08/10/1927 + 08/22/192711 crzvn .9 293 adjourn. Carrie -d. ... _ e oar .. - -- , • Aug. , 192' 7. A regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Villag e- of De-erf i eld was called to order by the President, James J. Hood at IG :.00 P. M. Poll call:- Present- Fng Strom, Geary, Huhn, Labahn & Segert. Absent- Belie. The, minutes of the regular meeting held July 18, 1927 were read and approved. SALARY FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT kIRIABFRS APPROVED. It was moved by Trustee Segert and seconded by Trustee--Labahn that starting Aug. I, I927 for every, fire call where the Fire Dept. is actually required to fight fire thW be paid on a basis of $5.00 ne-r man per call. The Fire Marshall to render & bill the first of each month. Also that no one other than regular members. of the Fire, Dept. be permitted to ride on the - f ire truck except- at the request of they Chief of Fire Dept. of the Chief' of FQlioe,. It being further under - stood that Firemen have authority of sworn in Police Officer. (Upon rolli call the following vote was•taken :- Yeas Fngatrom, Geary, Labahrn and Segert. Nays None. Carried. The following bills were read:: She= Highland Park Fuel Co. G eneral Fund $46.00. J. A. Stryker "' "' 35.00 T. J . Rnaak "' "' 3.00 Weber Cartage Line, "' "' 4, 75 Cyclone-Fence Company 5.4.00 Stromberg Allen & Co. "' " 46.40 Illinois Bell Tel. Co. "' "' 6.70 "' "' "' • "' 6.65. Wm. H. Barratt "' "' 25.00 Rater Fund . 7.5G Peter Pirech & gone.. Co. "' "' I0.00 F.. H. Meyer, Postmaster General Fund 48.78' Fdw.. Beg ert "' "' 161.35 J. R. Note Hardware, Co. " "' 7.25 - "' Water Fund I.90, John Weber "' "' 6.00. Deerfield Lumber Company "' "' 7.87. James B. Clow & Sons. "' n' 5.I6' I. M. Hole . "' "' 55.00. John C. Willman General Fund 57.00, "'• "' Road & Bri dge I2.00- Fdw .,. Taylor "' "' E7.40", F dw:. Whitcomb: "' "' 90.25 . Republic Paint & Varnish 'Wks. " 3"1.25 Public Service Company General Fund .88 "' "' "' M, Q4 4I9.08 2.42.. Water Fund 86.-ICI? It was moved by Trustee Segert and seconded by ;Trustee Geary ,that the bills. be paid and charged to their respective funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Fngs.trom- . ;Geary, Huhn, Labahn and Segert. Nays- None. Carried. It was moved by Trustee Segert and seconded by Trustee Labahn'to adjourn. Carried. Z41. /0�1 OB �Y liage ` Clerk Auguat 22, I9Z7,. 1 A special meeting of the President and Board_ of Trustees: of the Village of Deerfield was- called to order by the President,: James. J. Hood at 9:.00 P. M. . Roll call:.- Pres -ent- Fngstrom, Huhn, Labahn, Segert and .Selig, Absent- Geary. CF13TRAL AV' NUF PAVIir, ORDINANCE PA s3F?a. An ordinance providing for grading, paving, curbing, draining