O-57-551.4 ORDINANCE 0 -55 -57 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF DEERFIE13 OF 1946 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: SECTION I. Sections 206 to 215 inclusive of the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1946 are hereby amended to read as follows: 11206 Definitions.) For the purposes of this Ordinance the following terms, phrase.s, words,uand their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. (a) 'Restaurant' shall mean and include any restaurant, coffee shop, cafeteria, short order cafe, luncheionette, tavern, sandwich stand,'school lunch, drug store and soda fountain serving food, and all other eating or drinking establish- ments, as well as kitchens or other places in which food or drink is prepared for sale elsewhere. (b) 'Itinerant Restaurant' shall mean one. operating for a temporary period in connection with a fair, carnival, circus, public exhibition, or other similar gathering. (c) 'Food Store' shall mean grocery store, butcher store, delicatessen store, confectionery store, bakery store milk store, butter and egg store, fruit and vegetable store, fish store, drug store, ice cream store, or any combination ofthe foregoing, or any place where food or drinks are prepared, handled, stored, offered for sale, or sold at wholesale or retail. (d) 'Food' shall mean and include all articles used for food, drink, confec- tionery or condiment, whether simple, mixed or compound, and all substances or ingredients used in the preparation thereof. (e) 'Employee' shall mean any person, including the owner-or proprietor, who handles food or drink during preparation or serving, or who comes in contact with any eating or cooking utensils, or who is employed in a room in which food or drink is prepared, served or sold. W 'Utensil' shall mean and include any kitchenware, tableware, glassware, cutlery, utensils, containers or other equipment with which food or drink comes in contact during storage, preparation or serving. (g) 'Village Manager' shall mean the Village Manager, the Health Officer of the Village of Deerfield or his authorized representative. (h) 'Person' shall mean and include any individual, firm; partnership, corporation or association. 207 License Required.) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a restaurant, itinerant restaurant, food store or food vending service or machine in the Village of Deerfield without having first secured a license therefor. No license shall be issued to any person who does not comply with the require- ments of this chapter. Said license shall be posted in.a conspicuous place, and is not transferable. The annual license period shall be from January 1st through December 31st, said licenses may be issued after proper application, investigation, and payment of the following fees for each year or portion thereof: 1. For each food dealer's establishment at which food or drink is sold or served for consumption on the dealer's premises ..... $20.00 2. For each food dealer's establishment at which food or drink is sold, delivered or dispensed for consumption other than on the dealer's premises ............ ............................... $15.00 3. Itinerant restaurants, daily or as provided: Each day's operation ..... ............................... $ 5.00 Total fee not to exceed for any one continuous operation $20.00 15 208 Application for License.) -1111 applications for a license to conduct a business connected with maintaining, or operating a restaurant, food store, itinerant restaurant or food trending machine in the Village of Deerfield as defined in Section 206, shall be made upon forms-provided by the Village and shall be referred to the Health Officer, who shall make an investigation of the-premises-to be used, and report his findings thereon, recommending or ad- vising against the issuance of the license. 209 Suspension, Revocation of License.) Any license may be suspended up to 30 days by the Village Manager, upon the violation by the licensee of any of the requirements of this Chapter. The Village Manager may revoke said license with the approval of the President and Board of Trustees, for repeated violations of any other oridnance provision relating to the conduct of business and pro - uisions of this. Chapter. 210 Inspections.) The Village Manager, Health Officer, or authorized repre- sentative shall cause to'be made such inspections as may be necessary to enforce this ordinance, and may also'take such samples of food, drink, and other sub- stances offered for consumption in the Village necessary for the detection of unwholesomeness or adulteration. The Village Manager, Health Officer, or g authorized representative shall have the right to enter upon; at reasonable �* hours, properties to make said inspections or obtain samples. 211. Unwholesome Adulterated Food or Drink.) No person, firm or corporation shall offer for sale, or keep for the purpose of selling or offering for sale, any food of any kind intended for human consumption which is spoiled or tainted of is unwholesome and unfi-r for human consumption for any reason, or which has been adulterated by any material harmful in any way, or which does not comply with the statutes governing the same. 212 Sanitation Requirements.). A. Floors. The floors of all rooms in which food or drink is stored, prepared or served, or in which utensils are washed, shall be of such construction as to be easily cleaned, shall be smooth, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. B. Walls and Ceilings. Walls and ceilings of all rooms shall be kept clean and in good repair. All walls and ceilings oaf rooms in which food or drink is stored or prepared shall be finished in a material and color which will not conceal the presence of dirt. The walls of all rooms in which food or drink is prepared or utensils are-washed shall have a smooth, washable surface up to the level reached by splash or spray. C. Doors and Windows. When flies are prevalent, all openings into the outer air shall be effectively screened and doors shall be self closing, unless dt;her effective means are provided to prevent entrance of flies. D. Lighting. All rooms in which food or drink is .stored or prepared or in which utensils are washed, shall be well-;.lighted. E. Ventilation. All rooms in which food or drink is stored, prepared or served, or in which utensils are washed, shall be well ventilated. F. Toilet Facilities. Every restaurant and food store shall be provided with adequate and conveniently located toilet facilities for its employees, conforming with the ordinances of the Village of Deerfield. In establishments hereafter constructed, toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which food, drink or utensils are handled or stored. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be self - closing. Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, and well lighted and ventilated. Soap or detergent and clean towels or paper towels shall be provided for hand washing. The use of a common towel is prohibited., Hand washing signs shall. be posted in each toilet room used by employees. "No employee shall resume work after using toilet room without first washing his hands." Lavatories shall be provided with hot and cold running water. 16 G. Water Supply. Running water under pressure shall be easily access- ible to all rooms in which food. is prepared or utenisls are washed, and the water supply shall be adequate in quantity and of a safe, sanitary quality. H. Cleaning and Bactericidal Treatment of Utensils and Eguirm nt. All equipment, including display cases or windowns, counters, shelves, tables, refrigerators, stoves, hoods and sinks shall be kept clean and free from dust, dirt, insects and other contaminating material. All cloths used by waiters, chefs, and other employees shall be clean. Single- service containers shall be used only once. All multi -use eating and drinking utensils shall be thoroughly and effectively subjected'.to an approved bactericidal process after each usage. All multi -use utensils used in the preparation or serving of food or .drihk shall be thoroughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal--process immediately following the day's operation. Drying cloths, if used, shall be clean and shall be used for no other purpose. No article, polish, or other substance contain- ing any cyanide preparation or other poisonous material shall be used for cleaning or polishing of utensils. I. Storage and Handling of Utensils and Equipment. After bactericidal treatment, utensils shall be stored in a clean, dry place protected from flies, dust and other contamination. Single- service utensils shall be purchased only in sanitary containers, shall be stored therein in a clean, dry place until used, and shall be handled in a sanitary manner. J. Disposal of Wastes. All wastes shall be properly disposed of,.-and all garbage and trash shall be kept in suitable receptacles, in such manner as not to become a nuisance. Garbage and trash cans-,.shall have covers. K. Refrigeration. All readily perishable food and drink shall be kept at or below 500 F. except when being prepared or served. L. '. Wholesomeness -'of, -Food .rand• - Drink. All food and drink shall be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage and so prepared as to be safe for human consumption. All milk, fluid milk products, ice cream and other frozen desserts served shall be from sources inspected by other govern- ment jurisdictions. Said inspection reports or permits are required to be filed with the application for license. M. Storage, Display and Serving of Food and Drink. All foods and drink shall be so stored, displayed and served as to be protected from dust, flies, vermin, depredation and pollution by rodents, unnecessary handling, droplet infection, overhead leakage and other contamination. No animals or fowls shall be kept or allowed in any room in which food or drink is prepared or stored. All means necessary for thb elimination of flies, roaches, and rodents shall be used. All food and drink shall be protected to prevent contamination while in the process of being delivered. N. Cleanliness of Employees. All employees shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at'all times while engaged in handling food, drink, utensils or equipment. Employees shall not expectorate or use tobacco in any form in rooms in which food is prepared. All employees shall wash hands with soap and water after going to the toilet. 0. Flies and Vermin. Premises used for the storage, preparation or sale of food intended for human consumption shall be kept free from flies and vermin and rodents. P. Miscellaneous. The premises of all restaurants and food stores shall be kept clean and free of litter and rubbish. None of the 17 operations connected with a food establishment shall be conducted in any room used as living or sleeping quarters. Adequate.lockers or dressing.rooms shall be provided for employees' clothing and shall be kept clean. Soiled linens, coats, and aprons shall be kept in containers provided for this purpose. Itinerant restaurants shall be constructed in an approved manner. 213. Disease Control.) Every person connected with a restaurant or food store whose work brings him in contact with the handling of food, drink, utensils or equipment shall have an x -ray of the chest every two years. This may be done under the direction of the family physician or at such time that the Cook or.Lake County Mobile Unit is in Deerfield. Such persons will furnish to the Health Officer evidence of negative chest x -ray so far as communicable disease is concerned. .. No person who is affected with any disease in communicable form or is a carrier of any disease, shall work in any restaurant or feed store and no restaurant or food store shall employ any such person suspected of being in- fected with any c'`isease in communicable form or of being a,..carrier of such disease. When this situation exists, or becomes necessary for the protection Col of public health, the Health Officer shall take any or all og the following measures: 1. The immediate exclusion of the employee from all restaurants and food stores. 2. The immediate closing of the restaurant or food store until no further danger of the disease outbreak exists, in the opinion of the Health Officer. 3. Adequate medical examinations of the employee add of his associates with such laboratory examinations as may be indicated. 214 Enforcements.) It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, or any other official or employee of the Village delegated to the purpose by the village president or village manager to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. 215 Penalty.) Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision- of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more the Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues." SECTION II. Section 217 of the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1946 is hereby amended to read as follows: 11217 Application - fee.) Applications for such licenses shall be made to the village clerk, and shall recite the name and address of the owner of the vehicle, the name or names of the persons from whom such deliveries are made, and the nature of the goods carried. The clerk shall issue such licenses and shall give to the village president a list of all such licenses issued. The annual fee of such licenses shall be Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) for each vehicle." SECTION III. Section 220 of the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1946 is hereby amended to read as follows: "220 Inspections.) It shall be the duty of the Village Manager, the Health Officer or his authorized representative to make or cause to be made such inspections as may be necessary to insure compliance with the provisions of this article." SECTION IV. SEPARABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction., such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision-and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. PASSED: This 13th day of November, 1957. ATTEST'i . _73. Village Clerk Passed: November 13, 1957 Approved: Novembe r 13, 1957 Published: November 21, 1957 Filed: November 13, 1957 Village 1 1 1