04/18/1927 + 04/25/192711 CI Nn
T9 une r4et nr "o�npany
"lat er
W. P, "awley
Tl ectri c "o .
CT . �7. Stick en
i,miian Frost
"1116 ter Wolf
American ras Accumulator ro..
T-iihland Park Fuel "o.
Reliable rararre
onnao r Miller 8- Quinlan
I2 50 -
"onn ,ecticut Life Ina "o . 135.00,,- C eneral Fund
Public Service Company 39I.34 n R ►� C
w ,r m 3.02 n n' It
90.I0 dater Fund
It was moved by Truatee Knaak and aeconded by Trustee- S % :'rt that �,'
the billa be paid and charged to their respective` funds,.
Upon roll call• the following vote was taken :. - Yeas- Fngatrom, •�
G eary, Knaak, Labahn, Beg err., Selig. Naya- None. "arried.
-- It aas waved by Truatee Geary and seconded by Trustee Labahn to
adjourn. "arried. -
r .a + oar V _ a ag e ^.1
April I81 1927. --
A special we9ting of the President and Board of Trus -tees of the
Village of nnerf i eld was call nd to brder 'qy the- President, James, J.
I Hood at 8:.00 p'. M.
Rolf call :.- Prea.ent- Fngs trom, r eary, Knaak, Labahn, Seg ert and
Selig . Absent- None.
It vas, rr,oved bar Truatee r• eary and seconded by Truatee Labahn to
adjourn as a Board of Truatnes and convene as a Roard of Local Imp -:
rovsw enta .
Upon roll call the following vote waa taken:- Yeas Fngatrom, �
C eary , Knaak, Labahn, Seg ert and oelig . 11ays- T1one ^, q.rri ed.
After reconvening as a Board of Trustees an ordinance providing
for the construction of water s- ervice pipes in portions of
p!venue and in Roseirar_y Terrace in the Village of Ueerfield, Lake "ounty,�
Ill., and providing for pairing the cost of said imprcvei..ent by special
assessment and the iaauing of it:iprovement bonds, was stead.
It waa c:ioved by Truatee: Knaak and seconded by Trustee Segert that �
all contrary ru?. pa be suspended and the ordinance placed upon it I a
paa sag e .
Upon -roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Fngatrora,
Teary, Knaak, Labahn, o? ert and Selig. Tv'aya- None. r1arried. t o
f SF7,'7R STUB` ITT nTFRFIFLn AVH . & R1 7t ARY TTRRA " -.
An orainancerpro1717 rr fore the con8truotion of ti1a pipe houae
connection, sedlera. in RoaeuuLry Terrace and in portions of Deerfield
Avenue in the Village of Deerfield, Lake ^.ounty, Ill., and providing
for ,wiring the coat of said iai )rovewent by special asa.essment and
the iaauing of iiiq-)rcv-:Nwent bonds, ;gas, read.
It :,as gloved by Truate SeZert and seconded by Truatee Knaak that.
all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance placed upon ita
pas aag
Upon roll call the fo± lc:�ring vote -was •talon : - Yeaa angstrom,
CT eary, Knaak, Labahn, Sep irt, and Selig. Nc1�r3 None. "arried.
It ,..I as iroved by Trustee Se�-irt and Seconded by Truatee Knaak that
the ordinance be pasa.ed as read.
Upon roll call the fol�. owing vote•: ^ras taken:.- Yfma- �'ngatrow,
CT eary; Knaak , Labahn, Seg ert and Selig hays- None. Carried.
It ',iaa c.,ov'd by Truatee- Geary and ae ^onded'by TrusteA del ig to.
adjourn. Carried .
a d-L —ZL!
oard . ^,l erk
April 25, I92T7.
A special Lneeting of the President and Board of Trus.teea of the
Village of nperfield for the purpose of canvaasing the elpction're
turns- of the election. held Aril I91 1927:, tivas called to order by the-
Jamea J. Hood at 8:.00 P. T,4.
Roll call:- Pre3.ent Fn a.troLi Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segart acid LJ
Selig.. Absent Nona.