of the South East quarter of Section 28, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., lying South of the center of Deerfield Road and West of the center bf !the West Skokie Drainage Ditch (except that part thereof described as follows: 'Commencing at a point on the South line of said Section 28, a distance of 391.91 feet West of the South East corner of said Section 28, said point being the intersection of the South line of Section 28 with the center line of Deerfield Road; thence East along the south line of Section 28, a distance of 53.38 feet; thence North 22 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West 32.34 feet to the center line of Deerfield Road; thence South Westerly 50.52 feet along the center line of Deerfield Road to the point of beginning, also except that part thereof lying within a distance of 45 feet of the following described center line of State Aid Route 11; Beginning at a point on the West line of the East half of the South East quarter of the South East quarter of said Section 28, 3.43 feet North of the South West corner of said East half of said quarter quarter Section; thence Easterly 12.2 feet along a line parallel to a line forming an angle of 0 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds (measured from East to North) with the South line of said East half of said quarter quarter Section; thence North Easterly 517.6 feet along a curved line to the left, concave North Westerly, having a radius of'818.57 feet, and tangent to the last described course; thence North Easterly 204.6 feet along a line tangent to the last described course to a point on the East line of said Section 28, lying 283.53 feet North of the South East corner of said Section 28), in Lake County, Illinois. -2- Parcel '6: The North 436 feet (as measured along the Eases Tine of quarter quarter Section) of the North East quarter of the South East quarter of Section 33, Township and Range aforesaid (except the North 33'feet of the West half of said North East quarter of the South East quarter and except .the North 33'feet of the West 100 feet of the East half of said North East quarter of the South East quarter), in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel 7 The North 436 feet (as measured along the West line of quarter quarter Section) of the North West quarter of the South West quarter of Section 34, aforesaid, (except that part thereof lying Northerly and Easterly of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch and except that part thereof described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of said North 436 feet of said quarter quarter Section with the center line of West Skokie Drainage Ditch; thence West along said South line to a point'380 feet East of the South West corner of said North 436 feet of said quarter quarter Section; thence North Easterly along a line which forms an angle of.24.degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds as measured counter clockwise from last described line, 624 feet, more or less, to said center line of said ditch; thence South Easterly along the center line of said ditch to the place of beginning), in Lake County, Illinois. The zoning map of the Village is hereby ordered amended to effectuate this change. Passed this day of , 196. ATTEST: V1LLAGE CLERK APPROVED: ILLAGE PR Passed: January 20, 1964 Approved: January 23, 1964 Published: January 30, 1964 in the Deerfield Review -3- bt. 4. P go- LOW a Whereas, the question of making the following afilendahat to the ZoaW Ordireanes of the Village of' Deerfield has been referred to the Plain Cooamisslon for a publics hearing and the Plan Commission has geld such public hearing after due notice as required by lace,. and Whereas, a proposed plat of sAdivision has boon submitted indicatin that the average lot.: size - la 14,324 square feet. New, Therefore, Be It A,tdained by the esidtnt 'and bard of "Trustees of tie. tillage of Deerfield that: elLOL. . The Coffivrowelve Zoning ardir"ce of the vi.11aze of Deerfield ,passed May 4, . IOSS and as amended is hereby further antandad by adding tie foll wlag station. AM- Odlately after . Stet% AII . 12.1 R-8 gas D strieeti A. Ilse • ssul:atleas: Vermitted uses' are: 1. Any. use pamitted In. the :lei One - family District. D. Building Height: The sane ragalstlons shall apply as required In tko 11 -1 One-f"ily District, C. Areas# The Saone. r000lattone► shall. apply as rsquireed in the R -1 O" —"way District 14th the axe - option that the *IAAAM Lot .avea shall. bee 13, 600 agaaree feat, and the mi ls�we .lot WiAth at tike f"nt building 11" shall Ira as feet ;, No with the fmtlwv exceptles that, on lattriaev lots thane shall, be a side yawed on -each side of a cocain buildlag of not less than lA foet and a eombbwd tetal of side yard of get less than 2p ,feet. D. Reeling, Standardse Tke same regulations shall apply as requived In the R -1 thee- fandly District. Deaden 2. The following described property shaU be el assified as a 1-8 Use blatriot s isrce. _ l t Elie North chest quarter 'of the Worth Kest quarter of ia, Township 41 Korth, Image 12, east of the 3rd P.M. $ (except that part thereof lyiM Northerly and Easterly of the Cwter line of the Test Skokie, b nlxwp Mo'b, as laid out In S xon- Bliatz Deerfield Devels matt, MIt No. 1, aeacordiwg to the plat thereof, recorded detober 26 , 19S9, as bodumovit 1049637) , In Lake County, Illinois. r l 2 • The .South wrest quarter of ,the Iilorth Nest quarter of Section e:, •foressid (except that part thereof lyieg Easterly of the meter line of the West Skokie Hra urge Ditch) , in Lake Comity, I11is. Parcel 3: The ; south 20 a:c:r ad of the East .ha if of the . MT MIT of the North Ust quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North* Ronge 12, East of the Ord P.M.., (except th* West 100 foot thereof), in Lake County, Illinois, Parcel 4s. The East, half of- the. Furth East quarter of t ae n c'� East quarter'-of Section' 336 Township aind, . Range a.fe rosoaid, (except that part thereof lying North and Last of the center lino of the-West Skokies ' Drasiisci S a Ditch also except the West 100 feet thoraof - Lying ouRth of the Norm line extended East of Lot 27 in Brieerhiil Subdivision also txc apt the folloviag, described pirceal of 14-ad: Commencing et the North Wiest corner .of the -,E&at half of the North*.. Ust quarter of the North • seat quarter of said Section' 33; thence Soutie along lthe ost line of said last IvAlf Ot the North East gtierter of thec North East gasrteer of said, Seeet:ion, a',!. distance of 476.00 feet; thence North 64 dogreses 64 minutes tast 114.47 feet; thence, North 51 dogreas 15 :sainuiis East 67.6 feet; thence North 31 deeRree+eaa 30 miAute6 East. 9110 feet; ith4not 'Nor+th 63 degrees 35 minutes g4st, 23105 feet; thencec idorth .$3* degrees. 16 xi.nutes- East . . 121.32 feet; thenoe North 40 degrees 51 minutes West 3143.92 foot-to * a. point on the Worth liner -of said Section 330 .+said po nt being 338.53 feet West of the North East corner of said Section; thence Wash they North line ,of said .Section,. 320.06 Beet to the plaace',of bagin4ing), -in, LAke (bunty; Illinois. parcel 5; That part .o of rhea South Last quarter of the South �i aisx't q4 rver of 8e.ction 26, . Tawr►ehip 4.9 Ndrth, Riangee ,12� Fast of the :3rd, P.M. 0. lying South o£ the ' center of. Deeorflold Road and Waat of they center bf;.the -Wasst Skokie Drainage Ditch • teexcdpt' that part thereof described as follows CommonciAS at a point on the South line .of, said Se ct:ion ' 28 ;. a disataande, of 3 91.91 f *at Wilt of the South East corner bf.'ssaid. Section, 2.0, said- point being the intersection of the: South line of aeatton 28 vi:th the center 2.inas of Doerfi.et�d Roach; thence East along the south 'line of Section, 280' a distance' of $1.39% feet; thence North 22 degrees 63 ninutesi 30, seconds West 32.34 feet to the center l in-i of Deaerf ield. Road; th,eer►e South •Oaost6rly 50.52 feet slon f the center li.ni of Deerfield Road to the point of-bog ning, also except than part thereof lying within a distance of 45 foot cif the following described cantor lines of Staff to Aid Route 11; beginning at ax point on %bee Woot line of the East half 'of the South East quarter of the South Eaaest quarter of , said Section U, 3.43 feet north of the ' South meat corner of said East half of said quaarteer; ,quaxte.r .,Soction; thence taasstearly 1.2.2 toot . along a liho Para ilel tea a 'line. � orning .,ate angles' of .0 .do rose. 05 aeinutiss 10 sseeeondse (ssesaasureed fro* East to Forth) with the $ouch line of said East half of said quarter quarter Section; theence , North• Eas terl.y, 517.6 feet along as curved line to .thee left % concave North Westerly* bay.ing a radius of 61.6.67 'fe3eet, and tangent to tho last described coo rsae; thance' North Easterly 204.6 feet along a line tangebt to they 14tot described course to a point on the East line- of said $ a.ction 26, tying, - 233.53 fleet North of the South East 'a onner. of said Section M. in Lake County, Illinois. I a, Parcel 61 The North-436 feet (ae- measured along the East ."" ine or quarter quarter Section) of the North Ust quarter of tha South .Zaet quarter of Section 33$ Township and Reange aforoseetW f except the North 33 foot of the West half. of said Nppth 1:aast .gqulartor of the South et quarter and excerpt .theffi North 33 feast of the West 100 feet' of that fast halt Of'said North Last quarter of the o4th Zast quarter) # iA . Lake County', Illinois. Parcel 7-s' The North 436 feet (as %*aaurodc +along, then e�' !I '* of goarttr� qu.artcr Section) of the North-West, querter of the South West quartetr of Se rii on 34, aforevaid s f except that ", rt thereof lying Northerly and Uste rly of the reenter lines of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch And except that part ..thoiroof described oat follows, i to -wtt beginning at the intoreectioa of the Viauth line of aoiu- North +436 feet of said. quartar quarter Seert:ic�n waith the center line of Woot; 3koki*. Drainage Ditch; 'thenc.a Wont slang. said South lisle tae a po nt 360 facet East of the ac+uth 'West corner of said North 436 feat of said quarter quarter Sectlon; ..thonao North Lastearly. along ' as line which, forms an anpla of 24 .fie rises 20-minutes 30 se c' ondas as M*Asurod . counter olock� iiis from last descxyiheeed lines, 624 feet # viora or last a to said - center line, of said di.tCivy thencta' mouth Easterly aalon,g• the .conttt line of , said ditch to the �lacea ' oi' beeginnireg y • i n La #s County, Illinois,* The toning saes+. of the Village i.a hereby orOorod amended to offactuete th;i's dhonget,.'. Passe.cd thii day -of L') > •. i.t 6 . APPROVED; Z, 4WAA ArrEST: Passed: January 20, 1964 Approved: January 23., 1964 Published: January 30, 1964 in the Deerfield Review DZCLARhTI 0.1 of RMSTRIMON Now Cowes INKISFREE DEVELOPMENT CO., a corporation of Illinois, and AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO, a national banking ats,sociatioi! as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated September 18, 1963, and known as Trust N=ber 19408, being.the owners of the real estate hereinbelow described, and state that the following restriction shall apply to said real estate for a period ending on January 31, 1989. Said restriction shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the declarant owners and their respective successors and assigns. This Deciaration of Restriction is made to induce appkoval of the r®roning of the said real estate to the "fit -8" One - Family District classification by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake, and State of Illinois. Said restriction may be enforced by said Village of Deerfield. Said restriction may be revoked or amended from -time to time by written instrument, duly executed and acknowledged by said.Village of Deerfield and the then owner(s) of record of said real estate to which any such modification shall apply, recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Lake and State of Illinois. Subject to such modifications as may hereafter be prescribed by the Board of Trustees of said Village of Deerfield, the subdivision and development of the following described real estate shrill conform with the certain plan entitled "Master Dev®loyment Plan for Innisfree ", prepared by Robert C. �ecwr:Pe� � lu ke (saW� �eccart�err U� u1- y =LS Pr'1 c6c. �- 1 213 bH N Sale, Civil Engineer, Kenilworth, Illinois, dated October 7, 1963 and revised December 14, 1963 as the seventh draft thereof, which is on file with the Village Clark of said Village of Deerfield and which was duly approved as the Preliminary Plan or Plat of Subdivision by the Board of Trustees of said Village i of Deerfield by ordinance adopted on the 20th day of January, .� 1964. U PARCEL 1 The North Weat quart ®r of the.North Went quarter of Section 34, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., (except that part thereof lying Northerly and Easterly of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch, as laid out in Mixon- Blietz Deerfield Development Unit One, as per Plat thereof recorded October 26, 1959, as Document 1049637), in Lake County, Illinois. PArZCEL 2 The South West quarter of the North West quarter of Section 34,-aforesaid, (except teat part thereof lying Easterly of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch), in Lake County,Illinois. PARCEL 3 The South 20 acres of the East half of the East half of the North East quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., (except the West 100 feet thereof), in Lake County,Illinois. PARS The East half of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of Suction 33, Township and Range, aforesaid, (except that part thereof lying North and East of the cantor line of the Went Skokie Drainage Ditch, also except the West 100 feet thereof lying South of the North line extended East of Lot 27 in Brierhill subdivision, also except the follow- ing described parcel of land: Commencing at the North West corner of the East half of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of said Section 33= thence South along the West line of said East half of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of said Section a distance of 475.00 feet] thence North 64 degrees 54 minutes East 114.47 festt thence -2- � 1 I North 51 degrees 15 minutes East 57.6 feats thence North 38 degrees 30 minutes East 91.0 feets thence North 88 degrees 35 minutes East 231.5 feets thence North 63 degrees 16 minutes East 121.32 feett thence North 40 degrees 51 minutes West 343.92 feet to a point on the North line of said section 33, said point being 338.53 feet Went of the North East corner of said Section) thence West along the North line of said Section 320.06 feet to the place of beginning), in Lake County, Illinois. PARCEL That part of the South East quarter of the South East quarter of Section 28, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., lying South of the center of Deerfield Road and West of the center of the Went Skokie Drainage Ditch, (except that part thereof described as followsa Commenc- ing at a point on the South line of said Section 28, a distance of �39i.91 feet West of the South East corner of said Section 28, said point being ,the intersection of tke South line of Section 28 with the center line of Deerfield Roads thence Last along.the South line of Section 28, a distance of 53.38 feett then North 22 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds Vest 32.34 feet t6 the center line of Deerfield Roadr thence South Westerly 50.52 feet along the center line of Deerfield Road to the point of .beginning, also except that part thereof lying within ;•.a distance of 45 feet of the following described center line of State Aid Route lla Beginning at a point on the West line of the East half of the South East quarter of the South East quarter of said Section 28, 3.43 feet North of this South West corner of said East 8alf of said quarter quarter Sections thence Easterly 12.2 feet along a line parallel to a line forming an angle of 0 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds (measured from East to North) with the South line of said East half of said quarter quarter Sections thence North Easterly 517.6 feet along a curved line to the left, concave North Westerly having a radius of 818.57 feet and tangent to the last described courser thence North Easterly 204.6 feat along a line tangent to the last described course to a point on the East line of said Section 28, lying 283.53 feet North of the South East corner of said Section 28), all in Lake County,Illinois. -3- PARCEL 6 The North 436 feet (as measured along East line of quarter quarter section) of the North East quarter of the South East quarter of sesction 33, Township and Range aforesaid, (except the North 33 feet of the Vilest half of said North East quarter of South East quarter and except the North 33 feet of the West 100 feet of the East half of said north East quarter of the South East quarter), in Lake County,111inois. PARC EL, 7 The North 436 feet (as measured along the West line of quarter quarter Section) of the North West quarter of the South West quarter of Section 34 aforesaid, (except that part thereof lying Northerly and Easterly of the center line of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch and except that part thereof described as follows, to wits Beginning at the intersection of the South line of said North 436 fact of said quarter quarter Section with the center line of west Skokie Drainage Ditch; thence west along said South line to a point 380 fret East of the South West corner of said Worth 436 feet of said quarter quarter Section; thence North Easterly along a lines which forms an angle of 24 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds as measured counter clockwise from last .described line,624 feet, more of less, to said center line of said ditch; thence South Easterly along the center line of said ditch to the place of beginning), in Lake County,Illinois. Provided however, that upon the recording with the County Recorder of the County of Lake, State of Illinois of a Final Plat of Subdivision, one or more, of all or any part of the above described real estate, the same having been duly approved by ' the Board of Trustees of said Village of Deerfield as provided by law, the aforesaid restriction shall terminate without further action and shall thereafter be of no further force and effect s® to the regal estate included in any such Final plat of Subdivision. -4- This Instrument is executed by the undersigned Trustee, not personally but solely as Trustee under the terms of that certain 18th Septeirloar b3 19� Da agreement dated the ..................day of............................, A.D. 19...., creating Trust No.........................; and it is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto, anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, that each and all of the covenants, undertakings, representations and agreements herein made are made and intended, not as personal covenants, undertak- ings, representations and agreements of the Trustee, individually, or for the urpose of binding it personally, but this instrument is executed and delivered by the American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, as Trustee, solely in the exercise of the powers conferred upon it as such Trustee under said agreement and no personal liability or personal responsibility is assumed by, nor shall at any time be asserted or enforced against the American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, on account hereof, or on account of any covenant, undertaking, representation, warranty or agreement herein contained, either expressed or implied, all such personal liability, if any, being hereby expressly waived and released by the parties hereto or holder hereof, and by all persons claiming by or through or under said parties or holder hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago has caused its name to be signed to these presents by a Vice President or one of its Assistant Vice Presidents and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Assistant Secretary, the day and year first above written. American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago as Trustee aforesaid and not person By.................. ..... ATTEST. ubtant Vice President .. : ...................... .. i?.... ........... Assistant Secretary STATE OF ILLINOIS.l:. . COUNTY OF COOK JJ ..... ' .................. a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that ...... >. :m"• .................... Vice President of AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COAfPANY OF CHICAG , a tional banking association, and ... R °..0 °. MCCF-d ...,, Assistant Secretary of said national banking associate n J ersonaily known to me to be the same persons whose names. are, subscribed to the foregoing instrument as such .......... Vice President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, appeared before'.me' this day in person and acknowl. edged that they signed and delivered the said instrument as their own free and voluntary acts, ,and'as• the free aid `voluntary act of said national banking association, as Trustee, for the uses and purposes therein set forth; and the said•Assistant Secretary did also then and there acknowledge that he, as custodian of the corporate seal of said national banking association,- did - affix, the said corporate seal of said national banking association to said instrument as his own free and voluntary act, atad, as., We' free ati n• voluntary act of said national banking association, as Trustee, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. = GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this ....... ............. day ~of ru�.'�% , lg ,64 �ee�� roe !�.... (-a My commission expires . F+. �t ................. •Notary'13H ' Form 599 Rev. 4-62 . i i t I i COUNTY OF LAKE Wauke4an.Illinois II Libertwille. Illinois STATES ATTORNEY RECORDER COUNTY TREASURER COUNTY CLERK RADIO COUNTY HIGHWAY STATION HOME PROBATE COUNTY MAP CLERK HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT SHERIFF BUILD CIRCUIT ZONING CORONER I CLERK THANK YOU OFFICIAL RECEIPT THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT FOR THE ABOVE ITEMS ALL CLAIMS OR ADJUSTMENTS MUST BE MADE WITHIN TEN DAYS No. CO237.5 UARG9 ING.