O-045%, __ . QRDINANCE N0. :� AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1949, AND ENDING ON THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL,19501 FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, COUNTY OF LAKE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board -of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois: SECTION 1: That a tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village be, and the same is hereby, levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1949, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1950: GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Amount of Appropriations A. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Amount to be included in tax levy 1. President and Trustees 500.00 - 2. Village Clerk 600.00 380.00 3. Village Treasurer 19200.00 755.00 4. Village Collector 200.00 125.00 5. Health Officer 300.00 190.00 6. Corporate Counsel Retainer Fee 600.00 380.00 7. Extra Legal Expense 1,000.00 630.00 8. Auditing 300.00 190.00 9. Stationery, Supplies 400.00 250.00 10. Office Equipment 300.00 190.00 11. Printing and Publications 250.00 155.00 12. Insurance 250.00 155.00 13. Telephone and Telegraph 225.00 145.00 14. Contingent Expense 500.00 315.00 15. Election Expenses 150.00 95.00 16. Interest on Obligations .100.00 - 17. Publishing Ordinances 200.00 125.00 18. Surety Bond Premiums 225.00 145.00 19. Building Commissioner Fees 2,400.00 - 20. Special Salaries - Special Assessments 1,000.00 - Amount to Amount of be included Appropriations in tLx levy 21. Repairs to Sewers and Septic Tanks `$29500.00 !$19890.00 22. Rent of Village Hall 850.00 535.00 Total Appropriations for Administration --- ------------- -$14,050.00 Total Appropriations for Administration to be paid by Tax Levy --------------------- ------------ $6,650.00 B. POLICE PROTECTION 23. Village Marshal 31300.00 24. Night Marshal 2,400.00 25. Police Officers 2,400.00 26. Insurance 250.00 27. Telephone and Telegraph 175.00 28. Gasoline and Oil 550.00 29. Purchase of New Police Car 1,500.00 30. Repairs to Police Equipment 300.00 31. Contingent Expense 350.00 Total Appropriations for Police Protection--------- - - - - -- 11,225.00 2,080.00 1,510.00 1,510.00 160.00 110.00 350.00 940.00 190.00 220.00 Total Appropriations for Police Protection to be paid by Tax Levy ------------------- --- ------------ 7,070.00 C. STREET LIGHTING 32. Current Ornamental Lights 3,000.00 1,890.00 33. Installation and Main- tenance of: (a) Street and Alley Lights 200.00 125.00 (b) Ornamental Lights 2,500.00 1,575.00 Total Appropriations for Street Lighting -------------------- 5,700.00 Total Appropriations for Street Lighting to be paid by Tax Levy-------- .... - - -: ----------- W-3,590.00 D. PLAYGROUND AND RECREATIONS 34. Salaries and wages 35. Equipment, Materials and Supplies 200.00 - 200.00 - Total Appropriations for Playground and Recreations ---------------------------- 400.00 Total Appropriations for Playground and Recreations to be paid by Tax Levy - » - -= ------------------- - - - -`$ None - 2 - Amount of Appropriations E. SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND AND /OR GOVERNMENT WORK 36. Labor '45,000.00 37. Materials 202000.00 38. Engineering Services 5,000.00 39. Legal Expense 5,000.00 Amount to be included in tax levy Total Appropriations for Sewage Disposal Fund and/or Government Work--- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - _...- --- - -$75, 000.00 Total Appropriations for Sewage Disposal Fund and /or Government Work to be paid by Tax Levy ------- None F. CONTINGENT EXPENSE 1,500.00 950.00 Total Appropriation for Contingent Expense ---------------- 1,500.00 Total Appropriation for Contingent Expense to be paid by Tax Levy-------------------------- - - - - -1 950.00 S TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR GENERAL CORPORATE FUND -------------------------------- 107,875.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR GENERAL CORPORATE FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY --------------------------------- $18,260.00 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIRE- MENT FUND----------------------------- 3,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIRE- MENT FUND TO BE PAID BY TAXLEVY----------------------------------- - - - - -- $1,500.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND 1. Labor for Streets, - 3 - Repairs :$4,500.00 1,185.00 2. Material for Street Repairs 1,500.00 - 3. Insurance on Equipment 150.00 - 4. Equipment Storage 250.00 - 5. Repairs to Equipment 750.00 195.00 6. Gasoline and Oil 300.00 - 7. Traffic Light Expense 300.00 - 8. Purchase of New Road and Bridge Equipment 1,200.00 - 9. Contingent Expense 450.00 120.00 - 3 - Amount of Appropriations TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND--------------- - - - -;$ 9,400.00 Amount to be included in tax levy TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY --------------------------------------- $1,500.00 WATER DEPARTMENT FUND 1. Purchase of Water `21,000.00 2. Salary of Water Super- intendent 3,300.00 3. Salaries of Other Employees of Water Department 22700.00 4. Labor for Repairing of Hydrants and Water Pipe Leaks 2,5000-00 5. New Construction of Water Mains, etc. 5,000.00 6. Meter Installation, Main- tenance and Repairs 5,000.00 7. Tapping Materials and Expense200.00 B. Repairs to Equipment 750.00 9. Purchase of New Equipment 1,500.00 10. Salary of Water Collector 1,800.00 11. Rent of Village Hall 850.00 12. Auditing and Office Expense 400.00 13. Gasoline and Oil Equipment 350.00 14. Stationery and Supplies 500.00 15. Contingent Expenses 1,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR WATER DEPARTMENT FUND ---- r-------- - - - - -- 46,850.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR WATER DEPARTMENT FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY--»-»---------------------------- - - - - -- None 1. Labor 2. Materials MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 4,000.00 5,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR MOTOR FUEL TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR MOTOR FUEL TAX TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY ------------------- --- ---- None • Amount of Appropriations BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND 1. Payment of Maturing Bonds 1$32000.00 2. Interest on Bonds 1,593.75 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND--- Amount to be included in tax levy '$3, 000.00 1,593.75 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY--------------------------- - - - - -- 14,593.75 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX LEVY Amount to Total be included Appropriations in tax levy GENERAL FUND Administrative Expenses Police Protection Street Lighting Playgrounds and Recreations Sewa a Disposal Fund andNr Government Works Contingent Expense :14,050.00 :$6,650.00 11,225.00 71,070.00 5, 700.00 3,590.00 400.00 75,000.00 - 1,500.00 950.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR GENERAL CORPORATE FUND- . - - - -- ---- -$l07, 875.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR GENERAL CORPORATE FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY----------------------- - - - --- 18,260.00 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIRE- MENT FUND --------------------------- 3,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIRE- MENT FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY ------------------------------------------ 1,500.00 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND ---------------- 9,400.00 TOTAL APPRIPRIATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY------------ - - - - -- - - - - -- 1,500.00 - 5 - WATER DEPARTMENT FUND t To tal Appropriations TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR WATER DEPARTMENT FUND----------- - - - - -- `$460850.00 Amount to be included in tax levy TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR WATER DEPARTMENT FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY ---------------------------------------- $ None MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR MOTOR FUEL, TAX FUND---------------------9,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR MOTOR FUEL TAY FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY ------------- .,- » -------------- . »_ »__ - - - -- -; None BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND--- »------ - - - - -- 4,593.75 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY --------------------------------------- $4,593.75 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS-------- - - - - -` $,180,718.75 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO BE PAID BY TAX LEVY-------------------------------------- --$25, 853.75 SECTION 2: That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Lake County, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A. D. 1949, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. SECTION 3: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED this 6th day of September, A. D. 1949 AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 APPROVED this 6th day of September, A. D. 1949. ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 6th day of September, A D. 1949. �_Vlllage Clerk President of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois