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ORD I NANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: 1. Section 1 of Ordinance # 200, entitled "AN ORDINANCE CLASSIFYING AND GRADING POSITIONS IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD AND ESTABLISHING CORRESPONDING SALARY RANGES TO BE PAID THESE POSITIONS" is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Positions Established: All offices and employments of the Village of Deerfield, except those of Village Manager, Village Engineer, Super- intendent of Public Works, Superintendent of Inspections, Village Clerk, Police Chief, Deputy Treasurer - Collector, Collector, Treasurer, Building Commissioner, President and Trustees, shall be classified and graded as follows, and are herewith made positions of emplyment within the Village service of the Village of Deerfield: Class - Title Range Grade Clerk- Typist 20A Clerk- Receptionist II 22 Clerk- Receptionist 1 23 Clerk- Transcriptionist 23A Secretary- Transcriptionist 28 Accountant (P.T.) 32 Accounting Machine Operator II 22 Accounting Machine Operator 1 28 Police Captain 31 i. Lieutenant 30 ORD I NANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: 1. Section 1 of Ordinance # 200, entitled "AN ORDINANCE CLASSIFYING AND GRADING POSITIONS IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD AND ESTABLISHING CORRESPONDING SALARY RANGES TO BE PAID THESE POSITIONS" is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Positions Established: All offices and employments of the Village of Deerfield, except those of Village Manager, Village Engineer, Super- intendent of Public Works, Superintendent of Inspections, Village Clerk, Police Chief, Deputy Treasurer - Collector, Collector, Treasurer, Building Commissioner, President and Trustees, shall be classified and graded as follows, and are herewith made positions of emplyment within the Village service of the Village of Deerfield: Class - Title Range Grade Clerk- Typist 20A Clerk- Receptionist II 22 Clerk- Receptionist 1 23 Clerk- Transcriptionist 23A Secretary- Transcriptionist 28 Accountant (P.T.) 32 Accounting Machine Operator II 22 Accounting Machine Operator 1 28 Police Captain 31 Police Lieutenant 30 Police Patrolman 28 Police Clerk 23 Building Inspector 31 Custodian 25A Engineer- Assistant II 23A Engineer- Assistant 1 26 Public Works Foreman 32A Public Works Sub - Foreman 30 Public Works Maintenance Man 26 Sewage Treatment Plant Operator 26A Laborer 23A Fire Marshal Ungraded Health Officer Ungraded Crossing Guards - Special Policemen Ungraded Casual Labor Ungraded" 2. This ordinance shall be effective December 1, 1958. l bd. PASSED: Thi s / C - day of �2�'? -�� ,,�(,_c , 1958. APPROVED: Village Preside ATTEST: Village Clerk ORD I NANCE PE IT ORDAINED . by ,the President Jwd Board of Trustoes of the VI l lage of Deeerfieid, that: 1. Section i of Or4inance.##200, entitled "AN ORDINANCE CLASSIFYING AND GRADING POSITIONS IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ANO ESTABLISHING ,CORRESPONDING SALARY RANGES TO BE P410 THM 'POSITIONS" Is hereby mended to read as follows: "S!Stlon J. Post 'oats, Estabil shed: . Ali offices and employments of the Village of Deerfield* except those of Villages Manager, Village Engineer, Super - Intendant of Pubilt Works, Superintendent of inspetction%, Village Clark, Police Chief, Depoty Trossurer- Collector, Collector, Treasurer, building Commissioner, President and Trustees, shall be Classified and graded as follows, and are herewith made positions of empiyment within the Vt i lags service of thee'Vi l lagee of Deorfleld: Class -,Title Range Grtdei ' C ierk-Typi st 20A C l6rk4e+ereptioni st t t 22 Clerk- Retoptlonist } 23 , Clerk- Transcrtptionlst .23A Secreet#ry- Transcri ptl onl st 28 Accountant (P.T.) 32 Accounting Machine ©peerator. ti 22 Accounting. Machine Operator i 28 Police: Captain 31 Poll'cee L eutenont 30 Police Patrolown 28 Polices Clerk 23 Building inspector _ . 31 ' Custodian 25A Engi near -Assi sttht 11 23A Engineer - Assistant t 26 `P4b l i c. Works Fore et a 33 2A Pub! 1 g. Works S 30:.. .. Pebltc Works Nalntonaaco. Meer 2 &' SewAge Treatment Plant Operator 26A.. taboreir 23A Fire, Marshal Ungraded Hde 1 th Off 1 ceR r .. 00graded Crossing Guards - Speeial PoIiceamel , Ungraded _ Casual Labor Ungraded" . 2. This �ordl .nonce shall be effective December i , 19$8. . PASSED: ThIs' day'of APPROVED: n. . :. Vl1 age - �reestd�+ : , ATTEST: villa C iork ORDINANCE 0 «5i3 -32 BEAT ORDAINED by the Prosident.and 96ard of. Trustees of the Village of ,0®erfieid, .that:. I.-Section I of Ordinance` ,#200, enti tied "AN ORDINANCE. CLASSIFYING AND GRADING POST TI ONS A N THE VILLAGE OF DEERFI ELD AND - ESTMLI SHI NG CORRESPONDING SALARY RANGES TQ . BE PAID THESE POSITIONS" Is hereby amended to read as ,fo I iows: "Section 1. Positions Estsbilshed: All offices and employments.of the Village of Deerfield, .except those of Village Manager.. V1 l iage ,Engineer, Super- intendent of. Publlc'Works, Superintendent of Inspections, Vl ljagv C-Iork, Police . Chlef, -Deputy Treasurer - :Collector, Collector. Treasurer, Bul lding'Cowlssionerp President and Trustees, shall be classiflad and graded as, foI lows.' and are herewith made peel tions..of emplQVM. t within the Vl l iage ser0 ce of the. Vi 1 iage of Deerfield; class -Title Ra!ne Grade C terk -Typi st. 20A C lerk- Receptioni st. I l 22 .Clerk- Raceptlonl st I 23 Clerk-Transcriptionist 23A Secretery- Transcrlptlonlst 28 Accountant (P.T.) 32 ; Accounting Machine operator II 22 Accounting Machino.OperAtor 1 28 PoI1'ce Captoln 3l- Pollee Li.eutenont 30 ' Police Patrolman :. 28 Ptslice Clerk 23 Building Inspector Custodian. 25A Engineer - 'Assistant. If 23q . Engiheor » Assistant I 26 Public woe ks Foreanart� A Publ l c Works Sub- Foreman .30 Pab1 l c Works Mel ntenance Man 26' Sewage Treatment, Plant Opor0or 26A Laborer 23A . Fire Mer.`she-1 Ungraded Health Officer iingreded, . Crossing Guards - Special PoIIcown Ungraded, Casual Labor-', Ungraded !' 20 Section VII of the sold ordinance is :hereby amended to read as. follows: 11Section'V1 l..' Salarles Unaradad and Unclassifted 'the.' annum saIArIes of the following ungraded and unclassified positions shall be as follows: Village Manager III;n00 V� I'lage Engi�epr Superintegdent of Inspection .7400 Deputy Treasurer4bl lector } Superintendent of Public Works Collector. 3,480 Village Clerk 720 . But Ming Commissioner (P.T.) 1,920 Fire Marshal 720 Health officer 480 Crossing Guards . 1.50 per 'hour Casual Labors .1.70 - 2.01, per,hour 11 , N �. This ordinance shall IO In effect from and after Its :passage and approval as provided by law: :. PASSEL):. . Thls 16th day of July; 1958, APPROVED: ::. VI1Ia$e, President - ATTEST:. Vi 11age Clerk 1 C� 1 ➢5 ORDINANCE 0 -58-59 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: 1. Section .l of Ordinance #200, entitled "AN ORDINANCE CLASSIFYING AND GRADING POSITIONS IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD AND ESTABLISHING CORRES- PONDING SALARY RANGES TO BE PAID THESE POSITIONS" is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Positions Established: All offices and employments of the Village of Deerfield, except those of Village Manager,�VillageEngineer, Super- intendent of Public Works, Superintendent of Inspections, Village.Clerk,• Police Chief, Deputy Treasurer - Collector, Collector, Treasurer, Building Commissioner, President. and Trustees, shall be classified and graded as follows, and are herewith made positions of employment within.. the Vi l lage 'servi ce of the Village of Deerfield: Class - Title Clerk- Typist Clerk - Receptionist II Clerk- Receptionist 1 Clerk - Transcriptionist Secretary - Transcriptionist Accountant (P.T.) Accounting Machine Operator II Accounting Machine Operator I Police Captain Police Lieutenant Police Patrolman Police Clerk Building Inspector Custodian Engineer-Assistant .11 Engineer- Assistant I Public Works Foreman Public Works Sub - Foreman Public Works Maintenance Man Sewage Treatment Plant Operator Laborer Fire Marshal Health Officer Crossing Guards - Special Policemen Casual Labor Range Grade 20A 22 23 23A 28 32 22 28 31 30 . 28 23 31 25A 23A 26 3 2A 30 26 26A 23A Ungraded Ungraded Ungraded Ungraded" 2. This ordinance shall be effective December 1, 1958. PASSED: This 10th day of December, 1958. APPROVE : Village sident ATTEST: c - IPA, Village Clerk