O-56-03I�I 3— S� AN ORDINANCE providing for the submission to the Voters of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County; Illinois; the question of issuing $175,000.00 Municipal Building Bonds at a special election to be held in and for said Village on the 4th day of February, 1956. WHEREAS the present facilities for housing the general administration offices of the Village, as well as the Police Department, are wholly inadequate for the proper and efficient administration of the Village and its affairs, and it is deemed advisable and in the interests of the public that a municipal building be constructed to house the general offices of the Village, as well as the Police Department; and WHEREAS the President and Board of Trustees of this Village have heretofore estimated the cost of constructing'a new municipal building and does hereby estimate that it will cost not less than $175,000.00; and WHEREAS funds are not available for the purpose of constructing a new municipal building, as hereinabove described, and it will therefore be necessary to borrow money and in evidence thereof issue bonds of said Village, and before bonds can be issued the question of issuing bonds must be submitted to the electors of said Village and approved by a majority of the electors voting on said question at an election called for that purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That it is hereby determined to be in the interest of the Village of Deerfield to construct a new municipal building in and for said Village, as hereinabove described in the preambles of this ordinance, and for that purpose it will be necessary that this.Village borrow money and in evidence thereof issue the bonds of said Village. Section 2. That there be borrowed by, for and on beh&1f of said Village the sum of $175,000.00 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a new municipal building in and for said Village and that to evidence said loan negotiable bonds of said Village be issued, and that said bonds be designated "Municipal Building Bonds," one hundred 1 r r ORDINANCE NO. /QI AN ORDINANCE providing for the submission to the voters of the Village of Deerfield# Lake County, Illinois, the question of issuing $175 #000,00 Municipal Building Bonds at a special election to be held in and for said'Village on the 4th day of February, 1956. WHEREAS the present facilities for housing the general administration offices of the Village, as well as the Police Department, are wholly inadequate for the proper and efficient administration of the Village and its affairs, and it is deemed advisable and in the interests of the public tha't a municipal building be constructed to house the general offices of the Village, as well as the Police Department; and WHEREAS the President and Board of Trustees of this Village have heretofore estimated the cost of constructing a new municipal building and does hereby estimate that it will cost not less than $1/75,000.00; and ( WHEREAS funds are not available for the purpose of con- structing a new municipal building, as hereinabove described, and it will therefore be necessary to borrow money and in evidence thereof issue bonds bf said Village, and before bonds can be issued the question of issuing bonds must be submitted to the electors of said Village and approved by a majority of the electors Voting on said question at an election called for that purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, as follows: P Section 1. That it is hereby determined to be in the interest of the Village of Deerfield to construct a new municipal -1- J building in and for said Village, as hereinabove described in the preambles of this ordinance, and for that purpose it wi 11. be nec- essary that this Village borrow money and in evidence thereof issue the bonds of said Village. Section 2. That there be borrowed by, for and on behalf of said Village the sum of $175,000.00 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a new municipal building in.and for said Village and that to evidence said loan negotiable bonds of said Village be issued, and that said bonds be designated "Municipal Building Bonds," one hundred seventy -five in number, numbered from l to 175, inclusive, be of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, and mature serially $5,000.00 on the first day of January, 1958, and $lOp000,00 on the first day of January of each of the years 1959 to 1975, inclusive, and bear interest from date at the rate of not to exceed three and three -f ourths per cent (3-3/4%) per annum, payable semi - annually; provided, however, that of said bonds those maturing on January 1 of each of the years 1969 through 1975, in the aggregate principal amount of $70,000.00, shall be redeemable in the inverse order in which they are numbered on January 1, 1962, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption, Section 3. That the question of issuing said $175,000.00 Municipal Building Bonds of said Village, as hereinabove described in Section 2 hereof, be submitted to the legal voters of said Village at a special election which is hereby called to be held in and for said Village on the 4th day of February, 19560 between the hours of six otclock A. M. and five o'clock P. M. of said day, Section 4. That said election shall be held in the several election precincts of said Village heretofore established as election precincts for all Village elections and the polling -2» 0 place for each shall be as follows: PRECINCT NUMBER 1 Precinct number one shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying north of the center line of Deerfield Road. The polling place for said precinct shall.be in the auditorium -room of the West Deerfield Township Hall at 602 Deerfield Road. PRECINCT NUMBER 2 Precinct number two shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying south of the center line of Deerfield Road. The polling place for said precinct shall be in the Deerfield Village Hall, 711 Waukegan Road# Section 5. That the Village Clerk of said Village be and is hereby ordered and directed to cause notice of said election to be given by publishing notice thereof once in the "Deerfield Review," the same being a newspaper published and having a general circulation within said Village, and by posting notice thereof in at least three of the most public places in each election precinct and at each of the polling places designated for said election. The date of such publication and posting of said notice shall be not more than thirty days nor less than fifteen days prior to the .date set for special election above mentioned, and said notices as published and posted shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO VOTE UPON THE QUESTION OF ISSUING $175000.00 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in and for the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, -3- on the 4th day of February, 1956, at which time there will be submitted to the electors of said village the following question: Shall bonds in the amount of $1759000 be issued by the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a new municipal building in and for said Village, maturing $5,000.00 on the first day of January, 1958, and.$10,000.00 on the first day of January of the years 1959 to 1975, inclusive and bearing interest at the rate of not to- exceed three and �,L Gviv�LY three- fourths percent (3- 3/4 %),� provided, however, that of said bonds those maturing on January 1 of each of the years 1969 through 1975, in the aggre- gate principal amount of $70,000, shall be redeemable in the inverse order in which they are numbered on January 1, 1962, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption? That said election will be held in the several election precincts of said Village heretofore established for all Village elections, and the polling place for each shall be as follows: PRECINCT NUMBER 1 r. _ shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying north of the center line of Deerfield Road. Polling place for Precinct Number 1 shall be in the Auditorium Room of the West Deerfield Township Hall, 602 Deerfield Road. PRECINCT NUMBER 2 shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying south of the center line of Deerfield Road. Polling place for Precinct - Number 2 shall be in the Deerfield Village Hall, 711 Waukegan Road. The Polls at said election will be opened at six otclock A.M. and will be closed at five ofclock P.M. of the date of the election. All persons qualified to vote at regular Village elections are qualified to vote on said question, and voters must vote at the polling place designated for the election precinct within which they reside. .4w By Order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. DATED: This 9th day of January, 1956. JOHN D. SCHNEIDER, President ATTEST: CATHERINE PRICE, Village Clerk Section 6. That for said Special Election the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges and Clerks, to -wit: JUDGES PRECINCT NUMBER 1 CLERKS J. K. Vetter Katherine L. Paul Rose Cahill Marie Silence Ida Hazel Clifford Harriet King PRECINCT NUMBER 2 JUDGES CLERKS William A. Haggie Dorothy Goodpatture Florence Jacobs P.atline L. Rundell Grace Ward Hattie Wessling Section 7. That the ballot to be used at said election for the purpose of submitting the question to the voters shall be substantially in the f6llowing form: - 5 - ( Face of Ballot ) OFFICIAL BALLOT QUESTION TO ISSUE $1750'000.00 MUNICIPAL NUILDING BONDS (INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS: Place a cross (X) in the square opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote.) On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Special Election held on the 4th day of February, 1956, to vote on the question of issuing $175,000.00 Municipal Building Bonds of the Village of Deerfield, 'Lake County, Illinois. Election Precinct Number Polling Place (Facsimile Signature) Village. Clerk Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois -6M Shall bonds in the amount of 4175,000.00 : be issued by the Village of Deerfield, Lake • County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying ; the cost of constructing a new municipal building in and for said Village, maturin : a $5,000,00 on the first day of January, 1958 : YES _ and $10,000.00 bn the first day of January ; 1^ �- ,o of each of the years 1959 to 1975 inclusive,: .� . and bearing interest at the rate of not to �__exce.ed_three and three-fourths percent 3 3/4 %L; provided, however, that of said bonds those maturing on January 1 of each 0 of the years 1969 through 1975, in the aggregate principal amount of 470,000 shall a be redeemable in the inverse order in which they are numbered on January 1, 1962, or on : NO : any interest payment date thereafter, at : par and accrued interest to the date of redemption. On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Special Election held on the 4th day of February, 1956, to vote on the question of issuing $175,000.00 Municipal Building Bonds of the Village of Deerfield, 'Lake County, Illinois. Election Precinct Number Polling Place (Facsimile Signature) Village. Clerk Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois -6M 4 Section 8. That the Village Clerk is hereby ordered to cause a sample of the ballot to be published once in the DEERFIELD REVIEW , the same being a newspaper published and having a general circulation in said Village, not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for said election and to procure and prepare all necessary election material for holding and conducting said election. Section 9. That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED: This 9th day of January, 1956. APPROVED: This 9th day of XJanua y , 1956. Vil aae Predident ATTEST: aZLA��� 73. Village Clerk -7- CERTIFICATE TO ORDINANCE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS. LAKE COUNTY ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Village Clerk of Deerfield# Lake County, Illinois, and as such, custodian of the records of the Village, and that the attached is a true, complete and accurate copy of an ordinance duly enacted by the Board of Trustees of said Village at a duly convened regular meeting thereof held January 9, 1956, and approved by the Village President on the same day, all of which appears on the records of the Village. (SEAL) Dated this /0 0'- day of / 9--�- `�� 1956. -30% Village Clerk 1� f seventy -five in number, numbered from 1--to 175, inclusive, be of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, and mature serially $5,000:00 on the first day of .January, 1958, and $10,000.00 on the first day of January of each of the years 1959 to 1975, inclusive, and bear interest from date at the rate of not to exceed three and three - fourths per cent (3T3/4 %) per annum, payable semi - annually; provided, however, that of said bonds those maturing on January 1 of each of the years 1969 through 1975, in the aggregate principal amount of $70,000.00, shall be redeemable in the inverse number in which they are numbered on January 1, 1962, or on any interest date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption. CSC �t Section That the question of issuing said $175,000.00 Municipal U Building Bonds of said Village, as hereinabove described in Section 2 hereof, be submitted to the legal voters of said Village at a special election which is hereby called to be held in and for said Village on the 4th day of February, 1956, between the hours of six o'clock A.M. and five o'clock. P.M. of said day. -Section !�. That said election shall be held in the several election precincts of said Village heretofore established as election precincts for all Village elections and the polling place for each shall be as follows: PRECINCT NUMBER 1 Precinct number one shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying north of the center line of Deerfield Road.. The polling place for said precinct shall be in the auditorium -room of the West Deerfield Town- ship Hall at 602 Deerfield Road. PRECINCY NUMBER 2 Precinct number two shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying south of the center line of Deerfield Rca d. The polling place for said precinct shall be in the Deerfield Village Hall, 711 Waukegan Road. Section L. That the Village Clerk of said Village be and is hereby ordered and directed to cause notice of said election to be given by publishing notice thereof once in the "Deerfield Review ", the same being a newspaper published and having a general circulation within said Village, 1�2 ? #i and by posting notice thereof in at least three of the most public places in each election precinct and at each of the polling places designated for said election. The date of such publication and posting of said notice Shall be not more than thirty days nor less than fifteen days prior to the date set for special election above mentioned, and said notice as published and posted shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO VOTE UPON THE QUESTION OF ISSUING $175,000.00 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in and for the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, on the 4th day of February, 1956, at which time there will be submitted to the electors of said village the following question: Shall bonds in the amount of $175,000 be issued by the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a new municipal building in and for said Village, maturing $5,000.00 on the first day of January, 1958, and7.$10090.00 on the first day of January of the years 1959 to 1975, inclusive and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed three and three - fourths per cent (3- 3/490 per annum; provided, however, that of said bonds those maturing on January 1 of each of the years 1969 through 1975, in the aggregate principal amount of $70,000, shall be redeemable in the inverse number in which they are numbered on January 1, 1962, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption? That said election will be held in the several election precincts of said Village heretofore established for all Village elections, and the polling places for each shall be as follows: RRECINCT NUMBER 1 shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying north of the center line of Deerfield Road. Polling place for Precinct Number 1 shall be in the Auditorium Room of the West Deerfield Township Hall, 602 Deerfield Rodd. PRECINCT NUMBER 2 shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying south of the center line of Deerfield Road. 1 kl E� [i LJ Polling place for Precinct Number 2 shall be in the Deerfield Vilbge Hall, 711 Waukegan Road. The Polls at said election will be opened at six o'clock A.M. and will be closed at five o'clock P.M. of the date of the election. All persons qualified to vote at regular Village elections are qualified to vote on said question, and voters must vote at the polling place designated for the election precinct within which they reside. By Order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. DATED: This 9th day of January, 1956. JOHN D. SCHNEIDER, President ATTEST: CATHERINE B. PRICE, Village Clerk Section 6. That for said Special Election the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Judges and Clerks, to -wit: PRECINCT NUMBER 1 JUDGES CLERKS J. K. Vetter Katherine L. Paul Rose Cahill Marie Silence Ida Hazel Clifford Harriet King PRECINCT NUMBER 2 JUDGES CLERKS William A. Haggie Dorothy Goodpasture Florence Jacobs Pauline L. Rundell Grace Ward Hattie Wessling Section 7. That the ballot to be used at said election for the purpose of submitting the question to the voters shall be in substantially the following form: 184 ( Face of Ballot ). OFFICIAL BALLOT QUESTION TO ISSUE $175,000.00 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Place a cross (X) in the square opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote.) Shall bonds in the amount of $175,000,00 be issued by the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a new municipal building in and for said Village, maturing YES • $5,000.00 on the first day of January, 1958 • and $10,000.00 on the first day of January of each of the years 1959 to 1975 inclusive, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed three and three- fourths percent (3 -3/4 %) per annum; provided, however, that of said bonds those maturing on January 1 of each of the years 1969 through 1975, in the aggregate principal amount of $70,000 shall be redeemable in the inverse order in which they are numbered NO on January 1, 1962, or on any interest date there- . after, at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption? , On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Special Election held on the 4th day of February, 1956, to vote on the question of issuing $175,000.00 Municipal Building Bonds of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. Election Precinct Number Polling Place (Facsimile Si nature_ Village Clerk Village of Deerfield Lake County, Illinois Section 8. That the Village Clerk is hereby ordered to cause a sample ballot to be published once_in the DEERPIELD REVIEW, the same being a news- paper published and having a general circulation in said Village, not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for said election and to.procure and prepare all necessary election materials for holding and conduting said election. Section 9. That this Ordinance shall become effective immendately upon its passage and approval. PASSED: This 9th day of January, 1956. APPROVED: This 9th day of January, 1956 ATTEST: n Village President Village Clerk t, 1 it) C�? U 1 :1 0 a -3 -5-� ORDINANCE NO. 192 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield,. that: 1. Bus Zones. The following areas are hereby designated as bus stops, namely: a. The 63 feet along the south curb line of Deerfield.Road, beginning at the southeast intersection of the Deerfield aid Waukegan Road. curb lines. b. The 65 feet along the north curb line of Deerfield Road, beginning at the northwest intersection of the Deerfield and Waukegan Road curb lines. It shill be unlawful to park any vehicle-other than a licensed bus carrying passengers for -hire at any bus stop or bus loading zone between the hours of 6:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. on any day except Sundays and holidays. 2. Truck Loading Zones. The following areas are hereby.designated and established'as truck loading zones, namely: The 41 feet along the easterly curb line of Waukegan Road, beginningE; at the northeast intersection of the Deerfield and Waukegan Road curb lines. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle other than a truck or freight carrying vehicle in any truck loading zone during the hours hereinafter named; and it shall-be unlawful to park any truck or freight carrying vehicle in such zone for a longer period than necessary to load or unload materials, not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes, in any event; between the hours of 6:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. on any day except Sundays and holidays. 3. Repeal. Ordinance No. 185, passed the 12th day of December, 1955, is hereby repealed. 4. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) nor more than FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) for each offense. PASSED: This 9th day of January, 4A.D., 56. APP ROVEDlage President ATTEST: Village Clerk