O-073pppppp� OBE NO. AN ORDIMM s WYM TAXW nR COMOR&B PMOSES "POR THI CURFMV IFISU" UU MM;zik.t u,e THE r•Li t DA `UF MAC', 1950 AND INDII G ON THE 3OrH DAY OF AP=L 1951, FOR THE vn LAG$, Of D BF30 OF LARD AND STAT QP ILLIDIUI 8 t BE 11 ORDAIMM 'BY THE FFMa ff Alf WARD OY TRtiSfiW of the riillage of Veerfield, ;Lake epunty, Illinois: SEUTION 1: That a tax for the following sms of Burney, or a* mash thereof as *a7- be authorized ty , law, tad defray all expenses and liabilities of the village be, and the eame. is hereby., :levied for the purposes specified mast all t'axabls prey ijR the" vil;lagt for the fi"seal year camencixg on th�a. firm day et 047, 1950 and g on the 30th day of. April, 19510 UMML COM30 rI Fug Amount of AmIlt to be &.22W-A t_ included iR �. 119 tom¢ 1srs `' l A .�ltATIVM EtEIt i i 1. Village clerk 1006 u0 490.E 2, Tillage Treasurer 1' 0.«00 - 800.00 - 3. village collector 500.00 Z540- 4. Aealth Officer 560.00 235.00 • '�- 5. "nvrate council lees 6ou.uU 2;$5,0© b,. Extra regal expense 1000.00 4.80.100- 1, � udiiting. 200.QO. 190,400 8. otationary & Supplies 3 .00- 250,00. 9. Offto0 Equipment 200rfl0 • 190.00 10. Printing & Publications 104,UO 150.00 • IS-0 c ly . ]�eancs 10JA • X00 , / ° 0 12. `,telephone & Telegraph 395,;00- / .'� � • r -r; ' 13. ° 1$1.®ctioA SXpeaas 500. • 235000. 14. eees on id ended Indebtedness. 30-.00 • � �... 15. Security Bond . Press 140..00 • llf*00, / ao 0--0 1 .. I iions iaspe $ ises 2600.00 -- -- ,' i f e4i $ep.Tanks 2890.00 • 1890.00. �.g,ssat'..of eiage'`iia}. ` ".> ?�5d00 • ', . ' 535,.00 �. sapit ter` rublic works, IMM' . MOO- 2v. xeser0e "for Retirekext Account 2.25M' .105 #00 2.L. rietirement nmd lax iWicit 1275.00. ,: 00000 22. o gs 750, 355.00 23. apeciaa3. 4alaries-- Speeial Assesswnt �-► -- 1 Total Appropriations ( o. w f or 'Admi nistrat 3oa -- . ------------ --- - -- 21E �-" Y rI:.A repriat oas f t, ®r ration be paid by `fax Lev y, : _-- _____..�w�. .... so$04pfetl0'. . l Arma t of, t to be H PQL�TCH P TPfiC'T 1 A92MM SAt.ioas i=lud d 3x 1, Tax jam 24. Village Mae lboL 3. 3 80d•00- 25. Hight Ifarahaa 377.00. 2330.00 26. Police Ma"hall 3200,00- 2010.06 27. Utra Police 2500.00. 1575.M 28. Ins n" 10.00. 10(}.00 29. To phok o & Telegraph 25 00. 155.06 30. Gaut & Oil 1500,10. %5.,W 31. Police Radio 240.00 150.04 32. Repairs to POIJOe lqu#meut 4,%" M. 2 00 I"ft-y* for ftv Peii,ce Carr 500.01. XUAR 3'4. Oettibgert 13 . Total Approopriat#,ew for Polio* P'rotectim 17,6304,00 . Total Appropr3ats f or ' Pc►].d.ce Protoctiori to be paid by Tax $11,100.00 . -Current Ornee Otal 14ghts 3000.00. 7,m,,00 34, metal atiaft and Nsft- ' t+si AMO of I „. a sheet & &13A7 Ughta 200 Oa • 125,M , O Oral. U944 (e 311stallatien 25±b OD . 175 #00.. Of y Total Appropdat ,ow for street Lightw ',700.00 total. Asp 3atu” for p. Street L trot to be paid Vy Tax L+r $3 f 5 7v. W w ' _MM Mr4PAT IN 3 , Paurim, and *ago$ Bqdpmmt# YAt srials 77�� Total Appropriations for $"'IWOOO • Total Appr,'OprUt iAn8 f rot axed Socreat.ims t-e be by. tu 4v - - •---- •..- ..._._......... Now: pad . -- I lobar • ,. r 46. 19aterialas 40W0.00, -- 41. 'P�ixx+ 6 Services W,00 . 42. Legal Exppnaes w 4h 92- — Total. Apprepriatibe► for Sewerage Disposal Fund awd% Gtoverma* ---- X143 j,00040 . Total Appropriations for Sewwge Dispa84l.Tusrd ased/es~` �Vr work to be gait by ?as Lev,- Now . a ,1 Amount to 'be Amount of included fn Appropriations Tax Lehr F. FArIMQ= FUND X3,200,00 !�MM*rk- Total Appropriati©nfIfor Retirement Fund to P200,00 Total Appropriations to be paidby Tax Lev7••.------------- �.__.....�._...__ -__ •-- tom �. G. CONPINGM EXPENSE 1,500.00. )1W.00 - Total Appropriation for Contingent Expense - -_•- -- ___---- __-- . --_- -w 1J500.00 . Total Appropriation for Contingent Expense to be p6iL • by Tax i,ev7 """_ rw.. r_ r— w_......_..- r... ..�_......rr_....wrr_..- r.w..�r 950;00 . H. CONSTRUCT ION OF PILLAGE HAilr 765 000.00 -41K � I. CONSTRUCTmN OF "VILLAGE TiARAG3 10,000.00 a o Total �Appropria4n for Contraction of Village Hall to be paid for by rlax Levy ------------------- ---------- ---- ---- ikow Mono Total Appropriation for Ionstmetion of Village garage to be paid. by tax iwvy ---_ __ ----- ANWA Done APPRO IA` I"S FOR GAL CO12;0P &E FUND ----- .------- -- - - -- •TOTAL APPROPRLTIDNS FOR GMML CORPORATE FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX MY t AND BRIM M - 1. Labor for streets, Repairs 4000.00 • 1300.04 2, material for Street repairs 750.00• -- 3. Insurance for Equipment 1.50.00 • -- 4. Equipment storage 1$0.00• -- 5. depairs to Lqui mew 750.00% 425.00 60 Ua soline & Oil 300*1W 7. Traffic Light open s* 160.00. a. iaurchase of ,New rQ&d & Bridge LquipmedL4000.00 • — 9. duperintendent of ftblic works 1000 *00' -- 10 c;odingent 200.00 • 125.00• Total nppropriati.©xis for itoad & Bridge d ---- __- __._..---------- - - - --- •11,490. Total Appropriations for H,oad & Bridge to ba paid byiax Levy -�- -- --- ---- -- - -.._._ _ __- •._, -_ _..____- ---- -- $1,850.x. T I I9 ' Y \1 . � 1 Amount of A,,,�P�l; ^tiaaus TAal AppropriatA'ja for Ifttft �pa�s� q . 9,4756M TanUI A""ptiatifts YW ikW Aunt PvM to ba p4A�by Tax Levy Anowt to be taaaiudeed in TqX i'ar. ..�..� NONO - 'SOB I TAI�„ti� 11 low bOto,00 . 26 Ka . Now • . f Total Appa" riatiabs for WK490.Fu l Tax 413.A*, 0 . 'fetal Apps apaUtiow for Outer' ful Tax to bo paid �.. s..;r .•..,,,..r now . DcmW s3# Fit • Total kP lVwiaet$M f aqv4sd 7ndeb edraa a Fuj d to bb pai.:+d for bgr• Tax V 4,4 d. KATF� D$PAaTI+OrN�" FUI� l: Purawso of Wat4w 21000600- 2: 9aiaty od weatlfr Stnasat 20fNJi, 3 : watw coneteat or 2000.00. 4. YAbar fox Ropair of HydraRta 1, reatq per, teaks & Materials 6100.00, 3. meter .lastalutleft 3900.0 0I 6, plapdo. of 8qui"Ok* 400.00. '. � of 2CO.00- go Auditi" do Off$ee.fficpeora�te� ?�p.00 18. Olkooiim 4 OU. 3+x.00 11. 8tatfWAV7 do a 4" 00- 126 TaMftg Wtwl4as SapplAos 300:00 - 1. * UO.00 • . 14, Roe*" for Nw Traaak :04 154", Oxr TAal AppropriatA'ja for Ifttft �pa�s� q . 9,4756M TanUI A""ptiatifts YW ikW Aunt PvM to ba p4A�by Tax Levy Anowt to be taaaiudeed in TqX i'ar. ..�..� NONO - 'SOB I TAI�„ti� 11 low bOto,00 . 26 Ka . Now • . f Total Appa" riatiabs for WK490.Fu l Tax 413.A*, 0 . 'fetal Apps apaUtiow for Outer' ful Tax to bo paid �.. s..;r .•..,,,..r now . DcmW s3# Fit • Total kP lVwiaet$M f aqv4sd 7ndeb edraa a Fuj d to bb pai.:+d for bgr• Tax V 4,4 d. 1 1 ♦ 1t\ Amwtt to bs itallded In 2: , A�tet Pi�ot.ost '¢isfl0 / �� 76 orr aAO ° areat ualhtw 4. 4WOOON MAPOW1. Fund,, �ar y`° ° °° . ham . for, 00Y M-mat a aa. �p�, s Oomtlotimit Off' V.�YAoAmu. �.. Conemtj m. of viva" ftM# mami ! o D oG, ao 9* . Q13 -WIM F1ut d, a a .m foul A � 9ya.oa Qe*VDrZ%tO Fvmd 4..r- ......_ _ Total A.p!'** ;%tI $ fft to ak, ado FMI to bo, put * tu 1e�r norA 3s2MC . 0" WATM 000 DIM"' TAX Fib -AsmOr AloNt BOMM UMWM.W3 jUM / 3 so o. 6 6�11 A11WO $ — M01 b: ftIt •ho Vilk ''M C l©rk is tercby directed to file wi; `•^ the County C .Urk a" le Faa CWUW.- , T1Linoj.fj # asp or bel°'ory `!'uv^ s ;,r in 9etptcxnb®r, A, 8. 19 D, a r *f this =- diraiwe ru?:: �fl <itiod ley►' �►i�' Vi11n�^�i e1er�. •'i° � s That f:hlo Wd nice Shall l be its f Un f=CaL =d tfj!rvcu 4 7:�m ::n Frtar Its pa _waM pM nr)TZVN -al, ?, SWV thbp AP�ibC?iitiD this ASV 3VZ and rIM in z' orY , aff t1l".3 day or Sept Wbe s A. D. 19%, . 11g t; day of :90pi- embar, A„ D, 1950 XAY9 I ..� day au" de:ptawxr, Al. D. Im. De CM, L�tice� wady Illiw., s ,