05/04/1925I cR vn 9 i i i May 4th, 1925. The regular meeting of the President and Board odd Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Lincoln Pettis at 8 P. M. Roll call- Present Ender, Engstrom, Labahn, Toll. Absent - None. Minutes ,of the regular meeting held April 6th, 1925 were read and approved. Minutes of the special meeting held April 27th, 1925 were read and Trustee Ender made a motion duly seconded by Trustee Toll that the minutes be amended to show the results of the election held April 21st, 1925. Carried. Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the minutes stand approved as corrected. Carried: BERT XiISTON UNPAID WATER BILL. Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Labahn that unless Mr. Bert Easton settle for his unpaid water bill within Potty -eight hours the marshall be instructed to shut off his water supply. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Ender, Engstrom, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None..Carried. J. Be MORGAN WATER BILL,- Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Labahn that, the marshall be instructed to make a test of.J. Be Morgan's' meter as to reading. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Ender, Engstrom, Labahn, Toll. Naes- -None. Carried. AUDITORS REPORT. Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the auditor's report be accepted as read with the exception of.Disbursements Paragraph on Page 1 t read as a'transfer' and not as a 'loan'. Upon roll call'the following vote wad taken:- Yeas- Ender, Engstrom, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. ENGINEER'S THIRD ESTIMATE A-10 SPECIiM ASSFSSUPWT 4PP- Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Labahn that Engineers Estimate #39 a/c Special Assessment. #22 be accepte d and a vouieher drawn. •' 'Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeaa- Ender, Engstrom, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Engstrom that the bill of 4/30/25 for sewer inspection be allowed and a voucher issued. ' Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Ender, Engstrom, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. The following bills were read : - W. He Barrett --------------------- 012.50 Water Fund. Highland' Park Press--------------- nll.00 City of `Highland Park------- - - - --- 947.88 • Chester Wessling ------------------ 222.13 " If E. H.' Willman ------------ L -------- 100.00 General " Th, ilo He Toll--------------- - - - - -- 24.00 If ►, • 0. R. Barngrover------------- - - - - -. 5.00 of „ George Karoh ------------------ - - -- 30.00 Legal Adviser•Pub. Co. --=-- - - - - -- 9.62 Public Service Cc- --------- - - - - -- 203.33 " If Reliable Garage------------- Chester Wessling------------ - - - - -- 16.70 1' n Chester Wessling----------- - - - - -- 125.00 If I' -Highland Park Press-------- - - - - -- 9.75 Road & Bridge N ti al Brick Co - - - - -- X33 a on - - - - - - - Peter Leist---------------- - - - - -- . 0 25.00 Public Service Co ---------- - - - - -- .39 -cheater Wessling ---------- - - - - -- 28.23 Smith & Cawley ------------ - - - - -- 30.00 Water Service Mueller Co.---------------- - - - - -- 15.38 " ►, n George Stieken------------- - - - - -- 23.00. Cheater •Wessling-- --------------- 19.03 Chester Wessling ------------ - - - - -- -- - - - - -- 1.12 Chester Wessling ----------------- .40 Spec. Assess. 0 FUND ---------- - - - - -- Chester Wessling ----------------- 6.62 „ 4 Chester Wessling----------- - - - - -- 5.98 If " 5 it Cheater Wessling----------- - - - - -- .84 " „ X10 „ Chester Wessling----------- - - - - -- 16.72 Chester Wessling ---------- - - - - -- 3.40 " If X17 „. Cheater Wessling----------- - - - - -- 4.35 4 ►' " #19 If Chester Wessling----------- - - - - -- 61.60 `�eners l Fund. 234 Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Toll that the bills be paid as read'and charged to their respective funds as indicated on the bills. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Ender, Engstrom, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Ender and•seconded by Trustee Engstrom that the board adjourn sine die. Carried. The newly clected President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Pre- -idcnt J«mes J. Hood at I0 :30 P. 1.2. Roll cull:- *Present- Engstrom, Geary, Maak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Abs(;nt- hone. The following al,pointments were read by the President. FINANCE CHAIR111,11 - - - - , - - - George B ngc trom. Fred J. Labahn W. ;'1. Geary. A ITEALTn E ►IID COUIITY RLLATI017S CHAIR'AIT - - - �___4 _ Edvr.o.rd 11. Selig. T. J. Knaak. EdwLllyd F. Segert. JUDICIARY CHAIRIZAII - - - - - ryr. . We Gei.ry. R T. J. Knat k. • - E. H. Selig.. LICLIISE CHAIRMAII - - - - - - T. J. Knaak. - George Engstrom. Edward F. Segert. PRINTING AIID AUDITING CHAIR1.11al, - - - - - - �i. W. Geary. Fred J. Labahn. George Engstrom. ROALS AIID PUBLIC I1,II-'R()V Yd--"11TS CHAIRI.i1X - - • - - - - Fred J. L-LbL-.hn. Edward. 11. Selig. ' Edv&rd F. Segert. ..'ATER C OM1,1 T TLE C11AIRYJ,.Ii - - • - - - Edward F. Segert. ' r T. J. hnuak. ' ' 4 E. H. Selig. TREASUIUI R ,,. - - E. H. '„' I1,127.1I FIRE MAIRSHALL _ _ _ -_ _ 1:,hlIRY HOFFL7tII. A" w I S TAE T FII-d,� 1 `X..? SIU L _ HARRY LIUHI1,a, HEALTii 0 `FICER _ - _ . _ LR. C. J. LAVIS. BUIL'DI1 G C0?.��ISSI01',LJi -_ -_ FR111IK S. JACUBS, SR. _ 1,1ETER READER Hr.iiFtY Pr,'�LRSGII. A- TOF.IiEY _ HOII. 111dtTIN C. ILECla R. FINAI:CIAL SLCRETARY' ` - - GEORGE EhGSTROLx. POLICE CHIEF - - - HUL11hy 1113E its 01T. -' -' - HI ►It+iY C LAV% . - Yi1sT. R TAYPr.R - GLORG'L STICIa�" SUPT. PUBLIC '; ORY.S -_ `_ 'iiiILO H. TOLL. ASST. SUPT. PUBLIC 74'4017ZS STE' 0GRtS it _ -_ _ LAURA K1.RS11 0 COLLECTOR ALVI1 Z'. 101AAK. I'aoved by Trustc.c I;L1),-hn and . econ6Ld by Trustee Selig th, %t the app ointments be r.atif ied to rcad. Upon roll czall the following vote taken : - Yeas - Y:nLk, Lr.b,lin, Se €;ert, Selig. <trFf1eGcvry, C4Lrried. _ - - .- 1; f i i� =i