07/28/1917fel?Vb 299 July 28, I9I7. Special ,Ueeting of the Board of Truetees of the Village, of Deerfield, vwak3:. called to order by the preoident, v .. A. Whiting, at $ P. i1I,, for the Purpose of pauuing the- annual Appropriation Ordinance,. f Roll C"-11: Pr,went- Frantz, Garder, HerapstA ad, Hore nberger & Reichelt Absent- Reay. AM im- X47 The- follovring Ordinance was read.' An Ordinance- Makin; appropriation for Corporate purposea for the fiscal year endincr April 3 -0, I9I8. Be i" ordained bit the- Preuident and Board of Truetees of the Village of . Deerfield.. SFCTIOIT I. That the following aumu,, as. hereafter specified are hereby appropriated to defray all necesary expen yea and liabilitieu of the Village of Deerfield, in the- County of Lake-,and State of Illinois for the fiscal year commencing May I, I9I7, and ending April_ 30, I9I8, for the' following piirposez, to :grit, all to be raised by taxation.. For Payment of Jude ;taients. 590,00 Fgeu and Salaries Fund. I000.00 Fee-a & Salaries of Village, ?,tarshal, Treasurer & Clerk. Str °,et LiaYiting Fund. , 900.00 For Street Lighting Purposes. Streeito & Ally Fund. M00400 For grading,14aintainino, and repairing streets and conutrudting crossings, • Special „A.Uuessment on Public Benefits I9.00.00 Water Fund 235.00 General & Contingsnt ,Jtiscellaneous Fund. 5O 00 For general and contingent miu;cellaneouz corporate- expenaea not heretofore enumerated. Total SECTION 2. Thee unexpired balance-, if any, of any iteia or items of any general appropriation made by thin ordinance may by expended in ,making up any deficiency, if any, in any item or iteiii6, in the general appropriationja and for- the said general purpooe if requi-red.. Section 3. All ordinances of partu of ordinances inconsistent herewith shall be and are hereby repealed. Section 4. This. ordinance- shall be in force and effect ten days. after_ being posted.. "Moved by' Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Truutee Horenberyer that the Ordinance .by paGied as read. Upon roll call the followin7 vote taken. Yeas- Frantz:, Gardner, Hempstead, Horenberger & Re-ichelt. Naes None.. motion wad x: x.300 0 rocket No&. ZEERFIELD SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS . #37, Watermain-s: i= Deerfield, Lincoln, Aves. and other,'`streeta: 4 Watermaind in Second Av,e4 and other streets; 5 G rading of" ,Hazel .eve,, and ,�foodtizard. Av.a. •6: ' Wateimains. in Osterman Ave and Chestnut St IO.' •Watermains, in Springfield :Ave: _II WatermainS in Sheridan Ave. 15, Paving- of Eaat Deerfield Ave.. ' I7 Watermains: in Greenwood Ave: (L incoln to ;.Park _ Av e,, I8' Sidewalks in Woodward. Ave. (Deerfield-' to Hazel Ave. ); _I9 Sidewalks in Hazerl',Ave. (Oak Ave. to Second St.�" West, Side.. Sewer 23: Central Ave-. Sewer 24 Central Ave. Water 25. West Deerfield Ave. Water 26 Northw.ezt side SMALL Storm Sewer . 27 Northwest. Side LAFGE Storm Sewer 28 Northwest Side Sani-t`ary Sewer 29 Deerfield Acres. Water 30 Suns-et Terrace S.exer 3I Oak Street Water - 32 Ea.s,t~ Side Storm_ Sewer 3a, Supplemental to West Side. Sewer , 34 East Side Sanitary Sewer _ 35, Todd Court and Orchard. Place,' Paving ' 36 Waukegan Road- Paving h _3.7 Osterman Ave. & Southwest ` Side- Paving 3g.. Northwest Side Paving .39. Sewer & Water Houae- Connections:, (Waukegan Rd Osterman Avg & S, 40) ' watermains in Goldmaha Subdv. N ; 4I West Deerfield. Ave. Storm Sewer, ` 42 ; Clay &' Prairie Ave. 'Pater 43 ' Paving '.Deerfield Ave. West Section Railroad. to-Til.mot Road) . 44 Paving Deerfield Ave. East S- ection Rosemary Tr.' to Park Ave.), 4b? ornamental,Stree :t Lights; on Waukegan., Road. &-Deerf.ield Ave. r 46 Sewer -& Water House Connections. in Woodland�Park ,. �j [-]/ 49 '. 50 5I n52 `{ 55. b4 66 p_ ELL 56 it ' 57 58 59 60 i. 61 6.2 ; 63 a. 64 fi5 , a 1. { .. BOARD �STEES: . W. PETTIS of THE >. ROCKENBACK ROMMEL VTT.T.ACTF. _OF__DEERFIELD._ �. H. FRITSCH �. H. JUHRI=NO { JOHN L. VETTER. SR' j Mao� a f, N�4 4 E. H. WILLMAN , I 4 . .4i I DR. C. JOHNSTON DAVI (�.OMMI!lION[110 /H[Al t. •t 'M SNNV9 OOVOINO NO SNO3NO d -IA 719 07091 .S4OB'J uxo,,, ddn0 ONV Nl00 10 NS)IV HO Hu01t3 O / •�• S _ C 0?UXITTFFs FIN;NCF - RRAY - : PETTIS -- TOLFF t - h�r�t JUDICIARY - FRIET3CII - KRESS - Pr+,TTIS ROADS & PUBLIC S1J:?'. - PE'TTIS - HOR'OE'RGER - KRESS LICENCE - KRE33S - RFAY - HORIIi3ERGER PRINTING & AUD "'IT.- HORNBERGER - AOT.FF - FRIETSCH HEALTH Pc COUNTY RRL. '-fOISP - FRI T �Cti - REAY .i