01/05/1925CRVn '227
Januar- 5th, 1925.
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees
of the V; llage of Deerfield was called to order bT* the President
Lincoln Pettis at 7:30 P. I.I.
Roll.call- Present- Ender, Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll.
Absent - None.
'The min:ztes of the regular meeting held November 3rd, 1924,
a.nd December 1st, 1924 and of the special meetings held Decem -,
ber 8th, 1924 and - `;December 13th, 1924 Were read and approved.
-Moved bT- Trustee Ender and seconded b,* Trustee Hood that the
President and* Clerk be author, zed to •sign an order with the Safe
Cab ;net Co. for the purchase of two safes as per specifi.cati.ons
now before the . Board.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken -i Yeas- Ender,
En�strom, Hood,,Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried.
Moved b-- Trustee Hood and seconded'b-,!P Trustee Ender that the
clerk be instructed to purchase 5000 Special assessment Receipts
;n dunl,cate.
Upon roll'call the following vote was taken :-' "Teas- Ender,
Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carr ;ed.
Moved b7 Trustee Ender and seconded b-* Trustee Engstrom that
the Road and Bridge Committee be author; zed to have light moved
from the end of Fair Oaks Avenue to the corner of Fair Oaks and
Grand avenues:
Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Ender,
Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll, Naes- None. Carried.
The Building Commissioner read his report for 3.824.
Moved b-► Trustee Hood and seconded b-- Trustee-Ender to accent
the report as given b-- the Building Commissioner for the *ear
E1924 and compliment him on the good work accomplished. Carried.
Yoved b-- 'Trustee Hood and seconded b,� Trustee Ender that the
Building Commissioner be authors zed to issue a permt to Wm.
Desmond for one'-ear for a temp6rar -- Business Building.
Upon roll call the following-vote was taken:- veal- Ender,
Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried.
The following bills were read:-
C. Pd. ST. P. Rt-. CO. - - - - -- .64 Water Fund
George Burnett-------- - - - - -- 8.00
Henri* Petersen-------- - - - - -- 8.75
C. M. & ST. P. Rv. CO. - - - - -- .50 Road & Bridge "
George Pettis=-------- - - - - -- 16.00 "
Deerfield Paving Co.-- - - - - -- 23.00
Bran; gar Bros. -------- - - - - -- 46.87
C. H. Hanson Co.----- - - - - -- 7.00
S. Kost;al------------ - - - - -- 13.50
Herman Kn;gge--------- - - - - -- 12.00
Peter G. Le;st------- - - - - -- 25.001
Levi A. Hendee -------- - - - - -- 24.50'General "
Rounds Truman Co.----- - - - - -- 25.00 "
James Anderson-------- - - - - -- 275.00
Deerfield Lumber Co.- - - - - -- 22.17
Public Service Co.---- - - - - -- 153.18
Reliable Garage------- - - - - -- 6.22
Deerfield Nurseries--- - - - - -- 18.00
George Karch-------- - - - - -- 15.00
Th; to H. Toll--------- - - - - -- 106.00 " 't
Deerfield Temple Association 50.00
H; ghland Park Press - - - - -- 176.90
' George Sticken---------- . - - - -- 14.25
Moved b-- Trustee Ender and seconded b-* Trustee hood that the
bills be pa ;d and charged to their respective funds.as indicated
on the bills. , _
' Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Veas - Ender,
Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried.
Moved b7 Trustee Toll and seconded b" Trustee Labahn that
the clerk be authorized to send bills for labor on meters and
meter pits to the respective owners as indicated on Henr -* Petersen's'
bill. Carried.
Moved b" Trustee Ender and seconded b-* Trustee Toll that vie
give Mr. W. vi. Gear,,- a receipt for the Water, Bill as of November
1st, 1924 and also make a rcCuhd to him of X25.00 as a balance °,due
on the w50.00 deposit which he made to the Village of Deerfield.