O-1122 0
Section 1: A local improvement shall be made in the Village of
Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, the nature, character, locality and
description of which shall be as follows:
The roadway and other parts of Elder Lane, from the East line
thereof to the existing pavement in Waukegan Road shall be improved by
grading, draining and paving with macadam and bituminous wearing surface,
and the construction of a storm sewer, in accordance with the following
The finished roadway shall be twenty -four (24) feet in width,
except at the east end thereof where it shall be widened the full width
of the street from the east line thereof to a point fifteen (15) feet
west of the east line, and except at Waukegan Road where the pavement
shall be widened to meet the return of the existing pavement in Waukegan
A ten (10) inch storm sewer shall be constructed along a line
fifteen (15) feet south of and parallel with the north line of Elder
Lane except as it approaches the existing manhole near the centerline
of the street at a point six hundred thirty -five (635) feet west of the
east line of Elder Lane.
The elevation of the flow line of said storm sewer at its western
terminus shall be 106.6 and shall meet the flow line of the existing sewer
at the manhole.
One inlet basin shall be constructed in the south edge of the
proposed pavement at the east line of Waukegan Road. One manhole catch
basin shall be constructed on the proposed sewer on the north edge of the
proposed pavement at the east line of Waukegan Road. One catch basin
shall be constructed in the south edge and one in the north edge of the
proposed pavement at points 265 feet west of the east line of Elder Lane.
Said inlet basin and catch basins shall be connected with the
existing or proposed storm sewer by means of concrete sewer pipe 8 inches
internal diameter.
PAVEMENT GRADES: The grades of the finished surface of the pavement along
the centerline thereof and all elevations given herein shall be the number
of feet and decimal parts thereof.above the datum established by ordinance
of said Village.
Elevation at east line of Elder Lane 102.15
Elevation 350 feet west of east line of
Elder Lane 107.65
Elevation 550 feet west of east line of
Elder Lane 109.90
Elevation at Waukegan Road, same as
existing pavement
The grade between specified points shall be uniform. The grade
111) along the outer edges of the proposed pavement shall be four (4) inches
�i lower than the grade along the center line thereof except where said
pavement meets existing pavements to which grade they shall conform,.
In cross section the pavement shall be parabolic in shape, the
surface being one inch below the center line grade at a point half way
between the center line and edge.
GRADING: The surface of the ground within the limits of the roadway and
throughout the length of the proposed improvement shall be cleaned of all
trees, brushm stumps and roots and other perishable matter. Stumps and
roots within the area to be paved shall be removed to a depth of at least
one (1) foot below the finished sub - grade. Stumps beyond said limits shall
be cut off not less than six (6) inches below the established grade.
That portion of the street herein provided to be improved shall
be graded and brought to a subgrade so that after being rolled and
thoroughly compacted it will be nine and one - fourth (q) inches below
the grade of the top surface of the finished pavement as herein specified.
After grading, the subgrade shall be thoroughly rolled throughout
with a self - propelling roller weighing not less than five (5) tons and
all parts of the subgrade which cannot be so rolled shall be equivalently
tamped, and any depressions appearing shall be filled with earth free from
animal or vegetable matter and the surface thereof shall be re- rolled, which
process shall be repeated until the subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted,
true to the contour of the finished pavement and ready to receive the same.
MACADAM PAVEMENT: The macadam pavement provided for herein shall be seven (7)
inches in thickness after compaction and shall be constructed as follows:
FIRST COURSE: The first course to be laid upon the subgrade as pre-
pared shall be five (5) inches in thickness after being rolled and shall be
composed of cleaned crushed limestone of sufficient size to pass a three (3)'
inch screen and retained upon a one and one -half (1�) inch screen. Said
stone shall be evenly spread over the sub grade and into this stone course
shall be incorporated one and one -half (1T) inches of limestone screenings.
The screenings shall be vibrated into the stone course first by dry rolling
and brooming, then water -bound into place. If any areas show open voids in the
stone course, more screenings shall be spread until all voids are filled. The
rolling and eater - binding shall continue until the base course is firm and
solid. Any depressions appearing after rolling shall be filled with crushed
stone and screenings, water -bound and rolled into place, until the finished
surface shall conform to the contour of the finished roadway.
SECOND COURSE: Upon the first course as thus prepared shall be evenly
spread a layer of crushed stone of sufficient,size to pass a one and one-
half (1�) inch screen and be retained upon a one (1) inch screen. This
second course shall be two (2) inches in thickness and shall be covered
with a layer of keystone chips, spread at the rate of eightenn (18) to
twenty -five (25) pounds per square yard, broomed and rolled until all inter-
stices are uniformly filled. The keystone chips shall be three - eighths (3 /8)
to three - quarters (3/4) inch in size. The roadway shall be thoroughly rolled
with a ten (10) ton roller and any depression appearing shall be built up
with keystone chips until the finished surface conforms to the contour of the
finished roadway.
Upon the last course as thus prepared shall be spread a layer of dry
limestone screenings one -half (�) inch in thickness. The surface shall then
be thoroughly broomed until all interstices are filled, watered and then rolled
with a ten (10) ton roller. Any depressions appearing after rolling shall be
built up with chips and screenings lentil the finished roadway shall conform
to the cross section and grade shown on the plans.
WEARING SURFACE: Upon the macadam pavement as thus constructed shall be laid
a bituminous concrete binder course one and one - fourth inches in thickness,
after compaction, and upon this course shall be laid a bituminous concrete
surface course, fine dense - graded aggregate type, one (1) inch in thickness
after compaction. Said binder course and surface course shall be manufactured
and laid in accordance with Section 45, Articles 45.1 to 45.20 both inclusive,
entitled "Bituminous Concrete Binder and Surface Courses Fine Dense - Graded
Aggregate Type, Class I, Subclass I -11" of Standard Specifications for Road
and Bridge Construction of the State of Illinois, Division of Highways as
adopted January 2, 1952.
CATCH BASINS: All catch basins herein provided for shall be: constructed of
concrete blocks laid up in mortar composed by volume of one (1) part Portland
cement and two (2) parts clean sharp sand. The inside diameter of said catch
basins shall be four (4) feet, walls five (5) inches thick and floor six (6)
inches thick. Height over all shall be eight (8) feet two (2) inches and
each catch basin shall be furnished with an eight (8) inch concrete pipe trap
and a cast iron frame and perforated cover, frame and cover to weigh not less
than four hundred (400) pounds.
MANHOLE.CATCHBASINS: All manhole catchbasins provided for herein shall be
constructed the same as catch basins and the overall height shall be determined
by the depth of the sewer where located, the top of the floor of the basin to
be three (3).-.feet below the flow line of the sewer. Each manhole catch basin
shall be provided with a cast iron frame and cover as specified for catch basins.
INLET BASINS: All inlet basins provided for herein shall be constructed of
concrete blocks laid up in mortar as specified for catch basins. The inside
diameter of said inlet basins shall be eighteen (18) inches, walls five (5)
inches thick and floor six (6) inches thick. Height overall shall be two (2)
feet and each inlet basin shall be furnished with a cast iron frame and cover
as specified for catch basins.
Each inlet basin or catch basin shall be connected with the existing or proposed
storm water sewers by means of concrete sewer pipe eight (8) inches internal
SEWER PIPE: All sewer pipe provided for herein shall be bell and spigot type
and shall meet the specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials.
Said pipe shall be standard strength concrete pipe, free from defects and - ••
irregularities. All pipe must be cylindrical, true in shape and first class
in every respect.
ADJUSTING MANHOLES: Existing manhole covers which do not meet the grade of the
proposed pavement shall be lowered or raised, maint &ining the original diameters,
by use of hard burned sewer brick laid up in Portland cement mortar as herein -
before specified.
FZ �;
SAND: All sand herein provided to be used for concrete or mortar shall be
clean sharp sand and when dried shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes
per lineal inch, and not more than twenty -five per cent (25 %) of said sand
shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) meshes per lineal inch. Said sand shall
contain no vegetable or deleterious matter;; or more than two per cent (2 %) by
weight of clay or loam.
CEMENT: All cement provided to be used shall be first -class American Portland
cement and shall be so ground that ninety -two per cent (92%) will pass through
a standard 100 sieve having ten thousand (10,000) meshes per square inch.
Briquettes -made from mortar composed by volume of one (1) part of said Portland
cement and three (3) parts of clean torpedo sand exposed to air for one (1)
day and immersed in water for six (6) days, shall develop an ultimate tensile
strength of two hundred (200) pounds per square inch.
CRUSHED STONE: All crushed stone provided to be used shall be clean, durable,
tough crushed limestone, free from vegetable or other deleterious matter.
MORTAR: All cement mortar used in construction of the herein proposed improve-
went shall be composed by volume of one (l) part Portland cement and two (2)
parts sand, mixed with sufficient clean water to make a plastic mass:.
Conformance to Plans
Wherever herein in the description of the location of this improvement
there is any duplication of locations, no duplication of the impoovement is
intended, or shall be made and the said improvement shall be constructed in a
good and workmanlike manner to conform to the plans therefor as shown on the
blueprints of the plans attached hereto and made a part hereof.
All materials used in the construction of this improvement not specifically
herein described shall be of good quality and suitable for the purpose for which
they are-to be used.
All of the above described improvements shall be constructed under the
direction and supervision and to the satisfaction of the Board of Local Improve-
ments, and all the necessary labor and work shall be performed in a good and
workmanlike manner.
En ineering_ and Inspection
For the purpose of constructing this improvement in accordance with the
elevations, dimensions and positions as herein provided for., the grades and
lines of construction shall be given by use of stakes and other necessary
devices as the work progresses; and to protect those benefited by this improve-
ment from the use of improper material and poor workmanship, all material used
shall be
inspected, and
all labor performed
superintended. To this
end, the
Board of Local
Improvements shall
necessary competent
engineers, inspectors and superintendents during the construction of the work.
All work in connection with the improvement herein provided for shall
be executed in a good and workmanlike manner and under the-superintendence
of the Board of Local Improvements.
G� Section 2. The recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements
and the estimate of the cost thereof both hereto attached be and the
L.7 same are hereby approved.
Section 3. That said improvement shall be made and the whole cost
thereof, which is estimated to be SEVENTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-
NINE DOLLARS AND FIFTY - FIVE CENTS ($17,939.55) shall be paid for by special
assessment in accordance with Article 84 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois
Revised Statutes as amended.
An amount not exceeding 6% of the estimated whole cost, to -wit ONE
for t o apply toward the payment of all lawful costs and expenses incurred in
making, levying and collecting the assessment for said improvement.
Section 4. The aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed and each
individual assessment shall be divided into ten installments which shall bear
interest at the rate of 6% per annum until paid, all in the manner and in
accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid Article 84 of Chapter 24 of the
Illinois Revised Statutes as amended.
Section 5. For the purpose of anticipating the collection of the second
and succeeding installments of said assessment for said improvement, bonds
shall be issued payable out of such installments, bearing interest at the rate
of 6% per annum, payable annually, and signed by the President of the municipality
and attested by its Clerk, under the corporate seal of the said municipality.
Said bonds shall be issued in accordance with, and shall in all respects
conform to the provisions of Article 84 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised
Statutes as amended.
Section 6. Thomas A. Matthews, attorney for the Village, be and
he is hereby directed to file a petition in the County Court of said County,
as provided by law in the name of the municipality, praying that steps may
be taken to levy a special assessment for said improvement, in accordance
with the provisions of this ordinance and in the manner prescribed by law.
Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its
Village Clerk
PASSED this 9th day of November, A.D., 1953•
Village President