O-15-25VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0• -15 -25 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING APPENDIX J OF THE 2012 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 8th day of September , 2015. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 8thday of September 2015. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -15 -25 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING APPENDIX J OF THE 2012 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield has adopted the 2012 edition of the International Residential Code (the "Code "); and WHEREAS, the Village's Code Enforcement Supervisor has recommended that the Village of Deerfield adopt Appendix J of the 2012 International Residential Code entitled "Existing Buildings and Structures ", which would authorize the Village's Code Enforcement Supervisor, under certain circumstances, to accept less restrictive specifications for repair, renovation, alteration and reconstruction projects than otherwise specified in the Code when that would not compromise the life safety aspects of such projects; and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the public health, safety and welfare will be served by the adoption of Appendix J to the 2012 International Residential Code as part of the building code of the Village of Deerfield; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the above and foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. -1- SECTION 2: That Paragraph (b) of Section 6 -2 ( "Adoption of National Building Codes and Modifications ") of Chapter 6 ( "Building ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 6-2 Adoption of National Building Codes and Modifications: (b) The 2012 Edition of the International Residential Code, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., with the following modifications: (1) Section R101.1 Insert: The Village of Deerfield. (2) Table R301.2(1) Insert: Ground Snow Load = 25, Wind Speed = 90, Seismic Design Category = A, Weathering = Severe; Frost Line Depth = 42 inches, Termites = Moderate, Air Freezing Index = 1687, Mean Annual Temp = 48 J3) Section R313, Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems: Deleted. (4) Appendix J is adopted by reference pursuant to Section R102.5 of the 2012 International Residential Code. a * *tr SECTION 3: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terns contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. -2- SECTION 4: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 8th day of September 2015. AYES: Farkas, Jester, Nadler, Shapiro, Struthers NAYS: None ABSENT: Sei den ABSTAIN: None APPROVED this 8th day of September 2015. ATTEST: Vil ge Clerk -3- Village President APPENDIX J EXISTING BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES (The provisions contained in this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance.) SECTION AJ101 PURPOSE AND INTENT AJ101.1 General. The purpose of these provisions is to encourage the continued use or reuse of legally existing buildings and structures. These provisions are intended to permit work in existing buildings that is consistent with the purpose of this code. Compliance with these provisions shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this code. AJ101.2 Chumifleetion of work. For purposes of this appen- dix, all work in existing buildings shall be classified into the categories of repair, renovation, alteration and reconstruc- tion. Specific requirements are established for each category of work in these provisions. AJ101.3 Multiple categories of work. Work of more than one category may be part of a single work project. All related work permitted within a 12 -month period shall be considered a single work project. Where a project includes one category of work in one building area and another category of work in a separate and unrelated area of the building, each project area shall comply with the requirements of the respective cat- egory of work. Where a project with more than one category of work is performed in the same area or in related areas of the building, the project shall comply with the requirements of the more stringent category of work. SECTION AJ102 COMPLIANCE AJ102.1 General. Regardless of the category of work being performed, the work shall not cause the structure to become unsafe or adversely affect the performance of the building; shall not cause an existing mechanical or plumbing system to become unsafe, hazardous, insanitary or overloaded; and unless expressly permitted by these provisions, shall not make the building any less compliant with this code or to any previously approved alternative arrangements than it was before the work was undertaken. AJ102.2 Requirements by category of work. Repairs shall conform to the requirements of Section AJ301. Renovations shall conform to the requirements of Section AJ401. Altera- tions shall conform to the requirements of Section AJ5o1 and the regairementc for renovations. Reconstructions shall con- form to the requirements of Section AJ601 and the require - ments for alterations and renovations. AJ1023 Smoke detectors. Regardless of the category of work, smoke detectors shall be provided where required by Section R314.3. I. AJ102.4 Replacement windows. Regardless of the category of work, when an existing window, including the sash and glazed portion, is replaced, the replacement window shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 11. AJ102.5 blood hazard areas. Work performed in existing buildings located in a flood hazard area as established by Table R301.2(1) shall be subject to the provisions of Section R105.3.1.1. AJ102.6 Equivalent alternatives. These provisions are not intended to prevent the use of any alternative material, alter- native design or alternative method of construction not spe- cifically prescribed herein, provided any alternative has been deemed to be equivalent and its use authorized by the build- ing official. AJ102.7 Other alternatives. Where compliacec with these provisions or with this code as required by these provisions is technically infeasible or would impose disproportionate costs because of structural, construction or dimensional difficul- ties, other alternatives may be accepted by the building offi- cial. These alternatives may include materials, design features and/or operational features. AJ102.8 More restr(ctive requirements. Buildings or sys- tems in compliance with the requirements of this code for new construction shall not be required to comply with any more restrictive requirement of these provisions. AJ102.9 Features exceeding code requirements. Elements, components and systems of existing buildings with features that exceed the requirements of this code for new construc- tion, and are not otherwise required as part of approved alter- native arrangements or deemed by the building official to be required to balance other building elements not complying with this code for new construction, shall not be prevented by these provisions from being modified as long as they remain in compliance with the applicable requirements for new con- struction. SECTION AJ103 PRELIMINARY MEETING AJ103.1 General. If a building permit is required at the request of the prospective permit applicant, the building offi- cial or his designee shall meet with the prospective applicant to discuss plans for any proposed work under these provi- sions prior to the application for the permit. The purpose of this preliminary meeting is for the building official to gain an understanding of the prospective applicant's intentions for the proposed work, and to determine, together with the pro- spective applicant, the specific applicability of these provi- sions. 2012 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE' 837 APPENDIX J SECTION AJ104 EVALUATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING AJ104.1 General. The building official may require an exist- ing building to be investigated and evaluated by a registered design professional in the case of proposed reconstruction of any portion of a building. The evaluation shall determine the existence of any potential nonconformities to these provi- sions, and shall provide a basis for determining the impact of the proposed changes on the performance of the building. The evaluation shall use the following sources of information, as applicable: 1. Available documentation of the existing building. I.I. Field surveys. 1.2. Tests (nondestructive and destructive). 1.3. Laboratory analysis. Exception: Detached one- or two- family dwellings that are not irregular buildings under Section 8301. and are not undergoing an extensive reconstruction shall not be required to be evaluated SECTION AJ105 PERMIT AJ105.1 Identification of work area. The work area shall be clearly identified on all permits issued under these provisions. SECTION AJ201 DEFINITIONS AJ201.1 General. For purposes of this appendix, the terms used are defined as follows. ALTERATION. The reconfiguration of any space; the addi- tion or elimination of any door or window; the reconfigura- tion or extension of any system: or the installation of any additional equipment. CATEGORIES OF WORK. The nature and extent of con- struction work undertaken in an existing building. The cate- gories of work covered in this appendix, listed in increasing order of stringency of requirements, are repair, renovation, alteration and reconstruction. DANGEROUS. Where the stresses in any member; the con- dition of the building, or any of its components or elements or attachments; or other condition that results in an overload exceeding 150 percent of the stress allowed for the member or material in this code. EQUM7I'ENT OR FIXTURE. Any plumbing, heating, electrical, ventilating, air - conditioning, refrigerating and fire protection equipment; and elevators, dumb waiters, boilers, pressure vessels, and other mechanical facilities or installa- tions that are related to building services. LOAD- BEARLNG ELEMENT. Any column, girder, beam, joist, truss, rafter, wall, floor or roof sheathing that supports any vertical load in addition to its own weight, and/or any lat- eralload. MATERIALS AND METHODS REQUIREMENTS. Those requirements in this code that specify material stan- dards; details of installation and connection; joints; penetra- tions; and continuity of any element, component or system in the building. The required quantity, fire resistance, flame spread, acoustic or thermal performance, or other perfor- mance attribute is specifically excluded from materials and methods requirements. RECONSTRUCTION. The reconfiguration of a space that affects an exit, a renovation and/or alteration when the work area is not permitted to be occupied because existing means - of- egress and fire protection systems, or their equivalent, are not in place or continuously maintained; and/or there are extensive alterations as defined in Section AJ501.3. REHABILITATTON. Any repair, renovation, alteration or reconstruction work undertaken in an existing building. RENOVATION, The change, strengthening or addition of load - bearing elements; and/or the refinishing, replacement, bracing, strengthening, upgrading or extensive repair of exist- ing materials, elements, components, equipment and/or fix- tures. Renovation involves no reconfiguration of spaces. Interior and exterior painting are not considered refinishing for purposes of this definition, and are not renovation. REPADL The patching, restoration and/or minor replace- ment of materials, elements, components, equipment and/or fixtures for the purposes of maintaining those materials, ele- ments, components, equipment and/or fixtures in good or sound condition. WORK AREA. That portion of a building affected by any renovation, alteration or reconstruction work as initially intended by the owner and indicated as such in the permit. Work area excludes other portions of the building where inci- dental work entailed by the intended work must be per- formed, and portions of the building where work not initially intended by the owner is specifically required by these provi- sions for a renovation, alteration or reconstruction. SECTION AJ301 REPAIRS AJ301.1 Materials. Except as otherwise required herein, work shall be done using like materials or materials permitted by this code for new construction. AJ301.1.1 Hazardous materials. Hazardous materials no longer permitted, such as asbestos and lead -based paint, shall not be used. A1301.1.2 Plumbing materials and supplies. The fol- lowing plumbing materials and supplies shall not be used: 1. All- purpose solvent cement, unless listed for the specific application; 2. Flexible traps and tailpieces, unless listed for the specific application; and 3. Solder having more than 0.2 percent lead in the repair of potable water systems. AJ301.2 Water closets. When any water closet is replaced with a newly manufactured water closet, the replacement water closet shall comply with the requirements of Section P2903.2. 838 2012 INTERNAT 0NAL RESIDENTIAL CODED M3013 Safety glazing. Replacement glazing in hazardous locations shall comply with the safety glazing requirements of Section R308.1. AJ301A Electrical. Repair or replacement of existing elec- trical wiring and equipment undergoing repair with like mate- rial shall be permitted. Exceptions: 1. Replacement of electrical receptacles shall comply with the requirements of. Chapters 34 through 43. 2. Plug fuses of the Edison -base type shall be used for replacements only where there is no evidence of overfuting or tampering in accordance with the applicable requirements of Chapters 34 thmugh 43. 3. For replacement of nongrounding -type receptacles with grounding -type receptacles and for branch cir- cuits that do not have an equipment grounding con- ductor in the branch circuitry, the grounding conductor of a grounding -type receptacle outlet shall be permitted to be grounded to any accessible point on the grounding electrode system, or to any accessible point on the grounding electrode conduc- tor, as allowed and described in Chapters 34 through 43. SECTION AJ401 RENOVATIONS AJ401.1 Materials and methods. The work shall comply with the materials and methods requirements of this code. AJ401.2 Door and window dimensions. Minor reductions in the clear opening dimensions of replacement doors and windows that result from the use of different materials shall be allowed, whether or not they are permitted by this code. AJ4013 Interior finish. Wood paneling and textile wall coverings used as an interior finish shall comply with the Flame spread requirements of Section 8302.9. AJ401A Structural. Unreinforced masonry buildings located in Seismic Design Category Dz or E shall have para- pet bracing and wall anchors installed at the roofline when- ever a reroofing permit is issued. Such parapet bracing and wall anchors shall be of an approved design. SECTION AJ501 ALTERATIONS AJ501.1 Newly constructed elements. Newly constructed elements, components and systems shall comply with the requirements of this code. Exceptions: 1. Openable windows may be added without requiring compliance with the light and ventilation require- ments of Section R303. 2. Newly installed electrical equipment shall comply with the requirements of Section A1501.5. APPENDIX J AJ501.2 Nonconformities. The work shall not increase the extent of noncompliance with the requirements of Section AJ601, or create nonconformity to those requirements which did not previously, exist, AJ501.3 Extensive alterations. When the total area of all the work areas included in an alteration exceeds 50 percent of the area of the dwelling unit, the work shall be considered a reconstruction and shall comply with the requirements of these provisions for reconstruction work. Exception: Work areas in which the alteration work is exclusively plumbing, mechanical or electrical shall not be included in the computation of the total area of all work areas. A3501A Structural. The minimum design loads for the structure shall be the loads applicable at the time the building was constructed, provided that no dangerous condition is cre- ated. Structural elements that are uncovered during the course of the alteration and that are found to be unsound or danger- ous shall be made to comply with the applicable requirements of this code. AJ501.5 Electrical equipment and wiring. AJ501S.1 Materials and methods. Newly installed elec- trical equipment and wiring relating to work done in any work area shall comply with the materials and methods requirements of Chapters 34 through 43. Exception: Electrical equipment and wiring in newly installed partitions and ceilings shall comply with all the applicable requirements of Chapters 34 through 43. A3501.5.2 Electrical service. Service to the dwelling unit shall be a minimum of 100 ampere, three -wire capacity and service equipment shall be dead front having no live parts exposed that could allow accidental contact. Type "S" fuses shall be installed when fused equipment is used. Exception: Existing service of 60 ampere, three-wire capacity, and feeders of 30 ampere or larger two- or three -wire capacity shall be accepted if adequate for the electrical load being served. AJ501.53 Additional electrical requirements. When the work area includes any of the following arras within a dwelling unit, the requirements of Sections A1501.5.3.1 through AJ501.5.3.5 shall apply. AJ501S3.1 Enclosed areas. Enclosed areas other than closets, kitchens, basements, garages, hallways, laun- dry areas and bathrooms shall have a minimum of two duplex receptacle outlets, or one duplex receptacle out- let and one ceiling- or wall -type lighting outlet AJ501.5.3.2 Kitchen and laundry areas. Kitchen areas shall have a minimum of two duplex receptacle outlets. Laundry areas shall have a minimum of one duplex receptacle outlet located near the laundry equip- ment and installed on an independent circuit. AJ501.53.3 Ground -fault circuit- interruption. Ground -fault circuit-interruption shall be provided on newly installed receptacle outlets if required by Chap- ters 34 through 43. 2012 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE* 839 APPENDIX J AJ501.53.4 Lighting outlets. At least one lighting outlet shall be provided in every bathroom, hallway, stairway, attached garage and detached garage with electric power to illuminate outdoor entrances and exits, and in utility rooms and basements where these spaces are used for storage or contain equipment requir- ing service. AJ501.53.5 Clearance. Clearance for electrical ser- vice equipment shall be provided in accordance with Chapters 34 through 43. AJ501.6 Ventilation. All reconfigured spaces intended for occupancy and all spaces converted to habitable or occupi- able space in any work area shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with Section R303. AJ501.7 Ceiling height. Habitable spaces created in existing basements shall have ceiling heights of not less than 6 feet, 8 inches (2032 mm). Obstructions may project to within 6 feet, 4 inches (1930 corn) of the basement floor. Existing finished ceiling heights in nonhabiable spaces in basements shall not be reduced. AJ501.8 Stairs. AJ501.8.1 Star width. Existing basement stairs and handrails not otherwise being altered or modified shall be permitted to maintain their current clear width at, above and below existing handrails. AJ501.8.2 Stair headroom. Headroom height on existing basement stairs being altered or modified shall not be reduced below the existing stairway finished headroom. Existing basement stairs not otherwise being altered shall be permitted to maintain the current finished headroom. AJ501.83 Stair landing. Landings serving existing base- ment stairs being altered or modified shall not be reduced below the existing stairway landing depth and width. Existing basement stairs not otherwise being altered shall be permitted to maintain the current landing depth and width. SECTION AJ601 RECONSTRUCTION AJ601.1 Stairways, handrails and guards. AJ601.1.1 Stairways. Stairways within the work area shall be provided with illumination in accordance with Section R303.6. AJ601.1.2 (Handrails. Every- required exit stairway that has four or more risers, is part of the means of egress for any work area, and is not provided with at least one hand- rail, or in which the existing handrails are judged to be in danger of collapsing, shall be provided with handrails designed and installed in accordance with Section 8311 for the full length of the run of steps on at least one side. AJ601.13 Guards. Every open portion of a stair, landing or balcony that is more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor or grade below, is part of the egress path for any work area, and does not have guards, or in which the exist- ing guards are judged to be in danger of collapsing, shall be provided with guards designed and installed in accor- dance with Section R312. AJ601.2 %Nall and ceiling finish. The interior finish of walls and ceilings in any work area shall comply with the require- ments of Section R302.9. Existing interior finish materials that do not comply with those requirements shall be removed or shall be treated with an approved fire- retardant coating in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to secure compliance with the requirements of this section. AJ601.3 Separation wails. Where the work area is in an attached dwelling unit, walls separating dwelling units that are not continuous from the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing shall be constructed to provide a continuous fire separation using construction materials consistent with the existing wall or complying with the requirements for new structures. Performance of work shall be required only on the side of the wall of the dwelling unit that is part of the work area. AJ601.4 Ceiling height. Habitable spaces created in existing basements shall be permitted to have ceiling heights of not less than 6 feet, 8 inches (2032 mm). Obstructions may proj- ect to within 6 feet, 4 inches (1930 mm) of the basement floor. Existing finished ceiling heights in nonbabitable spaces in basements shall not be reduced. 690 2012 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE*