O-58-19ORDINANCE 0 -58 -19 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: Pursuant to recommendation by the Plan Commission, made after a public hearing held June 27, 1957, following due notice as reg6i; red. by law, the Zoning Ordinance enacted May 4, 1953, be and the same is hereby further amended by diessifying as an R - I -A One - family District the following described property, to -wit: The North 3/4 of the West 1/2 of the North West 1/4 of.Section 28, Township 43 North, RAnge 12, East of the 3rd P.M., excepting therefrom that part lying North and East of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch in the City of Highland Park; and except the South 660 feet of the East' 660 feet, for whidh a Conditional Use was granted for public school and park purposes by ordinance enacted Apri.J 9 1958; except the North 200 feet of the South 1000 feet of the East 330 feet of the West 660 feet; except the East-100 feet of the South 200 feet of the West 660 feet, and except the lots abutting on the dedicated right of way of Wincanton Drive, in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. This ordinance shall be in full.f.orce and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law.'_ PASSED: This 34th day of April, 1958. ATTEST Village C le rk Passed: April 30, 1958 Approved: April 30, 1958 Published: May 8, 1958 in the Deerfield Review. 1