Upon canvajaing the rsturnu the following reaultu mere reported
by the Roard. A"_t �
For the office of President, Ja,nta J. Hood ^ 481 votes and Rurr H.
Kreuu. received 309 vot e.� .
For the office of Clerk,. Alvin W. Knaak received 304 votea,
Cheater Weouling received 269.. votea, and Heru,an Frost rec,!ivesl I86 votes.
For the office of Trustees., Fdw..H. Selig received 488 votes,
8egert.:received 447 votes, Clarence Huhn •received S7a' vot -g., Theo. J.
Knaak received 356 votes, Harry F. Wing received 292 votes and Carl r
Olaon received 270 votea..
For the office of Police Magistrate, John L. Vetter received 464
votes. and 19m. H. 7teffes received 226 votee.. J
The vote on the proposition of a 2 mill tax for th- maintanence
of a municipal band utood 406, yea, 323- no. Total votea. cant at the
election being SOS. 1
The following were declt,.red elected:. s
Jainea J. Hood, President,- Alvin 77. unaak,Alerk,- Tda. H. 1_')e1i,,
Fdw. Sprert and Clarence F. Huhn, Truuteea,- John L. Vetter, Police
Mau iat rat e -.
The- propouition for a 2 c:,ill tax for the maintenance of a Muni-
cipal Rand ;vas. declared carried.
It was moved b3- Truatee Geary and aecond'd by Truate^ Labaahn to
adjourn. Carried.
r- e-toa� Village A - - - - --
"4ay 2, I u 7.
A regular u,eetiT of the President and Roard of, Trugte, sa of the
Villag e of Deerf ield °raa call-id to order by the President, Ja,aea J .
Hood at 8:00 P. M.
Roll call : - Prea-ent -- Fn atroia, , Knaak, Labahn, Segert and
Seliu . Absent- wary.
The iainuteg of t3,e regular meeting held :larch 7, I927 vrltre read
and approved. :L
The, winutea of the upecial, r::eeting held '•ear _-h 2I, I927 wore read
and approved.
The winuteu of the regular nee ?tins held April 4, 1927 :�rsre read .
and a proved.
The ,ninutea of the upecial meeting held April I8, 19'27 were read `-
and approved.
The iainutpa of the special ,:iseting held April 25, I927 wmre read
and approved.
An auriT repor't'onA, booka and recorc o of tie Village of Geer-
fi�-ld for the period from April.24, I92o to April 22, I927, by
Rrmcunel, Curran & Company, Conway Ruilding, Chicago, Ill., ,vas pre -
aented and read..
It wau ruoved by Truatee- Labahn and ueconded by Truatee Fngatrom
that the audit report be accepted as read and referred back to the r
new Audit Coa,,:,itte3 for publication.
Upon roll call the follo�vire vote was tale An:- Yeaa- FrZatrora,-
, Knaak, Labahn, 5- 'rt and Selig; Jaya- None.' Carried.
It waa ifoved by Trustee 8,, .rt and seconded by Truutee Labahn
that a utreet light be placed at each of the follo•vira. piaceu:. One on
Sunaet ;hurt acrot3a from !Ar. Chriutenoentu reuidence, One on Spring -
field Ave. between Hazel Ave. and Fairoake Ave., and one on Journal
Place betty -en Hazel Ave. and Waukegan Road.
Upon roll call the folloviirg vote waa taken : - Yeaa- ^ngatroLi, r
Knaak, Labahn, 3eE� ert and Selig . ,layaT Clone. Carri ed.
X250.00 CASH DFPO)IT ""TUFu17n TO L. t:. 'It
FYFRo ^n•
It .vau l:ioved T) firustee nrzatrcE nand seconded by - lruutee Labahn
that the L. 7. vley Ara Conut. Co. be reiiuburaed the X250.00 placed as
a depooit with the Village of Deerfield on account of a ;rater inatall-
ation at Rlodg ett. au
Upon roll call thj foi-lo•i1ng vote was taken:- Yenu- 'ngutroL,,
Knaak, Labahn, 3n,-:r °rt and 3�31ig . tvay i- i "on-!. Curried.
It ,rag .,,oved b deli; and + econdea by Traatee Labahn
that the Roard of T ruate ea • of th yearu. I925 and I526 adjourn wins die.
The near Roard of Trustees of the Villas A of De-rf ield •aau called
to order by the Prei iident, Ja.aen. J. hood, at 9:00 P. ►,1,
Roll ^all- PrAaent- "'n�atror.�, Kuhn, LaVal- ) S �; Art : and Solis .
Absent- r•• eary.
L^'A y' OF STORF I7 ZFISS RUILr)11" Fr�fi CL --R ?'S '&: TRFAS..''OFFIf" APPROVrD.
A n:jtruvutn°t` rol o i`�"
I CIND ,287
Harold Zeiss and EI - Zeiss>the rear portion of store No. 3 in the
Zeiss. Rl dg . at the North.,Test cornerTauk plan Road and Deerfield Ave-.,
for a period of five ;Tears., to- baLused�a6. Clerks &.Trews..office- was read.
It was u:oved by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee Segert that
this lease be signed and executed to take effect June- Iet, 1927..
Upon roll call the follo-ainv vote- waa taken::- Yeas- rngptrom, Huhn,
Labahn, Sag. ert and Selig. Nays- None. Carried. '
President Hood appointed bdr. Frank, Russ -o, qtr. F. H. Selig, Mr. Paul
Hunter and Mr. ^.harl?,s Kapachull ai;. a couiruittee on annexation. They to
file- a report at the next meeting.
President Hood app6iftted as a committee- to investigate, fire con -
ditions, Mr.. F'dw Segert, 1,,41I. FTdward Selig.i Mr.. R. A. M!lson and Mr. John
A.Stryk °_r, they to report to the Board in aO days,.
F, It was moved by Trustee- Hngatrow and seconded by Trustee Labahn to
adjourn as a Board of Trustees and convene as a Board of Local Iaiprove-
ta. Carried.
After reconvening as a Board of Trustees. thi following bills. ;^rare
Thilo H. Toll 54.00 G neral Fund
Henry Hoffrian 10.00 tr "'
Frank Jacobs, Sr . 40..00' it"
Fdw. Rl eimehl 8.00 "' „'
Ezra Fritsch 6.00 -,,:. ,
7dwin Easton 6.00 '++.
Julia Peteraon 6 0
Josephine WoocL -:pan 6.00 'r IT Helen. Patterson 6.00. "" ,r
Sylvia Hutchison 6.00" It „'
.1. K. Reichel t, Jr. 6'..00 "
F. Plag g e 6:00' ... IT ...... ,t .. _ . .
Laura R Dietz 6.00.
CT Artrud ' "oi f 6 .00.
"ijarr,ie uarch 6 00 „
Una Stanger 6:00' . t�...... +,.: .
Alvin W. Knaak 172.48 m
John A. Stryker 35.00.... ,��..... „•
Illinois- Bell T a1. ",o; 3.30..
Public Service Co. 2;50
Theo. J. Knaak I.95
'ern. F. Plagg e I00.00 tr '►
' Deerfield Tnnple Association 60.00
1k3:�rin F -- Ifnaak- =�; , :14, IU ,,at er Hind
C. ? o & at. P. R.R. .83'
Lester Juhrend 20.25 n m
C,. W. Sticker 43.00
Rac7g er Meter 14 f9 "o. 15 -8.96'
w. P. Cawley 97.07 "' 2
?Mutual Coal Co.. 6I..7I Road & Rridg, e Fund
f " Consoer Older & quinlan 6.25
L. Gloden 6.00
C.Ao, M. Fattis. Ig.00 IF IV,
OheStpr A. '70 1 f 3I.00 '► "'
C . H. Hanson Co. 14.40
Carman Hentschel . - 7.13 n „
G1 enview Pubs; iaking ^o . 2..4G
smith I0.00 ,r m
Alvin W. Knaak 22.78
It was ,loved by Trustee Selig and seconded by Trustee Labahn. that
the bills be paid and char7; e to their respective funda.
Upon . roll call t .e following vote was. taken:- Yeas. - Fngatrow,
Huhn, Labahn, aeg ert, . Selig . 7ay8- None. Carriea.
The following appointments_. we re: made -by President .Hood and
;approved by the Board.
FINANCE'. ^- `
CHAIRMAN �------------ - - - - -- -- C,�"0RC�' rNGSTROM
Fred J Labahn.
�. W'. Geary
0 H A I R?CAW ----------------------- KDWA Rn H. ST-IIIC.
F'dward F. Sec, ert
> C. F. Huhn
CHAI RAM ----------------------- - IV - W. GFARY
0. R;. Huhn.
F. H. Selig