O-097I. - _.
AN ORDINANCE providing for the submission to
Fie v— oters of the Village of Deerfield, Lake
County, Illinois, the question of issuing -
87,000.00 Municipal Building Bonds at a
special election to be held in and for said
Village on the 21st day of April, 1953.
WHEREAS the present facilities for housing the general
administration offices of the Village, as well as the Police
and Fire Departments, are wholly inadequate for the proper and
efficient administration of the Village and its affairs, and it
is deemed advisable and in the interests of the public that a
municipal building be constructed to house the general offices of
the Village, as well as the Police and Fire Departments; and
WHEREAS the President and Board of Trustees of this Village
have heretofore estimated the cost of constructing a new munici-
Dal building and does hereby estimate that it will cost not less
than y 87..000.00 ; and
WHEREAS funds are not available for the purpose of con-
structing a new municipal building, as hereinabove described, and
it will therefore be necessary to borrow money m d in evidence
thereof issue bonds of said Village, and before bonds can be issued
the question of issuing bonds must be submitted to the electors of
said Village and approved by a majority of the electors voting on
said question at an election called for that purpose;
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of
Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois as fol-
lows :
Section 1. That it is hereby determined to be in the interest
of the Village of Deerfield to construct a new municipal building
in and for said Village, as hereinabove described in the preambles
- 1 -
of this ordinai ce, and for that purpose it will be necessary that this
Village borrow money and ine vidence thereof issue the bonds of said
Section 2. That there be borrowed by, for and on behalf of
said Village the sum of $87,000-00 for the purpose of paying the
cost of constructing a new municipal building in and for said Village
and that to evidence said loan negotiable bonds of said Village be
issued, and that said bonds be designated "Municipal Building Bonds,"
Eighty -Seven (87) in number, numbered from 1 to 87, inclusive, be of
the denomination of $1,000.00 each, and mature serially $5,000.00
on January 1st of each of the years 1956•to 1972 inclusive, and
$2,000.00 on January 1st of the year 1973, and bear interest from
date at the rate of not to exceed three and one -half per cent
(3 1 /2/)per annum, payable - semi - annually..
Section 3. That the question of issuing said $87,000.00
Municipal Building Bonds.of said Village, as hereinabove described
in Section 2 hereof, be submitted to the legal voters of said Village
at a special election which is hereby called to b e held in a nd for
said Village on the 21st day of April, 1953,between the hours of
six O'clock A. M. and five o'clock P. M. of sai d day.
Section 4. That said election shall be held in the several
election precincts of said Village heretofore established as elec-
tion precincts for all village elections and the polling place for
each shal 1 be as f ollows :.
shall include all that part ofthe Village of Deerfield lying
north of Deerfield Road. The voting place for such district shall
be in the auditorium -room of the West Deerfield Township Hall at
602 Deerfield Road.
- 2 -
Polling place for Precinct Number 1 shall be in the auditorium -
room of the West Deerfield Township Hall, 602 Deerfield Road.
shall include all that part of-the Village of Deerfield lying
south of Deerfield Road. The voting place shall be in the
Deerfield Village Hall, 711 Waukegan Road.
Polling place for Precinct Number 2 shall be. in the Deerfield
Village Hall, 711 Waukegan Road.
Section 5. That the Village Clerk of said Village be .and is
hereby ordered and directed to cause notice of said election to be
given by publishing notice thereof once in the "Deerfield
hevi ewil , the sane being a. newspaper published and
having a general circulation within said Village, and by ?posting
notice thereof in at least three. of the most public places in each
election precinct and at each of the polling places designated for
said election. The date of such publication and posting of said
notice shall be not more than thirty days nor less than fifteen days
prior to the date set for said special election and said notices as
published and posted shall be in substantially the following form:
- 3 -
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will
be held in and.for the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois,
on the 21st day of April, 1953, at which time there will be sub-
mitted to the electors of said Village the following question:.
Shall bonds in the amount of $87,000.00 be issued by
the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, for
the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a new
municipal building in and for said Village, maturing
$5,000.00 on January 1st of each of tie years 1956 to
1972 inclusive, and $2,000.00 on January 1st of the
year 1973, andbearing interest at the rate of not to
exceed three and one -half per cent (3 1 /2f)?
That said election will b e held in the several election
precincts of said Village heretofore established for all Village
elections and the polling place for each shall be as follows::
shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying
north of Deerfield Road. The voting place for such district shall
be in the auditorium -room of the West Deerfield Township Hall at
602 Deerfield Road.
Polling place for Precinct Number 1 shall be inthe auditorium -
room of the West Deerfield Township Hall, 602 Deerfield Road.
shall include all that part of the Village of Deerfield lying
south of Deerfield Road. The voting place shall be in the
Deerfield Village Hall, 711 Waukegan Road.
Polling place for Precinct Number 2 shall be inthe Deerfield
Village Hall., 711 Waukegan Road.
The polls at said election will be opened at six o'clock
A. M. and will b e closed at five o'clock P. M. of the date of the
election. All persons qualified to vote at regular Village elec-
- 1 r
tions are qualified to vote on said question and voters must vote
at the polling place designated for t heelection precinct within
which they reside.
By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the
Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois.
DATED this 23rd day of March , 1953.
Village Clerk.
5 -
Section 6. That frnr said special e]e ction the following
named nersons be and they are hereby appointed Judges and Clerks,
r >�
Section 7. That the ballot to be used at said election for
the purpose of submitting the question to the voters shall be in
substantially the following form:
(Face of Ballot)
(INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS: Place a cross (X) in the square
opposite the word indicating the way you desire to votes,
Shall bonds in the amount of $87,000.00
s be issued by the Village of Deerfield,
Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of YES a
pa ing the cost of constructing a new a
m2icipal building in and for said Village, :: a
maturing $5,000.00 on January lst of each
of the years 1956 to 1972, inclusive, and
$2,000.00 on January 1st of the year 1973,
and bearing interest at the rate of not to NO
exceed three and one -half peroent (3 1/2/)?
On the back of the ballot shall appear the following:
Special Election held on the 21st day of April,
1953, to vote on the question of issuing $87,000.00
Municipal Building Bonds of the Village of Deerfield,
Lake County, Illinois.
Election Precinct Number
Polling Place
— 7 —
(Facsimile Signature)
Village Clerk
Village of Deerfield
Lake County,Illinois.
Section B. That the Village Clerk is hereby ordered to
cause a sample. of the ballot to be published once in the
1QDeerfield iteview0f , the same being a newspaper published
and having a general circulation in said Village not less than five
days prior to the date set for said election and to procure and
prepare all necessary election material for holding and c ,)nducting
said election.
Section 9. That this ordinance shall become effective im-
mediately upon its passage and approval.
Passed this day of , 1953
Approved this _day of , 1953
Village Clerk
Villa ge resident