02/02/1925I CRUD 229 ► Februar-• 2nd, 1925. The- regular meeting of the Pres °dent and Board of Trustees Of the Village of Deerfield was called to order b-* the Prewdent Lincoln Pettis at 7 :30 P. 11. Roll call- Present - En.gstrom,.Hood,,Labahn, Toll. - Absent - Ender. The minutes of the regular meeting held on Januar -* 5th, 1925 and of the adjourned meeting held on* Januar- -'7th, 1925 were approved`as read. f1CCz'PTA"dCE OF SPI,CIFIC.,TIONS j`ND PL,LT OF 'OVITER S "ST.TI -f FOR BROS. NCODL.1ND PARY. ,loved b-*. Trustee 'Poll and seconded-b- Trustee Labahn that we accept plat of '+'later - S- -stem for Bra.ni gar Bros. Woodland Park as presented, show' rng h-- drams, pipelines and f, tt, ngs and that all be installed according to spec,f =cations with plat and It is further agreed• and understood that i.n inspector be furn- shed b-• the Village of Deerfield upon said work at the expense of Bran - 1gar Brothers. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- veers- Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. SPE.Cl2,L i!33ES31 _T_1'I VOUCHF�RS. The following vouchers were read: - Voucher 41 Pastoret Construction Co x:400.00 it 2 Ra-* K. Hummel 64007.28 " 3 VT' 11, am Capes us � 500.00 " T4 V;ola Rockenbach 12.00 r5 fii ghland Park Press. 500.00 '2, 6 E.B.Jordan 1400.00 , 7 C.onsoer, Older_ and ^u,; nlan , 5000.00 fi�3 Marti n' C. Decker '2000.00 49 Albert Easton and Edwin Easton 50,00 " X10 Pierce, Greele -• and Hansen 750.00 Moved b -- Trustee Hood and seconded-b-, Trustee Toll that the vouchers as read be passed and approved for pa-ment..: Upon roll call the following vote was taken: 11'ea.s- Engstrom,_ Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes - None. Carried.- The following bills were read: - C. M. & ST. P. Rv.'CO.------- - - - - -y `083 General Fund. George Karch-- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- 15.00 J. E. Flanagan- =------------ - - - - -- 8.00 if „ Amer.,can Contractor Co------------ 3.75 It „ Public Serv;ce Co --------------- =- 154.21 IT Cameron; Amberg & Co.---- - - - - -- -- 64.20 if " Lero -- Scully* -------------- = -------- 4.50 Vlatdr " C. L1. & ST. P. R ". CO.------ - - - - -- .46 " 'T Highland Park'Fuel Co.------ - - - - -- 8.00 '► „ Neptune. Yeter Co.- ---------- - - - - =- 7.56 Water Serv; ce " George Pettis--------------- - - - - -- 8.00 Road & Br; dge " Herman Kn, gge--------- - - - - -- 8:0 Peter Le,st----------------------- 25.00 C. H. Hanson Co.-- - - - - -- 56.25 Moved b,* Trustee EnaWand seconded• b -* Trustee Toll that the b'lls'be pa ;d and charged to their respective funds as ,nd4cated on the bills. Upon roll call the' follow; ng vote was taken: veas= Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Tall. Naes- None. Carried. ' Moved b-r Trustee Hood and seconded b­ Trustee Engstrom that the clerk be author ;zed to order Village Collectors Special : Assessment Warrant Book. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- veas- Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes None Carried. Moved b -r Trustee Engstrom and seconded b-* Trustee Hood to adjourn. Carried.: , PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD. VILLAGE CLERK.