O-57-37298 ORDINANCE 0 - 37 - 57 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE "VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ZONING ORDINANCE - 1953" AS AMENDED. WHEREAS, the question of adopting the following amendments to the Village of Deerfield Zoning Ordinance - 1953, as amended,was referred to the Plan Commission to hold public hearings on October 22, 1956; and WHEREAS, after due notice published in the DEERFIELD REVIE'd on November 1, and November 15, 1956; and WHEREAS, such public hearings were held commencing on November 29, 1956; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission made its 'report to the President and Board of Trustees on February 5, 1957, and the report was received and filed by the Bo-rd of Trustees in an adjourned meeting on February 25, 1957; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, that: The Zoning Ordinance of the said Village enacted May 4, 1953, as subsequently amended, be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Section 1. Section IV of the said ordinance as amended is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION IV - USE DISTRICTS The Village of Deerfield, Illinois, is hcreby,divided into twelve (12) use districts; R -1 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. . . . R -1 -A ............................ R -2 .............................. R -3 .............................. R -4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . R -5 .............................. R -6 .............................. R -7 .............................. B-1 .............................. B -2 .............................. 0 & R ............................ M. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . One- family District One- family District One- family District One- family District One- family District One - family District Two - family District Multiple- family District Neighborhood Business Diotri6t, Central Business District Office and Research District Manufacturing District The boundaries of designated ditbricts are shown upon the map mado a part of this ordinance, which map is designated as the Zoning Map of the Village of Deerfield. The Zoning Map made a part of this ordinance and bn fi.lo"in the office of the Village Clork for the Village of Deerfield, and all notations, references and other information shown thereon, are a part of this ordinance and have the same force and effect as.if the zoning map and all such notations, references and other information shown thereon were fully set forth or described herein." r:� 1 299 Section 2. There shall be and is hereby added to and inserted in the said ordinance, as amended, following Section XIV thereof, the following to be known as Section XIV A. and to read as follows: "SECTION XIV A - 110 &. R" OFFICE AND RESEARCH DISTRICT A. PURPOSE: The intent of this section is to permit certain administrative and research organizations, which do not in any way detract from residen- tial desirability, to locate in an area which lies between a manufacturing district of intense activity and certain residential districts of passive activity, and thereby to act as a transitional district between said areas. The limitations as to height, ground coverage, and offensive characteristics are imposed to protect and foster residential desirability of the community. B. USE REGULATIONS: It shall be unlawful to use any premises within the 110 &: R" District for any other purpose than: 1. Offices 2. Research Laboratories The operations and activities of such uses shall be conducted wholly in- side a building or buildings, and no use shall emit odors, gas, dust, smoke or lighting effects to an extent offensive or objectionable to any surrounding or nearby properties. No merchandise shall be handled for sale or merchandise services rendered on'the premises except such as are incidental or accessory to the principal, permissablo use of the premises. No portion of any lot shall be used for open or unenclosed storage, except as provided in Section 4, Parking Regulations, and Sc.ctibn 5, Loading Regulations. C. HEIGHT: No building shall be erected or enlarged to exceed a height of two (2) stories nor shall it exceed thirty- -five feet (35') in height. D., AREAS:. The maximum ground area occupied by all buildings shall be not more than fifty per cent (50 %) of the area of the lot or tract on which a building permit has been issued, including areas dedicated as a park. 1. Front Yard: There shall be a front yard depth of not less than one hundred twenty -five feet (125') from the center of the road or street wherein there shall be no structure of any kind, or the parking of automobiles. 2. Side Yards: There shall be a minimum side yard of not less than thirty -fivo feet (35') on both sides of the building or buildings, but where the property is adjacent to a residential "R" District, f there shall be a side yard of not less than fifty feet (50') on the side nearest to the residential lots. The parking of private auto- mobiles may be permitted within the side yard areas, but no parking space or access driveway shall be closer than fifteen feet (15') to any lot zoned for residential use. 3. Rear Yard:- There shall be a minimum rear yard of not less than thirty feet (30') and there shall be no parking of automobiles or access driveway within fifteen feet (15') closest to any lot zoned for residential use. 4. Parking Regulations: In addition to provisions of Section X`V, (1), whenever any building is erected for any of the uses permitted in this district, parking space shall be provided on the lot or in tho building to conveniently accommodate one car for each three (3) employees, bsed on the greatest number of employees at work at one time, as well as the trucks or other vehicles owned or in the custody of the owner. 300 5. Loading Regulations: On the same lot with every building or part thereof erected hereafter, there shall be provided on the lot, adequato space for motor vehicles in order to avoid undue intor- ference with the public use of streets or alleys. Such space shall include a ten foot (101) by twenty -five feet (25') space with fifteen feet (151) height clearance, and one such space shall be provided for each twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or fraction thereof of floor area used for other than residential purposes, and not including parking space or driveways. Each of said spaces shall be provided exclusive of the required parking spaces and access driveways. All loading or unloading shall take place within the building, and a minimum of one (1) adequate space to accommodate trucks for this purpose shall be provided." PASSED: This 19th day of August, 1957. r APPROV Village Pre ent ATTEST: Village Clerk _ PUBLISHED in the DEERFIELD REVIEW on the 29th day of August, 1957. I.