O-57-02�2 ORDINANCE NO. 0 - 2 - 57 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that: Pursuant to recommendation by the Board of Zoning Appeals, following public hearings after due publication as required by law, the f oll w ing variances are granted from the strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance rely tive..,to the following described properties: At 1158 Wincanton Drive, a variance from side yard requirements replacing the previous variance recommended.so as to permit a nineteen foot side yard on the north and a five foot side yard on the south. A� 912 Warrington Road, avvariance from side yard requirements so as to permit a two foot side yard on the south. At 1363 Woodland Drive, a variance from side yard requirements so as to permit a ten foot side yard on the west and a five foot side yard on the east. At 704 Warwick Road, a variance from side yard requirements so as to permit a five foot -ten inch side yard on the east and a fourteen foot= eight'heh side yard on the west. At 1360 Woodland Drive, a variance from side yard requirements so as to permit a six foot side yard on the west and a fourteen foot side yard on the east. PASSED: This 14th day of TJanua , A'D. 1957. APPROVED * --- . Village President ATTSST: Village Clerk 1