06/06/1927how 289, JA's rS 01'CONTIOR P "R'IITT7T) TO I?ISTALL 87W 'R R & WATFH Tr7S 'AT THE INT- RaF(.TN O�RFFL� AVM . AT1 38 ^UTH �F ^,O�d?TRFFT. The follo iv ng resolution was read :. _ Rer it resolved that :fir. James, 0 "Connor be permitted to install at his otvn. expanse, sever and water stuba at the intersection of Deerfield Ave. and S. Secsbnd St. for the extension of aew.er and grater ca.ains in_ Second Street South, bringing the Gervice, in ao., close to his property as- possible. Re- it further* resolved that any other property owner other than Mr. James- 0 "1'^onnor or his. heirs, -de-airing to get accomodations from this s.ervice`.ahall be- required to defray one-half of this installation coat. 'It was ,coved by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Selig that the , resolution be, passed as read. �s Upon roll call the- following vote- was taken:: Yeas: Huhn, Labahn, >' S.eg ert and Selig . Nays- None. Carried. ADVERTISE FOR RI IS_Q ?I r,I,AY &PRAIRIE A1tx . SFWFR & �fiATER It isas, woveaT) Txustee La�a�in and seconded by Truste egert that the Clerk be instructed' to advertise for bids on the construction of Clay and Prairie- Ave. sewer and water. Rids to be opened June 6, 1927 at 81'00 P. 14. at the wLaaonic Temple, Deerfield, I11. Upon roll call the following vote" was taken: -- Yeas -- Huhn, Labahn, Seg art and 3e1 ig . ITaya; TTone Carried. Application for State per,nit widening Deerfield Ave. A. Resolution requestanc from the ep . o u is �7oxka. and Build inga, State- of Illinoio., a permit authorizing the Village of Deerf ield to proceed with the .work of widening- the- pavement in Deerfield Avenue to 5 -4 feet frow Waukegan Road to Rosemary Terrac.ej was read. It was moved by Trustee Selig and seconded by'Trus.tee Segert that the- resolution be- "passed as read. Upon 1011 call the- follo,.ving vote-, was taken:- Yeas- Huhn, Labahn, aeZert and Selig . Nays- None. Carried. It aa�3 ,r,oved by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee- Huhn to ad- journ. !`} rried. id- d? rc . age Cl erk . June 6, I92 7. A regular meeting of the . Pres.ident and Board of Trus -t eea of the e of Deerfield was callmd to order by the President, James J. _ Village - Hood at 9 ::00 P. TA. Roll call:'- Present Engstrom, Huhn, Labahn, Segert and Selig . Absent- Geary. The minutes of the reZular meeting held. may, 2, I927 were read and " - approved. The- minutes of the special meeting held May 9, 1927 were read and approved. .. WEST n7'T1RFIF17) MANOR SURDIVISION PLAT APPROVED. A. p at of Nes.tlfieer ield T4arror, being a re 1 Mon of the F. 2 of the a.l'. 4 of the S. w; 4,, of Sec. 29, Two. 4�3N. Range I2 E', of 3rd. p. 1,4. was. presented for approval of the Board. It was. wovid by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee, Selig- that the plat be- accepted as. presented with the- understanding that. all im- provemente including hard roads, be, installed not later than the year. 1930. Upon roll call the f olloWirig vote was taken:.- Yeaa F,ng a,troru, Huhn:. Labahn, Seg ert and Selig . Nays- None. Carried. SID7.14ALK ORDINANIva PAS37D Ordinance :T_ o of inclusive relatir�; to putting in of carrrent sidewalks- by 0pecial T4x in front of lots therein described were ,then reads etromhandaae'conded. individual HuhndthatcalltcontrraryArules Trustee- ,� .- be. suspended and the ordinance placed on it 's. passage.. question stated bq the c )aair and submitted to roll call. Vote" Istood, Ayes ", all,- Nays ", done -, *1otion declared carried. , In the caste of each individual ordinance it vas r.ioved by Truatt , Fn atrom and seconded by True -tee Huhn. that the ordinance be passed as read. (�tAstion s.tatad by.. ,,they Chair and .uubmited.�to roll: call: Ths-:^vatat hood, . ay ee- ahl,:: :;tlaya- ;.None. 1lo tion declared carried In each case. each individual ordinance- was declared passed ao read. SEWER jTUR: ORDIIIAN071 -HA7FL Or., Ftc.,PA..:) . An ordinance providing for tV construction of the pipe house connection se e.ra in Hazed Ate. and other Streets, in the- Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Ill.) and providing for paying the- cost of said i:ai)rovelrrent- by i3yn?cial assessment and the` issuing of improvement bond:-, �: s ra -ad., 290 It aas i!.ovAd Y;r Trustee Fngatrow and uAconded by Trustac Selig; that all 1 contrary rules be suspended and thi ordinance placed on it's pauuaZP. Upon roll call the fog. ion =vin, vote ryas taken:- Yeau- F na atrou., nuhn Labahn, S" Z ert and -Selig . Iyayu- «one. Carri ed. It way, ,coved by Trustee Fngatro,, and seconded by Trustee Selig that the ordinance be passed au read. Upon roll call the follo'.•rir.Z vote wau talon : =- Ycaa- Fn stro.a, Huhn, Labahn, SQ? ert and Selig. Nays- None. Carried. MATTR ,TuRS ORnIT A? R^, HAZrL AV".. Ftc. PA �aFn.. An Fidinanc° provi7ling�r tt A conatruc -ion of ,vat-.r uervice pipea in Hazel Ave. and other atreetu, in th,: VillaZ a of Deerfield, Lake "o., Ill., and providing for pa.yinZ the coat of said iaprovement by upecial aaa9uwn-ent and the iaauin,,,- of i.aprov=,mt bonds, wau read. It wau c,:ovAd by Trustee Fna atrom and kiecondcd by Trustee Seli that all contrary rul ea b-i auupinded and thy; ordinance placed un it "a Paau- aZ e . Upon roll call the follo,-iimL vote smo taken:- Ycaa- ;: utroG., Huhn ; Labahn, Se ert and Selig . Naya- J 'Jone. Carried. It waa moved by Trua.tes FnZatrow and seconded by Truutie SsliZ that the ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call-the follo,vina vote ;vas tai_ en :- Yeaa- ^n atrow, Huhn, Labahn, ')AS ert and 'sal iZ . ?•ayu- Non'. Carried. AFSOLUTIN'l FOR R MRFR:SHIP IN ILLIN015 41J13I.11IPAL LFA^Ur. PASaFn. The f01law ion wau predentea and r a: Re it resolved, by the Prgeidsnt and Trueteau of the Villas of Deerfield that thi a Village becawe a uiesuber of the Illinoia Municipal League, and that thw Village Mirk be hereby instructed to dra,7 a = warrant for-l"IO.00 in favor of the Illinois, 'unicipal League for annual we:aberahip dues and aubacriptionu to the Illinoia Municipal Peview. It ,Maa ,coved by Truates Huhn and atconds!d by Trustee SeLert that the resolution be paaae.d au read. Upon roll call the following vote wau. taken : - Yiau- Fn: atro:u, Huhn, Labahn, Sep ert and Selig. Naya- Clone. Carrier. - The following bills wer,3 read: Joyce & Company Inc. 67.50 eneral Fund Lake Co. Lbr. . Coal & PSI. lo. 3.08 " n Rruiwuel, Curran & Co. 106 7.,35E "' IT The Y.ircrner- '•teckAl Co. 6.21 John Huhn 257.60 •J. R. J7otz- fiar-dware Co. 1.70 John A. "tryk,!r ;5.00 • The rl enviorm Preau. 65.50 Illinoia Selll TAI. Co. 7. F5 Public Service Co. 794.36 21.50 Thilo H. Toll I29..00 A. 'Y. Knaak 8.18 71. H. Parrett 1.65 77ater Fund 4. P. Cariloy 23 8.44 �r " City. of Highland- Park. 24I2.I8. • " "' Kraft, Kraft & ^rah; inp 50.00 iieptune t star Co. I 219.00 IT "' G. W. Sticken 132.00 A. W. Knaak 84.28 The rlenvie,7 PTf%;i3 49.25 Public Service Co. 56.60 Highland Park Fuel. Co. 2.00 Road & PridZ e Fund Geo. Pettiu 75 .00 C. A. Wolf 13.50 n „ A. W. Knaak 6.02 TM " ,larren Pettis I%3 .-38 5 Koatial garage 15.67 DAerf ield Luber Co. 2.98 nearf.ield Cara,e 3..65 Reliable rarag e I1..80 Mutual Coal Co . ..�-r y� "" "' w �I It ;nraa moved by Trustee Labahn and uPconded 1)y Trustee S °1iZ .that. the billy be paid and charZe;l to their rcap:ictive funua. Upon roll call the followir~ vote* �°taa taf en. Yeas - 'Fngatro::., " e ^� '� e Carried. Huhn, Labahn, aeg rt and .3,31iZ . tlayu- 'one. It wau iaoved- by Truut ri- Labahn and seconded by Trustee S °;irt to adjourn. Carried. , f ream; -1 t•Q ard, villaP t; ezk J'i � "I